In Character Roleplay

|Emrys Harcourt|

Emrys jumped as he heard a voice beside him. He was about to provide the character with a scathing response, his sharp tongue at the ready, until he saw Owain.

At the sight of his brother, he relaxed, if only a little. He didn't mind sharing his thoughts with Owain, as he was the sibling Emrys felt closest to. "Honestly? Terrible. Sitting in a suit surrounded by bigots and liars doesn't exactly breed happiness," He sighed. "But alas, Bramble asked this of me. I could hardly refuse." He shook his head. Bramble had enough on her plate, and he didn't want to add to his dear sister's burden. 

"But enough about me," He raised an eyebrow suggestively. "How about you? You're awfully popular with the noblewomen, so I imagine you aren't lacking entertainment."


 Bramble turned back around, facing Tobias once more, her skirts rustled, just slightly dragging on the ground. It was a beautiful white gown, more formal in attire, with silver thread on the bodice-corsetted part, that made silver leaves and swirling vine designs. Her dark locks up in a loose crown braid that let some short dark locks of hair frame her face. 

He looked amused, when most gentlemen wouldn't have liked her mouth or her feisty attitude. But he seemed to like it, feeling suddenly giddy, it took her a moment to realize he asked her to dance. Her eyes seemed to light up, and one side of her lips curved up into a smile, her heart thumped rapidly with excitement. 

"And yet, the most intriguing man here." Bramble teased as she took his hand,  unable to suppress a smile. Barely noticing Owain leave the two alone. The orchestra began a new melody, a Christmas Jig. One of Bramble's favorite dances. In this step, the lady put her hand to the gentleman's, raised it to eye level, and turned about each other. And yet, the only thing Bramble could think about was who's hand she was touching. 

@Esther_Silvers @Nidelia

~Tobias King~

All those worked of being rejected or too lowly disappeared in an instant as Bramble took her slender hand into his, and Tobias felt his heart thump in excitement. He let out a slight laugh, as Bramble praised him, smiling as he answered, "It seems we think alike, then."

Tobias raised his partner's hand to eye level, and so it began.

The song was a Christmas jig, and it had a decently-paced beat to it, and Tobias felt as if all the moves came naturally to him. Which was a wonder, because he had no talent when it came to dancing. He gazed back at Bramble, knowing it must be some sort of spell. It felt as if the universe had pulled them together, that each were destined to be the other's lover. Dancing with Bramble felt so natural, so amazingly comfortable, and they fit perfectly together, piece by puzzle piece.  

The jig became more lively, and the pace quickened. Tobias made Bramble twirl, her beautiful silvery-white gown flowing around her body in magnificent waves. He laughed and kept dancing, enjoying himself for the first time in a longtime. 

Everything was going so perfectly.

Until disaster struck. True to his word, Tobias suddenly began fumbling, as if he had two left feet. He stepped onto Bramble's foot by accident, condemning her to the hard, cold, marble floor.

But he caught her. 

Thanks to his quick reflexes, gained by training in the force, Tobias managed to save her. He caught her by the waist, his arm slipping against her backside, his sturdy build preventing her from falling.

And now, Tobias had Bramble in his arms, as if reenacting a classic Prince Charming. Tobias gazed, stupened, into his partner's equally startled, yet beautiful, eyes, trying to process what happened. He stared on, noticing every little detail of Bramble's attractive face, every little imperfection, and found himself loving it.

His dark, murky blue eyes landed on her full, natural lips, and then suddenly, he felt the urge to kiss her.



Mother had once told her about this perfect twining into one. She called it interweave, and said it was hard to do, for it took the perfect matching of the partners' strengths to overshadow each other's weaknesses, meshing into one glorious dance. Bramble felt the giddiness of being locked in not a pairing, but a dance. Not like dancing with those ghastly suitors, never holding her breath and wishing for the dance to end. Now, spinning from Tobias's hand, her eyes closed, spinning back and feeling him catch her, she felt the thrill of the dance, of being matched, flow through her. 

Bramble was like dancing with a delicate, spinning top, her feet taking over instantly. She loved this. The feeling of stretching herself tight, releasing, spinning, falling breathless and feeling the air across her cheeks. It was magic. The warm flickery bit Mother had always tried to tell them about. Tobias was stupendous, it was the best dance Bramble had ever experienced. Everything felt normal in his arms, like there was no Malice, no magic, no dead parents. Bramble was well,...happy. 

