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Writer and philosopher George Santayana once said "Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them." If that is the case, then it truly seems the Wizarding World cannot learn from their own past. From Salazaar to Grindelwald, all the way until the reign of Voldemort, purist wizards have a history of bringing the dark underbelly of wizarding culture to the forefront, and with them conflict, fear, and often death on mass. Now, in 2014, it seems the cycle has begun anew.

At Hogwarts, sixth year Olba Rosier is raising some eyebrows. The Ravenclaw student is vivacious, proud, and determinedly outspoken about her beliefs...beliefs that are reminiscent of a few dark names that older witches, wizards and warlocks would be more than happy to forget. Perhaps the Third Great Wizarding War is on the horizon, but for now, at least, she is only a student, and her name will not be widely known and feared for another few years.

This year, as does every year, brings a new generation of students to Hogwarts. Falling almost directly in the shadow of the massacre that was the Battle of Hogwarts, it is a smaller year group than Hogwarts can usually boast. There are some talented individuals, though - warlocks who will, someday, become something great. And something great, Headmistress McGonagall is realising, may be exactly what the Wizarding World will need.


The time is 10:52am, on the 1st of September 2014. At platform 9¾ at London's Kings Cross Station, the Hogwarts Express is preparing to leave for Hogsmeade station. Some students have already secured a carriage on board, while others still mill about the platform, embracing their eight remaining minutes of holiday. Students chatter and owls screech, and a thick plume of smoke floats over the crowd from the mighty locomotive's chimney. A new year at Hogwarts is about to begin.​
Chapter One Part One - The Hogwarts Express
The Hogwarts express leaves the platform at 11am sharp, and arrives at Hogsmeade Station at 8 in the evening. Pay close attention to the timestamps in my posts - they'll indicate the passing of time. You don't want to show up at Hogwarts without your uniform!

The time won't hit 11:00 until everyone has posted. If you are going to disappear for three days or more, please inform me. Make sure at least three posts separate yours from your last one, to keep things fair.

At 11:15, Prefects are expected to meet in the Prefect's carriage. After that, they will patrol the corridors in pairs in order to keep other students under control. The Trolley Lady will pass each compartment throughout the course of the journey. She will also...erm, take care of any students attempting to unlawfully leave the Hogwarts Express before arrival,

The Compartments are marked by letters (e.g. Compartment C). Please mark which compartment you have settled in in your post, to keep things organised.

Please note the expected post size is 2-3 paragraphs. Your opening post will probably be a bit longer, but don't try to write an essay.

Have fun!

PixieDust PixieDust explosiveKitten explosiveKitten RayPurchase RayPurchase Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 erzulie erzulie AI10100 AI10100 Maree Maree T Tinytiger28 Cleopatrick Cleopatrick Peach Tea Peach Tea Calzy Calzy Kipsy Kipsy Faye. Faye.
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Time: 10:52am
Date: 1st of September, 2014

  • tumblr_okin67bkc61qai61bo1_1280-png.576476
    To a young Wizard, there are few places as exciting as platform 9¾ on September 1st. Sparks and bursts of colourful magic peak out over the crowd, mixing with the thick plume of smoke from the Hogwarts Express' chimney. Exotic pets screech and cry from the tops of carriages, piled high with luggage. Older students - wizened behemoths in the eyes of an eleven year old - mill about casually, some already in uniform. Splashes of red and green and blue and gold peak out from behind black, and James feels his heart seize with anticipation.

    This is it. He's almost there.

    He is running later than he had hoped - an incident with his cousin, Phoebe Dursley, who was struggling with her blooming accidental magic. The Potters left her with her father and Albus, and a promise they would apparate back as soon as they could. Then, with a flurry of magical transit, they were at platform 9¾, the second greatest place in the world.

    Some hurried, but very much sincere goodbyes later ("You're sure you don't want to take your broom?" "You know that's against the rules, Ginny." "Well they never stopped you, did they? Oh, Lily, dear, please stand still.") and James is aboard the Hogwarts Express, suitcase in one hand, birdcage in the other, and a massive, shining smile on his face.

    He slips into one of the few empty compartments left - Compartment D, right near the end of the train - so that he can wave to his parents and little sister as the locomotive leaves the station. He hefts his suitcase in the baggage section with a grunt, then plops himself down on the left seat closest to the window, trying to catch sight of his parents before the train pulls away. He notes with a smile that, among the crowd, he can get a glimpse of a corner of his family he doesn't get to see too often - the Delacour-Weasley clan.
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  • 52684741_337111686916207_131052309863232371_n.jpg

    Anastasia Greengrass
    Maree Maree erzulie erzulie

    Anastasia had always been looking forward to the time she would be sent to Hogwarts. She had often found herself looking at their calendar and watching the days go by. She loved her mother dearly, but the house was so incredibly lonely - devoid of most human contact unless she could arrange play dates with the other pureblood children. Of course, Anastasia's pets had given her some relief from the loneliness. Taking care of them all was quite tiresome but it passed the time by. Not to mention that it was quite exciting to learn and train them but it isn't the same as human interaction.

