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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)


She sighed and hurriedly walked out to the fountain. She saw a slowly growing group. Right. She rubbed her face. Again. This was an exciting day so far...

John watches Veronica climb down before getting two pairs of boots and putting them on. They looked like big steel knight boots except they had two large springs on them. He adjusts the springs before standing up and bouncing around a bit. "Haven't tried these out yet" He thought to himself and without a moments hesitation stepped of from the roof. The decent was quick and he hit the ground feet first. The boots did there job except when the springs fully compressed themselves the then sprung back and toke his feet from under him. He did a little half flip about two feet from the ground and landed on his back with a big "WHAM" right in-front of the head mistress.
Nathan shook his head, letting out a small chuckle as he watched the other guy climb up the rope, but before he was able to say anything else, Headmistress Raven appeared out of the blue and commanded the two to get off of the roof. Jeez... that woman is serious business... He thought to himself, before shifting his eyes over to the fountain. It seemed that a few students arrived following to the principal, three to be exact. a guy, a girl that was sitting besides him, and another female standing around as well. Eh, might as well use the time to socialize a bit more... His gaze switched over to the student that arrived last, before heading over towards said person. "The headmistress sure isn't fooling around, huh?" He positioned himself next to the female and kept his eyes locked onto hers, while extending an arm to shake hands. "The name's-..." Suddenly, an... unhealthy sounding WHAM echoed over from the guy that was on the rooftop earlier. Nathan immediatly turned his head towards wherever the sound came from, only to see said guy lying flat on his back in front of Raven. Now, that was... well, an unusual thing to see, but what really caught the male's eye were the boots, he was wearing. Huh... interesting, i might wanna get to know him a bit more.. After another moment, Nathan shook his head in an attempt to get his mind to focus again, and turned back towards the person next to him. "Uh, Nathan, the name's Nathan." He finished, hand still ready for a shake.

Vivian Blackheart

Vivian entered the dorm buildings quietly, her face turned into a scowl. She entered the dorm room she had a key to, only to find the girl who took pictures of everyone with her phone. Vivian snorted, then began organizing her things the way she liked them. She ignored the girl's presence, finished unpacking and left the dorm, kicking the door shut with her for. Viv left the dorm building to approach the fountain and raised an eyebrow at the student who was lying on his back. She stood off to the side so she wouldn't be next to anyone, and crossed her arms across her mostly exposed chest.

@Goddess Nebula @anyone
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Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven's eyebrows shot up when a student landed in front of her on his back. He seemed alright, no harm done. She chuckled to herself a bit and offered him a hand. "Next time, try your experiments in a safer environment, alright?" She smiled slightly and helped the boy up, then sighed as she noticed Vivian off to the side. "Now we're only waiting on the rest of the class.."

John smiles as she doesn't seem too mad. He takes her hand and pulls himself up. After a quick pat down and a check to see if hes alright he pulls his boots off and sticks one of them back into his bag before heading over to where Veronica is sitting. He places his bags on the ground and takes a seat while tinkering with the other boot. "Well" He says keeping his eyes on what hes doing but clearly addressing veronica. "That could have gone worse" He says with a large childlike smile.

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Mary's eyes opened wide as the boy fell from the roof. "OH MY GOD! SOMEONE CALL 9-" she cut herself off when the boy sprung off the ground and on to his back. "what the hell?!" she questioned. "Is he ok?" she asked, directing the question to the headmistress.

Headmistress Raven Renegade

"Yes, he's alright." The headmistress answered simply and gave the girl a look. "Have you gone to your dorm and deposited your things yet?" She asked the student with an eyebrow raised, unsure if this student had done so already.
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Mary nodded. "Yep." she said rushed. She then looked back at the boy who fell. He seemed alright. "HOW THE HELL IS HE NOT HURT?!" she asked no one in particular. "HE JUST FELL OFF OF A BUILDING!!!"
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John looks up at the girl who seems very concerned about him. "Um. Don't worry. I'm fine! Look" and he jumps up and bounces around a little showing he is physically fine. "Not a scratch" he adds with a innocent smile as he sits back down.
Mary's face showed large amounts of confusion and concern as she looked down to his feet. She then looked up at the boy's face. "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU?! WHO THE HELL CARRIES SPRING SHOES WITH THEM EVERYWHERE?! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU EVEN GET SPRING SHOES?!" she shouted.
John jumped back and hid his shoes begin him. "Y-you don't g-get em you m-make em." He said with a bit of fear in his face. "I made them" he added slowly backing away from the girl shouting at him. "Why are you yelling at me?!" Hey cries back at her.

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John starts backing away from this girl. "Look. Chill out. I make and fix things. anything. So chill. Please?" John starts eyeing the girl almost expecting her to grow a second head. "Whats her deal? They don't even work properly." He thinks to himself. "Are all the people here going to be like this?"

