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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War



The SHSL Shadow Alchemy Stand Using Lab Member
Three years ago, a war to end all wars had begun. Conduits vs Conduits, a three way war which nearly destroyed everything.

The Shadows, dark clones of ordinary people turned soldiers who obey their master and creator: Shadow, himself a dark clone.

The Sires: A group of conduit vampires all mind controlled by The Demon In The Mist: Zabuza, who wished the world to be ruled by conduits.

And The FFA: A small group of heroes who rose up against the evil in a vain attempt to fight. But it wasn't in vain.

Miraculously, the FFA survived. Many many people died, but eventually Zabuza and Shadow were killed, and their armies fell apart. The war only lasted two years, but the fatality count was crazy high.

Now, with the city of New York once more at peace, the heroes can finally rest easy and live their lives once more. But what evil may lurk in the darkness? And was darkness ever truly gone?

(A sequel thread to InFamous: After the Blast and InFamous: Repercussions. New comers don't need to have read either of them, as the above is all you'll need to know.)
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Felix closes his eyes and inhales deeply, exhaling. He tries to keep calm, but his wavering breath betrays his sorrow. Felix stands up and looks around at where he is. A hill by a swamp. It was where the final battle between the Sires, Shadows, and the FFA took place. And as the leader of the FFA, every rock on this hill was a punch to the heart.

This place was turned into a graveyard for all the fallen Freedom Fighters in the final battle and prior. Felix had told the public the final battle had taken place somewhere else to preserve the sacred memory of this forsaken hill. Many of the names etched into stones were people he didn't REALLY know. A Sarah here, a Jorge there. Sometimes he stopped at Scarlett or Shift's grave, but not as often. But the two gravestones before him... they had seen some mental wear.

Felix lowers the flowers to the graves with a sigh and turn, walking off. The petals brush the gravestone wiping the dirt off the gravestone and once more revealing the name. Etched into the stone are two names. Two names which would stand out to no one but him, as they are such normal names. The stones simply read "Max," and "Daniel."

I lost two friends... I'll never lose another.
Jacob stood on the edge of a building, smoking a cigarette. He had developed the habit since the war had ended. It was his way to get away from all the chaos that was going on. Even if Shadow and Zabuza were dead, they're was always the danger of the Dustmen and the Corrupted. The Reapers? Not so much. Jacob and Hayabusa had been held up in a abandoned police station ever since they ran from the other Sire's. Hayabusa was good company but he wasn't Felix. Jacob dropped his cigarette over the ledge and turned around to see Hayabusa standing there, a giant windmill shaped shuriken strapped to his back. He had retired his katana years ago and Jacob had souped up it for him.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Oh you know.... Just... Thinking. You?"

"Just checking up on you."

"Ya, well don't. I can take care of myself."

"Sure you can. Come on, we're gonna go out tonight."

"And do......?"

"We need to train. You're getting soft and so am I."

Jacob nodded and followed Hayabusa down into the police stations armory where everything was. Jacob grabbed Hayabusa's katana, which Hayabusa passed on to him and suited up in a red track suit jacket with a pair of blue jeans that had multiple chains on the belt buckles. He then grabbed a white plastic mask and put it on before following Hayabusa out the door and onto the roof tops.
Felix's feet patter against the concrete of the empty street. This part of town was usually indoors at this time, even as early as sunset. Felix pulls out a piece of paper and looks at it. A map. On it are multiple marks. I lost two friends... I'll find two more. Hayabusa... Jacob... where are you?

Felix sighs. I suppose I should give up. After two years... so many other sires were killed... I even killed many myself... maybe they were too...
Hayabusa and Jacob continued to run before seeing a lone man walking the streets. Even with The Reaper's in their weakened state, it was still dangerous for someone to be out this late. The two looked to each other and nodded before jumping off the building, hitting the ground in a roll. They stood up right behind the man and each put a hand on his shoulder. "You lost are something?" Jacob said briskly.
Felix heard the drop. A noise like that means a fall from high velocity. They're conduits. "No, don't worry." He says, not even bothering to turn around at the somewhat familiar voice. "I'm okay, trust me. Better night than day."
Jacob looked to Hayabusa and shrugged.

"Come on. He said he's alright."

"We're not leaving until we get him somewhere to stay for the night."

