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Realistic or Modern ๐—œ๐—ก ๐——๐—ฌ๐—ก๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ง๐—œ๐—” - ๐˜ข ๐˜ค๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜บ ( a small revival )

mother of sorrows

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  • welcome to

    in dynastia!

    i can still hear you saying, you will never break the chain.

โ™กdesign by low fidelity, coded by uxieโ™ก



(tw;; violence, mentions of child death.))

''...Moving on to the shocking news that hit town yesterday evening, there are reports of a tragic house fire that struck the neighborhood of Vista Lane, Cimmerian Hills. At around 9 P.M., concerned neighbors notified the Cimmerian Hills Fire Department about a quickly rising fire in the backyard of the Nagorski family. Firefighters arrived at the scene minutes after the report, at which point the house was already in flames. The lower floor and most of the upper floor were almost completely destroyed before CHFD managed to extinguish the house, approximately one hour after the fire originally started. The Nagorski family, who has not been seen since 7:23 P.M., tragically lost their lives that night.

The husband Andrej, 30; his wife, Louisa, 28; and their 6-month old son, Juni, were found dead in the kitchen, where CHFD reports the fire started.

Their neighbors are devastated by the sudden loss, calling the young couple 'a a delight' and 'selfless people that always did their best for others.' They are shocked that the quiet family, which only moved here 8 months ago, would fall victim to such a seemingly random accident. The fire investigators and police department have not yet released details, but suspect foul play. No suspects have been identified as of this morning. A family friend claims -''

- - -

It's been one year since the murder of Louisa, Andrej, and their young child.

Officially it was called a family suicide. Kerosene was found glistening in the grass, its tank lying witness in a nearby bush. No fingerprints, no footprints, no camera footage of anybody but the Nagorskis entering. None of the neighbors saw anybody suspicious in the area, nor by the house. - leaving nobody but the young couple to blame. The investigation was concluded solved, despite the strange circumstances surrounding their deaths. How would such a young, bright couple burn to death and take their son down with them? They had hope for the future, not a cloud in their psyche. Their neighbors pondered this behind locked doors and closed windows, more than a bit disturbed with these events. How quick even the most seemingly safisfied person can burn.

Officially, at least. That's what the reporters wrote in the morning newspaper.

The Avancini and Adamski family know better.

It's no secret that the two biggest crime families in Saint's Heights have oceans of blood spilled between them. Their rivalry is as natural as the moon calling to sea, as constant as the ancient rocks the city was carved into. It's just the truth of crime that competition is harsh, and you have to be very cruel indeed to make it in Saint's Heights. The two families have been fighting for as long as anybody alive dares to remember, their hatred bitter and unwavering. Their shared sins range from theft, hits, shootouts to full-out war in the streets, bodies littering the city during particularily dark years.

Nobody expected two members to marry, and to marry happy.

It was beyond insane to any loyal member, to anybody who has killed for the family. Who has seen their family and friends cut down by the enemy. And yet, as if by a God's miracle, as fi the heavens themselves pitied the young lovers, Andrej and Louisa did not get a bullet in the head for thanks.

Andrej, of the Adamski family and Louisa, of the Avancinis, joined the two rivals in a brittle peace for the first time in history. The peace treaty was signed reluctantly, but it was signed and no more was there bloodshed over territory. No hits in private meeting rooms, grey matter splattering the marble walls. No bodies washed up in river mud, cement blocks ties to their feet.

All of the city let out a sigh of relief, watching the two families with wary gazes. The wedding went by without the much expected murder, no snipers or poison in cake. It was a nice ceremony too, with Adamski and Avancini mingling as if among friends.

There was peace, finally. The Adamski and Avancini feud was over.

Until it wasn't.

The official reports fail to mention that Andrej and Louisa were asleep when somebody sneaked in their house, gun in hand. That Andrej was shot in the head once, point blank, still deep in sleep. That Louisa was dragged out of her bed, struggling only for a few moments before being shot in the back. Execution style.

They do not mention how the couple were dropped in the kitchen, bodies still warm. How the killer did not spare an innocent child. That the kerosene was not even from their garage, but taken from somewhere else.

It was not a suicide. The mocking letters delivered to each family were proof of that.

