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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"Yeah well your first mistake was showin' up in this forest where,," Dirk began, then he glanced at Keto "So you're back, huh?"
Grov roars agine and sends a wall of stone up high up in the air and watched as the fat man hit it with a thud. He then said. "Shatter." and the wall exploded.
Grov roars agine and sends a wall of stone up high up in the air and watched as the fat man hit it with a thud. He then said. "Shatter." and the wall exploded.

"FUUUUCK" his fat raps its self around him taking quiet a few large scratches  but he gains momentum like a meteoroid he falls  towards dirk
"What the..?" Dirk exclaimed as he found himself flung in the air, when he landed, the force of impact knocked him out

(gtg, night)
She pulled back, putting distance between them. "Please do not touch me", her voice quivered with anxiety and nervousness. 

(I gtg soon as well :/)
as he crashes to the ground he is flung back into the air his fat yet again ballooning out to be a glider he then raps in fat again before trying the same thing at the golem
Grovs glow goes from blue to red as a roar of pure rage comes out and he punches the fat man away with enough force to turn steel into dust.
his fat raps around the first as it rips away it replaces its self he uses his fat as a force reducer to push him self into the air as it once more becomes a glider he goes away this time towards his near by cave muttering to himself " I shall return" he drools thinking of the humans he has stuck to his walls he shall eat heal then return (night)
Grov calmed down and shook his head as he returned to the library to teach will. "So did you read the book I gave you?"


(g2g night)
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She grabbed her forehead. "Yea... But I might...". Her eyes completely started to glow the  eerie, dim, golden light. She stubbled against a tree, from there she started to laugh, a sick, twisted, psychotic laugh. "Would you like to play a game?", she asked, her voice dropped to a more cold and demonic sounding voice instead. "It's called, try not to bleed out". She took whipped out the pistol she had tucked behind her back pointing right at him, her eyes narrowed, and before she knew it, she had fired three shots into his sholder. 

((Welp the suspense XD))
((OOC is up here correct? Anyway very true... but I won't die from a shoulder wound...))

Logan was confused by the sudden change, then before he knew it was down on a knee clutching his shoulder. "Shit..." He muttered, standing back to full height. "There goes that jacket..." He muttered. "He removed his free hand, it crimson with blood. "Look I don't want to hurt you..." He whipped out his own handgun and aimed it one-handed. "But either lower or your weapon or I will pump more lead into you than the Russians out into the Nazis  on the foot of the Reichstag." He said calmly, flicking off the safety.
((Lol ik that, try not to bleed out though, that's the fun part.omfg great comparison I'm done xD ))

Her eyes dimmed, revealing him to be drenched in blood at the shoulder. She dropped the gun, her hands twitching. Kat hesitated for a second. then mumbled to herself, "oh my god... What have I done now... ". "Are you ok?!", she let out in an anxious tone.
(( @Knightling couldn't keep track, so just going to continue head into castle))

October shook her head "it's nothing, it's just there are many people in the forest right now." she looked at Dirk and smiled "let's go inside and see if we can figure out what's in the syringes you were stabbed with." She started to walk up to the front door, and held it open for him.
Raphael would be flying towards the Castle where he last sensed his father. His angelic wings black his resemblance to Michael was very close. He had the same long hair and skin tone. But was much nicer he would then land outside the castle " Goddess October.. " he smiled calmly he knew of her and recognized her but didn't know who he was 

October looked at the man, he knew who she was, but she had no idea who he was. She didn't recognize him, although he did look like Michael. October bowed to show respect "hello, but do I know you?" 
Raphael would smile and walk up and kneel to her in respect and looked up at her " you faced my father.. Michael.. I was watching before I became a fallen.. I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner lost my memories for a few hours after I impacted the earth
"Please stand up there is no need to bow." October shook her head "so your a fallen angel and son to Michael? I assume you're looking for him?"
Raphael would nod and smile " standing up " yeah last time I saw him was here so I decided to come here.. " he would cross his arms " I'm sorry for the intrusion.. I'm not used to being down here been stuck up there since I was born. " he said while shaking his head " i need his help.. but I doubt he will help to be honest.. he only cares about getting stronger and killing
October smiled "he is no longer here. He came her for a fight with someone named Scar, and Jason. They fled the fight and I haven't heard anything from him since." she shook her head "I'm sorry I can not be of more help"
Raphael nodded and sighed " Jason... " he tilted his head to the right " who is this Scar? " he asked crossing his arms " They are new to me?
"Scar is some sort of demon, Jason is.." she stopped and thought about it, she didn't get to face him so she wasn't quite sure what he was. "Jason is powerful but unsure what species he is exactly. They were with Michael helping to try and take us down."
He lowered his weapon but never let it go. "I'll... I'll live." He said, blood dripping down to the fingers of his shot arm. He ripped off that sleeve and tied it as best he could around the shots, grimacing as he did. "So what's your name...?" He asked.
Raphael would sigh " Jason is a black dragon.. formed by the darkness before life was even born " he would cross his arms " if he wanted he could wipe the world clean if he ever decided to use the full power he has.. 

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