Other Idea's AMA (Ask Me Anything)


The Pun Tyrant
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A bit ago, some other peeps started doing threads like this on here, so I thought "hey, why not. Everyone knows I'm opinionated by now."

I won't guarantee I answer everything, but if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, by all means do go ahead! :D
Why do things that are bad for you taste so right?

Because they tend to be things either:
A) With an intense caloric value (or another excess of a similar kind), which from an evolutionary standpoint would ordinarily be a good thing to eat, since you need plenty of energy to spend the day hunting, gathering and defending yourself. Current human society has us just sitting around for a good chunk of the time though, so it's bad for us because we don't really make use of all that extra energy.


B) With specifically, artificially designed and pretty much lab-tested components with the intent of tricking people's senses or potentially becoming addictive. The very products used for this aren't exactly healthy for consumption.
How do I get a helpful fox like Senko San?
If the answer is be a Japanese salaryman then please provide a suitable alternative to helpful spirit deities.
How do I get a helpful fox like Senko San?
If the answer is be a Japanese salaryman then please provide a suitable alternative to helpful spirit deities.
1. Get a degree in animal management, zoology, zoo technology or biology
2. Get hired by a zoo and climb up the ladder
3. Convince them to get a baby fox, and train said fox
4. Name the fox “Senko San”
While the most realistic it’s probably the most amount of work for the worst payoff.
I’d have a easier time just becoming a Japanese salaryman
If a poison is overdue, does this make it more poisonous or less poisonous?
After looking it up, it appears as though it depends on the chemical composition of the poison (read: it depends on what poison you're talking about, and the environment it is left to expire on). The effectiveness of poisons, in general, tends to degrade over time, but in some cases the degraded chemicals can be even more toxic.

One way or the other, I do not recommend injesting any amount of poison. Within due time or otherwise.
What is your preferred salsa consistency? As in the fineness or chunkiness of the tomatoes/ingredients, and amount of liquid.
would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?
Average Horse height: 1.6 meters (160cm)
Average Duck Height: 63 cm

So the ratio is about 2.54. Assuming a similar ratio for the change in mass, but accounting for the square cube law, (so, using a ratio that is the 3/2 root of 2.54, aproximately 1.86), a duck-sized horses average weight would be the average weight of the horse (690KG divided by the ratio, 1.86, which equals about 370.97KG) whereas a horse-sized duck would by the reverse logic weight about 1.75KG times 1.86, which would be exactly 3.255KG or 3.26KG to keep the same decimal.

I kinda had to reverse engineer some of this next stuff, calculating the strength of an average horse kick by treating the only values I could find on horse hoof area (their length, 3.5 inches on average), and treating it like a circle with a 3.5 inches diameter, and using that along with the pressure of an average horse kick (2000 pounds/square inch). So multiplying the pressure by the area, 2000 times 38.49 square inches gives a total force of 76980...newtons I think?

So now lets divide this figure by the ratio of the weight change, giving aproximately 41387, and the area will have to be divided (it was at this point I realized two things: 1. It was pointless to calculate the horse's actual changed weight. 2.I could have just divided the ratios instead of calcaluating all this force thing...but since I'm at it) by 2.54, making for aproximately 15.15 square inches. So the new pressure will be aproximately 2781 pounds of force per square inch.

So, by these numbers, a duck-sized horse's kick would be even more impactful than a regular horse kick, and a regular horse kick can shatter bone. So you have these tiny things that would probably be way faster than a normal horse swarming up on me in ridiculous numbers and potentially breaking my bones with their kicks, with 150% the effectiveness of a regular horse trying it, directly next to me.

On the other hand, a duck the size of a horse can't possibly fly, and it's probably slower than a duck on ground, like a normal duck. If it went on me with it's beak that might hurt, but I might also try to calculate whether that would snap it's neck due to the speed.

So, the most elaborate way to say ever that I would definitely take on the horse-sized duck.

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