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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

"Y'think the first one was a horror-horror? I personally found it as a comedy. Especially since the little leprechaun reminded me of you on your bad days." He wrapped his arms from behind and kissed his temple. "My grouchy, cute leprechaun." He snickered.

Reaver bit back a laugh, "Don' touch me gold."
"Yeah, like that, but instead, we don't get stuck to a toilet for a week. Or at least, i don't." Graham shuddered, remembering the last time.

Reaver grimaced at the thought. "Those two have the stomach for it and yet somehow I don't. They can eat raw meat all they want, yet I can't without that outcome."
Reaver grimaced at the thought. "Those two have the stomach for it and yet somehow I don't. They can eat raw meat all they want, yet I can't without that outcome."

"That's fine with me. That means i can kiss you without smelling a dead animal on your breath." He smiled.
"That's fine with me. That means i can kiss you without smelling a dead animal on your breath." He smiled.

Snickering at that, he nodded. "Don't have to go through several bottles of mouthwash."
Reaver quirked a brow, soon grinning as he moved and locked Graham's lips with his own.

Graham kissed back before pulling away. "Gods, you're more tempting than a warm apple pie calling my name." He then kissed his jawline with a grin.
Graham kissed back before pulling away. "Gods, you're more tempting than a warm apple pie calling my name." He then kissed his jawline with a grin.

Reaver flicked an ear, his grin growing from the kiss on the jaw. "That's definitely one of the biggest compliments I'll ever get from ya."
Reaver flicked an ear, his grin growing from the kiss on the jaw. "That's definitely one of the biggest compliments I'll ever get from ya."

Graham squinted with a smile, "nonsense, i'll find away to outdo myself. I mean, i am just that awesome." He teased.

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