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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Nil laughs as Terence stirs. "What are you guys talking about, it's so early," Terence says. He looks at his watch before groaning. "It's 4:30 A.M, what are you even doing up?" Felix points to Sphinx and Terence raises an eyebrow in question.

"My wife," Felix says answering his unspoken question. Terence chuckles.

"Aren't you both a bit young to be getting married? Why is she blue and has wings? I'm dreaming still, aren't I?"
Sphinx chuckled and waved. "My name's Sphinx. Nice to meet ya!" she said. "so, Chinese food anyone?" she asked again. "I wonder if they're even open...." she said, placing a finger on her chin. "probably not."

Selim followed behind Zabuza, glaring up at the GCE soldiers. Almost half of them were staring down and a few were even fidgeting, due to the child like hands creeping near them. Zabuza and Akuma's shadows had grown tendrils that sprouted from every which way. They began to move on their on and laughed manically, even though the sound could not be heard. Selim grinned lightly and looked back at the red-headed commander.


Jacob splashed cold water onto his face. The water woke him up a little, but not all the way. He grabbed a towel from the rack next to him and dried his face with it before replacing. He looked into the mirror and sighed. He was a 22 year old man trapped in a 19 year old's body. Like something out of a bad 90's movie. His eyes were blood shot and had bags underneath them. He looked as if he hadn't sleep for weeks. He had spent all of last night trying to bring back Daniel. The boy's upper and lower were intact but they weren't connected. So the boy was really just a fraction of himself. He left the police stations bathroom and walked into the break room, which he had altered into a bedroom. He grabbed his clothes from off the bed, put them on, and left the police station. He made his way to the FFA's old base but stopped outside of the old Shadow Base, reminiscing. He walked up to the warehouses door and pulled it open. He just wanted a peek to see how the old base was doing. "Hello? Is anyone here?" He said jokingly.
"Heyo, Smokey's here!" Jacob would hear call back. Then Jacob would hear a pop behind him before feeling a tap on his shoulder. "Miss me old buddy?" Felix whispered in his ear.

"While Felix screws around, I doubt Chinese restaurants are open. I don't know any business open this early, except McDonald's if you're up for that.

You know, I can't force Jax to show respect for Zabuza but I can you.

Do you really at least not find it noble that the man I was cloned after, my father even, is so determined to reach his goal of what he believes will be a better world? Did the FFA not at the very least admire his determination to his cause? Did they ever even stop to think of such a thing while they were attempting to destroy his dream?

Nico finally looked back over to Jax who was no doubt still confused from being left out of the mental conversation.

"It's extremely late, or early if you so prefer, so I think we should just rest for the remainder of the night. When we awake hopefully Zabuza will have returned and we'll check in on Flow's cache of artifacts that she didn't actually destroy."


With Akuma and Selim by his side the Demon casually walked into the black limousine and took his seat. It was clearly spacious enough for the three conduits and could fit plenty of more people inside if the need arose. Already waiting inside the limousine was Robert Fisk, the son of the mysterious CEO Wilson Fisk.

After the three conduits entered and took their seat the red headed division commander entered after them and took his seat next to the only other human. Robert was the first one to speak.

"My father's condition has.. worsened since you last met him three years ago."

"How tragic," Zabuza instantly replied but his face didn't seem to show that much concern or sympathy.

"Our company has been working as hard as it can to meet all of your demands. Please you're his last hope Mr. Momochi. He's placed all of his faith in you..."

"I'm aware." was all the red eyed conduit said as he instantly ended the conversation. The convey drove the rest of the way in silence.
I did find it noble. As I told you, I got my hands on some telepathy items. Felix refuses to admit it, and would kill me if I told anyone... though I guess he'll be trying to do that now anyway, but he respects Zabuza. Felix can strongly respect a man who is so determined. But you understand he doesn't agree. I think it's noble that Felix is willing to die to keep his dream alive, don't you?

By now, Jax had stretched and looked around before sighing. "I don't know where the bedrooms are..."