    "Thank you for taking me here, mother." She told the woman beside her as gave a polite smile to the older woman. It was rare to see the Greengrass mother-daughter duo together outside. Daphne had always been a very busy person with her high-ranking job at the Ministry. Honestly, Anastasia was simply happy she could be in the same space as her mother during the day. She wasn't sure if this could happen again next year so she's going to relish in it for now.

    Daphne smiled back at her daughter and leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead. "Of course dear. I would never miss seeing you off." A hand lingered on Anastasia's shoulder and it was rather soothing. Anastasia let herself believe her mother's words for the moment, knowing that those kinds of promises are easily forgotten. "You must be nervous, but do not be. Think of it as simply another step in your life."

    "Yes mother. I will not let you down."

    They were separated far too soon and she had to board the train. With a last wave to her mother, she disappeared into the Hogwarts Express holding Gavin's cage. The owl hooted in farewell to Daphne. In any case, she had not looked back. She knew that her mother had already left and she was not bothered about it. She traveled further in the train, avoiding the compartments that were already taken. It is true that she could simply make friends with the other first years inside them but that can wait until they're all at Hogwarts.

    Guinevere and Gabriella were starting Hogwarts too this year, they had been excitedly talking about it during one of their play dates together. She had not seen the two at the platform because she was too busy with her mother to really pay attention to anyone else. She hoped that they would come soon. Opening the door to Compartment U that was thankfully empty, she closed the door and sat down. Without a second thought, she took Gavin out of his cage and he perched on top of her arm, hooting. She began to run her hand through her feathers and the owl hooted pleasantly.


“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”

People stared as they made their way to the station, they whispered as she walked by with her parents. Gabrielle Zabini thought nothing of it as she was quite used to that sort of behavior. It was a minor consequence when one came from such prestigious family. Gabriella ignored their stares with ease as she sauntered towards the train. The Zabini clan was as immaculate as they were imposing. Mr. Zabini fit the description of tall, dark, and handsome. His looks had only improved since own time at Hogwarts. His skin still youthful and smooth compared to some of his associates. Adriana Zabini made stood on the other side of her daughter. She too, was a thing of beauty and poise. Her skin the color of smooth mahogany and her hair large and curly, she stood just as tall as her husband. Together the two of them made quite the pair.

Little Gabriella Zabini was a perfect blend of her parents, with her father’s eyes and sharp features and her mother's complexion. She stood tall and proud before her parents. It was now her time to attend Hogwarts and make her parents proud. She stifled the nerves that made her stomach flutter. The three of them spoke in Italian, their words of comfort and praise contrasted with the stoic looks on their faces. There was no mistaking their love one one another from the look in her mother’s eyes and her father’s comforting hand upon her shoulder.

“I will make you proud.” She’d said in accented English. With a kiss to each of their cheeks Gabriella was off. In her arms was her beloved feline Imperia, a spoiled Maine Coon with sharp eyes and gorgeous fur. She was much like her mistress, or so some would say. Gabriella’s things were being put away by her family’s house elves, including her feisty Great Horned Owl, Matteo who had been placed with all the others.

Gabriella stepped into the train but took a moment to look around. Her father had taken this very same train to her new school, he’d tell her stories of his Hogwarts days and the things that they’d get into in their compartment. Gabriella smirked and began to walk further in. She carried herself with no little confidence, it was as if she owned the train or as if she believed she were better than many on it. The latter was definitely true. The young girl’s mind went to two of her fellow first years, Anastasia and Guinevere, she wondered if they’d arrived already. Her question was answered by a familiar hooting.

Gabriella shook her head as she made it to compartment U. Upon opening it she was greeted by the sight of Anastasia and her owl Gavin. “Anastasia, Gavin, it’s nice to see the two of you again.” She said politely. Gabriella sat across from them with Imperia in her lap.

mentions: Guinevere Maree Maree & Anastasia AI10100 AI10100 || with: Anastasia || location: Compartment U

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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  • 581102
    Guinevere Nott
    Interactions: promqueen promqueen
    Mentions: AI10100 AI10100 erzulie erzulie

    Guinevere checked her watch for the fourth time in the past minute. Her house elf Tink stood by her side looking nervous as usual. A witches' first time to 9¾ was supposed to be special. She scanned the crowd of tearful parents hugging their children goodbye in a futile attempt to find her father. It was starting to seem rather hopeless. It looked like he couldn't even take a few minutes away from his project in order to say goodbye to his daughter, typical. Though she couldn't say that she was surprised. All her life she had been repeatedly let down by him so why would he stop now. She let out a soft sigh finally realising that it was probably about time she got on the train. Anastasia and Gabriella would be wondering where she was. Unlike her father, she didn't enjoy disappointing people. "Goodbye," she said simply before striding away from the house elf.

    As she boarded the train she couldn't help but smile softly to herself. She took a moment to take in her surroundings. This was going to be the start of something great she could feel it. With her girls by her side, they were going to shake things up at Hogwarts. She had heard stories about infamous pranksters like the marauders and the Weasley twins. It sounded like a pretty fun time to her. No parents holding the strict pureblood ways over their heads? Oh yeah. She was going to have some fun alright. As long as she didn't get caught that was.

