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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

She growled and punched him out of embaressment and realized her normal crappy strength went to level 11 and she paled "Sorry!" she looked at Dracula and ioan hoping she wasn't in trouble for hurting royalty.
Mihnea: "Don't worry, you didn't hurt any of us. It seems like dreams are good at giving nicknames. Cutie Bat and Poopy Bear. We have to remember this!"
"i will seriously punch you again if you call me that in public.." she growled revealing her feisty side and her eyes glowing a bit red. then she took a breath and looked at Dreacula.. "U-um if its okay.. do you do physicals?I 100% understand im dead however..i mean a vampire like checkup.."
Mihnea smiled. Mihnea: "Don't worry, I won't - as long as you won't call me Cutie Bat in public ;) " Dracula was a bit puzzled. There were moments when you could notice that he was not a native speaker, and this was one of them. "Physicals?"
she looked at him and looked at Mihnea "You sure hes a doctor?i thought almost all doctors did a type of check up physicals.Ya know checking reflex,bones hoping a organ didn't break or something."
Dracula: "Ah, that's what you mean. - I've studied medicine, like my father, but I'm not a native speaker of English..." "Yes, I can do that" the father said.
She nodded at Dracula "Ok cause.. i didn't want to woory my soulmate but during my...rebirth..i guess i can call it.. my spine hurt..like a lot."
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She tried stretching and it began hurting again in her lower back and she held in a scream. she couldn't move or budge. it hurt that much.
"A lumbargo" the father supposed. "They hurt, but they aren't dangerous." He then grabbed Enzer's lower back. "This might hurt a little..." he said and put it back in place.
She screamed a banshee like scream and cried a little.. even though the pain was gone it hurt. "T-thanks.." she uttered as she limped to the bedroom to lay down..
She gave a 'i dont care im tired' look and closed the door. It was easy to see with Enzer being around now she was going to be a bit of a handful. She layed on the bed tired. the vampire nature telling her to stay awake yet what was left of her humanity was telling her to rest.
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"I don't think so. And even if they do... it doesn't matter" Mihnea encouraged her. "My father outed himself as a vampire on TV some time ago and nothing happened to him. Instead, the people love that their national hero is back..."

kiri nodded and the next morning she walked to school and some kids teased her about being a twilight fan and that was why she wanted to be one.. she countered saying that wasn't it and some accepted her. she silently cried in her photography class. she wondered if vampires felt emotion. if Mihnea can sense she was upset all day about it. She even thought about dropping out and going to school online.
Then it got to far.. when she went to the library got get a book she was attacked by a wizard that was trying to freeze her to death.. She tried to fight back with a fire spell she knew but she was getting cold.

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