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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Sonic and Sphinx were in their own little world, not really hearing the conversation at hand. "I can't imagine what she could have done that would make you hate her so much..."
Assailant said:
Sonic and Sphinx were in their own little world, not really hearing the conversation at hand. "I can't imagine what she could have done that would make you hate her so much..."
Sphinx shrugged. "Well, it's a long series of stories. I'd like to not tell them at the moment." She said.
Sonic frowned at being left in the dark, but sighed and accepted it. He thought more of what to ask her. "What's your favorite memory of your time in the FFA? Surely there are good times?"
Sonic sighed but accepted the answer. He thought more as an uncomfortable question prodded the back of his mind. He tried to dismiss it, but it became stronger and stronger until it eventually came out. "The rumors about Felix and his... moods. Are they...?"
And with that Sonic took a deep gulp. He now knew the rumors to be true... then again, he didn't know how much of it was true? Could he REALLY believe that Felix had murdered hundreds of innocent people? No, he didn't quite think he could. Nonetheless, he resolved to not ask. He reasoned with himself that it was because he didn't want to be a pest and start accusing her husband of such a terrible thing, but inside he was afraid of the answer.

"Oh... well hopefully I can help with my music!"
Shenji had been hit with the blast of water, but had quickly recovered, landing on the ground feet first. "Nice shot." He said cockily before looking towards the new arrival. He was about to say something when Mark mention XP. "X-what...? What are you talking abo-" It was then that everyone practically left the room, leaving a very confused Shenji still wanting a fight. "What the hell was that....." Throwing his hands into the air, Shenji exited the room and watched everyone catch up with each other. The whole time, he was glaring at Mark and noticed multiple bumps and grooves under his jacket.
Assailant said:
And with that Sonic took a deep gulp. He now knew the rumors to be true... then again, he didn't know how much of it was true? Could he REALLY believe that Felix had murdered hundreds of innocent people? No, he didn't quite think he could. Nonetheless, he resolved to not ask. He reasoned with himself that it was because he didn't want to be a pest and start accusing her husband of such a terrible thing, but inside he was afraid of the answer.
"Oh... well hopefully I can help with my music!"
Sphinx gave a nod with a small smile. "From what I've heard, I'm sure it will."
Sonic debated with himself over whether to pursue the matter a bit more, but decided to drop it for now. He thought more, the back of his mind vaguely aware of the drama going on nearby and wanting to avoid it. "What are the twins' names?"
"Well, my little girl's name is Aqua, and my boy's name is Hayabusa." She said with smile on her face and happiness in her voice.
Little John was cruising the streets near a tall building that he had no idea what was for. Mid-skip, he stopped to look at a fancy limousine with a very strange looking man outside of it. He had a very large sword and John realized who that man was. He was The Demon. John changed his body to look like a big and scary lumberjack. He walked over to the ground and attempted his most intimidating man voice and said, "you are bad guys! I will beat you up and turn you in!" He folded his arms and knit his eyebrows.
Assailant said:
"Says the girl stuck wearing the Dax hat. One day we just might find out what taking that hat off does to you."
Felix thinks through the question and sighs. "Because if I stop fighting, than it wins. If I don't fight then I give up my will to it. As for living... I live because I'm too scared to die." Felix chuckles. "As the man who's died five times, you'd think it'd get old. It never gets old. Oh it's nice, peaceful even. But... I..." Felix thinks for a moment. "I still have a life to live. People need me. I..." Felix chuckles. "Oh, I've been talking out my ass. Trying to find any reason as I talk. There's no justification. I'm scared to die."
"Hat's already off, why don't you get your ass overhere so I can knock your teeth out? I might even study them afterwards. Never studied the teeth of a mutt." She said.

"I'm scared too...how are we even going to get rid of him if we can't even make him come out? I don't want to die, I just wanna be able to live a happy life...too much to ask in this day and age." He said with a sigh.
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[QUOTE="Son of Crota]
"Hat's already off, why don't you get your ass overhere so I can knock your teeth out? I might even study them afterwards. Never studied the teeth of a mutt." She said.
"I'm scared to...how are we even going to get rid of him if we can't even make him come out? I don't want to die, I just wanna be able to live a happy life...too much to ask in this day and age." He said with a sigh.

Three chuckles, "He's still alive, isn't he? Hat's not quite off. Also you could study your own teeth, I'm sure a bitch is close enough."