Then, Tobias began to fumble before Bramble could even process it, it was as bad as dancing with Lord Howell for the short moment, it caught her off guard and Bramble stumbled on the transition step, then Tobias stepped on her foot, and she was suddenly falling, the moment it dawned on her when she knew it was to late to catch herself, she closed her eyes, bracing for impact against the marble floor. 

But it never came. 

Tobias caught her with quick, swift reflexes, grasping her about her waist, and holding her up from falling, Bramble hadn't even realized she'd wrapped both arms around his neck at the same moment in an attempt to catch herself as well. 

She found herself gazing into his dark, blue eyes, so deep that one could get lost in them for hours, entranced by his gaze, unable to tear her eyes away from his own melting, inhumanly attractive, chiseled face. Everything seemed to disappear around her except for Tobias, and all she wanted to do was press her lips to his in that moment, but Bramble, being Bramble, was terrified of it. 

Terrified of love. 


Sarah Harcourt 

She would give her sibling a questioning stare for a moment, as she was confused for a moment. Prior to the sudden appearance of the servant Sarah had gotten up and was rearing, and ready to bound up on the mount with her sister aid. However, in light of this, a servant appearance caused her to whip around. She would give Derren a bewildered stare before tilting her head to the side,"..."She was obviously turning down the drink she eyed the stranger up and down, herself .but naturally kept herself between him and her sibling.Her hand vanishing to her hip of her shroud, dulllshe clutched the hilt of a hidden training blade it was bluntdullbut could offer some defense if this man meant ill. Though to be fair she was only good for one swing with it being much to heavy , as her balance would be off after a swing. Though without any evidence she suspected this servant was in Malice pocket and had been sent out here kill them she laugh mentally she refuses to as helpless as her parents. She just need him to get closer to her to unleash an attack on him, though with time he could persuade her of his intention but at as it stood Sarah felt threaten at his sudden appearance.

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♔ Elisa Harcourt ♔

Elisa's head tilted slightly at his kindness, before she put her hands round Sarah's shoulder protectively and unaware of the training sword she had. "It's nice to meet you Darren. Just call me Elisa, no miss is needed." Her smile grew slightly before she grazed down to Sarah seeing her hand creeping round to something she was holding. It made Elisa slightly tense unaware of what she was going to try and do. She couldn't allow Sarah to hurt someone for offering a drink. Clearing her throat he gaze went back up to Darren. "This is Sarah. Say hello, no need to be rude littl'in." Ruffling Sarahs hair gently. Elisa wanted her to relax and see that not everyone was cruel in the world.

While he stood in there, pulling at his collar, Darren saw Sarah reach around for her back something. Stand between him and Elisa, which went away to show her distrust of him. It made sense they, in the current climate everyone had to be careful who they spoke to and what they said to them. Still, it didn't make him feel any more at ease.  "Oh okay then," Darren says with a brief smile creeping upon his face. Looking back towards the younger child Darren says "Hello Sarah, I understand why you would be nervous about people, but trust me I have no love for the person who currently sits upon the throne" with a cold twang in his voice. @Kiowa @Kinzu Hekmatyar
In one corner of the ballroom, Malice gently took a lady's hand in his and pressed his lips over them, she giggled madly/nervously, and blushed to shame. An automatic pleasantly. The fact that Malice was seemingly enjoying himself was disturbing. His black eyes narrowed on Robert as he approached, anything to

male him feel weaker. The nobles in turn, stared at Robert in wonder and distaste. 

"Ah! The tutor, I don't believe we have." Malice said in a calm, cool tone. Giving Robert a formal bow, that could've been mocking. Malice smiled. "Do not haste away, Mr. Poricue, I'm sure we'll get better acquainted some other time tonight." He said lazily, before literally, dissapearing, vanishing into thin air. 

The orchestra suddenly cut off quite suddenly, and the ballroom fell into a hush, people stopped dancing as Malice stood at the front of the ballroom, climbing up the two marble steps to the empty throne. He turned, facing the crowd, now able to see each face among the crowd. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," Malice began, dipping into a graceful bow, silkily and smooth, just as his voice. "It has been a long time coming, as such, I would like a toast. To new prosperity." He smiled, his white teeth gleamed, it reminded Bramble of a wolf. 