Jacob jumped and turned to face Felix. "Please don't do that again. Never. Like, never ever." Jacob turned and walked into the Shadow base, surprised to see Three and Nil there. "What are the Twin Terror's doing here.....?"

Chase & Jason

Jason threw his head back and let out a sigh of relief before he went back to digging into the hookers neck. Chase was in the corner, enjoying his own meal. "Best meal I've ever had.... Jason said as he tossed this dirty whores body off of his own." Jason proceeded to do exactly what he had said, pushing the woman's body off his own and nudging her away even further with the toe of his boot. Chase looked up from his body, his mouth covered and blood, and turned to Jason. "Did you just narrate your actions?" Jason looked over to Chase as he zipped up his fly and grinned. "Ya. And?" Chase stared at him blankly before he went back to eating. Jason rested his legs on the glass table in front of him and grinned. "Ah! You know, I haven't had a day this fun since I met you, Chase? you know that?" Chase ignored Jason and continued to eat. That was until a cop kicked in the door and rushed in, pointing his gun at Chase. "Freeze!" He said, before noticing the body's. "Oh my....." He looked back up to see that Chase was standing in front of him. He emptied his clip into Chase's chest, the gun shaking in the mans hand. The most it did was push Chase back, as his wounds quickly healed. The man fumbled for a clip at his side as Chase approached him. The cop was far too late as Chase gripped his head and lifted him into the air. The man screamed out in agony as Chase squeezed with enough force to crush a mans skull. And that it did. The mans head practically imploded, spraying blood and chunks of brain everywhere. The mans body dropped, his head, or what was lft of it, completely detached from it. Chase dropped the brain soup and walked out the door. "Come on." He said to Jason, who stood and followed him out the door, stepping all over the dead police officers body.


As soon as Selim entered the limo, he was fast asleep. Any attempts to awake him during the ride would succeed but the person would receive a verbal beating before Selim went back to sleep.
When Akuma sat down in the limousine, he didn't want to even nudge Zabuza to think of his healing powers when he mentioned the sick man, Kingpi- I mean Wilson Fisk. He also wanted to act like he actually could talk because of his enemies knew he was mute, Akuma would probably kill them. Just for sport.

I respect Felix for that.

The difference is that my father accepts the fact that he's a monster. Zabuza realizes there is no way around committing terrible atrocities in order to achieve great change. He's aware there will be no shortage of blood shed on the path to reaching his conduit utopia.

I have memories though of all the human blood that is on Felix's hands and all those that he's killed in his self proclaimed holy war against my father. Yet despite this he's still content with people and conduits alike looking up to him as a hero. This is where he loses my respect.

If he accepted that he was no better than the Demon then I would respect him. He's unlikely to ever admit to that though.

Nico finally paid attention to Jax again.

"That's what makes this place such a great headquarters. If the FFA attempted to invade it now they would be just as clueless as you when they tried to find their way around. Don't worry about the bedroom situation. There's enough rooms to go around for a small army..."

With that the Demon's spawn began to lead both Jax and Flux to each of their individual rooms.


It wasn't long before the convey arrived in front of one of the tallest, if not the tallest, building in all of New York. Even the DUP's headquarters was dwarfed in comparison to this behemoth that overlooked the conduit war-torn city.

As the Demon finally exited the limo, while awaking Selim in the process, he began to walk up the front steps towards the main entrance. The red headed division commander and Robert Fisk accompanied them as the GCE soldier received information from his wireless headset.

"The meetings set up and ready. Top floor."

