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Fantasy Innocent Criminals (Characters)

Mot Mot actually I just read the recent posts with what’s happening and I’m sure I could interact with Mors and Pandora, to have her get involved/be a distraction. I’m most certain she’d immediately be harmed and captured but :’) yknow it’s just an idea
  • Would you be alright with a "Crossover Character", who was dragged into this world via a mysterious "Fog" back in one of his previous RP's that he was involved in? He also has Paranormal Traits, and would likely be targeted as an "Abnormal" because of it, while also being fairly balanced compared to the others here. ^_^'
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I honestly want Sahara and Jason to meet ? or even ex bishop R.I.P R.I.P Mot Mot but i also like characters meeting by chance so it’s obviously entirely up to you guys
Also, I guess he can bump into both of them? That is... after he's done dealing with the Officer? Or maybe Sahara could run into him first, while on her way to that hill Ali's at, which would then lead to them both teaming up to find Ali... <_<

Well anyways, I'mma just wait until approval before making any big decisions. ^_^'
Hmm sure . Walker could get to know her if he wants ...just have him find her or they come across her
Aight, then! ^_^

By the way, was I ever accepted? Didn't get any notifications that say so or otherwise. <_<
Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels Yea, he's acceptable, I like how you've transferred a character from a different RP too. I was thinking of doing the same thing (Ya' know, create a character and use it in multiple RP's.) The only thing I would change though is the death thing, since he would be considered an immortal otherwise. (Also, sorry about not accepting earlier, I fell asleep and hadn't read it.)

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