A murmur of agreements and disagreements Servants hurried and around the room with trays of red wine. Handing a glass of wine to each and every guest. 

As standard protocol with a new King, everybody raised there glasses. "Long live the King." The crowd murmured in unison, raising there glasses into the air before they took a drink. Everybody but Bramble, who pressed her lips thinly together and glared at Malice amidst the crowd, not taking a sip of wine. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. 

"To celebrate the new dawn," Malice paused, his eyes looked through the crowd until they found Owain, Bramble, and Emyrs. "I have hung the bodies of the late King and Queen in the town square. May their reign be forgotten." 

Some of the gasped, and some people/traitors praised him for it. Others just stood, frozen, hands over there mouths  in shock and horror. 

Bramble paled completly, feeling her stomach drop, feeling like she could vomit. A boiling sensation burned through her, one so hot, the only thing on her mind was that she wanted to kill him. She wanted to rip the eyes from his body and stab him a million times for the suffering he'd inflicted on her siblings, and people, her eyes flared a bright yellow, a look that said she was about to do something rash. 

But she never got the chance. 

A servant pushed through the crowd in a hurry, there was a murmur amoung them, and Bramble stood straight to see. The servant ran uo the the two steps, Boeing so low his nose nearly touched the floor, in both his hands, he grasped a gleaming silver crown, with sharp pointed edges and gold patterns, it reminded her of a spiders web of a sort, the way it looked menacing, and the weblike shapes on it. Malice's eyes took in the crown, a hint of a smile showing his long dimples. His eyes glinted with hunger. 

Bramble took in his face. His sleek ponytail, his pale face. His dead eyes. 

Malice ran his gloved, pointed fingers over the crown, he closed his eyes and deeply inhaled, as if taking in its scent. Bramble watched with curiosity and disgust. He set the crown on the throne, and with a snap of his fingers, the orchestra started up again, and people resumed there dancing, others talked in quiet, frantic hushes. 

Still a deadly pale, Bramble had by now, lost her stupor and romantic mood. She turned to Tobias. "Rotter." She muttered, referring to Malice. She tried to muster up a grin, but she worried for her siblings. She had to keep them out of town. "I'm sure the wee chicks are bored out of there minds, I'll see you later." Bramble mustered a grin, dipping a curtsy to Tobias.

She was almost at the grand doors, just wanting to leave, and be alone with her thoughts for a bit.

"My lady," came a smooth voice from behind. Bramble turned around to see Malice, watching her with dark eyes, a length away. He smiled, and the two long dimples on each side of his mouth deepened. 

Bramble stepped back, discreetly trying to unclench her fists. His eyes seemed to see right into her. 

"Do forgive me," he said, taking a step closer to her. His feet made no sound. "Perhaps I could have the honor of this dance?" 

Bramble imagined herself in Malice's arms, and the piccolo trill in her chest squeaked into tones only tiny birds could hear. If he danced like he moved—in smooth ripples—he was a very good dancer indeed. Bramble wanted to convulse. 

“I thought you said you couldn’t,” said Delange crossly, whom had followed him like a lost puppy. 

“My lady, I said I do not dance. That does not mean I cannot.”

“Do you know the Entwine?” Asked another noble lady. 

The Entwine was a tricky waltzlike dance, and a competitive one, where the lady and the gentleman each held an end of a long sash and weren’t allowed to let go. The gentleman would try to “catch” the lady—bringing the sash about her wrists by pulling her into under-arm turns and stepping about her, while the lady would turn and unspin and twist out of his arms, trying to keep the sash from tangling. It was Bramble's favorite. 

Malice strode to Bramble her eyes glared daggers at him, his dark eyes drinking her in. His cloak billowed behind him.

“My lady,” he said, without turning his eyes from

Bramble, “I invented it.”

In a satinlike movement, Malice had wrapped Bramble's arm about his and had escorted her to the middle of the dance floor. So silky and gentle. Bramble  blinked and realized that he had turned her around into an open dance position. She swallowed. It was hard.

Malice flicked his hand, and a long sash appeared from nowhere. He shook it out with a snap. The bright red color flared against the pale whites and silvers. Bramble flinched.

A gentleman took out his pocket watch to watch the time.

 The Entwine was exactly three minutes long. The people stopped dancing, parting in the crowd and watching Bramble and Malice with awe, disgust, and curiosity. Bramble burned with humiliation.  The orchestra began a slow waltz.