"Ugh..... Fine." Jacob walked in front of Felix and sighed. "My friend say's we need to get you some place to stay. He thinks something's gonna happen to you. Just follow us, okay? What's your name?"
"Look, I'm okay." He says, still looking away. He wasn't in the mood for interaction. He had basically just accepted Jacob and Hayabusa's death, and he wasn't in the mood for idle chat. "Felix Shane. Hero of the city? Bane of Evil? Whatever it is you people call me? Please let me pass now."
Hayabusa just stares star struck at Felix while Jacob stares at him blankly. "Okay, come this way 'Bane of Evil'." Jacob turns around and begins to walk away before he realizes what Felix just said. He turns around and dive tackles him, sitting on his chest. "WHY DIDN'T TELL ME THAT BEFORE, YOU DUMB DUMB!?"
"Get off me!" Felix shadows away from Jacob, causing Jacob to fall to the ground as Felix angrily glares at him. "Jeez! For all I did, you'd think I-" He then notices who it is. "S-Smokey?" He then looks at the other person "H-Hayabusa? Is it really you guys?"
"In the flesh. It's been awhile huh? So, did you and Sphinx finally.... You know...." Hayabusa chuckles and looks down at Jacob he was still laying face first on the ground. "I think you shocked him a little. We- Well, he thought you and the other's died fighting Shadow or Zabuza. Oh, hey, you wouldn't happen to have Zabuza's skull, would you? His skull and his sword. I'm gonna hang both of them on my wall."
"I'm not one to keep skulls." Felix said before tilting his head in confusion. "And I was the one who killed them. I wish I coulda enjoyed killing Shadow more, but his was a blur. I went all psychopath and angry Felix on him." Felix then thinks for a moment. "I'm surprised we never crossed paths."
(If it's okay, can I insert this one thing in the story? It'll explain why Jacob as this thing stitched into the back of his trench coat.)

"We actually did. It was AFTER you killed Shadow actually. We watched you fight from a roof. Once the fight was over you just sat down next to Shadow and stared at him, laughing. Jacob finally jumped down from the building and walked towards. He picked you up and hugged you but you stabbed him...... So, ya. Don't worry, he's cool with it." Hayabusa stared down at Jacob, who had rolled over and taken off his mask. "When I get back my sense..... I gonna punch you in the face for stabbing me...." Hayabusa nudged Jacob with the tip of his boot before looking back up at Felix. "He's just saying stuff."

"No I'm not....."
"Heh... sorry Smokey." He then gets hit by the full force of exactly who he's talking to. Tears well up in his eyes as he smiles and quickly hugs the both of them, crying tears of joy.
Hayabusa patted Felix on the back and smiled. "I missed you too, kid...." Jacob finally stood up and looked to Felix. He rose his fist to throw a punch but dropped simply dropped it and smiled. His eyes slightly glowed red as he stared at Felix, he smile growing wider. "You look good Felix...... Like, really good.... I could just eat you up, little man." Jacob reached out and pinched Felix's cheek, his eyes glowing brighter. "Nice and plump......"

Blake shot a concrete pillar at the airborne Flux, who simply dodged it and shot a barrage of fireballs at him. A concrete wall rose up infront of him, blocking the flames while another pillar shot up from under him, skyrocketing him into the air. "Haha! Take that, bird!" Flux chuckled and sped towards Blake, her orange wings flapping furiously. She grabbed him around the waist, accidentally setting his arm on fire, before she spun and threw him down at the ground. A concrete pillar shot up to save him from hitting the ground as he patted his arm, attempting to set out the fire. The concrete pillar continued to fly him through the air as Flux chased after him. "Hahaha!"
"Don't be like that Draven."

"C'mon Draven just go outside."



"Fine. But just for a second."