    Now how was she supposed to find her friends? Gwen hopelessly looked up and down the train. How many compartments were there? She didn't remember where they had agreed to meet. It looked like she was going to have to do things the good old fashion way. She made her way down, looking in what felt like endless compartments. How hard was it to find two girls on a train? Apparently, it was very hard.

    Then a brilliant idea came to her. Why didn't she just message them and ask where they were? She inwardly facepalmed and sent the message. Conveniently she had also stopped by a majority empty compartment with a boy inside. Compartment D huh? Well, she didn't see a better place to wait for her friend's response. She knocked lightly on the door before sliding it open. "Hello, Do you mind If I join you for a bit? I am having terrible trouble trying to find my friends" she explained, stepping into the compartment. Luckily for her talking to strangers had never been much of a struggle. She had always been rather confident, not as confident as Gabby but still quite confident.

    "I'm Guinevere but you can just call me Gwen if you would prefer" she introduced herself. It was the polite thing to do after all. Even if she didn't plan on staying for long. She also couldn't help but be curious of who she was talking to. He looked like he was a first year as well. So it would be nice to know someone besides the friends she already had.
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Ajax and his father, Troy, made their way through the Muggle train station and finally stopped before a pillar, not just any pillar it was The pillar, that led to the wonderous train of Hogwarts.

"Ok father, this is it, are you coming through with me?" Ajax asked.

"Unfortunately I can't today son, we are supposed to be getting some livestock in today and I need to get back soon." His father replied.

"Oh, well okay then, make sure they are nice and plump for Christmas when I come back then." Ajax replies with a grin.

His father chuckles "Of course I will, who do you think I am. Well you need to get going now, the train is off soon, oh look at you, your mother would be so proud and you know how proud I am of you." His father discretely wipes his eyes.

Smiling softly Ajax replies" Yeah I know, I love you dad" and hugs him.

His father gave him a hug back, when he pulls back from the hug, Troy puts his hands on his sons shoulders and looks up slightly. " Now I have to go, don't make any trouble for others, try the best you can and try and control your strength please. Now I'll see you in a few months." Saying this Troy retreats into the bustling crowd, waving.

Ajax watches his dad leave until he could not see him any more, Ajax hears a small hoot and looks down into his breast pocket, you can see a small owl head sticking out from it. "Ok sherbet, lets go and find a compartment." Saying this he picks up his trunk and rests it on his shoulder, he proceeded to walk through the magical gateway, when he got through the suns glare hits his eyes, he raises his free hand to block the sun and when he does, he sees a long train that is glistening red. He sees various families saying goodbye to their children, animals walking and flying around and children waving goodbye from the windows.

Ajax steps away from the portal and gets onto the train, he searches all the compartments and finally finds an empty one, compartment W and steps inside closing the door behind him, he lifts his trunk onto the rails above him and sits down.
Time: 10:54
Date: 1st of September, 2014

  • tumblr_okin67bkc61qai61bo1_1280-png.576476
    It is harder, James is mildly surprised to realise, to find his parents through the large Express window than he had thought. The crowd, thinning as it is, is still thick with magic and steam and the smokey wisps left behind by disapparation, and the Weasley red hair is becoming so common in England's Wizarding world that its hard to pick out even his mother's fiery locks.

    He hears the compartment door slide open behind him - hardly a surprise. He hadn't expected to keep the compartment to himself. He turns just as the newcomer introduces herself. She looks young - if not a first year like himself, then a second year at best. He skin is tanned, and her hair is blonde on the verge of white. She reminds him of the pureblood girls he had been introduced to through his parents' status - her posture confident, but suitably refined.

    "Hallo." He greets easily. "Feel free - I'm not expecting anyone."

    Catching sight of a mobile phone in her hands, he blinks. He knows what it is, of course - his father had never quite let up on his muggle roots. But if the girl was pureblood, as he suspected, it would be very much rare to find her with such a device. Especially on route to Hogwarts, where no technology works at all. "What's your family?" He asks curiously. Then, never one to pass an opportunity to brag, he puffs out his chest. "I'm a Potter." He says proudly. "James Sirius Potter. Nice to meet you, of course."

    Mentions: Maree Maree

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  • x

    -Mildly irritated

    -King's Cross Station, Hogwarts Express (compartment C)




    Midas Doherty
    Midas did wish that his mother would stop fussing over him. The facade of a doting mother's boy was hardly the impression he wanted to leave with passing students. If he was going to be Minister of Magic one day, he needed to appear confident and capable even now.

    "Make sure you don't spend all your time studying, Midas. Remember to have fun as well," his mother said as she ruffled his mahogany brown hair and planted a kiss on his cheek.

    His sister Imelda let out a loud and rather obnoxious laugh from beside him as she chimed in,
    "I told you you're a stick in the mud, Golden Boy," she grinned, nudging him. Midas rolled his eyes, deciding it was best to ignore her comment. After all, he could ditch her as soon as he got on the train and carve out any reputation he liked.

    "Stay with your sister as well. At least on the train, do you hear?" A barely audible groan tumbled from Midas' lips at this. It was as if his father had read his mind.
    "But dad, I-"

    Midas did not get to finish his complaint. Imelda had taken hold of his arm and began tugging him towards the Hogwarts Express, looking a little bit frantic.
    "Come on, we're going to miss the train! Bye mum, bye dad! Love you more than chocolate frogs!"

