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Multiple Settings I'll roleplay any canon/OC you want (no romance), and a telekinetic kid


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
After vanishing for half a year, my time is finally open enough for roleplay.

About me:
  • Age: If you care about my age, I am 24+. I don't care about your age.. anyone can roleplay with me.
  • Ghosting: I don't ghost. I am fine if you ghost, though I'd prefer a warning or a post that you're no longer interested -- I am cool with it. Sometimes we get busy, sometimes motivation or interests fades.. I understand. By the way, if I am taking long to reply, which most likely mean I got busy, feel free to poke me.
  • My DMs: I always reply my DMs. No DMs is left unanswered. If you DM me, be sure, I am going to reply.

About our roleplay:
  • No romance: I am not really looking for romance. In fact, I am really bad at writing romance, thus, if you want romance, it will have to be only between your own characters.
  • My character: I can roleplay multiple characters, main or secondary, canon or OC, any gender, wide age range. (Just tell me who I am roleplaying! If you want me to roleplay lots of canons, just send a list!)
  • My character: In addition to the characters you want me to roleplay, I also want to include a telekinetic kid OC, a boy (normally, his age is 10. But can be older or younger if you prefer).
  • Your character: Anyone you want. Canon or OC.
  • Writing: I prefer semi-literate or literate roleplay (500 to 8000 characters) (120 to 1200 words). Nevertheless, I'll match your literacy (semi-literate, literate, multi-paragrah, novella.).

Things I enjoy as well:
  • Narrator / GMing: I really enjoy narrated roleplays. Whether if you are the narrator, or if I am the narrator, doesn't matter. If you like these, let me know!

Writing Sample:

My writing is adaptable.
I can write few sentences, a paragraph, a few paragraphs, or many paragraphs.
It depends on how much you want me to write.

When the man arrived, the boy was very disappointed that he didn't have any soup.
And here go again, that same talk about abilities, that somehow.. why... WhY! Why every single person was insisting in this?!
Why they were speaking on it over and over and over.... and over........ ...... .......... and over.

If it was so important, he decided he should figure it out. He knew nothing of it, he had no information.
"What if I have no abilities?" He asked, slightly annoyed about having this talk.. also slightly annoyed of having no soup as of yet.
"What if I am the strongest?" He further asked. He wanted to know what would happen in both situations, so he could interpolate, and figure out what happens in general with these abilities.
"What happens then?" Yes. What if he had no abilities? What if he was the strongest of them? What would happen in both these situations?

Hopefully these questions would provide some answers.

And. Well.
"Music?" He was confused about the immediate sudden change of subject.
The other worker was still there, and soon another person, Maria, arrived as well by the door, which made him back up a little bit, even if he was relatively distance, especially with a wardrobe flipped over on the ground right in front of him. And then another worker arrive, the one who was talking with Maria beforehand. He just looked at them three.. He could tell, he was definitely in trouble. Here we go again.. complaining.. more complaining.. even more complaining.. maybe some punishment.. maybe no pizza for the week.. maybe no cookies for the day.. or a combination of them.. or quite simply all of them.

Or was he? Because, to his complete surprise, instead of blaming him, Maria started to defend him, saying the wardrobe was probably already at fault, or at risk of capture, complaining why they would allow such a thing or why would they put such a dangerous piece of furniture around in a place that had kids in it. If she says such a thing, then it must be, right? Right! Right!! Let's just nod. Yeah. And so he did, just a little bit, as he was still a bit apprehensive. He was just staring at them, not really smiling, but, he was staring to like that woman, whoever she was, Maria that is. He didn't remember anyone taking his side in anything relevant as far as he could go back.

Did she just call him shrimp?!? Hang on........
Did she just apologize calling him a shrimp? Oh. Cool. Okay. She was nice!
It was quite fun to watch her complain with the other workers, really fun indeed, except for the parts she was saying he was weak, even if she was using such polite words such as 'limited strength', anyway, same idea, weak. Physically, he was weak, yes, but, that's totally besides the point. Watching these workers silent as she complained was pay back for what they did to him, such as, he had to watch them complain with him while he had to remain quiet.

They of course deserve every single bit of complain they could get, or that was his opinion anyway. Speaking of which, what is a Houdini? Wait a second. Was her the woman which was going to take him home? She came for him? Uh oh. She was the one though that he was trying to avoid in the first place, but, thinking a little more, she didn't look that bad after all! At least for the moment. Maybe, maybe he might change his mind someday afterwards, or, more accurately, an hour afterwards, but right now he liked her.

When she called out for him, 'come on lets go', she said, he nodded at her, and, looked at the wardrobe in front, and decided he would go around it. Then he held her hand, or, her wrist if she were not to give him a hand. He looked up at her smiling a bit. New plan. Maybe he should pretend he was normal, for the time being anyway. Though he didn't use his powers often, so, it was all good in that sense.

