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Realistic or Modern I Will Obey (Neko girl x Master RP)

Before anything else could transpire a knock at the door could be heard.

"Come in" Lazarus called, leaning away from Miki. Sebastian came to view as he bowed politely outside the entrance.

"Lord Jack is awaiting for you in library" He stated before taking his leave.
"I apologies" He muttered, leaning in to kiss her "I shouldn't have been so...rough"

And with that he abruptly disappeared and reappeared by the side of the bed.

"Jack is waiting" He sighed, running a hand through his hair "Lets go see to what he wants"
"Laz what took you so..." Jack began but his words slowly faded away as he noticed their intertwined hands. "Oooh, I see you two have been busy" He said in a low and suggestive voice.
Bills352 said:
Lavi Zemmi
"Rose That's a nice name. I am Lavi your master" I said as I smiled at her purring before I began to head towards the exit. "O I almost forgot." I added as I turned around and took off her chains. "Their now you look better." I said Smiling

Sayuri Rose

I grinned up at him and beamed at his complement. I followed him then almost bumped into him due to his sudden stop. When he took off the wretched chains only leaving my collar( which I didn't mind wearing ), my eyes shinned happily. " Thank you. " I said softly and I continued to purr.

Lavi Zemmi

I just smiled as I began to walk towards the exit again snapping my fingers so my chauffeur would get the car ready. Upon reaching the door I held it open for Rose "Lady's first" I said as I swiped my hand though the air past the door.

Sayuri Rose

I giggled and went inside the car. I marveled at how comfy the seats were and I couldn't help but slightly bounce up and down.

Lavi Zemmi

Upon entering the car I said to the chauffeur "Take us home" before I turned to see Rose bouncing on the seats a little I just looked at her with a smile on my face 'ah childish innocents' I was thinking to my self while watching her. "So what can you tell me about your self" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Ahahaha alright alright I'll get to the point!" Jack exclaimed, already seeing the murderous glint in Lazarus' eye "Were going to the northern woods!!"

"...why?" Lazarus sighed exasperatedly.

"Camping, dear friend, in the mystical world called NATURE!"
"See! Even Miki agrees!!"

Lazarus stared down at his Neko and began stroking her ears.

"Do you want to go camping?"

If Miki wished to go then he wouldn't hesitate to let her and come with of course.
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"Sure! Sounds fun! We can roast marshmallows." Miki said. She smiled up at her master who was stroking her ears.
"Then its decided!!" Jack declared, practically skipping out of the room "I'll meet you two by the east entrance"

And with that he was gone. Lazarus could feel another head ache coming his way. He pressed his lips on her neck and inhaled.

"Miki...is it alright if I...?"
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Sayuri Rose

I looked up from rolling the window up and down and tilted my head. " What is there to know? " I purred smoothly. " I love chocolate for one thing. I can be very cuddly." I beamed. " What about you, sir?" I asked while trying to figure out how to put the seatbelt on.

Jason Tession

I smiled at her " my name is Jason. I am giving you to my son, Alex. He needs company and sometimes I'm not the best person for that." I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, come along." I slightly tugged on her leash and led her to the car. His driver, Adam opened the door for her then shut it. Jason went inside and put on his seatbelt and nodded at Adam, signaling for him to start driving.

He slowly sank his fangs into her neck, careful to be gentle unlike the last time. After he was done he licked the open wound to capture any wasted blood. Lazarus could feel the warmth of the red liquid trickle down his throat and throughout his entire body. He now saw why Jack had preferred feeding on live prey.

"Sebastian" He called after backing slightly away. The butler immediately reappeared. "Would you pack the necessary gear for camping?"

Sebastian gave a nod and disappeared once more.
Miki smiled at him. She was used to being a live source of blood, but with Lazarus it was totally different. She felt an excited jolt every time he bit her. It made her feel alive.
It didn't take long before everything was set and ready. The drive there was short considering the Mansion was already somewhat surrounded by woods. Lazarus made his way around the parked car and held his hand out for Miki to take. Jack was already bounding towards them clad in an expensive winter coat.

"Were camping in the middle of summer" Lazarus stated, looking over his friends warm attire.

"Yes! But not here" Jack responded "Up there"

The vampire pointed to the snowy tops of mountains just beyond the woods.

"Hiking is part of camping right?" Jack questioned.
Lynx only nodded and merely followed, and then positioned herself neatly on the seat and looked straight ahead. Hopefully her new master wouldn't be grumpy or anything...
"We might be able to tolerate the cold but..." Lazarus remarked, glancing at Miki. Vampires weren't affected by something like weather with their constantly cold temperature but he was more concerned with the possibility of his Neko catching a cold than anything else.
"Unfortunately no" Lazarus sighed "I had expected warm weather". He glanced at Jack who gave an apologetic smile. "Ah but I've packed some!" The vampire exclaimed. He rushed to his car and opened the trunk to reveal two big, wooden chests. "What? I'm not a luggage type of person" Jack responded to Lazarus' inquisitive stare. He unlocks both of the trunks and gestures to the piles of coats "Take your pick".

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