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Fantasy !-IGNORE PREFIX-! Looking for role plays


Meme Priest
Hello Again Everyone, I am here in search of a role play partner or two. I have certain tastes when it comes to role plays, so let me tell you some of the things I am interested in:

>I like romance in my rps, no matter what. Assume that if you are going to role play with me we will be doing romance, though it doesn't have to be the main plot (it definitely can be though)

>On that note, I like both complex and simple plots when it comes to romance or other aspects. I enjoy cheesy plots created for the sole purpose of two characters getting together and I enjoy plots that are a little dark and twisted, or perhaps action packed, with romance on the side.

>Segwaying from the "dark and twisted" point, I just wanted to clarify, any dark paths we go down is fine by me for the most part, but I do like my romance to be fluffy and sweet. Angst and tension are okay, of course, but I'm not looking to rp abusive, unhealthy, or otherwise twisted relationships.

>I don't do many fandom role plays. I enjoy a lot of fandoms, but I've found I'm not very interested in rping them.... with the exception of Harry Potter. I could role play that exclusively and be perfectly happy. That being said, I mostly do OC/Canon pairings, and though I am usually hesitant to double, I will consider it. If we were to do OC/OC, it would have to be completely outside the setting of other canon characters (so, I wouldn't want to do a roleplay like this where our OCs are at Hogwarts or something). If you're unsure about this, ask me, I actually have a plot in mind.

>My primary pairing in role plays is MxM, but I will do MxF and perhaps even FxF if the plot and your female character are very intriguing.

>I like detail and descriptions in a role play, as well as I like my partner to write in third person. Have bad spelling and hit or miss grammar? I don't tend to mind as long as your posts are compelling and move the story forward. That being said, I would say that I am a writer with good spelling/grammar if that is a concern for you.

Now, here are some concepts I'd like to role play

-Medieval Era (fantasy or not)
-Students at Hogwarts (OC/Canon)
-Harry Potter universe (OC/OC)
-Futuristic (preferably dystopian)
-Boarding school (have an idea incorporating this and 7 deadly sins)

Romance AUs
-Arranged Marriage
-Freaky Friday (body switching)
-Fake dating
-Dimension hopping(not specifically romance, but where a character from one universe, is transported to a different one for... reasons. I.e. Character A from the future is suddenly in the year 2017 and meets character B or character B is transported to a medieval fantasy dimension and meets character C)

And that is everything! I look forward to rping with you.

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