As they were leaving, while presumably she was leading the way, he was going to turn his back at the two workers, and use his other hand to wave at them, while smiling, as if saying 'Ha!' with his face. Unlike all other times, he was not going to help them fix it, they were on their own: that woman was taking him, after all! Afterwards he was simply going to look up at her. He had a few questions.

"Hey ma'am! What's your name? Where are we going? Am I going to stay with you now? You really went to get me? Why me? Most people just get to know someone before taking them home. So same with me? Am I just going to stay for a day or a weekend? Are we going with a car on foot? Before we go can we get some cookies? Oh! Can we stop by somewhere to get pizza? How about ice cream? Or, chocolate bar? Can we get in the supermarket?". He did had a happy tone while asking these things and looking at her. Yes. Few questions. Not many. Had he had many questions, it wouldn't be this short. And she wouldn't dare to ignore him, would she? If she were to do so, since he was holding her wrist or hand, he was just going to pull her downwards, with little strength, just to call her attention, just to indicate: I AM HERE!! TALK TO ME!, until she were to answer his questions. All of them.

Leading the story:
  • I can lead the story, if you want.
  • I can follow your lead, if you want.
  • Or we can do a balanced thing, where we both lead.
If you don't know what it means, the narrator / GM controls all of the world, where your character(s) interacts with the world. If you want a narrated story, let me know. I can world build a completely new world for you, or I can narrate a world from one of the fandoms I know. Can be any kind of story you wish: Isekai, drama, action, character building, etc. If fandom, I can roleplay lots of canons for you.

Fandoms that I know/watched:
  • Stargate SG1 / Stargate Atlantis / Stargate Universe.
  • Star Trek ( TNG, DS9, Voyager )
  • Star Wars (Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Rebels, Mandalorian, Ahsoka, Andor, .., Basically every Star Wars).
  • Babylon 5
  • Life is Strange 2
  • Marvel MCU
  • Avatar The Last Airbender (ATLA) (Original series and Netflix series)
  • The Mysterious Benedict Society (Disney TV Series).
  • Yes, Minister / Yes, Prime Minister.
  • Designated Survivor / Designated Survivor Korea
  • Fast Furious.
  • The Incredibles.
  • Back to the Future.
  • Ender's Game (movie).

Any crossover is really fun - let's mix the fandoms and see what happens.
I can roleplay in (almost) any fandom, but, if I don't know it (if it is not in above list), you will have to lead the story.
For example, I could roleplay this character + other OCs, in Game of Thrones, or inside The Boys AU, etc, as long as you would lead the story and roleplay the canons.

Some genres I enjoy:
  • Isekai. Reverse Isekai.
  • Historical. (Any period of history).
  • Slice of Life.
  • Found Family.
  • Foster / Adoption.
  • Action.
  • Sci-Fi.
  • Angst/Drama.
  • Military.
  • Superpowers.
  • Heros, etc.

Some genres I DO NOT enjoy:
  • High Fantasy
  • Horror
This also includes high-fantasy-like set ups or characters. For example, deities, mythological beings, etc.
This also include horror-like set ups or characters, or things that makes me remember horror. For example, zombies, scary things, etc.
I'd rather avoid these.

More about my OC:
Telekinesis, means: The ability to move physical objects with the mind.
Since my character is a telekinetic kid, feel free to choose how powerful would you like my character to be. The [default] option is what I normally choose, but feel free to pick differently!! Here is a loose collection of options, but you can choose some else not in this list:

Strength level:
  1. He can lift a leaf. (~0.1gram ~ 1 gram)
  2. He can lift a spoon. (~25 grams).
  3. He can lift a phone, or a stone. (~200 grams ~ 1 Kg)
  4. He can lift a person. (~60 Kg)
  5. [default] He can lift a car or a truck. (~1 ton ~ 10 tons)
  6. He can destroy a wooden house. (~50 tons ~ 200 tons)
  7. He can destroy a concrete house, or a larger building. (~1,000 tons ~ 5,000 tons)
  8. He can destroy a larger concrete building with several floors. (~50,000 tons ~ 500,000 tons)
  9. .... well ....

Usage options:
  1. Only push objects.
  2. Push and pull objects.
  3. [default] Push, pull, hover/levitate objects.

You can also choose his mastery in using it:
  1. Needs to concentrate to lift something (especially if heavy).
  2. [default] Needs to concentrate to lift two/three objects and control them accurately (even if very light).
  3. [default] Needs to concentrate to lift two/three objects and control them accurately (only if very heavy).
  4. Needs to concentrate to lift many objects and accurately control them (even if they're very light).
  5. Needs to concentrate to lift many objects and accurately control them (only if they're heavy).
  6. Lots of Mastery!

