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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October looked over at Dirk he didn't seem hurt, or afraid. So what happened to make him covered in slime and half naked. She was very curious. 
Milo's stomach dropped. Someone in his family was sick and his wife was expecting him to pull out the cure he was supposed to have returned with. As though she could read his mind, she stepped up and placed her hands around his waist.

-You should begin to mash them up, create the cure. She'll be fine after that.-

The microwave went off and she let go of him, turning and heading over to it. He couldn't lie to her like this. If she really was his wife, which he was almost certain she was, then she would understand, and help him to figure out how he got into this state of memory loss.
"I swear I was just looking for a bullet I dropped, I can only carry just so many". She ran her fingers through the top of her hair to the side, looking at them with a black expression.
Grov crossed his arms and said. "I could turn you into goo with one punch so tell the truth." He was just bluffing but he was good at it.
She spun around and jumped dumbly. "Well", she began, "you got the truth, is there anything else you wanna know?" She stared at them, he eyes a blue color, but not like a Safire, a blue like the fog, right before daybreak.
"I'll leave it be for now." Grov uncrossed his arms and said. "And no but what about you do you have any questions?"
Milo turned and faced the woman.

"I, need to talk with you for a moment.."

She turned to face him, placing down the chicken she had preheated.-What is there to talk about? Other than our children being caught with a fever that is.-

He was going to say it. He had lost his memory upon waking in a forest with no idea as to what he was there for. He needed to get help, and what better help than someone who clearly knew him for a while. Instead, he found himself slipping deeper into lying. She would have thought he had lost it, and maybe, he had.

"Actually, I need to get some of the stuff I left outside.." It was an empty lie, full of flaws that could easily give him away, but he kept at it. No turning back now. "..Still something that I have t-"

He stopped. The woman placed down the plate and stepped back, a mixture of confusion and fear shifting onto her face. Milo stared down the barrel of the 9" inch revolver pointed between his eyes. The Milo holding the gun spoke.

-I don't know who, or what you are, but you get the god damned hell out of my house before I blow your brains against the wall.-
Keto and Kai walk down the stairs seeing everyone so serious. 

Keto looked at the new girl then at everyone else "Is there something going on I don't know about here? This girl seems to be on trial, is she a witch we are going to burn at the stake" he laughed a little at his own joke. 

Kai looked around and saw faces he hadn't met yet, he bowed slightly at them. 
Keto patted them both on the back "Things people say aren't always serious, it was meant to lighten the tension a little is all" Keto smiled at them 
Axel: It's cool. *reaches in his satchel,and pulls out two chilli dogs. One for him and for Alice. They both munch them down*

Alice: Mmmmmph....*munch munch munch*
Milo 1. and Milo 2. both began to step to the right, rotating until Milo 1. was farther away from his, or his wife, than Milo 2. was. Milo's eyes were wide, probably because there was a gun pointed at his head, and the person at the trigger was himself. If it were the other way around, he would be doing the same thing. In fact they were likely equally confused about the whole situation as the other was.

"Okay.. just relax.. I'm not here to hurt any of you.." His hands were raised a bit, trembling. "I just need to find out w-"

-Shut your DAMN MOUTH!- Milo listened, clearly not in the right position to ignore himself. -You think you can come in here, pretend that your me, and-and- He turned toward their wife. -He didn't, grope you di-

-No.. no he just seemed a little dazed.- She replied and lowered her head, staring at the counter stressed.
Riku would Follow Adrianna inside and he headed to a place he could sit down and think for a bit. He saw the newcomers bit kept to himself not saying a word.
Keto looked at young Riku as he passed then back to Grov "I dont sense that about her my friend, she seems more scared than anything." 
Grov looked at her the walked over and gave her a hug. "You don't have to be scared, I'm nice once you get to know me."
Alice: This reminds me of the time my brother was captured. For a second,I thought the humans would get him to defect to their side,but they couldn't break his will.

Axel: Right. And your parents.....I thought them for dead,too. But it's fortunate that they were strong of heart and strong of will,also. Just imagine,if they did turn on us....
Izumi was in her room, she had a razor and a bare arm, it already had millions of cuts all over it, blood was shedding, and she was crying.

Adriana sighed, she could tell when people were lying and this place was full of liars. Adriana could smell her mother's blood being spilled she knew not to interrupt, even though it was probably not a spell. Others would just smell blood if your a vampire, but only Adriana could tell it was Izumi's. She shook her head, she needed to get her mind off things. "does someone want to spar? I'm bored." she sighed crossing her arms "someone who can actually keep up please."
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Riku would look at Adrianna and smirk " if my future self trained you than I wanna see where I'm at " he said as he stood up crossing his arms looking at her.
Keto smelled the hint of blood, he walked up the stairs and it was coming from Izumi's room. He opened the door walking over to Izumi wiping her tears away placing his hand over her arm 
Adriana smirked. "sounds fun, but we should take it outside so we don't destroy the castle again." she laughed "well I guess it hasn't happened yet so let's not start now." she started to walk outside, she wanted to be outside, one because she didn't want to ruin the castle, and two because outside was her element, it was much easier to fight with her feet in the dirt.

Izumi pulled away from Keto. "no just leave me alone." she took the bandage by her side and wrapped it on her arm. "I- I just go away."
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