Bramble shook, nervous, and scared, pale, as Malice stepped in time, turning the sash about her as she stepped out. He did dance like he walked and spoke, with polished movements. Unhumanly graceful.

“My lady glides like a swan,” he said. He pulled the sash up and brought her under his arm. “You are the best I have ever danced with. And I, my lady, have danced with many.”

He pulled the sash even closer, and Bramble caught a look in his eye—the same hungry glint she had seen when he had the crown. 

Convulsively, Bramble dropped the end of her sash.

That was immediate disqualification. The orchestra stopped.

“Only forty-five seconds,” said Delange, looking at the watch over the gentlemans shoulder disappointed.

“You know, Malice,” said Bramble, coldly, angered that he'd forced her to dance. So she challenged him. 

 “We’ve never really been properly introduced. Mother always said—”

“Ah, your mother,” said Malice. His black eyes were completely emotionless. “I expect your mother always had sweet little things to say. Such as, ‘You’re only a princess if you act like one,’ and other such nonsense.”

“Well,” said Bramble, coloring angrily “What’s wrong with that?”

Malice gave her a thin, cold smile.

“Nothing at all,” he said.

“You know, she's right,” said Delange as the crowd began to resume the dancing and chatter. "Where did you learn how to dance like that?”

Malice's thin, cold smile became even colder.

“I once knew a lady,” he said, “who could dance the Entwine nearly as well as Miss Bramble.”

Then all hell broke loose.

A lady screamed, and random, selected people started to fall to the floor, clutching themselves and screaming in pain and agony, poisoned. 

Malice lazily regarded them, people convulsed and screamed in pain. Abenthy's poison had succeeded. And just as he said he would, he'd used it on all his enemy's. 

Suddenly, the ballroom doors smashed open, as did windows from outside, men dressed in rags and common clothing held pistols, bayonets and weapons. Nobels and lords and ladiesscreamed as they began firing on the people. Running and fleeing for any exit possible, screaming in horror as family and friends dropped dead. Shots fired and swords clanged as the guards began to attack the intruders. The guards already out numbered them. 

What the common people didn't know, was that Malice treated the nobels and wealthy just as bad, and most were even against him. 

A man kneeled across the ballroom, aimed his bayonet for Malice and fired. 

Quick. Tight. Fast. Malice grabbed Bramble's arm and whipped her around, pulling her in front of him. The bullet hit Bramble in the waist as Malice used her as a human shield. Bramble cried out , collapsing to the floor in a heap. More shots fired, battle raging in the ballroom. 

It was horrific. 

@Esther_Silvers @Proxploxtops @Lost @Kiowa @Kinzu Hekmatyar @Inheritance  @Nidelia
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♔ Elisa Harcourt ♔

Elisa was about to speak before the Malices speech began. the window she was sat on still slightly ajar she could hear everything. Her face went a silky pale before she vomited slightly to the side. Her head felt dizzy, her heart was almost bursting and tear grew in her eyes. She wrapped herself round Sarah tightly as if I mother would to a newborn. She didn't want the siblings who were younger than her to know of what he'd meant. But there was no shielding them from the truth. Not what they would find out within their own kingdom. Her body felt weak as water as she glanced up to Darren in front of her, she couldn't speak any words or any sounds but that of her crying. 

Yet it wasn't over. When the gunfire began and the screams of the people inside rose from the windows, she threw herself round Sarah protecting her from any harm that would come. But it wouldn't be without sacrifice. While those with the guns were accurate you can't always see where a bullet goes. Smashing through the window behind her, one of the bullets had caught wind and blasted towards Elisa, Sarah and Darren. While Elisa had shielded Sarah a bullet and flown through and landed in Elisa's lower back. She screamed out letting go of Sarah and falling on her side. The blood slowly dripped out as she shrivelled up into pain, she couldn't protect her sister, she couldn't protect her people, she couldn't even protect herself.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar @SirGrey
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Owain was watching everything with extreme skepticism, he didn't drink when everyone else did either, like his sister Bramble, he simply held his cup, in fact, if Emrys tried to drink he'd have stopped him.  Then the king continued on, drolling it out, then challenging his sister to a dance.  He heard madam Delange say that it had been forty-five seconds.  He knew that his sister could have gone longer than that, but he also knew that Malice disgusted his sister, making her want to quit.  He bit the inside of his cheek so as to prevent himself from saying something.