    With that, Imelda led the way onto the scarlet steam train, quickly letting go of his arm as soon as they were out of their parents' eye line. The train was already teeming with students and it seemed as though their would not be an empty compartment left. Luckily, Imelda managed to find a compartment close to the end of the train: compartment C. Midas had been tempted to slip away from his sister into his own compartment, but truthfully, he felt it was best to stay with her for now. Sitting alone in a compartment would be fine for an hour or so, but after a while it would certainly become tiresome. If, however, their happened to be other students in his compartment that ended up being a bore to speak to, at least he would have Imelda to fall back on. Without a word, he took his place by the window and watched the last few students on the platform scrambling toward the train after hurried goodbyes.


  • 52684741_337111686916207_131052309863232371_n.jpg

    Anastasia Greengrass
    erzulie erzulie
    Mentions: Maree Maree
    Location: Compartment U

    "Are you excited for Hogwarts Gavin?" She whispered to the owl, a fond smile on her face as she continued to stroke his feathers. He hooted in agreement - or at least, she had guessed it was agreement. He looked rather content. Oh, how she wished she would have the ability to actually understand animals beyond simply reading their body language. Such was the shortcomings of being human.

    "Be good to the other owls, okay, Gavin? We do not wish for anything to happen in our first year, yes?" The owl seemed amused as Anastasia gave him reminders. He tilted his head and hooted before flapping his wings for a quick moment. She could not help herself but giggle, placing her free hand to her mouth as she did so. The owl looked proud of himself for making his mistress laugh.

    It was then that the compartment door had slid open. Her fond smile had disappeared near instantaneously as her walls went up. She turned to the person that had entered the compartment with a polite smile. However, the familiar curly hair and dark skin made her loosen up. "Good to see you as well, Gabriella." She lowered her arm and let Gavin back inside his cage but left the door open. "And of course, you too Imperia." She reached out to pet the Zabini cat but she felt her pocket vibrate.

    She paused mid-reach. There was only one person who would use their phone in Hogwarts Express and knew her phone number at the same time. Guinevere. With a giggle, she took out her phone. "Of course Gwen would text us." She mused as she sent back the message that they were Compartment U. "It looks like she is looking for us." She leaned back onto the backrest but still kept her posture correct. "I am quite excited for the year to start. Only us, for nearly an entire year, learning about magic."

Ross Starling
Compartment E

By this point Platform 9 3/4s is a hotbed of activity, parents, pupils, cases, owls, cats, rats, train staff… all coming together in a barely organised chaos. Ross and his mum were in the middle of this scrum of life, the trolley in front of them guiding a path towards the train. A cocksure grin appeared on Ross’ face as the red locomotive emerged ahead, this was it, months of waiting and chomping at the bit, and it was finally here. Despite his position as a first year off to his first term there was an easy-going confidence about him, from the grin on his lips, to the smile that reached his blue eyes as he peered about the platform and the train. His mother knelt down next to him, looking over him and his luggage, her mouth moving a mile a minute.

“Now you’ve got everything? Books, robes, wand, you can’t go forgetting that, if there’s anything that’s missing just send an owl, either me or your father should be home, just check the fixture list before hand, and of course your father would love to be here but…”

But he had a game up in Scotland. For Ross it was a small mercy to be honest. His father Terry was the starting keeper for Wimborne Wasps, and his mother Charlotte was a Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies. Just with her alone there were several looks from parents and students as they clearly recognised her, either properly or just as a familiar face. If Terry had been there as well, then it would have been a lot more conspicuous, especially as Terry always found the time for autographs and suchlike, both a positive and a negative. Ross gave his mum a hug, silencing her near panicked tirade.

“It’s alright mum, it’s all packed, and if anything is missing of course I’ll let you know. I’ll be fine,”

They embraced each other once more, holding it until his mum caught sight of her watch.

“Right get yourself on board, no way I would let your father have the satisfaction of you missing the train on my watch. Look after yourself, make lots of friends, and no making trouble,”

The last bit was said jokingly, and she gave him a peck on the cheek. Ross gave her one last squeeze and briskly made his way onto the train, his luggage being picked up b a porter. A last wave was sent in her direction as he jumped onto the train. Some of the carriages were steadily filling up but there were still plenty of empty ones. Join a group of people or let them come to you… go with the latter, maybe it will appear less desperate, also he didn’t particularly want to suddenly jump in the middle of some already existing friendship group. He finally selected Compartment E, towards the front of the train and still empty at this point. He settled himself onto one of the seats, stretching his legs out and pulling out a slightly battered copy of ‘Which Broom?’, mostly due to it being shoved in his pocket for the last few hours. He unfurls it and begins to gaze over the brooms within, if he was going to end up on the Quidditch team he couldn’t be on any old run of the mill broom. First years didn’t often make the team, but had to be ready just in case, and that meant knowing your stuff.
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Time: 10:55
Location: Platform 9¾, Hogwarts Express, Compartment P
Mentions: promqueen promqueen AI10100 AI10100 PixieDust PixieDust

Shit. Shit shit shit shit. Cathy shoved her way past a group of second years about to enter the Hogwarts Express, causing some rather upset mutterings and frowns. Not very lady like of her, but she was running late. Catherine sighed. Her father’s surprise visit at King’s Cross had thrown her off - he’d never come to see her off during any of her departures from Platform 9¾, not since her first year attending Hogwarts. And me running late just gave him another reason to show his disapproval.

