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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Raven put his fists on his hips.

"A wise guy, eh? Alright, punk. Want some of this?" Raven threw some fake punches a few inches away from Sadao's face. "How do you like that? Huh? Let's tango, kid!" Raven continued to throw the punches and started to pick up his pace to very quick jabs a few inches away from his chest.

He abruptly stopped and waved to Sadao with a smile, "I'm Raven, what's your name?"
Sadao felt Spike almost come out as the punches came closer and closer, but he soon realized that Raven was no threat to him, and the buzz went away.

"I- I'm Sadao," He says hesitantly, "at least for now," he murmurs to himself.
"What? What? What? What did you say? You said something really quiet. What did you say? I can keep a good secret I swear it! Tell me!" Raven said very quickly almost jumping out of his robe. He loved new people. Especially socially awkward ones.
Sadao recoiled a bit from the person, almost getting a little afraid. He blinked a few times, blinked a few times more, and suddenly a confused look appeared on his face. He looked around a bit, before seeming to notice Raven. He smiled gently and leaned in a tad. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

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Raven became serious and almost murderous in his looks. "You know what I said kid." He stood up and was almost towering over Sadao. He kept his eyes on him and said, "Do you wanna save the world with me?"
A bit of fear came into "Sadao's" eyes. "What kind of conversation was he having before I showed up?" He murmured to himself. "Sure," he answered uncertainly.
Raven leaned in closer to Sadao and said, "OK. Then we gotta kill some people. Including Zabuza. And Felix. You know them? Good. We kill them then we save the world. OK? Good." He started to snicker and stood up straight again.
Sadao's eyes widen and he backs away, "Heh... I don't really... DO, killing people. That's more for Spike and Gemini... mostly Gemini." He ran through his head, trying to gather his fragmented memories. "Isn't... isn't Zabuza dead? And Felix is a hero, isn't he? Why would I... want to kill him?"
Raven folded his arms and spoke like a wise man. "Oh my young shadawan. You have much to learn. Zabuza is breathing and Felix has killed thousands upon thousands of innocent souls. We must rid the world of both of them to stop further bloodshed." He pet Sadao on the head and said, "Who is Spike and Gemini?"
Sadao opened his mouth, but hesitated. He began to feel a buzzing in the back of his head.

"Are you calm now?" He spoke sweetly, again looking to the lower left. He spoke quietly enough where it was clearly not directed towards Raven, but loudly enough where Raven could hear it. Not on purpose of course.

Yeah... Yeah, i'm better now. What's going on?

"This guy wants to kill Felix and Zabuza..."

What? But... isn't Zabuza dead and Felix a hero?

"I think so... I'm not quite sure how right this man is in the head."

I can deal with him.

"Are you sure?"

Yeah. Anything else?

"He wants to know who Gemini and Spike are."

Sadao continued to smile sweetly, before blinking as his smile faded away. He looked up at Raven. "S-so... you want to know who Spike and Gemini are?"

Raven scratched his head. "Yea. I just said that." He looked around, looking for other people around but he couldn't see anyone that seemed to even notice the two in the street.
"They're, um..." Sadao tries to decide how much to say, but eventually goes for broke. "They're people living in my head. There are six."
Raven pet Sadao on his head and smiled, "That's cute. You're cute. Let's go kill those two." Raven didn't have the capability to understand what that meant but he just thought that there were now seven people added to his group against the others. He turned around and started to march off then looked back to see if Sadao was following.
"O-okay?" Sadao said and followed behind.

We're... we're not going to actually kill them, right?

"I'd sure hope not," He murmurs.

But if Zabuza's alive...

"Look, I don't think this guy is quite right in the head," he continues. "No way Felix killed all those people, and even less way that Zabuza is alive. He clearly died."

Or so they claim. How can we be sure?!

Oh, hello Gemini! How are you?

I'm a tad late to this party. So Zabuza's alive, huh?


"Wow, everyone's here."

Ryan and Spike are sleeping, but otherwise it seems so. Hello everyone!


Sadao didn't like it when it got like this. It was rare that more than, say, three people were coconscious at once: The controller and two alters, but it did happen. Anymore than that and the chatter became intolerable. At least it wasn't all six. That's hell for him.

Look, we can't take this guy's words at face value. He could easily be lying or insane.

But we can't just discard it either! We need to take action, and make sure he's right. On both accounts.

You wouldn't know how he acts, he's very clearly got something wrong.

"I'd have to agree,"

Coming from the guy who looks like he's talking to himself. Sadao frowned at that. Look, should he be wrong, he could lead us to Felix. We could use him to help clean the world.

I presume you don't mean with a mop.

You know what I mean!

Could we please... not?

"Guys, can you please stop fighting? It's intolerable."

Fine, but I won't be silenced!

Believe me, we know.
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Raven kept looking back at Sadao, slightly worried, a little freaked out. He stopped and turned around to face him. "Umm. What?" Raven's face was a mixture of emotions, mostly confusion. "Now if you don't mind we shall be heading to Zabuza first because he has a few groupees in his group now. And that will definitely be annoying. So let's go!" He skipped off in a random direction, not knowing that he was heading towards Felix.
Sadao looked up at him. He frowned and continued following along.

Oh dear, that man seems rather confused.