But then it happened, people started screaming, clutching at their bodies, screaming in pain, even clawing at the feet of those who were not probably.  He then saw the doors burst open and saw the open fire start.  He looked at Bramble, he knew he couldn't get to her, so he had to do what he could.  Elisa and Sarah were outside and Emrys next to him.  He grabbed Emrys' arm and pulled him over the table behind them, dragged him up to the window and pushed him out the window and followed after him.  As they got out of the window he stood up and looked over in time to see Elisa receive a stray bullet through the window into her back.  "ELISA!" he shouted.  He looked at Emrys and grabbed him by the shoulders.  "Get Sarah and get to the stables, I'll grab Elisa and her horse and meet you there.  Now go!" he says pushing Emrys in the direction of Sarah as he went running for Elisa.

A guard spotted him running outside the windows and took aim.  Owain had always been a fast runner and had good muscle in his legs, so when the guard took the shot, he only grazed Owain's lower back.  When he did though Owain got on the defensive, as soon as he reached Elisa he picked her up and darted to the rest of the wall where there were no more windows, skirted up the side quickly, got to her horse, he laid her on her stomach across the front of the horse, jumped on, and rode for the stables at a full gallop.  He didn't want to leave Bramble and the little ones in the castle, but he hadn't a choice.  In this scenario he had to save who he could, and at this point that was Elisa, Emrys, and Sarah.  Tears threatened at his eyes but he blinked them away, this was NOT the time for grief, yet.



Abigail watched from the tables, eating dough balls as everything went down, her eyes widening in horror upon the scene, and then the guards with guns came in.  She screamed as she dropped to all fours and shuffled under one of the tables to be hidden by the table cloth (assuming these are actual party tables and the cloths reach the floor lol).  As she hid there she heard a window crash open, and heard prince Owain's voice from outside instructing someone to go to the stables.  Tears were stinging her eyes as she was so scared.  She was a musician, she hadn't signed up for this, but she didn't dare run.

She remained under the table, where she felt relatively safe.  She wasn't a threat to the king, so if she survived, he'd hopefully just swear her to secrecy and keep her on as a musician.  She was an orphan, no one would miss her if he kept her here in the castle.  She let out a shaky silent sob and the tears began to hit the floor as she remained on all floors under the table.

Chad Gregory/Ethan Jones

Gunfire. It was coming from the ballroom. Some of the kids are inside! Chad ran towards the ballroom, the exquisitely crafted windows were shatted and, screams could be heard from the inside. It was horrific.

When Chad entered he realised just how bad it was: Commerners were taking nobles hostage, killing them and, Bramble lay on the floor next to Malice.

It had been 16 years since he'd seen the girl and she'd turned out to be a real beauty. At lest that's what she would be is she wasn't wounded in her waist from extensive blood loss.

Chad ran up to them and bowed before Malice,

"Your majesty I am Ethan Jones, a servant."

He didn't look up, not because he was a king but because, he didn't want to see his filthy face.

"I know some basic medical skills and think I may be able to help the girl."

he proclaimed, but he was sure Malice didn't want to save Bramble so he continued,

"The attackers support the old royalty, right? If they knew who she was they wouldn't kill her, they'd want to. If we keep her alive she'd be very useful hostage for getting you, your majesty, out safely don't you think? 

@Ms. Sparrow
|Emrys Harcourt|

Emrys watched with pure hatred as Malice announced the desecration of their parents bodies. He watched as the nobles started falling left and right, dead. He watched as, seemingly according to Malice's plan, the bullets began to fly. How could he do this? The king was mad, a monster! 

The young prince was about to find the king, to kill him, until Owain pulled him out of his stupor. His brother was right; family mattered more.

Emrys nodded, then began shoving through the crowd towards Sarah. It was a struggle, considering he was going against the flow, but eventually he made it to his sister. He grabbed Sarah, practically dragging her against her will, and, though not according to plan, he spotted the person he was looking for: Robert. He knew he could trust only his teacher with what was to come next. "Robert, I need you to take Sarah to the stables." He shouted over the chaos, and shoved Sarah towards Robert. While he knew the man wouldn't appreciate the sudden responsibility, Emrys hardly had time to explain. He wouldn't leave his sister, and he couldn't waste more time, lest Malice got Bramble killed.