The scene had played out something like:
“Catherine, straighten your robes.”
“Yes, father.”
A pause. “I bought you a new broom for this year. I heard you’re quite the quidditch player.”
“My gratitude, father. I’m flattered,” taking a deep breath, “you should come see me play some time. Bring mother.”
“We do have a thing called work, Catherine.” Looking at his pocketwatch, “You’re late. Don’t embarrass me. Work on your grades.”
Looking down at her feet, “I’m sorry, father. I will do my best.”
“Yes, father?”
“I’ll see you at Christmas.”
Kissing her father on the cheek, “Bye, father. Tell mother I’ll miss her.”
“Bye, Catherine.”

Once inside the train itself, Cathy slowed her pace. She took little notice of the students milling about, trying to find an empty compartment - this was her sixth year taking the Hogwarts Express, and she had more important things to think about. Like regaining her composure, for one.

Reaching compartment P, Cathy stopped to straighten her robes once again, shifting Silver (her cat) over to her left arm. She quickly ran her right hand through her somewhat messy hair before plastering on a smile and knocking, lightly, on the compartment door. Sliding it open, Cathy scanned its occupants.

Both Ravenclaw prefects were already there, together with the Hufflepuff prefect who must’ve just arrived. She is shockingly beautiful, despite her Weasley genes.

“Weasley, Goodblood, Rosier,” said Cathy, bowing her head slightly, giving them each a polite smile. “Good morning.”
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Penelope Hartmen
Location: Compartment C Interactions: PixieDust PixieDust (Midas and Imelda)

Penelope wandered across the platforms, becoming increasingly confused about where this '9 and 3/4' thing was. "Oh Bing..." She grumbled, "We're gonna be late, aren't w-" She paused, spotting a kid disappearing into a pillar. With a moment of careful deduction, she realized that this was probably because of some magic stuff since walls didn't usually do that.

She only hesitated to hug her parents goodbye, and swiftly sprinted into the pillar, much to her parents dismay. Luckily, she had proved to be not hallucinating (a broken nose on the first day of school was not something she was looking forward to). Pen gasped as she entered the station. Everywhere there was activity. Cats, owls, frogs, and- oh right, she was gonna be late. No time to gawk!

Within a few moments she was on the train, disorganized luggage in hand. Finding that almost every compartment was full by now, she made her way to the back, finally landing on compartment C.

She peeked her head in, finding that it was already occupied by two kids that seemed to be around her age. "Er- Hi. Mind if I sit here?" She asked, ponytail bouncing as she sat down without waiting for a reply. "Sorry, it's just that most the compartments are full."


“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”

As Imperia purred in greeting her mistress let out a little scoff. “Yes of course she would.” Gabriella still didn’t know why she’d let them convince her to get such a device. While it had its uses the thing was far too noisy and the vibrations distracting when trying to focus. Given how far they’d come in society something as simple as a cell phone wasn’t an odd sight to Gabriella, that is in places where they could work. Her parents had taken Anastasia, Guinevere, and herself to get one for themselves. Due to her fathers’ vast dealings in the muggle business world, her parents were a bit more lenient. There weren’t the type to shun anything that could be useful in the future. She had left her phone in one of her chest. Gabriella was old-fashioned and preferred owls. She only nodded when Anastasia said why she’d gotten the text.

“Yes I admit that I’m looking forward to this school year. Finally we can learn how to do spells properly and with our wands. Though it won’t be just us as you say. We still have to share a common room and dormitory with over a dozen other students. Let’s hope that we’re lucky enough to be roomed together.” Gabriella was really looking forward to what lay ahead of them. Now she wasn’t excited about Hogwarts in particular, there were two other schools that she could think of that surpassed the castle, but rather for the learning experience. Not to mention the fact that she planned to work her way up the hierarchy and leave her mark. Her parents were counting on her to not sully their name and make them proud. “So how was your summer? I spent the summer with my Antoine and his family in France. We strolled through his family’s vineyards and visited the Notre-Dame de Senanque near Gordes. It was lovely.”

mentions: Guinevere Maree Maree & Anastasia AI10100 AI10100 || with: Anastasia || location: Compartment U

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Alex had to run to get to the train on time. Her mother insisted on pictures in her robes, which bugged her so much, and led to them being late to leave the house. She had already put all of her stuff - except Jinx - in the car the night before. That way everything would be ready and she could just leave with them all. But of course her parents found a way to still make her late. They insisted she have a good breakfast, then her mother tried to do her hair - she declined that immediately - and then her mother was taking so many pictures of her it might have almost blinded her at some point.
Jinx was currently bouncing around in her pocket as she ran to the train. The rat then started climbing her way up her robes to her shoulder.
"Sorry, Jinx. I'm running a bit behind."
The rat squeaked out an answer and burrowed in her short blond locks. Her stuff was already deposited so she made her way up to the train to find a compartment. She came up to Compartment U and opened the door.
"Can I join?"
erzulie erzulie AI10100 AI10100

