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Fantasy Imperfection

Literally Batman

World's Greatest Detective

What chaos can there be in a field of perfection?
What trouble can be brought in a sea of tranquility?
It is simple: serenity is only an illusion
Underneath the gilded layers of peace there is always the flame of imperfection

History of Eden
The Earth has always been a chaotic place. Throughout history there has always been conflicts and fights on the part of the humans on Earth, who have attempted to take over and slaughter each other for wealth, land, power, or just the bloodlust. This chaos disappointed Divinity, the seldom-worshiped universal deity of peace. Divinity knew that he could not intervene in the bloody wars that humans were constantly engaged in, for that would betray his code of peace. He decided, however, that he would create an island separate of humans. An island where peace would be widespread, where fighting would not occur.

This island was named Eden, and it was a luscious isle of green and fauna. However, Divinity found that his isle was rather lonely. He knew that humans would, by nature, cause chaos, so he instead decided to create new races to put on the island. He created two types of creature- the Sentient and the Savage. The Sentient races, races that could think for themselves and use Magic, a spiritual force that Divinity gifted upon the isle of Eden, quickly populated the island.

At first they were peaceful, mingling among each other without qualms. That was soon to change. The races began to argue, claiming that each was better than the other. Soon, much to Divinity's dismay, the races broke up and formed their own countries. The Elves created the kingdom of Elvia deep within the forests of Eden. The Dwarves burrowed themselves into the mountains and created the kingdom of Davius. The Sirens left the land of Eden and built a kingdom of its shores, naming it Seallea. Lastly, the Wilderlife created a kingdom to the east of the land, naming it Beasthome. The rest of the races, the rare occurrences that did not have enough of each other to band together and form kingdoms, were forced to wander the lands, left to their own devices.

It was inevitable, Divinity predicted, that war would break out, and break out it did. The Great War was a deadly war, with the Sentient races using the magic that Divinity had gifted them. Thousands of all the races were killed. When the fighting subsided, there was no clear victor, and contrary to Divinity's hopes, relationships did not improve from there on. Tensions still remained high in Eden, and fighting would ensue when two people of opposite races met. Divinity, depressed and disappointed, left. The void that Divinity left gave birth to another spirit, the god of chaos, Discord. Discord immediately began to work his powers.

It has been 40 years since the end of the Great War. So far, the disappearance of Divinity and the arrival of Discord has gone unnoticed so far, but strange things have begun to happen, including the arrival of a new, more powerful race on Eden. Will the races learn to band together as Divinity hoped? Or will strife claim the formerly peaceful land of Eden?
Eden's Races

The Elves have historically been the most magical of the major races, and it is their magic that gives them the upper hand in combat. Elves are not particularly strong nor fast in comparison to the other races, but their ability to use all sorts of magic, whether it be elemental or whatever, has always come in handy.

Elves, with the exception of the Ents, have the strongest connection to Mother Nature, and have enhanced magical abilities near trees or other flora. You can tell an elf apart from another by their distinctly pointed ears.

The Elven government in the kingdom of Elvia is a republic- the people of Elvia elect 7 people to the High Elf Council, as well as a single Elf Premier, who is the head of the government in case of emergencies and is the figurehead of the government.

It is a common misconception to call somebody short a 'dwarf.' This is a stereotype. Dwarves can actually grow to a very tall height. The misconception began during the Great War, because of Lord Arkull of the Dwarves, whose measly height of 4'6" as a full grown dwarf is laughable. The Dwarves have a solid connection to magic, generally using Magic of the Earth, but are more renowned for their great strength and durability.

Dwarves have a very strong connection with the earth, which is their reasoning for thriving in the mountain- it boosts their magical abilities when they're near minerals. Dwarves are a mining group and are constantly mining. Davius's infrastructure is questionable- most people only get small shares of housing in the mountains. There is no real way to tell a Dwarf apart from other races, though Dwarves do tend to have darker skin.

The Dwarven government is a faux-communist system- every worker is delivered an equal portion of food and magic stones (which boost magical abilities) so long as they continue to dig through the mountains. Davius is run by a small group of leaders, called the Dwarven Primes. While their living conditions are significantly less lavish that those of the other races, everybody is equal and happy.
no slide
no slide

Though the Wilderlife control the most of Eden space-wise, they are in fact regarded as the weakest of the four major races. For example, they are much less magically connected than the rest of the four major races. Rather, the Wilderlife rely on two things to usurp the other races- their animal abilities and their population. Every Wilderlife is part animal- which they use to their advantage. Bear Wilderlife might have super strength, Bird Wilderlife have wings for flight, so on and so forth. The Wilderlife also reproduce faster than the other races- for their weaker magical abilities allow for them to give more birth.

The Wilderlife control a large expanse of land from their home castle.

The Wilderlife's government is a monarchy, where the king and queen's word is absolute law. There have been several uprisings against the government in the past, all of which have been put down.

The Siren's magic has often been called 'puny,' for it rarely extends beyond simple water and ice manipulation. However, the Siren's true strength is from versatility- they have very quickly adapting bodies, can breathe underwater, and can transform their legs into long fish tails at will. Sirens are often regarded as beautiful, and this is often times true.

Sirens obviously have a very strong connection with the ocean, and the lavish buildings and palaces in Seallea is a testament to that. Sirens birth rate for females are higher than for males (though yes, there are male sirens) and they can often be found lurking at the shores, attacking people who pass by and abducting them for reproductive purposes.

Though Sirens are incredibly versatile, their fighting skills are rather low, and they shed much more blood than the other races in the Great War.
I am also interested! I was wondering if I could play a hybrid? Would hybrids be one of the wandering species? If so, I was thinking Wilderlife and Elven. If not then my preference is Elven.
Cool. Not gonna deny any of your requests, this is more our Rp more than mine.

Yes, a hybrid would be a wanderer, since they're kind of taboo.

You an have a minor race character, but I would prefer you have a major race one as well.
May be interested! I'l decide once the thread comes up
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