He once again fought against the stream of people, finally reaching Malice. For once, he ignored the king, and fell to his sister's side. "Bramble, are you okay? Can you walk?"


@Ms. Sparrow
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|Emrys Harcourt|

Emrys watched with pure hatred as Malice announced the desecration of their parents bodies. He watched as the nobles started falling left and right, dead. He watched as, seemingly according to Malice's plan. How could he do this? The king was mad, a monster! 

The young prince was about to find the king, to kill him, until Owain pulled him out of his stupor, or rather a window. He was about to rush back inside, before he heard Owain. His brother was right; family mattered more.

Emrys nodded, then began shoving through the crowd of frantic people towards Sarah. He was quite amazed at how many of the people had even got out of the castle. It was a struggle, considering he was going against the flow, but eventually he made it to his sister. He grabbed Sarah, practically dragging her against her will, and, though not according to plan, he spotted the person he was looking for: Robert. He knew he could trust only his teacher with what was to come next. "Robert, I need you to take Sarah to the stables." He shouted over the chaos, and shoved Sarah towards Robert. While he knew the man wouldn't appreciate the sudden responsibility, Emrys hardly had time to explain. He wasn't going to leave his sister inside with that murderer. And he couldn't waste any time, lest Malice got Bramble killed.

He once again fought against the stream of people leaving, finally reentering the building and reaching Malice. For once, he ignored the king, and fell to his sister's side. "Bramble, are you okay? Can you walk?"


@Ms. Sparrow @Proxploxtops @Kinzu Hekmatyar
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Sarah Harcourt

Their disarming natures were effective between her sister's hand, and the man words she was slowly persuaded mentally to release the blade. Turning away from the stranger,"..." looking at her sister for that brief moment, then the crack of a firearm than another, Sarah only felt her sister form cover her than a scream from her sister who went toppling downward. suddenly crouching down, as she saw her sibling bleeding all alarm screaming that should be happening as she suddenly pressed her hands down with the intention of trying to stop the flow. That's when their big brother came race by scooping Elisa up and loading her up on the horseback, blinking a few times what was happening that when her other sibling appeared. Dragging her along to her teacher only glancing at her teacher blinking a few times, at the chaos, she didn't under the reasons behind it, however, what she did grasp was that they were in danger. Her first thought was to dash off to the youngest siblings room now to secure them, than to flee with them. Without a thought to her own health, she took off dashing she would be seen heading off in the direction of the children room wing. Dipping and dodging the throng of people and revolting people her simple mind only thinking about helpless younger three. 


Abenthy Majere

He of course went to the ball. He talked to very little people, wearing the contacts he had designed, making his eyes a deep shade of green. Most people didn't know him, and wouldn't know any difference. He saw their drinks, their food...and knew they were going to die. He was simply too good at what he did to even think they had a chance of failing. He watched people fall and jackknife around, a horrific scene that gave him...odd pleasure. Then...the fight.

GODS he knew this was about to happen. He faked a terrified run and ran behind one of the attacks...that were attacking MALICE. He drew his short sword, and stabbed the man in the neck. Nature's Off Switch, he called it. No way was he about to turn on Malice. They would not win, they simply couldn't. Malice was just too strong. He cut down another, and another. While he was not a very great swordsman, he could easily kill distracted or wounded people. And then, he heard the crying...

The others were too busy with Malice to notice, but he saw a musician hiding, crying. A soft spot hit...and a pain he hadn't felt since his parent's death came to his heart. He shakily sheathed his weapon, and very swiftly darted to her. He put a hand on her shoulder, and said" "My lady,  it is not safe here. I can take you to safety, but you must wait here for a quick minute. Take this" He shoved a dagger into her hands. "Kill anyone that tries to hurt you. Go for the eyes if you are disarmed, if you have the weapon slash the throat or ribs." He wasn't a fighter of any kind, but it seemed that being a Doctor it helped to know this. "I will return"

He then darted off towards Malice. He saw the young prince...but couldn't afford to care. "Your highness, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job or anything, but I believe some MAGIC may be good here yes? Here." He tossed him a vile of white liquid. "That is essentially an anesthetic. You won't feel a thing while casting your magic, I can tend to any wounds later, of anyone you wish. I am going to escort the loyalists from the battle. I also put salt in the Black Powder storage-they will be feeling those effects soon." He then bolted off to the girl again...