About a lot of things.

Please don't be rude.

This is our chance. If Zabuza's nowhere to be found, we'll know for sure that he's lying.

"A-and if he's not?"

Don't be ridiculous sweetie, of course he's lying. Or, at least, doesn't know what he's talking about.

Don't be rude.

Oh shush.

If he's not lying, we'll take him out. Simple!

You think we're capable of doing that which an entire army, hypothetically, failed to do?

Hey, calm down. There are six of us! We got it!

Only two of whom are truly good fighters. 2 adept combatants, 1 adequate fighter, and three inept battlers. Yes, we could DEFINITELY win.

See, he has the right idea!

It was sarcasm.

I'm not an idiot.

Maybe we should go to Felix? I'm sure he'd know, and he's not... er... mentally challenged?

"I wouldn't want to bother him. Besides, even if this is all really happening... how could I possibly help? I'm just a kid."

Leave that to me!

Then we truly are already dead.


Oh sweetie, they're just trying to get to you.

But I'm no-

I think you've done enough John.


"Should we just keep moving?"

Sure. We'll keep you safe, promise.
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Raven decided to ignore Sadao and he decided to keep skipping along. He continued to hum his favorite theme song and made an abrupt stop. He sniffed around. "I smell blood and trouble. But mostly blood." He turned his head quickly in the direction of the scent. He saw two men in an alley. One was holding the other up by his neck. He said to Sadao, "A test for your combat ability? Or an ally? Hmm. Let's go sniff his bum!" Raven ran towards the scary looking teen.

"Damnit. Just give me your money, punk!" Hellboy snarled to the unfortunate man in his grasp. He held the human up by his neck with crimson arm. The man squirmed trying to get his wallet and trying to breath at the same time. "Ugh. You're taking too slow. I'll just take it." Hellboy clenched his hand just a little bit and the man's neck broke. Instantly killing him. "Stupid human." He took the money from the man's wallet and stuffed it in his pocket. He smelled blood coming his way and turned to look at a very strange looking man. He grabbed his sword and let the tip stay on the ground. "Hey there. What's up?" Hellboy said to Raven and his little friend.
Sadao stared on in horror at the corpse of the man.

Oh my...


That son of a...

"Oh my..." Sadao ran up to the man and felt for his pulse. He quickly leaned his ear up to the man's mouth. Slowly Sadao leaned away, shaking as he did. He slowly closed the man's eyes. Looking around, he found that there was nowhere to bury the man. He crossed the man's arms and patted him. He slowly started shaking and looked over to Hellboy.

"WHY?!" He yelled at him. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!?!"
Hellboy sighed, "He killed my mother. And he tried to kill me afterwards." He smirked at his lie and looked at the little kid. "You're a cute one aren't ya? What's your name?" He asked Sadao as he leaned over a bit.

Raven put himself between the two and said, "We are off to kill Zabuza and Felix! Wanna come?" Raven didn't really care that Hellboy had killed that man, even if he was innocent. Raven wanted to clean this world of those two killers who just created chaos and said it was all for the better.
Sadao grit his teeth. "LIKE HELL HE DEAD!! I'M NOT AN IDIOT!!" He glared at Hellboy. "My name? My name is Sadao!" Suddenly, what seemed like an apparition came out of his body. It quickly solidified into a twenty-something year old man. He had black hard and an evil grin.

"Introducing Gemini!" The man said. Another form came out of the boy on the other side, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sadao, this is really unnecessary. We don't need to-" Another form came out behind him. A pretty 40 year old woman sighed.

"Oh Sadao, I wish you weren't so rash."
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Hellboy looked at the scene that was unfolding in front of him with an eyebrow raised. "What the hell? Umm. Alright. Hi. I'm Morto. I go by Hellboy but that's just because of my arm over here. Half corrupted you know. Anyways I like what this Sadao can do. I love splicing into different people." Hellboy scratched his head and gripped his sword. Well if you want a fight then come at me." He sounded more confused than ready for a fight. He slit his left arm with his sword and let the blood drop, collecting into a small pool for later use.

Raven sat back and was ready to step in for Sadao. He wanted to see what he was capable of.
Sadao grit his teeth and pulled out a pistol. The man who earlier introduced himself as Gemini grinned, as his entire body turned into carbon-fiber. He ran around to attack Hellboy from his left. Spike sighed and ran off to attack from the right, shooting out a wall of flame as he did.
Hellboy yawned and moved his corrupted arm up just a little bit and the pool of blood erupted into a pillar that hoisted Hellboy up into the air, dodging all the attacks. "Interesting. I like you. Why don't we just grab a coffee and talk about this, unless you really have a death wish." Hellboy taunted the kid/men/alters. He continued with his somersault forward and landed closer to Sadao, completely turning his back to Gemini and Spike, not worried about anything. He smirked and lifted his sword, ready to slash.
Sadao ducked and fired up with his gun, hitting Hellboy behind the chin. Meanwhile, Gemini attacks from the side, as flames overrun Hellboy from behind.
The bullets hit Hellboy but he is not affected, he starts to block all of Gemini's attacks and slowly walks backwards so the fire would consume Gemini instead of him. "Oh. Quick. I like it. But I believe I'm pretty tough so this won't really go anywhere." He said being the badass that he is.

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