Flora ran to get her trolley through the pillar to the proper platform. She went right through and sighed out of relief. She was at Platform 9 3/4 now. She was going to Hogwarts. A place that would teach her magic properly. A place she could hopefully fit in. She checked on Fauna and made the poor kitten wasn't about to go flying off her trolley.
She gave her stuff over to the helpers and took Fauna on the train with her. She hastily fixed her hair so it covered her ears and went to go find a seat. Everyone she passed didn't seem so friendly. That it they already had friends they were animatedly talking with. So her goal was to at least find a compartment that was empty.
And then she found one with only one person. She looked up and read the sign 'Compartment W'. She opened the door and hugged Fauna closer to her chest.
Her voice was soft and small, but loud enough to be heard.
"Can-... Is it alright if I sit with you...?"
She pointed to the seat across from him.
Calzy Calzy
Ajax heard the door slide open and looked over, he saw a small girl with light brown hair, brown eyes and in her arms is a black kitten, he then heard her nervously ask if she can sit in the compartment with him. He replies " Sure you can, pick any seat, as you can see it is just me in here."

After a brief moment of awkward silence he says "Sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Ajax, and this little fella is sherbet" he looks down to see sherbets head pop out his pocket, he lightly pats the owls head. "He is an elf owl, said to be the smallest species of owl in the world, anyway i hope your kitten is okay with birds."​

  • x


    - Hogwarts Express, Compartment C

    - Imelda and Penelope


    - T Tinytiger28

    Midas Doherty
    Midas soon grew bored of people watching, besides, most of the platform was clearing of students now. Glancing over at his sister- who had now made her way through half a chocolate frog already and was flipping through her dog-eared copy of Quidditch Through the Ages for the millionth time- Midas carefully rummaged through his own bag for his copy of the Daily Prophet and began unfolding it.

    Imelda glanced up from her book, looking at him with an incredulous expression.
    "Midas you can't be serious? We're on our way to Hogwarts! The least you can do is-" But Imelda did not get to tell Midas what the least he could do was, for at that moment the compartment door slid open and a girl seemingly their own age peeked her head around the door asking to come in. Midas' attention now completely focused on her as she took a seat without invitation. Hardly the best impression to make, but he decided he would be the example of good first impressions.

    "It's perfectly fine, don't worry. More company is always appreciated," He stood, approaching her with his hand out to shake and a matter of fact air about him, "My name is Midas Doherty. Pleased to meet you."

    "And I'm his sister Imelda,"
    his sister waved with a broad smile as she eagerly set down her book.

Johanna Hayes
Compartment E

“Oh my dear, sweet Jojo-“

“I asked you not to call me that mammy.”
“I’m going to miss you so much!”
“I know, you’ve told me. Fifteen times since we got in the car.”
“You’re eleven, and you’re leaving home to go to some school in the middle of nowhere! I think I deserve some more hugs!”
“Mammy, please, you wouldn’t be able to visit me at any other away-school.”
“Oh, stop being sarcastic, you tot!”
Teresa Hayes finally stopped smothering her daughter and took the young girl’s Face in her hands to look her over.
“You are going to call me EVERY DAY, do you understand me, Johanna Hayes?”
“Mammy, I don’t think they have telephones. They’re wizards. I don’t even know if they have electricity. It looked like everything was powered by magic.”
“Well- Send me a letter then!”
Her mother planted a big kiss to her daughter’s forehead, leaving a big pink lipstick smudge up there, much to Joey’s chagrin.

“I’ll... I’ll send an owl? I think that’s how post works?” She questioned, looking over at the train before going back to her mother, “Mammy, I really have to go, I love you too, okay?”
“Oh alright.” She muttered, wringing her hands a little. When Johanna turned to walk off with her trolley of things, her mother squeaked, “LAST HUG!” and grabbed Joey from behind, squeezing her like a desperate python before finally letting go.

Joey, finally able to run off and find her way down the platform, she eventually was helped by some nearby wizard parents who pointed her in the right direction. When she finally found her way onto the train, she kept her new squirrel by her side as she wandered around.
“... well, Mister squiggles. I guess it’s just you and me now.” She mumbled to the fluffy tailed rodent that sat on her shoulder. “... so... now what?”
She looked at the squirrel. The squirrel stared back.
“... I’m just gonna pick a compartment, I guess.... eeny-meeny-miny this one!”

She quickly threw a door open and stepped inside, only to be met by a boy reading from some kind of... magazine? Book?

“OH!” She cried in surprise, taking a step back, before quickly coming to the assumption that she looked a little strange. She cracked an awkward grin, her eyebrows pinched together nervously and she quickly gestured at the seat across from the boy, “Sorry! Uh... you mind if I sit here? For the ride? Eheh?”

RayPurchase RayPurchase
Penelope Hartmen
Location: Compartment C Interactions: PixieDust PixieDust (Midas & Imelda)

Pen smiled, grateful that she had seemingly picked the right people to sit with for the journey. Or they weren't, time would tell, but so far so good. Though, this Midas guy did seem to have a bit of a snotty air about him. Perhaps she was just seeing things, but she made a mental note about it nonetheless.