Felix sighs, "We'll defeat Zabuza, this time I'll make sure he's dead, and we'll get our happy endings." Felix looks at Sphinx, then eyes the twins. "All of us."
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Assailant said:
Three chuckles, "He's still alive, isn't he? Hat's not quite off. Also you could study your own teeth, I'm sure a bitch is close enough."
Felix sighs, "We'll defeat Zabuza, this time I'll make sure he's dead, and we'll get our happy endings." Felix looks at Sphinx, then eyes the twins. "All of us."
Hearing that, Twilight's eye twitched in anger, letting out a scream of rage before storming off to be alone in another part of the warehouse.

Dax turned to her for a moment, but then back to Felix. "Alright...I believe you. But one more thing." He said.
Three smiled as Nil clapped. She leaned on the wall and crossed her arms, enjoying this moment of satisfaction.

"Damn Three, you're a stone cold bitch." Nil smiles as Three slowly opens her eyes, glaring at him from under her eyelids. She looks at him for a moment before closing her eyes again.

"Damn right." Felix looks over at the two before looking back at Dax.

Assailant said:
Three smiled as Nil clapped. She leaned on the wall and crossed her arms, enjoying this moment of satisfaction.
"Damn Three, you're a stone cold bitch." Nil smiles as Three slowly opens her eyes, glaring at him from under her eyelids. She looks at him for a moment before closing her eyes again.

"Damn right." Felix looks over at the two before looking back at Dax.

"Can we keep Null out of everyone's happy ending? I'm sorry, but he can be a real freakin douchebag sometimes." He said.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]"Can we keep Null out of everyone's happy ending? I'm sorry, but he can be a real freakin douchebag sometimes." He said.

"Like it or not, he's useful. We need him. But when this is all over... I... I don't know. You can keep him out of your happy ending for sure."
"Who's 'Null'?" Shenji said, agitated that he was being left out of the conversation. He turned around when he heard someone entering the warehouse. Standing in the entrance was a tall figure shrouded in darkness. All that could be seen was his piercing red eyes. He threw something on the floor in front of him, which seemed to be a body shaped bag. No, it was a bag.... It was an actual person! Shenji was upon the man seconds later, growling lightly as he pressed his shadowy blade against his throat. The man stood there, silently, not saying a word, simply glaring at Shenji with his glowing red eyes. The standstill between the two went on for awhile, each not saying anything, which only made Shenji feel uneasy. Jacob scoffed at the man and walked past him, stepping over Daniel's body, the smokey cloud around him subsiding. "Where's Felix?" Jacob said, not paying any attention to the man behind him. "No body's taking me serious.... No body is taking the ninja vampire serious..." Shenji said to himself, pacing back and forth.
Felix turns around to face Shenji. "Null's a telepath/telekinetic who has been-" Felix is interrupted by someone entering. Felix fails to notice the body, and sees Jacob. "Hey, where have you been?"

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Sadao walked down the street, smiling up at the slowly rising sun. He always liked it, even though he couldn't see it most of the time over the skyline.

I don't get what you like about the sunlight. So what if it appears than disappears? It's just a flaming ball of gas in the sky.

Actually, it's a plasma. Not gas.

Whatever. He's probably only gonna be coconscious for a few more- there he goes.

"I don't know what I like about it, I just do. I think it's pretty," Sadao speaks up as he walks along.
The not-so-average man-child, Raven was skipping along the middle of the street walking away from the rising sun. He continued humming the theme to the "Smurfs" and had a very straight, almost malicious, face. He started to approach a young man walking towards him.

This kid's asking for trouble. Walking around in my streets. Oh, he's gonna get the beating of a lifetime.

"Shh, I'm staring at him, brain!" Raven said quietly. When he heard the man speak about liking something, he stopped his skipping and put a hand up to Sadao's chest, saying, "Listen punk, don't talk like that about my momma. You wanna mess? Fine, I'll mess. But first, let me spin around." Right when he finished speaking in his 'man voice', he did three full spins and looked at Sadao.

Sadao looked at him confused. He contemplated whether he had entered his mindscape, but determined that he hadn't. He felt Spike buzzing at the side of his conscious, but remained in control.

"Um... hi?" He says to Raven.

What's his deal? Think he's insane?

"I don't know," He says, looking at the lower left corner of his eye like he almost always does when he's addressing a coconscious alter.

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