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In the Darkest Days

Derrick laughed lightly, and shook his head at her. "Ally When have I Ever gotten mad at you? Frustrated maybe but, never mad." He relaxed, and raised his brow at her, motioning towards her to sit down as well, "Relax Ally, we've been best friends for years, even if we were apart for... god who knows how long now. I'm not going to get mad at you over anything." Derrick said calmly, with an air of relaxed finesse.
She didn't sit down, instead pacing in front of him.

"Remember in my junior year, I went to the senior party with you and played spin-the-bottle....And it landed on you...?" She asked, trying to calm down slightly.
Derrick almost laughed, he nodded at her, "Yeah, And everyone gave us that look like you cheated somehow. I think someone actually said Big surprise or something like that." He replied a clear air of humor in his voice. Derrick was concerned, she was pacing, she didn't do that unless it was bad. "Ally... Your starting to scare me... what's going on..?" He asked calmly.
"I...I've liked you Derrick...Since we were kids! That's why I never dated! That's why I hated everyone of you're girlfriends!"

She has tears rolling down her face now and she turns away from him.

After a long silence she says "I understand if you don't want to travel with me anymore...I know this isn't the best time to say this but I couldn't keep it in anymore, I've hidden it for too long. I'm sorry..."

She picks up her pack and swings it back on her back before starting to walk to the door.
Derrick raised a brow at her, muttering, "My girlfriends... But I never dated any- Oh... Right... Jennifer..." He cursed himself slightly, "Ally, I never told you about that, Wait, wait, wait, wait." He pushed himself up quickly, and grabbed her wrist with a firm, but gentle grip, "There's Apparently a lot we both need to explain to one another. Jen wasn't my girlfriend. Not really anyways, It's... complicated..." He made a face, like in reality, it was humorous.

Derrick motioned to the bench, "Please, Sit, Let me explain?"
She sat but didn't remove her back. She kept her head down, her hair creating a curtain that she hid behind. she silently berated her self.

I knew it! I never should have said anything. He won't want to travel together anymore and he'll say he never saw me like that. Shit. I should've run for it.

"I'm sorry. I never should have said anything..." She mumbled, tugging her hair and biting her lip.
Derrick looked at the ceiling, and sighed, muttering, "God... where to begin ah... How about Jennifer was a Lesbian. A Really, really big lesbian. Her parent's would have kicked her out, and they caught her making out with her girlfriend. You remember Stephanie Marins? My neighbor? Well... Jenn told her dad some lies, and... Then she and Stephanie came over to my house at like... two in the morning one morning... And asked for my help." He shrugged, "Jennifer was one of Jason's best friends, I didn't know what else to do... I tried telling you once or twice... but... Honestly, I kept asking Jenn if I could tell you and see you for real while she told her parents she and I were dating." He shrugged again, a pained look on his face, "I wanted to date you from before the bottle Ally."
Her head shot up at his last sentence. Her chocolate eyes were rimmed in red and her cheeks tear stained

"B-but you never said anything...even before that...and I..." she trailed off before dropping her pack and launching herself into his arms.

"You Idiot!" she said, voice muffled.
Derrick smiled lightly, letting his arms wrap around her instinctively, he held her tight and muttered, "I think we covered that one years ago Ally." He held her close and murmured, "By the time I could break things off with Jenn, I was being deployed... So I never got to tell you..."
She turned her nose into his neck, grinning. "I'm glad you came back safe and sound though. You asshole." She pulled back and smiled at him. Then she bit her lip shyly and leaned in.

This would be her first kiss, causing her to be extremely shy about it. Her lips barely brushed his before she pulled back, red as a fire-truck.
Derrick wasn't so fast as her with the kiss, but neither was he slow enough to let her escape his grasp. He pulled her against him firmly and kissed her back with a gentle passion that was beyond his years. When he released her, so they could breath, he muttered, "Your what kept me alive over seas, your whats kept me going since. I love you Ally." He finished, smiling gently.
She grinned at him and leaned in for a quick kiss. "I'm glad you though about me over there." She whispered against his lips. "I love you too." she added, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. "She smiled into it, incredibly happy. She got comfortable and settled herself into Derrick's lap.

((Everything okay?))
Derrick squeezed her gently, before he said, "As much as I'd like to just relax her for a while with you, We need to move, We need to make the halfway point in the mountains before nightfall, and that's in six hours. Even moving by myself it's at least a five hour trek, No offense, but my military trained body has an edge, and it's still hard on me, so sweets. We need to move now." He held her gently, whispering to her, "We can discuss more of this at the cabin though. Okay?"
She nodded and climbed off him. She swung up her back and tied up her hair. She retied her boots and turned to him.

"Lead the way soldier." She teased.

"And I don't know if there will by any talking once we get to the cabin..." she winked at him.
She nodded and climbed off him. She swung up her back and tied up her hair. She retied her boots and turned to him.