Draven had been talking to himself again. He hasn't been outside for about a week and a half and he needed some fresh air. He stood up from the torn couch he was sitting on and stepped on a can of beans that he had laying around. He lived in a house of filth due to him being alone and living off of canned goods an only going outside during the nighttime to get food. He hated being him but he was stuck with it. He went to his front door and thought about what people would say if they saw him. He opened his front door and took a step outside, needing to cover his face from the bright sun after not seeing it for so long. He looked up towards the sky and in the distance saw a concrete pillar flying around and a fire bird chasing it. He scratche his head and decided that he would help the person running because no one wants to be chased. He quickly ran up to his roof and waited for them to get closer. He quickly started to summon a pillar of ice from the ground to try and separate the two people. He jumped on top of the pillar so he was rising with it. He yelled to te man on the concrete, "I am here to help you sir. Please don't panic because of what I look like."
Flux was stopped in he tracks by a.... thing... that had made an ice pillar in front of her. "What the hell are you!?" Blake turned his pillar upright to see who had spoken to him and was surprised to see whatever it was that he was looking at. He gasped and began to jump around happily. "Flux, don't you know who this is?" Flux stared blankly at him and yawned. "Hey, can we get some coffee or something? I'm getting... kinda tired." Blake comepletely ignored her and created a stone the connected his pillar to Draven's. He ran to him and wrapped his arm's around his waist, smiling. "It's an elf!"

"What? That thing isn't an elf, whats wrong with you?"

"It is too!"

"No, it's not. It's no where near Christmas anyways."

Draven looked at the two very strangely. When he was hugged he was in shock. He had never been hugged before, that he remembered. He said in a deep voice, "Umm. I'm not an elf i will tell you that. But I'm definitely something." He started to whisper to the man that hugged him out of no where, "But who are you and why do you think you know me. I'm just. I'm just a monster that hides in my house." He wasn't sure if he should hug Blake back so he just let his arms hang there like noodles and he let the smaller man hug him. It felt good for him to be loved, even if it was fake.
"Sorry about my friend, he's clinically insane. Um, are you a corrupted? I mean, your obviously not like the swamp kind, but I've never seen a blue... Ice.. Troll? I'm really sorry if I offended you, I just REALLY don't know what to call you." Flux said, rubbing the back of her head. "Anyways... Um, my names Flux, the guy hugging you is my friend, Blake, and we used to know this other guy, Xander, but it's been three year's since we've seen him. So, what's your name?"
Draven felt very confused from all of the questions asked. He started by saying, "Well. My name is Draven. I guess ice troll works for me but what is a corrupted?" He wasn't sure what a corrupted was, he had been holed up in his house for such a long tine and he hasn't thought if there was anyone else like him.
"You don't know who the Corrupted are? Wow.... What, you been living under a rock or something? The Corrupted were the unlucky humans that were turned into people.... Well, people like you. Don't worry though, some of them are friendly. Others.... Not so much. Anyways, I think I should-" At that exact moment, Flux's eyes rolled up into the back of her head and her wings disappeared. She began to plummet towards the ground, diving head first.
Felix smiles nervously and backs away from Jacob and notices the fangs and sighs sadly. "Dang it! So close, but you're still a vampire. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting that though... Don't eat me BTW, my sire killing skills have increased." How sad is it that we can joke like that?
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Draven was about to tell them what he had been doing since he changed but he noticed Flux falling. He quickly leapt off of the pillar he was standing on an he caught Flux in mid-air. He quickly created a ramp of ice for them to slide down, which they did. He moved ten so he would be the one who would get hurt from the contact and when they finally came to a stop, he stood up and tarted to ask Flux, "You ok?" Over and over again. He then called Blake down for help.
Jacob's eyes grow dim and he stands up straight and stares at Hayabusa. "I'm hungry." Hayabusa rolled his eyes and looked down to Felix. "Hey, Jacob and me are gonna stop off at the old base and get some food. I would invite you, but I'm pretty sure you don't have the taste for blood like we do. So, if you wanna meet us, you can find us there. Until next time, Bane of Evil." Hayabusa chuckled slightly and turned to see the Jacob had already left without him. He can't seem to hold the urge back..... It's funny, now that I think about it. Hayabusa waved to Felix once more before he ran into an alley way and disappeared.

Flux was moaning in her sleep, her eyes still rolled into the back of her head. Blake slid down on a concrete slide he created and landed next to Draven, staring down at Flux. "She's okay... This happen when she says in her Phoenix form for two long. But, I don't think she likes being held by and Ice Elf. She control's fire, not ice." Blake looked looked up to Draven and smiled before attempting to pat him on the head.
Felix smiles and waves to them. Once they are gone, however, his eyes widen. He holds out his hands. "WAIT!!!" However, they are gone at this point. He closes his eyes and breathes heavily. Okay... they aren't gone... he's just... they're just leaving. He calms his breathing and sighs. "The old base... does that mean." His eyes widen. "The warehouse?!"

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