This was not just a hit on two members. Andrej and Louisa were more than that, an almost symbol in their star-crossed love. A symbol of peace, of unity.

Killing them was sending a message, one that smelled like violence in the air. Saint's Height is no longer safe, not with the tidal wave in the distance.

Hi, hello and welcome to In Dynastia, a crime roleplay set in the bustling city of Saint's Heights. Filled with murder and secrets, Saint's Heights has the rich, the poor, the good - and the morally bankrupt. The plot is focused on two crime families, the Adamskis and the Avancinis that ruling over the city's districts. The two have a long-standing rivalry, one that spans at least two generations; though, their struggle against each other is now at peace.

Except it's not.

Set a year after the murder of Andrej and Louisa Nagorski, the two families now have a different kind of feud. While the peace treaty is technically still valid - for now - there is another kind of war brewing beneath the stones of the city. There is a killer on the loose and tensions run high. Was it an Avancini? An Adamski? Or an enemy unseen, unknown to either of them?

Nobody knows, and fear of the unknown is the most destructive of them all. As the two families scramble to figure out the killer, the cracks in their foundations start to show; with two members displaced and the higher-ups distracted, power is up for the taking. Change is coming and Saint's Heights might not survive it's weight.

With a focus on inter-personal dynamics, secrets, hidden ambition and betrayal, the plot is a mix of murder and crime! It was mostly inspired by a handful of crime shows and books like The Cruel Prince (not crime, but hoo boy, the schemes). The story will follow the two families as they try not to be the one to die next, all while trying to navigate the delicate web of the crime world. I've tried this idea a while ago, but as some people left, I wanted to revive it again! c: Plus with a few more roles up for grabs.

The older of the two families, the Adamski have a history rife with betrayal, murder, and violent coups - all from their own kin. A Greek tragedy of a family with all the ghosts and sins that come with it.

The Adamski were not always the mysterious, closed-off family they are now, ruling Saint's Heights behind marble walls as cold as their own hearts. Their beginning was as humble as any foreign family's; the very first Adamski was an immigrant from Poland, landing on America's shores in 1912. The land was not kind, with no pity to spare for the weak. It took no small amount of skulduggery and cold blood for them to become the high and mighty family they are today, representing the old money lux; classical mansions, debutante balls, the practiced smiles of wolves.

They're not all related to the main Adamski family; the group is made out of smaller families, closely tight from working together for generations. Used to be, you'd have to be fully Polish to be accepted, but times are changing. The family is struggling to keep up, still stuck to the traditions of the past. Oh, blood rules and family honor worked well in the past, during the golden age of mobsters. But those days are long gone and so is the memory of them. Terrifying in their swift justice, close relation, and strange ceremonies, the Adamski are a family alright; but a family of sharks is not the same as a family of prey. It's not unheard of for one Adamski to destroy another, all to win in the game of strategy.

Despite their high status and fear-fueling reputation, one has to question; are the Adamski not just an old family, desperately holding on to crumbling glory in the wake of new crime?

The answer is; an old dog can still bite, even in it's dying throes.
A fairly young family, the Avancini do not have much in ways of history or legend to weave their reputation. They're still getting their sea legs beneath them, comparing to the decades other criminals have on them; but what they lack in experience and roots, they make up in sheer ambition.

Created in the booming year of 1972, the original Avancini was a cartel member gone rogue, on the run from both the FBI and his old comrades. The Avancini did not come into this world peacefully; they were created with a hostage situation and the explosion of the mayor's hall. A scrappy gang of criminals joined together, pumping drugs into Saint's Height and killing all competition that wanted to run them out. Once the operation grew, it wasn't just drugs; hits, racketeering and arms trading quickly joined in, changing from the torn-up underdogs to a formidable enemy. The Avanicis now have not forgotten their predecessors' business savvy, even as the much larger family they are now.

With no rules for blood or gender, the Avancinis are a diverse group, build from people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. If you're loyal and good at what you do, then your own ambition is the limit. Older families might turn their noses up at their stray pack mentality and lack of tradition - but even they cannot deny that their wrath is not one to laugh over. They consider each other family, if not in blood, and hurting one brings the rest.