And with that Zabuza opened the door and headed towards the elevators situated at the back of the room.
Akuma exited the limousine and stretched. When he was done gawking at the height of the building, he followed Zabuza in the building, tilting his head and rolling his eyes because he hated walking. He started to hum an unfamiliar song that he always hummed.
Flow chuckles, You'd be surprised how much he knows he's a monster. She thinks as she walks along, Jax huffing frustrated at not hearing the conversation. He knows exactly what he is. Unlike Zabuza, he doesn't WANT to be a monster. That's his Felix "personality." And before you say anything, I know they're all one in the same. Felix as the FFA knows him is a man attempting to hide and subdue the monster within him. Reading his mind is quite disturbing. He looked at me while I was doing it, and bubbling below the surface I could hear a little voice saying "kill her, kill her." She sighs, Really, he is a good man. There is so much evil within him, but he does everything he can to keep it down, and THAT's where he gains respect where Zabuza looses it.

He does think he's better than the Demon morally though, due to the Demon's goals. That's fair enough, I think.

Nil frowns, "The Twin Terrors are Alex and Terence. We aren't even related."

"They saved my life... oh, I suppose I should catch you up." Felix then goes back and reiterates everything that happened since rescuing Zabuza. "Those laser guys are gonna be a huge problem."
Assailant said:
"Heyo, Smokey's here!" Jacob would hear call back. Then Jacob would hear a pop behind him before feeling a tap on his shoulder. "Miss me old buddy?" Felix whispered in his ear.
"While Felix screws around, I doubt Chinese restaurants are open. I don't know any business open this early, except McDonald's if you're up for that.
"Well, I never really enjoyed McDonald's." she said shrugging. "well, I suppose we can wait for food." she said leaning against a wall.

"You're joking right...? Alright, let me call up Master Chief and ask him to let us borrow a couple of sets of armor." Jacob turned away from Felix and walked up to Nil, getting all up in his face. "What's stopping me punching you in the face right now for all the terrible stuff you've done? Minus Three."
Nil looks around in mock surprise before pointing at himself. "I'd rather not be punched."

"Besides... I think I'm a good enough reason on it's own," Three says, before giving Jacob a glare that would send fear into the hearts of lions.

What a person wants doesn't change what they really are. Just like no matter what I end up doing I'll always have to live knowing that I was formed from the Demon's blood. Given the opportunity humanity would treat me exactly like they would my father if they knew I was the Demon's spawn.

Morals are also objective. Zabuza believes his way is the only way there is every going to be peace established between conduits and humans. Only through conquering them can his utopia bring about peace and change for the world. Everything my father does is in order to get one step closer to his goal. From his view point Felix and the FFA are among the last groups of human sympathizers that are actively standing in the way of change and progress.

"Sorry we're leaving you out of all the reindeer games Jax. If you had just become a sire you'd be able to listen in on the conversation. Flow's thoughts are just going on and on about how dreamy her killer was. Such a shame you can't hear them though."

Nico joked as he finally reached the first bedroom where they could drop Jax off at.


As all parties involved entered the elevator it was the Demon who decided to take it upon himself to press the button going up to top floor. In only a couple minutes the what turned out to be express elevator had shot all the way up to the top floor of the building.

Zabuza walked out into the top floor meeting room that had a breathtaking view of the entire city of New York. In the center of the room was a circular meeting table with the board of directors for the company seated around it. There were still plenty of seats available and the Demon ended up walking forward and taking one of them.

At the opposite side of the table from him was an old man in a wheel chair that was no doubt over a hundred years old. Two female nurses stood behind him that seemed ready to deal with any problem the CEO ended up having. One of them spoke up first before the meeting began.

"Forgive Mr. Fisk if he doesn't seem up to his normal self. He just returned from his third heart plant surgery."

With a small nod from Zabuza's head showing that he acknowledged this the meeting was able to begin.

"You look better than you did three years ago Fisk. Time is really doing you well. If anything you're just getting younge.."

Wilson Fisk ended up cutting off Zabuza from even finishing his sentence.

"Enough with your flattering lies De.. Demon."

The CEO started a coughing fit that took up several minutes.

"We both know my time is running out. Let's get this over with..."
Sure, and objectively I agree with Felix. And to me, it's the thought that counts.

"Whatever, I'm tired." Jax runs in and suspends himself in midair with his wires. He creates a cot out of his wires and quickly falls asleep on them.