"Ready to go madame? I can get you out safely, let me think for a second." He surveyed the bloody room...

@Ms. Sparrow @Lost @SilverSkyWolf @Nidelia


As she sobbed a man pulled up the cloth and looked at her, he told her that he'd help her, then gave her a dagger, telling her how to kill, she couldn't kill, then told her to wait a moment of course, where was she going to go by herself?  He was funny.  It was all she could do to nod through her sobs to acknowledge what he was saying to her, she was almost to the point of hyperventilating, but was staving it off, only just.  When the man put the cloth down and left again she clung her dagger her chest as she tried to make herself silent once more, not wanting anyone else to notice she was there like the strange man had.

Then next thing she knew, he was back, asking her if she was ready, once again, it was all she could do to nod in response.  She reached a shaky hand out to him for him to take and help her out.  She didn't know if she could trust him, but at this point, she had a feeling she'd be ending up dead either way, so she was going to take her chances with this man.

( @Inheritance )
Malice ignored the heaving Bramble at his feet, curled in a ball and clutching her waist, dress stained with blood. Malice's black eyes narrowed at the servant, kneeling at Bramble's feet, he stared contemplatively at the two of them before lazily waving his hand. 

"Fine, do what you can. I don't really care." He replied calmly. His eyes surveyed the room as if nothing were happening. 

Malice didnt even acknowledge Emyrs, his eyes remained thin slits as Abenthy approached and yelled at him. He'd be punished later. 

Suddenly, the ballroom came to life. The window drapery cords snatched at the intruders, wrapppibg around their waists and neck, strangling them to death. 

The glass shards on the floor began to float upwards, and fly, rapidly circling around the room at a rapid pace, before striking there targets, hitting the remaining intruders, piercing them in multiple areas, the ones left alive were finished off by the guards. 

The battle was over, blood fresh on the marble, nobles and servants, along with the rebels scattered, lifeless, some mouths open in silent screams. Others sat on there knees and wept for there losses, done tended to those injured. Snow fluttered inside from the broken window. 

It was tragic. 

Bramble heaved for breath, the impact of the bullet deeply affecting her slender, fragile figure. She clutched her bleeding waist, feeling the searing pain made her cry out, and she attempted to blink the black blotches from her vision, the room spun around her. She was losing blood, too much blood. 

She faintly heard the sound of battle subside. Malice had disappeared, and she opened her eyes, realizing Emyrs had said something, she blinked at him, her yellow-green eyes still had her spark in them. "That's rum, I...I...why the hell...aren't with Owain...? he okay? Are..are the wee chicks o-okay? Are...are you?"  Bramble asked weakly, her eyes filled with worry for her siblings 

@Lost @Inheritance @SilverSkyWolf @Nidelia
♔ Elisa Harcourt ♔

Thrown over the horse, Elisa couldn't do much other than scream in pain. The only two thoughts that were going through her mind were that she'd kept Sarah safe, and that she was going to die. It was pain she had never felt before, something she didn't want to continue experiencing. She'd injured herself before, falling off her horse when jumping, trapping her hand in the piano..but this, this felt worse than anything before. The blood was streaming from her back down the horses shoulders, her head felt dizzy and her vision was going fuzzy. Her voice was pained and broken as tears streamed down her face. "O-wain..I'm -sorry.."  

Chad Gregory/ Ethan Jones

"You're gonna be fine." Chad said to Bramble was only just continuous. He ripped the sleeve of his top and wrapped it tightly round Bramble's waist, stopping the bleeding. They'd need to get her to a doctor.

Looking at at Emrys Chad asked, Can you help me carry her?" Chances were he was one of the 12 siblings so he'd defiantly have reason to help her. Hoisting Bramble onto his shoulder he looked at Emrys and ordered "Help me carry her!" 

@Ms. Sparrow@Lost


"Shhhh Elisa, don't speak, save your strength, we're not even a mile from town and the town doctor, you're going to live sweetheart," he says placing one hand over the hole in her back and pushing down.  Years of horseback combat training made him able to control the horse one handed while he applied pressure to the wound to staunch the bleeding.  He wasn't going to lose Elisa, so instead of heading to the stables, he headed out, for the town, he didn't have time, he could only hope that Emrys would be smart enough to head to the town behind him.  He wasn't going to lose any of his siblings, no matter what.