Smart, promising and the fresh blood Saint's Height desperately needs, the Avancini are a bright star in the sky; and questionably unstable in their balance. You can build a new house all you want. But the earth is old, and so are the other families. There is a reason they ruled so long, with the advantage they have over the Avancini.
01. the emperor
the boss of the adamski family, the emperor is as feared as they are revered. spoken to only in hushed voices and lowered heads, yet always looked up to to make a decision, their position is one of great power and danger alike. half of the city would rather see them dead - but you do not become the boss by inheritance alone. whether they dragged the throne to them with hands in covered in blood or pushed the previous monarch off it, one thing is clear. nothing in the family happens without their approval. even the city isn't allowed to burn down without asking them first. and if the boss has their eyes on you, well. they're a person you do not want to disappoint.

taken by ;; mother of sorrows mother of sorrows

02. the hierophant
the emperor's eldest child and deputy, raised to be the perfect heir, the hierophant seems to have everything they'd ever need. expensive hobbies, custom made clothing, elite schooling; only the best for the hierophant would suffice. highly educated and trained, perfect manners and steel cold nerves, they're expected to take over the family one day. everybody has their eyes on them, waiting to see if they'll swim... or sink. with all the privileges and power that comes with their position comes a grueling responsibility - and more than a few people holding their breath to see them fall. but just maybe, the hierophant will get to them first.

taken by ;; ravensunset ravensunset

03. the lovers
the emperor's younger child and soldier. as the baby of the family, their position was one to be envied. with all the privileges of being a boss' child without any of the harsh discipline, the lover has had the plushy life some only dream of. lavished with attention, love and extragavant gifts, the lover certainly never had to want for anything. any of their wishes was fulfilled with a snap of a finger. truly, it seems the lover can do no wrong in the family's eye - or at least, their parents'. how much everybody else appreciates the lover is up for debate. perhaps it was this forgiving upbringing that made them get involved with the avancini lover - or maybe it is something deeper than craving excitement.

taken by ;; LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki

04. the magician
the family's spy. with their wit, shrewdness and skulduggery, the magician thrives despite the traitorous environment they're in. spying on the avancinis and bringing their secrets back to the adamski family, the magician shifts between these two world seamlessly. they're like a fox; cover one exit, they have ten more ready. as mysterious as they are compelling, the magician is an enigma even to their own family. what thoughts lie beneath that smiling face, nobody knows. if you think you know the magician, you have to assume you don't know anything at all. only they know what they truly want - and how far they'll go to get it.

taken by ;;

05. judgement
the ex-deputy's child and soldier. born deeply involved with the main branch of the adamski family, judgement was raised alongside the boss' children as their close friend. their own parents, one of the emperor's most trusted members, didn't have much before they worked their way to the top. determined to give their child a better life than they had, they gave judgement all the love and attention they could. but as it was, karma has a funny sense of favoritism; judgement has barely grown up when their parents were murdered. and their killer? no other than the avancini's hitman, death. life isn't kind to those who have lost and it certainly wasn't kind to judgement either. all they have left is inherited money, a mansion in their name - and a strong thirst for justice.

taken by ;;

06. the hanged man
the mafia doctor of the family. intelligent, highly educated and unflinching in the face of gore, the hanged man is an irreplaceable piece to the board. whether they were taught the practice in the halls of universities, or in the back of seedy, unlicensed surgeries, they're the one keeping the blood of the family alive. bullet and stab wounds, poison, aftermath of torture - the hanged man is called in on the daily, stitching and operating into late hours. one might assume that makes them weak, only a passive role in the family. don't underestimate how medical knowledge can help you kill a man.

taken by ;; miyabi miyabi

07. wheel of fortune
the lover of the emperor, and a soldier. a fairly new face on the scene, the wheel of fortune has nonetheless risen up on the rank ladder fairly quickly - so fast, in fact, it made people raise an eyebrow. how does a newbie member, one that came out of nowhere with nary a connection, suddenly walk in the emperor's inner circle? the expensive gifts, uptown apartments and shared glances added up to a worrying picture - the wheel of fortune, a true nobody, has the boss wrapped around their little finger. an open secret, the wheel of fortune is a formidable enemy; you do not need to be stronger than your enemies. you just need to be smarter.

taken by ;;