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Nathan dropped his hand back to his side as he watched that other girl just, having a breakdown over the Spring-boot guy accident. What's the deal with her?... Rubbing the back of his head, the boy took a step towards those two, placing himself next to the guy. Heblinked a few times, and exchanged a glance with the dude, before shifting his eyes over to the hysterical female. "Uh.. i know a guy who managed to create a small, compact nuclear reactor on his own, and powered a whole island with it. Don't get me wrong, those boots are neat, but there's some pretty epic stuff out there." Nathan briefly stated, before scratching his cheek, and turning over to face the guy. "What's your name, actually?"

@Blacknife @UnwantedTruth
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(SIGH I want other people to respond to my ooc post...blah)

Vivian Blackheart

Vivian watched the boy fall from the roof with an eyebrow raised, wondering at the stupidity of the student. She looked around, and winced when the other girl began yelling about his act of idiocy and spoke up. "Could you maybe tone down your obnoxiousness? It's bad enough the boy here is lowering the IQ of everyone around." Vivian snarled, an annoyed look upon her face. She kept her arms crossed over her chest and looked away, scoffing at their behaviour. Not many intelligent people here, apparently. Vivian thought bitterly as she moved closer to the fountain, sat on the edge, and crossed her legs.
John looked at this other boy. He wasn't anything special he looked a little weak even. "Um. The names John. Nice to meet you" He says with a smile "And you miss" As he turns to the girl who was just having her breakdown. As he does this he hears another students slide comments and decides its best to ignjore them. "First day. Gotta at least try to make friends." He thinks to himself. He leans over and waves at the young girl who is clearly voicing her disapproval with him. "Um...H-hello miss" He says with an innocent smile. Hoping to make a good first impression.



Nathan gave this John a quick nod, accompanied by a smile before responding with, "Well, nice to meet you too, John. I'm Nathan... Well, Nathaniel if you're fancy but i prefer Nathan." When then, another student, a girl to be more specific, spoke up in a... not-so delicate manner. She was attractive to say the least, and the male remembered that he had seen her at the train station earlier, although she had entered the other limo on their way to the academy. His expression turned into a more questioning look for a brief moment, as he eyed her following to the rude statement, but soon switched over to a smug grin at the establishment of eye-contact. "Honey, not that i'm not into dirty talk, but that just now might've over-did it. Look at poor Johnny over here, you're making him all tense!" Nathan stated, referring to the stuttering of the other male. He wrapped an arm around John's shoulder while saying so, underlining his statement. It was impressive how fast the guy could change from nice guy to asshole, really.

@Blacknife @UnwantedTruth @Anaxileah


She inwardly was having a mental storm. She felt extremely bad for not responding to the guy. Her eyes moved down to stare at the bushes and her arms moved to squish themselves around her torso. She was shy and quiet. She does like to talk when people start the conversation but.. she.. kinda froze.

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Approaching the fountain, Vishra quickly spotted a small huddle of students... talking? Taking a closer look at the group, Vishra realized that she knew some of the people there. "Ooh, there's the girl who had quite a temper. Ha! The Headmistress and her would make great friends~ And I believe that's Mary standing over there. Wait. She looks a bit distressed, I wonder what happened? Maybe I should go and interact... Nah~" Forfeiting the ordeal of being social, Vishra headed towards the fountain and took a seat besides it. Listening to the sound of the water, Vishra decided to take in her scenery and await her classmates.
Deltorian Kento

Del had heard the commotion, barely through the walls of the dorm room. "What the hell is that girl yelling at him for. Can't a guy jump off of buildings using spring shoes that may or may not kill him." He said to himself as he rolling his head, the sound of his neck muscles flexing filling his ears. Del felt slightly drowsy and sleepy, probably because he doesn't sleep that often and he had just woken up from the limo ride.

Del soon plopped onto his bed, asleep, well more open eye meditating. Del didn't realise it but he was staring wide eyed at the door, making a weird grin. He was making weird breathing noises as well.
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Conrad Lyons

Conrad turns and strides for the dorms, not in any kind of a hurry. He doesn't have any bags, but he feels he should really check the dorms anyway. The dorm wasn't too far away, either. Conrad opens the door, immediately slamming it again when he saw Del. "Well, he doesn't look like a serial killer." he said to himself. It was time to get to the fountain, for whatever. He was only barely listening. Conrad walks out of the dorm again like nothing happened, sitting in a quieter place of it and thinking. Nothing else. Just thinking. People talking weren't very interesting right now. He was itching to do something, and even talking could only hold his attention for so long

@Deltorian Nephran
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Mary stared wide eyed at the spring shoes. "NO ONE ELSE IS FREAKED OUT BY THE SPRING SHOES?!" she yelled. She then fell to her kneas and took a deep breath. "Somebody please understand why that by has spring shoes..." she said with forced calmness.

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