Some Plots: These are just loose ideas. Feel free to modify them as you wish. Or to come up with a plot on your own.
Isekai plot. For whatever reason MC's starship crashes from outer space into whatever world we want him to fit in. We could go into modern times, and maybe he bumps into your OC. He might try to get back though, and he might have a tough time adapting it. This could work everywhere, in fact, inside nearly any fandom as well. It could also go into Modern, or Historical, or medieval, or other time frames. It can easily be the reverse: your OC is the one who ends up where my OC is.

Spy team. That would be modern. A bunch of kids are selected to a possibly dangerous mission, that only kids can do (perhaps because where they are going only accept children (say, an institute)). If you watched the Mysterious Benedict Society (from Disney), it is more or less what I am talking about. We could even go with it, if you want. Your character could be other kids in the team, or perhaps someone who works there, or whoever you want.

Foster/Adoption. Pretty self explanatory I'd think. I am always open to these kind of plots.

Slice of life. Possibly in modern times, or inside some fandom. Perhaps he is trying to adapt to a normal life: school, etc. It could be a foster kid, or inside an orphanage. Could also be a way of runaway scenario, like Life is Strange 2. I enjoy a lot slice of life, and I am open to many things here.

Babysitter/Nanny Scenario. What would be like to babysit superpowered kids? In this scenario, your OC could be a nanny, tasked to spent a day with one more kids, with superpowers.
I am also open to group scenarios involving this.

Child ruler. A plot where my character has political power for some reason (say, is a child emperor, or a ruler, or some sort of king). He could have been thrust upon the position, or he could have actually fought and grabbed the position himself. This is just a vague idea, and I do not have the slightest clue of a plot here. If you have any ideas, let me know!

Captain. In a crew of a spaceship, in a mission of exploration (kind of like star trek - it could even be star trek), the kid forcefully tries to take control of the ship, and make the crew do his bidding, because he wants to investigate something, and he does not have the means to do it.

Military/War. They deploy my character into war to take advantage of his powers. Your character could either be a friendly soldier assigned to deal with him. Or perhaps, an enemy soldier in which he meets somehow.
Isekai plot. Its simple, either my character is transported to your fandom, or, your character is transported to some fandom.

Life is Strange 2. I think this would be a cool idea: our OCs would be inserted inside the LIS2 world. So they could interact with canon characters (I can roleplay the canons if you want), and perhaps even steer their action into different direction, or, the canon characters and OCs would build their own story, possibly different from the one from LIS2. If you prefer to roleplay canons though, its fine as well!

Star Wars: Clone Wars. My character could be a Jedi Padawan, and your OC could be a Jedi Master, or, a clone, or, a bounty hunter, or whoever you want. I don't have an idea for this one, but, I am sure we can figure something out.

Star Wars x Stargate. My character could be a Jedi Padawan, which somehow got stranded inside the Stargate universe.
This could be: SG1, Atlantis or Universe.
I could roleplay any canon character you want.
Disclaimer: My character is NOT overpowered, and in general NOT invulnerable. However, if you are open and if you are okay with him being overpowered, or being invulnerable, I enjoy exploring these kind of ironic situations, like: a character is physically invulnerable, but is still a vulnerable child, and other things like that. If you're fine with it, below are some plots.

What do I mean by 'Invulnerable': invulnerable (cannot be physically harmed), and his telekinesis is powerful. In this scenario, for example, if he were to be hit by a train, because the train is much heavier than him, nothing would happen to the train and he would be sent flying. However, because invulnerable, he wouldn't be harmed and would turn out fine.
Below are a few plots with AI help.

Innocence Through Time (Historical):
YC observed with curiosity as a child unlike any other appeared in their historical era. The boy's invulnerability intrigued them, but what drew YC's attention was his childlike wonder towards simple things, reflecting on the innocence he possesses, untouched by the weight of history's harsh realities.

Adventures in Adoption (Found Family):
A loving couple, or a guardian (YC), adopts a mysterious child with extraordinary powers. As they navigate the complexities of parenthood, they discover that despite their new kid's invulnerability, he still needs guidance, acceptance, and a warm family who can support him emotionally. They come to appreciate his need for reassurance and acceptance, realizing that despite his powers, he's still a child yearning for unconditional love.

Beneath the Unbreakable Surface (Hero/Superpowers):
As a hero, YC always heard about the boy's power. But after actually working with him as a hero, beyond the public eye, revealed a different side. His struggles with anxiety and the pressure to be a symbol of strength became evident, witnessing moments of doubt, anxiety, failure, showing that despite his abilities, he grapples with the same human emotions that bind them all.

Unwanted Celebrity (Fame): The telekinetic powers have made him a media sensation. When your OC is hired (for whatever reason), they notice the constant attention takes a toll on his emotional well-being, how he struggles with fame and how he yearns for normalcy and a chance to be a regular kid, leading to moments of isolation and frustration, that YC has to occasionally deal with.