08. the hermit
the black sheep of the family, a stain on the avancini's stronghold of a reputation, the hermit is a traitor and the son of traitors. their presence makes other nervous, especially due to their divided reputation. some call them a blood-thirsty monster, while others are convinced of their cowardice. not many know the truth. as the child of two avancini captains, their life was set for wroking under the family; until their parents, in a display of foolish ambition, tried a violent coup. it was a bloodbath, with bodies upon bodies left in it's wake. the hermit, as their child, was branded a traitor and cast out -nevermind that they had no idea about the coup, or even helped. the adamski welcomed them with open arms, wondering; 'just how much is this bitter little thing worth?'

taken by ;;
01. the empress
the new boss of the family. charming, intelligent and capable, the empress is a born leader - their presence inspires loyalty in those below them and wary fear in those against them. young, yet brilliant, the empress has only been the boss for a good year. them taking over in the wake of the previous's boss death was a rushed affair. maybe too rushed, with no time for the empress to set in their roots. the foundation they stand on is unstable at best; the city is more than ready to sink in it's teeth, but the empress might just be smart enough to withstand it. only time can tell if they'll bring the avancinis to new heights - or make the whole city sink with them.

taken by ;; mother of sorrows mother of sorrows

02. the high priestess
the second-in-command. the boss' right hand man, they are the group's most trusted member. oh, what secrets they know! it would make the city go mad if it knew half of what they do. from the most mundane prostitutes to the CEOs, the high priestess knows all; even if they do not know them in return. an ever-seeing eye with the versatility and manpower to back it up, the high priestess is a force to be reckoned with. as quick to offer you a deal as they are to unleash your secrets, the high priestess is a building block of the family. they can offer stable support - or dish out betrayal like no other. it all depends on how far their ambition will grow.

taken by ;;

03. death
the hitman of the family. if somebody needs to be taken care of, death is the person to go to. terrifyingly adept at killing and combat, death brings hushed whispers and horrified glances wherever they go. a near boogeyman with a bloodied reputation and lost list of victims, death is treated more like an attack dog than an actual hitman. not that this city would ever forget, anyway. even if death feels any remorse now, their sins follow them like a long shadow. there is no washing off the blood now - they will never be clean, no matter how hard they scrub. their victims haunt them in the quiet moments before sleep and the victim's families during hours of awareness. maybe the days will bring them peace, or bring them ever closer to the dark.

taken by ;; qunqun qunqun

04. the tower
a soldier of the family and the emperor's bastard child. kept a secret for as long as they can remember, there wasn't much meant for the tower in the adamski family. their very existence is a dirty secret, a stain on the emperor's reputation. raised with none of the luxury their siblings took for granted, the tower had to learn to be tough in order to survive. a scrappy dog, unrefined and bitter, but strikingly intelligent nonetheless. maybe the adamski see them as a black sheep, but they've settled well in the avancinis. being treated as less will do that to a person; sometimes people do not break, they snap. and perhaps that's exactly what happened to the tower. their greed and amibition might run unchecked in getting the birthright they deserve.

taken by ;;

05. the lovers
a captain of the family, responsible for the more violent jobs that need to be done. threatening, torture, striking the match to burn the city down - the lover is one that has stared into the abyss and has found it wanting. you do not have people die in your arms and stay the same. something, somewhere had to die in order for them to survive. loyal, yet deeply troubled, the lover is not a person that's easy to get to know. be it from a turbulent past, or a soul-scarring experience, the lover does not have just walls. they have guard towers and electric fences, ready to defend their vulnerabilities if they have to. dangerous as they are, they still seemed to have found some comfort in the adamski lover. stuck between affection and loyalty, they won't be able to hold this charade up forever - but for now, they have somebody to look forward to.

taken by ;; idiot idiot

06. the fool
the newest member of the family. a young criminal fresh out of prison, the fool has found themselves initiated into the avancini family. just maybe what the family needs - fresh blood, bringing new ideas and energy into the operation. inexperienced, yet promising and with a good head on their shoulders, the fool is brimming with potential waiting to be developed. at times too excitable, they still nonetheless provide a new outlook than the ones demanded by older criminals. what they lack in reputation, they make up with skill and quick learning ability. don't underestimate the fool just because they're new to the scene, lest you find yourself getting outwitted. though, their naivety and inexperience might hinder them - or even bring upon their downfall.