Upon reaching the town he rode to the doctor's hovel, where he jumped off the horse, leaving Elisa there for a moment as he started pounding on the doctor's door.  It was only a second before the doctor opened and Owain grabbed Elisa and carried her inside, where the doctor began to treat her.

( @Kiowa I'll need you to take over the doctor and go over the extent of her injuries.  :3  Since that's the point we're at.  ^.^)
|Emrys Harcourt|

Emrys shook his head. "I wasn't going to leave you, Bramble. We're family." He turned his gaze towards the door. "As for Owain and the others, I'm fairly certain they got out okay. I'm more worried about you." He couldn't help but wince as he beheld his sister. She was in a sorry state, and he was beyond worried.

The young prince blinked as a man came, and picked up Bramble. He was even more surprised the stranger picked up his sister, and demanded help. "Yes, yes, of course," Emrys stuttered. "Thank you for helping us." The stranger had decided to help them, despite seeing Malice's wrath tonight. For that, Emrys was thankful. He stood up, and helped the man pick up his sister. "I can't say I'm well versed in healing, but I'll do what I can to help."


@Ms. Sparrow @SilverSkyWolf

Bramble relaxed as Emyrs reassured her.  Her siblings would be okay, Owain aqabso she was told, she struggled to keep her eyes open, her green eyes searching for another familiar face she desperately wanted to see. 

She felt more blood blood pour into the sleeve as she was lifted up, Bramble but her lip from crying out as Emyrs and someone else picked her up, Bramble hung limply. 

"I-is Tobias okay?" She asked, trying to log her head up to look for him, but her head felt like it weighed a tone of bricks. @Esther_Silvers. @Lost @SilverSkyWolf
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|Emrys Harcourt|

Despite the situation, Emrys couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure your boyfriend's find. He is a guard, after all." He was glad Bramble had found someone such as Tobias. After their parents passed, she worked so hard for others that Emrys had been worried his sister wouldn't take care of herself. She had taken on a burden that threatened to overwhelm her. Yet this guard helped ease it, and made his sister happy; that was the only reason the young prince needed to like the man.


@Ms. Sparrow @Esther_Silvers
(Aw geez, I need to catch up! Can someone recap for me?)

((After Tobias and Bramble danced, Malice basically praised himself as King, and notified everybody of hanging the late King and Queens body in the town square, everybody made a toast and drank wine. Bramble attempts to leave the ball, but Malice makes her dance the "Entwine" with him. Bramble convulsively drops the sash, then random, selected people start dropping to the floor screaming, Malice poisoned them. Then, the windows crash open, and the ballroom doors burst open as common folk with weapons start firing on the nobles and anyone else. Malice threw Brambke in front of him, and she got shot with a bayonet. Outside, Elise gets shot in the back from a bullet that comes through the window, and Owain rushed her to the town for immediate medical aide. Guards clash with intruders until Malice horrifically kills them off. Now the battles over, and Emyrs and a someone else, are picking up a barely conscious Bramble.))

Robert Poricue


Robert didn't need telling twice. Malice was in no mood to speak and so he only had one choice: to walk away and watch over the children. He had only gotten so far when the shots were fired. He hadn't quite noticed the screams of the poisoned nobility due to the confusion.


Among the chaos, he had lost sight of Malice and Bramble, confused by the smoke and loud noise from everywhere. He saw bodies drop like flies, the guards scrambling and dieing and civilians with bayonets dropping. He tried to look for the kids, blood being splattered on the floor. The room became a mini-battlefield. The only thing he spotted was Owain and Elisa making their grand escape. The fools! The rebels if course had to make a scene, they cared not for who was innocent and who was not.


Robert scrambled around the room, ducking for cover. He saw a dead guard beside him, weapons dropped and a satchel of ammo to his side. The gun made its way to his hand and suddenly he was off, trying to defend himself against guards and rebels. He eventually found Sarah who appeared beside her and grabbed her by the arm, slinging the gun to his back. Of course, he never fired it and never dared to, it'd be much to long to reload and firing it had the slight chance of killing a friendly. He dared not risk it and instead took to bayonet fighting.


"Sarah! Follow me!" Robert shouted as he took her arm and dragged her to the courtyard.



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