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Realistic or Modern I Will Obey (Neko girl x Master RP)

"It's fine." Miki said, she smiled. She came closer to him. "As long as you are ok, I'm fine." She said. She placed her hand on top of his cheek and looked at his eyes.
Lazarus leaned into her touch. He knew his actions had been selfish as he could see the worry and anxiousness that he had caused Miki.

"Would you like some light?" He asked, eyes shining. Lazarus wanted to make it up to her and this was one of the only ways he knew how.
"I'm good in the dark." Miki said. She smiled, leaning closer to him. She felt at ease here next to him.
Lazarus smiled, accepting her close contact gratefully. He felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Miki pressed herself against him, getting increasingly close to his face. She smiled, her eyes reflecting a bit in the dark.
Lazarus could smell fresh mint and a hint of milk as their faces grew in contact. It wasn't long before his lips were pressing against hers. Sebastian quietly closed the door behind them, a rare smile on his face.
Miki wrapped her arms around him, savoring the moment. She smiled against his lips as she pulled away. 
She leaned her forehead against his, resting her head. She felt his breath on her face, shifting her hair ever so slightly as he breathed.
Lazarus lifted Miki up into his arms and carried her delicate form to his bed. He gently laid her down on soft covers, joining her moments later.
Miki snuggled close to him, cuddling in. She purred, her ears twitching. 
She sighed. She would have never imagined herself here a few weeks ago.
Lazarus had awoken in the early mornings as the clock by his bedside table had indicated. He replayed the events of last night over and over again. He wasn't exactly sure whether to be glad or apprehensive of his actions.
Lizzy said:
Lynx was in a dark area, a leash around her neck a little tighter than she would have liked. Her optics scanned the area, and a ear twitched suspiciously as a stout man walked in and grabbed her leash and without even saying a word, led her out onto a stage.
Barely a moment later someone next to her -possibly the same man, Lynx didn't bother to look-, began yelling, "Anyone want this 'gal?"

"100!" One yelled. Another countered with 500, and very very gradually the numbers rose, mostly by the ten.

Lynx refused to look terrified, and bit into the inside of her lip and forced herself to slightly frown and hold a mostly emotionless expression. She stared across the room at the crowd, unable to help the nervous twitching of the tip of her tail.

Jason Tession

I saw a neko come onto the stage and I raised my hand and shouted, " 1,500!" She is perfect, Alex is going to love her. She just better behave. I thought to myself. I slightly smirked when I realized no one is trying to beat my bid.

"Going once. Going twice, sold!" The auctiner yelled, then slightly pushed Lynx to a man waiting to lead her to her new master.

Lynx was scares, to say at the least, but she wouldn't let her new master know that and use it against her. Silently she was lead to Jason, and then the guy leading her by the leash dropped it and walked back to the stage. Lynx stared blankly at Jason.

Jason Tession

I smiled down at her and handed a man the money before picking up the leash. I led her out of the auction house and asked, " what is you're name?"

(bleh sorry for the short post :P )

She blinked, then said in a quiet tone, "Lynx." She followed him out, using most the slack in the leash to walk a step behind him and to the side.
Miki's ears twitched in her sleep as she rolled over. She was sleeping peacefully, only small purrs escaping her.
Lazarus noticed Miki squirm lightly beside. Slowly, as if not to wake her, he slipped an arm around her waist and pressed his chest closely against her back. The warmth felt like a welcome a change from the constant cold he's been subjected to. When your body was suppose to be dead a couple hundred years ago it tends become as cold as the corpse it should have been.
Lazarus had suddenly come up with a curious thought that Jack had suggested a few years back when he was giving him ridiculously detailed advice on how to 'please women'. Jack had been with countless vampires before so with a bit of reluctance Lazarus decided to test out one of his suggestions. So with a quick movement, he leaned over and took the tip of Miki's ear in his mouth and began to lightly nibble on it.
Miki flushed, moaning a bit in her sleep. She kept on purring, a smile gracing her face. 
She fluttered her eyes open a it, looking around the room.
Lazarus was thoroughly shocked at the noise that had escaped his Neko's lips. A pleasantly warm sensation traveled throughout his body as he pressed his forehead against the back of her neck.
Lazarus playfully ran his fingers down her sides, hoping to find her ticklish spot. He could feel her tail rubbing against his body.
"Whats so amusing, Miki?" He asked, still continuing to tickle her. Lazarus realized it had been the first time he had directly called her by name. It felt like velvet against his lips.
"S-stop it!" Miki said in between her fits of laughter. She continued laughing, rolling over and over.

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