taken by ;;

07. the world
the family's hacker. a near-genius with an intimidating array of knowledge, the world is a professional regarding technology. cracking security and computer systems is only one part of their job; they're more than capable of navigating the digital landscape and shifting it to their liking. despite their mile-a-minute mind and skills, the world has a long history of wasted potential. no matter how much they tried, their environment seemed to have different plans. dead-ends, refused scholarships, unfairly graded projects - everybody and everything seemed intent on getting in their way, leaving them with little to no prospects despite their intellect. perhaps it was due to a family background, or due to their own behaviour; but whatever it was, a well-respected, high-end job is only a pipe dream. lucky for them, there's always a place for somebody like them in the world of crime.

taken by ;; miyabi miyabi

08. the devil
the captain responsible for everything involving entertainment, from casinos and drugs to red light districts. well-loved, popular and invited to the best parties in town, the devil is the family's very own celebrity. when they're not losing themselves in another's arms or getting high in a mansion bathroom, they're most likely at home recovering from one of these things. wildly turbulent, their life brings adoration at best; and awe of their self-destruction at worst. even with so many people scrambling for their attention, one has to notice there never seems to be anybody around when they need the support the most.

taken by ;; @robbie

*** all rpn rules apply. bigotry, bullying and ooc drama will not be tolerated.

*** please be respectful of your fellow writers! this goes without saying, but godmodding and overpowered characters are not allowed. since this plot will focus on exchange of power, schemes and dramatic reveals, your character might stand to lose now and then. please let others have their time in the spotlight! c-:

*** be at least 18+.

*** keep in mind this roleplay will include violence, gore and dark subject matters.

*** be able to post at least once per week. since real life can quickly get busy, i understand if you need a break or might not be able to post, but please let me know in advance.

*** on that note, please be able to write at least two paragraphs! i won't be too strict on this rule, seeing as different scenes demand different lengths + sometimes your motivation just isn't working with you. but please try to give some detail for others to reply to. no one liners.

*** if you have any triggers, let me know beforehand.

*** to make sure others will get a chance, the character limit is 1. but if there is not enough interest, i will raise it!

*** please have a discord. it will be used for ooc discussions, news, plotting and the like.


*** realistic faceclaims or descriptions only. no drawings or digital art.

*** please read the roles carefully. some of them are already reserved!

*** this will not be first come first serve. this isn't to be picky, but to have a cast of characters that maintain immersion and work well together. please do not be offended if your character isn't chosen!

*** keep in mind that while character death will be expected, it's not necessary and will not be done without permission. same with torture, injury, kidnapping, etc. if you do decide to kill a character, you'll of course be allowed to join back in with a new character.

*** roles that won't be filled will become npcs. these npcs will have their own ambitions and goals; some will be trustworthy, some not. it will be up to your character to find out!

*** character will be 20+. please be reasonable with character ages. some roles, like the emperor, have adult children so they cannot be expected to be younger than 40!

*** secrets and twists are very much welcome. you don't have to reveal everything about your characters.
Last edited:
Extremely interested! The Magician and either The Fool or The Tower sound like roles I could provide.
๐Ÿฆง boy what the hell boy yall better WANT IN
excited to see the new characters ๐Ÿ‘€
small bump!!
we are still accepting! i'll have the cs up by today. c:
i.... not gonna lie i forgot i had that one linked. ๐Ÿงโ€โ™‚๏ธ but no, i'll make a new one to keep things tidy/less, confusing!

the ooc and character sheets are updated and ready to go! c': feel free to post there!
Unicutie Unicutie
hi!! i'm glad you're interested! :bishiesparklesr: this isn't first come first serve, so i'll send the discord to those who got accepted once the character sheets are done. c:

๐Ÿฟ okay but avancini supremacy
miyabi miyabi the avancini have two big ass mfs with issues, a depressed hacker and jin. where is the supremacy. ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ
miyabi miyabi the avancini have two big ass mfs with issues, a depressed hacker and jin. where is the supremacy. ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ
now look ๐Ÿฆ adamski has theo and thats enough
it's still open, yeah! c:

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