Just us I guess?
"When did you start caring about Nil getting punched? I thought you two hated each other." Jacob said, looking to Three before he looked back to Nil. "You guys buddy buddy or something.... Or are you protecting your boyfriend?"
Within a flash, Jacob was frozen to the wall with an icy blade to his throat. Ironically, Three almost appeared to have a fire in her eyes. Nil laughs and walks up to Jacob.

"I forgot to mention, don't ever imply we're in a relationship. I'll kinda laugh along with you, but Three would kill you."
Dante was enjoying a late night pizza at a restaurant he loved, even before the blast. "I love you meat lovers." He said before continuing to enjoy the whole pizza in front of him. Taking a few more bites and getting it put in a to-go box, Dante left the restaurant, leaving a thirty dollar tip. It was a tradition to leave thirty dollars because he knew the owner. Unfortunately the owner passed, but Dante still loves it. When he was walking out, he started to wonder about Chase. "He's probably alone and scared for his life. Poor baby. I guess it's time to search for him." He started to wander around the streets, yelling "Chase? Chase ol' pal? Where are ya?".

Jacob stared at Three. "Someone's cranky." Jacob ignored the blade and looked around. "So, why'd you guys pick this place? Warehouses are kinda been there done that. We need a new base, new name. I'm sorry, Felix, but I don't like being named after a group of rodents."

Chase & Jason

Chase continued to walk down the street with Jason before he stopped and changed directions. "Where are we going?" Jason said to him as Chase rounded the corner. Chase ignored the mans question and kept walking until found the source of the sounds. Chase approached Dante, his exppression as blank as ever. "Dante. This is our new comrade, Jason. Jason, acquaint yourself with Dante. I have.... Business to attend too." Chase walked off to find Zabuza. Jason looked to Dante, showing a fang filled smile. "Sup."

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"A group of rodents?" Felix raises an eyebrow at the statement. "Sorry, I'm not good with animals. I don't get it..."
Dante smiled at Chase and quickly lost it when he left. "Ok. Nice seeing you too bud." He turned to Jason. "Pizza?" He offered him. There were a good three slices left and he was hoping to finish them off himself but if this guy was hungry, might as well help him out. "So what exactly are you capable of?"

Jason shook his head and pushed the box back to Dante. "I'm okay. Already ate." Jason put his hands into his pants pockets and looked around until he heard Dante ask about his power. Jason looked back to him, a fang filled smile on his face, before he leaned in and said. "It's a secret..." He leaned back out and chuckled.


Jacob stared at Felix, shaking his head. "Where is your childhood...? Sonic The Hedgehog was in a group called the Freedom Fighters. And, like I said, I don't want to be named after a group of rodents. I don't think ANYONE wants to be name after a group of rodents! We need a new name, a new base! And since me and Felix are the founding fathers of this organization, I'm asking him if he'll approve of my idea. Then, we can all vote on a new name and base."
"My childhood? Sonic was decades before my time! Besides... I'm a nintendo guy," Felix says, crossing his arms. "Tried to play Sonic, never really could enjoy it." He then thinks over what Jacob said. "Firstly, it's 'Felix and I.' Second, I don't see a real need to change our names. Though if you can think of a cooler one, I'm all ears. A new base, however... on the one hand, the Sires wouldn't expect us to go to the Shadows' old base. On the other hand, it's on their radar, and they're bound to check eventually. This place is convenient because no one else needs to know we're here. We don't have Shard to bullshit us a base, so I don't really know what to do."
Dante shook his head and breathed out with a lot of force. "What the fuuu-." He said to Jason. He really hated people like him. "Fricken secret? What's so secretive about it? Do you control when people take a shit or something? Oh my gah." He continued while breathing out again, stressing the last 'gah'.

Akuma walked next to Wilson Fisk and put his hand on his shoulder. A green aura flowed from Akuma's arm to Mr. Fisk. He started to heal him, bot not fully, just a temporary "cough-stopper". He continued to stand next to him, waiting for another coughing fit.

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