She stood up, shaking his hand a tad bit too enthusiastically. Oh well. Hopefully he wouldn't mind. "Penelope Hartmen. Pen if you wanna say it a bit quicker," Pen said, plopping back down at her seat. "I'm a first year too, but-" She paused, blinking bewilderedly at the patterned package. "Uh- sure?" Pen hesitantly took the small box, wondering if that was just a regular sort of wizard candy. She had never heard of a chocolate frog, but it couldn't be that strange considering there was such thing as gummy worms and chocolate eyes. Right?

Before she had time to open the box, her dark brown eyes were caught by a grey cat strutted over to her. Pen opened her mouth to say something when a fuzzy tan head popped out of the collar of her robe. Bing, being a particularly curious rat, hopped down her sleeve. He stretched out toward Birdie, nose wiggling as he sniffed the air experimentally.
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Time: 10:56
Date: 1st of September, 2014

"An animagus..." Olba repeats, raising a mildly interested brow. Of course, she had never been too interested in the process herself - it seems far too tedious for an ultimately (or so she considers) useless ability. But it certainly seems a good way to keep Goodblood preoccupied.

And of course it would be Professor Jordan helping a student with such a dangerous task. The man is a mess - hardly able to keep himself on task, nevermind an entire class of OWL or NEWT students. She is almost certain he had gotten the job only through mudblood sentiments - half bloods, particularly those who had 'helped' in the Second Wizarding War - have it far too easy in today's society.

She is interrupted from her musing - and Goodblood from his ramblings - by another prefect joining the carriage.

"Weasley." Olba greets, careful to keep her tone civil. "Welcome back to Hogwarts."

Victoire Weasley is...a character. A kind hearted girl, undoubtedly, but a bit of a show off, and too self absorbed to win herself any good favour. Sometimes, Olba almost thinks she's purposefully playing up the ditzy, feminine blonde act...but then again, she is a Weasley. Any pureblood who sympathises with muggles must have something not quite right in the brain department.

And then, of course, there's the part-Veela aspect. Its annoying, the way Olba's gaze is often drawn to her. Strange, considering she had once read only men were affected by a Veela's charm...perhaps the human blood changes things, she supposes. That must be it.

As Goodblood engages the flighty Hufflepuff in conversation, Olba is distracted by another prefect joining the carriage - Catherine Wright, a quiet Slytherin, and yet another competitor for top grades among the Sixth years. Despite the competition, Olba has never felt much ill will toward the Slytherin girl - she comes from a respected pureblood family, after all. Though her quiet nature can occasionally rub Olba the wrong way (a product of today's unfair treatment of purebloods, no doubt), sometimes she catches glimpses of a slipping facade, and Wright becomes far more interesting.

"Good morning, Wright." She greets simply.

Flora smiled softly and sat down in the seat opposite to the boy. She looked up at him when he introduced himself and then his owl. Fauna, thankfully, remained uninterested in the bird.
"Its nice to meet you, Ajax. I'm Flora and this is Fauna."
She gestured to the kitten curled up in her lap.
"She should be okay around birds. She's never really met them to hate them. And um- I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but...A-Are you a giant...?"
Calzy Calzy

  • 581407
    Cassius Floyd
    promqueen promqueen PixieDust PixieDust AI10100 AI10100 Faye. Faye.
    Compartment P
    Cassius' eyes flickered to the clock on the wall of the compartment. Instead of going straight to the prefect compartment like his fellow prefects undoubtedly did. He decided to spend some time with his Grffyndor friends instead. A little play before the work began, was that so wrong? Even though it wasn't near time for them to meet up he decided it would probably be a good idea to join them. He would undoubtedly get an earful if he didn't. "I'll see ya later mates. Duty calls," he said, patting one of his friends on the shoulder before leaving the compartment. He chuckled to himself as the sound of their objections followed him. If he could spend all day in that compartment he would have.

    Weaving his way around students and trunks he made it to compartment P a few minutes later. He stepped into the compartment unsurprised to see everyone already there. "Morning Weasley, Goodblood, Wright, Rosier" he greeted each of them before sitting beside Victoire. A part of him regretted his decision as her Veela effects hit him. She was stunning and there was no denying that but she just wasn't his type. So the pull of attraction towards her just felt a bit strange. Turning his attention away from the blonde girl beside her he looked over at Olba. "Got anything interesting planned for this year? Next year is our last year at Hogwarts, it's kind of strange to think about it" he said to her, although it was open to the rest of their group as well.

    The thought of them only having two years left made Cassius' stomach drop. It felt like he hadn't really accomplished anything in his years at Hogwarts. At least nothing that held a candle to what his siblings had done in their time. Scholar, Quidditch Captian, Head boy. It wasn't enough to match what they had done, he needed something that only he could accomplish. He frowned slightly, looking out the window at the families gathered at kings cross. Maybe this year would hold the answers that he was looking for. A brilliant idea that would have him go down in the history books. At least, for now, it seemed that he would have to focus on his perfect work.