"Lead the way soldier." She teased.

"And I don't know if there will by any talking once we get to the cabin..." she winked at him.
Derrick laughed lightly, as he stood up, and straightened his clothing, walking towards the door. He took up his bag again and slung it over his shoulder, balancing it with the large axe on his back. He made his way out the door and back into the gym, confident they were alone again. He paused, shocked by the appearance of a lone sniffer demon. Derrick shuddered and froze. The thing had it's back to him, but that wouldn't last. He held up a fist, to have Ally hold position as he slid the Kukri he kept at his hip out silently. It took him a few moments, so he shuddered as he did, the seconds that dragged by were nearly painful. He knew if the thing to a single hooting call off they were both doomed.
Ally followed but froze when he held up his hand. Peeking over his shoulder, she saw the sniffer and carefully slid her knives from her boots and jacket. She knew what these did and she knew that they would be doomed if the demon found them. She crept forward slightly till she was next to Derrick and waited for him to give the signal.
Derrick had pulled his kukri out, and within the second it cleared the sheath, he had pulled it back and thrown it. It sailed through the air, and into the lung of the Sniffer. Which fell instantly, gasping for breath. Derrick was after his thrown knife like a shot, leaping upon the thing, he yanked the knife out and drove it into the beasts neck, then pulled back as firmly as he could, tearing the blade through the beasts spinal cord, killing it rapidly. He didn't waste time in pulling the carcass back into the room further, and under the husk of the parasitic creature.

"Were going to need to run soon... Very soon..." he whispered, cleaning the blood on his knife and hands off on the beasts fine fur.
Ally admired him as he killed the beast. She smiled and nodded. She started moving through the empty gym towards the doors, she peeked out the window and whispered. "Clear." She tucked her knives back into her boot and reloaded her rifle just in case. She did as silently as she could before slipping out the doors, her lithe form staying in the shadows.
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Derrick followed after her, hissing out, "Head for the parking lot, get there and we'll see if the military trucks are still there. I know they didn't pull all the ammo out of them. I want to try something out." He moved along the walls, sticking to the shadows until they came to the edge of the parking lot. There, in the middle was the armored vehicles, all in a circle, all dark. Derrick knew that the operators for them had been inside the school when everything had happened, that they had locked the vehicles down, and now their contents were either intact, or scavenged, but then, no one had tried scavenging here since the beginning of the catastrophe. "We're in luck... just have to stay quiet, I bet at least one of them is fully loaded too." He muttered as he gave Ally the signal to hold again. "We need to be careful though..."
Ally stuck to the building like glue. She anxiously watched as Derrick crossed to the trucks and sighed when nothing jumped out. "How are you going to open them? They'll be locked!" She said, quickly following and keeping an ear out for any noises. There was a rustle and Ally pointed her rifle in that direction. It was just a rabbit. She sighed and tilted her head, hair swinging behind her.
Derricks arm moved faster then he could even react, he plucked a knife from Ally's belt, and the knife flew and impaled the small Leporidae, He shuddered slightly and relaxed, muttering, "God... damn animals..." He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, "No I can open them, trust me, I have a key for them... I was military remember? Me and some of the other guys... we..." He rolled his eyes, "Broke a couple of laws..." He reached into the cargo pants he was wearing, and pulled out a ring of keys, it was dense, there were hundreds of keys, "We made masters of every vehicle key we ever used. One of the guys in my unit was a keysmith back home, we'd get him drunk and have him work on projects like this... then we'd copy the master he'd make. There are ten sets like this all over the place. Mine's complete thankfully." He held the keys up and jiggled them about. "Cool huh?"
Ally sucked in a breath as he threw her knife and pouted at him. "That was my favorite!" She mumbled.

Ally's eyes widened, almost comically. "You broke laws while serving?!" She hissed out. Her eyes held a twinkle of mischeif though and a second later she grinned. "Glad even that couldn't change you. Your mother would have my head for being a bad influence." She teased as he sifted through his keys. She nodded. "Too cool, babe."
Derrick snorted at her, and muttered, "If we were tried in court for ever law we broke every day while serving..." He shook his head and sighed, then slowly made his way towards the vehicles, intercepting the rabbit along the way he stowed it's body in his bag as though it was a natural movement. He took a moment to wipe the knife clean and carried it until he came to a stop at the vehicles outer edge. The largest of them, an armored vehicle with a large trailer attached, he tapped its side, "This is the one we want." He whispered, He slid into the middle of the, and sat down against one of the tires, sifting through the keys carefully, his eyes narrowing. "Watch my back while I look for the key." He muttered quietly.
She grinned widely at him.

Ally followed him and gave his back a glare as he took her knife. She turned her back to him and lifted up her rifle, keeping an eye and ear out for any demons. "try and hurry...I don't want be here longer than needed..." She shivered and backed in closer to him.

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