Stranded Partners (Survival):
A plane crash leaves the kid and a wounded soldier (or whatever character you prefer) stranded on an island.
The wounded soldier initially relies on the telekinetic boy's powers for survival. However, as they interact more and more, the soldier senses his yearning for guidance, and still has fears. Despite his invulnerability, the boy's vulnerability as a young child on a deserted island strikes a chord, leading to an unexpected unpredictable friendship (or not..).

Empire's Pawn (Star Wars):
YC played a crucial role in freeing the boy from the clutches of the Empire. While his invulnerability was impressive, it was the irony of how vulnerable his felt as a child that tugged at their heart. YC not only protected him from physical harm but also provided emotional shelter amidst the turmoil, noticing how he grappled with emotional trauma due to captivity, and the struggle due to the marks left by the Empire.

Innocent Pawn and Court Intrigue (Politics):
Courtiers and nobles view the boy as a valuable asset. One noble (your OC), however, sees the child behind the power. YC notices the uncertainty in his eyes, reminding that despite his strength, he's susceptible to manipulation and YC observes how the boy constantly falls victim of the secrets, agenda, and the labyrinth of politics and betrayal from the surrounding adults.

Spoiled powerful child:
In a medieval world, where magic is normal, there's this child. He's invulnerable, and really, really powerful. People often want nothing to do with him, and he's an outcast. The reason is, he doesn't always use his powers for good, sometimes he goes too far, mostly because he wants innocent fun and stuff, not fully realizing what he's actually doing. He'd be spoiled, not taking 'no' for an answer, and sometimes forcing others to do what he wants. He needs to be taught how to act, he needs guidance, friends, and love.
This could work in other words as well, a fandom, or modern scenario.

Ruling the World! (Politics):
An technologically advanced civilization finds Earth and decides to annex it into its own government. This could be ancient, medieval, victorian, historical, modern, yes minister, fandom, whatever. They send in a special governor to take control. And it turns out, he's a rather really smart kid. Your OC could be a civil servant, an assistant, someone from the military, or perhaps the leader/president of another government, or simply some random civilian my OC turns to when they want some pats. Quite simply, your OC can be anyone you want.

Ruling a starship (Sci-fi). In a crew of a spaceship, in a mission of exploration (kind of like star trek - it could even be inside star trek)..
(1) the kid forcefully tries to take control of the ship, and make the crew do his bidding, because he wants to investigate something, and he does not have the means to do it. Your OC can be the captain, or a crew member, or another officer.
(2) in an officer exchange program with another nation, they should exchange first officers. However, said nation sends a kid for this, which now becomes the first officer of the ship. However, this kid has a great deal of knowledge on physics and sciences. Your OC can be the captain, or a crew member, or another officer. Maybe the crew dislike this. (The first officer is the second in command, just below the captain).

This roleplay is always open.
Just DM me.
I'll reply to all DMs you send to me.
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I would like to do a found family story with the invunelnabre version of the kid! I can GM in the Nanoha universe, StrikerS rewrite. We can also discuss crossing over with heroes and villians from some of your fandoms to spice things up further!
Hellooo! I'm definitely in for some crossover stuff, although the only one I know in the fandom list is MCU/MARVEL sadly-
I like that you sound wide open, meaning you let one who would roleplay with you choose from a wide selection, even between whether you are GM or the one who would roleplay with you is, as long as you have the telekinetic kid. Right? I like the one role-playing with me to be as creative with the world we interact in as they would be, but I would be taking my liberty to introduce what I will want to into that world. So that does not need a strong GM position, we just need to cooperate to make a meaningful story. I definitely want originality in it and would have original characters, not any derived from any known works, though I do have favorites of works I have read, which were inspirational.

So I can be interested in something of this with you, if you are. You say you don't like high fantasy, how would it be with low fantasy? It could be with historical for a genre, and I would like early antiquity.
I like that you sound wide open, meaning you let one who would roleplay with you choose from a wide selection, even between whether you are GM or the one who would roleplay with you is, as long as you have the telekinetic kid. Right? I like the one role-playing with me to be as creative with the world we interact in as they would be, but I would be taking my liberty to introduce what I will want to into that world. So that does not need a strong GM position, we just need to cooperate to make a meaningful story. I definitely want originality in it and would have original characters, not any derived from any known works, though I do have favorites of works I have read, which were inspirational.

So I can be interested in something of this with you, if you are. You say you don't like high fantasy, how would it be with low fantasy? It could be with historical for a genre, and I would like early antiquity.
This looks pretty cool! And sure, we can go low fantasy, historical, early antiquity!
Do you mind if I DM you?
If our writing is missing something you want, you can communicate it, I take everything into account.

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