    "What's the bet Olba gives out the most detentions this year" he joked, turning the conversation to something lighter. He smiled at his fellow prefects going back to his usual joking self. Personally, he tended to avoid giving out detentions unless it was necessary. Small mistakes were just that. Did he occasionally turn a blind eye to interesting troublemakers? Maybe. Only if they weren't going to do anything too bad. A harmless prank here and there just made the school a better place. More full of laughter and happiness.
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"it is nice to meet you too Flora and you as well Fauna" he says looking at the cute baby feline, Sherbet chirped in a greeting manner. Ajax was slightly startled by the question but he did not mind answering.
"Yes i am a giant, well a half giant anyway, why is it you want to know?" He asked curiously, wondering why she wanted to know and how she knew it. Ajax then said " i hope you don't mind, so what house do you want to join?" He asked​

Anastasia Greengrass
erzulie erzulie Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Mentions: Maree Maree
Location: Compartment U

Anastasia had been incredibly thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Zabini for granting them their presence when they bought their muggle phones. Mr. Nott and her own mother were too busy to truly care about the small nuances that the children did together. Nevertheless, she had placed the phone back inside her pocket. It would not be wise for her to be waving it around in front of people once she gets to Hogwarts. There would be no use in having other people know about her fascination with such muggle devices.

She let out a polite giggle. "Come now Gabriella, I am sure that the other students will just make it so much more interesting. Perhaps it will not only be us but they are still prospective young ones like us." Anastasia reasoned out. Her eyes flitted away from Gabriella for a moment - which is a habit of hers whenever she thinks of something that she does not quite like. It is barely noticeable for anyone who doesn't know her but the young Zabini would definitely know it. "Of course, I do worry that we might not end up in the same house." Their parents may have been in Slytherin as with most of their family, but the Sorting Hat may have other ideas. However, her uneasiness was quickly masked by a smile. "But I do hope we are roomed together. It will be like a sleepover everyday." She'd always been ecstatic whenever one or both of them would come over and stay for the night.

"My, that sounds like quite a summer. I hope Antoine and his family are well? Will they come over to visit next year?" She's met the boy a couple of times when he had visited Gabriella. It was certainly an interesting meeting. Though Anastasia could never see herself in Gabriella and Antoine's position, she still found herself quite fond of Antoine. "Oh, as you can imagine, I spent most of my time at home. Though I did visit Aunt Astoria and Uncle Draco frequently, Scorpius has grown quite a lot. I look forward to seeing him in Hogwarts." Despite the Malfoys having gone away to live under the radar due to Astoria's curse, Daphne was quite insistent on spending time with her sister. Anastasia was rather glad to be able to spend time with someone else. "Otherwise... nothing much has transpired."

When the compartment door had opened, Anastasia was confused for a moment. Guinevere was quite fast was she not? Though as she turned to the entrance, it was decidedly not Guinevere. She had never seen her before in her life so she must not be part of the Pureblood social cliques. Putting on her best smile, she said. "Of course. Do come in." She inwardly hoped that Gabriella wouldn't do anything rash that might put a damper to their current situation. "My name is Anastasia Greengrass. A pleasure." She introduced first before her eyes were drawn to the rat on her shoulder. "Oh my is that your pet? How cute~" She said while never breaking facade, her tone indicated genuine happiness.

581435【Margo Allerman】

"Maaaaaa-" Margo's muffled voice slipped through the cracks of her mother's jacket as Alina tightly held her only daughter in a bone-crushing embrace. It was the girl's first year at Hogwarts and while the young eleven-year-old was more than ready, her mother was most definitely not.
"What? Can't a mother hug her child one last time before she disappears?" The mother hugged her child even tighter and inhaled the familiar scent of roses and vanilla.
"Pfft- Mam," Margo wriggled out from her mother's trap and beamed up at her, "I'll still come home for Holiday!" Alina made a fake wailing sound and re-wrapped her arms around her small daughter, who was now groaning. "It's not the same!" Margo carefully placed her chin on her mother's shoulder and relaxed, realizing she wouldn't be able to escape unless she allowed her mother to "grieve" for a bit longer.
"I promise I'll write every day," Her mother looked down at her skeptically, "I promise," She moved back so she could smile up at her mother, whose chocolatey brown eyes had managed to water up. Alina slowly nodded and ruffled her daughter's colorful hair and gave her a fond smile, like an artist admiring his artwork, "Alright Gogo... I guess you better get on if you don't want them to leave without you." Margo beamed and waved to her mother before rushing onto the train, waving back to her mother for as long as she could.

Once the small eleven-year-old got on she wandered around for a bit, trying to find a free seat. After what felt like a long time of wandering, she finally entered Compartment D and flopped down onto an empty seat. Margo exhaled and closed her eyes, feeling the excitement slowly faded while fear managed to slip into the cracks and squeeze her heart. What if I don't make any friends? Her eyes popped open and her silvery irises widened, What if everyone hates me? Margo began to nervously chew on her thumb and looked out the window where she could no longer see her mother on the platform. Perhaps... Perhaps she shouldn't have left her mother on the platform...

(Sorry I'm a bit out of practice for long responses-)

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