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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Keto shook his head a little bit touching her arm muttering something and healed it, he stood up grabbing his own arm walking out of the room, down to the kitchen wrapping up the fresh cut. He healed her arm taking her pain and inflicting it on himself. 
Izumi looked at her arm, it was healed. She couldn't do this, she wanted the pain, she lived off the pain. Pain is what made her feel alive. She grabbed the knife and cut herself again. She laid back on the floor, she wanted everyone to leave her alone. She didn't want to think, she wanted to die. Nothing was making sense to her anymore.
Keto smelled the blood again walking back to her room looking at her "Look, if you want to be stupid and act like this then don't subject it on in everyone else. Everyone here has one way or another sacrificed for each other, we are all selfless to a point. I, more than once have tried to help you and show compassion towards you just to find you doing this? You need to think long and hard about everything your doing Izumi, and how your actions affect others." Keto slammed the door as he stormed out of the castle. 

Kai watched his father leave then looked down, he walked outside to get some fresh air
Riku would nod and smile walking outside with her and tilted his head to the right. " ready to get started Adrianna? This is going to be fun. Also show me what you can do with both the lightning and your magic combined
"oh I'll show you what I got." she shook her head, hearing what Keto said to Izumi. It put her in more of a bad mood, she sent lightning at Riku and at the same time pulled the ground on his feet attacking him sucking him into the ground like quicksand. "don't you hold back on me"
Keto sat down watching the two of them shaking his head 

Kai walked over to Keto sitting down "Izumi?" 

Keto nodded "Yes sir, I've helped her, saved her and showed compassion towards her for the last time. Someone can only try for so long before they just give up and today was the straw that broke the camel's back" he patted his sons back 

Kai nodded "I understand dad, the consensus around here is that your a good, caring man. The man mother told me of, what made you become the man that I saw when i first met you and the fierce warrior I seen yesterday?" 

Keto looked at Kai "Honestly? The loss of your mother combined with the anger towards Lycans for taking her from me. I wanted revenge and what better revenge than to Command an Army solely based on killing thousands of Lycans?" 

Kai nodded "I finally understand father"
Younger Riku felt the quicksand underneath him and he started to make hand signs as he used his shadow clone to throw him out than they both shot put lightning at Adrianna one bolt from the air and the other right in front of her.

During their small sparring match a Shadow clone of older Riku appeared outside the tree line. Older Riku trying so desperately to keep his Chakra flowing " Adrianna!! Tell everyone... that they are coming back!! " he vanished able to get off the message
Adriana's eyes went wide, Adult Riku wasn't that loud but she heard him, she felt his presence she knew it was him. She got hit by the lightning in front of her and then rolled dodging the one above her. She shook her head the ground ungriping Riku's feet. "we have to get ready." she turn facing Riku. "daddy is in trouble Jason and Michael and Scar are coming here."
Younger Riku nodded and quickly rushed inside as he looked at everyone " we have a problem.. " he was looking for October " Jason, Scar and now a guy named Michael are heading this way to kill anyone that is here
((jumping topics, I'm tagging people who may be interested in the fight, so we don't kill this topic I'm going to keep using October and Izumi here just like I was doing))
Keto sighed walking inside with Kai. 

Keto turned to Kai "Son I want you to stay in the castle, protect everyone that stays here." Keto turned to others "We can't fight them here, there's just too many lives at stake if we do."
(Keto making a joke about burning you at the stake cause everyone was so serious, Izumi and Keto arguing and apparently people are coming to kill everyone lol)
Amber squirmed away from his hug, dropping onto her feet. "Sorry, I'm not much of a hugger", she said with spice in her tone. "Say, I do have one question though".
Grov nodded. "Okay byt first I have to go keep us from dieing." He quickly ran to face the enemy.
Keto smiled calmly looking back at Kai "Keep young Kai here company" Keto smiled and followed Grov 

Kai was a bit shy he looked at her bowing "Hello ma'am, my name is Kai"
(People are charging? DONT FIRE UNTIL YOU SEE THE WHITES OF THIER EYES! *hears shot* GOD DAMN IT TOMMY WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU!? Anyone someone get me involved lol)
"Wow, Gezez, I've been here for not even half an hour and I have people bowing before me", she smiled, giving a light chuckle. "Oh and please, I have know idea what it is with people calling others sir or ma'am, I mean gawd I'm only 13 not 23".
"Well I guess so", she smiled a bit. "Also are we really just gonna stand around here? I mean, can't we go out into the forest or something?".
Kai looked at her "These people that are after everyone could kill us easily ma'am, you can do as you wish but my father told me to stay here for safety"

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