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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

Gareth was a smart kid but not everyone listened to reason and Gaheris seemed far more illogical when he was angry, not to mention drunk. He went on cruel Instinct and deep rooted fear rather than sense all reasoning, it meant the two of them didn’t exactly speak the same language. But, Gareth was clever, clever enough to break through to Gaheris somewhat. Gaheris was more willing to believe Gareth was at fault than himself, needed to think that someone else was to blame rather than he was unloveable or unreasonable. He blinked at the excuse, thinking it over in his addled brain Before nodding. Yeah, that made sense. But Gaheris wasn’t an idiot either and he could really get his brain working when he wanted something.

The confession of fear caught him by surprise, enough to interrupt his thoughts and he frowned at Gareth. “There’s no reason to be scared of me” he said, bewilderment in his voice that Gareth would even suggest such a thing, loosening his grip on his neck. “I just want to look after you, I love you” he promised. He just wanted to help him out, give him what he wanted in the short time he had left, couldn’t they find some some company in each other? So what if some of it was carnal? They were only human, it was natural and no one else was going to help Gareth were they?

”i‘ll talk to a medic, see if I can get you something for the pain, something numbing” he said, “I’m sure we can wait a little while“ so it seemed his plan hadn’t been stopped, only delayed. Maybe enough for Gareth to get some help though? But he still had Gaheris’ threat looming over him. Gaheris leaned back down to give Gareth another kiss, quicker this time. ”plus your kissing could use some work” he teased, although neither were very experienced and well, Gareth was not really responding at all. “We can work on that in the meatime”
Gareth's words seemed to work for the moment. Allowing Gareth to relax slightly. Though it was difficult to be fully rid of the tension. Gaheris spoke of loving him. Which left Gareth further confused. Because the way he said it wasn't brotherly Gareth thought. But maybe that wasn't surprising considering what was going on. Gaheris kept acting like Gareth was the one that wanted this. Seemed set on doing this and Gareth wondered if such feelings would be the same once sober. He feared what would happen if they were.

Still, Best to bite his tongue for the moment. Giving a small nod at Gaheris's talk of seeking out the medic. Then his lips were on his again and Gareth could feel his cheeks heating up. Remaining frozen. It wasn't as if he could really escape. Luckily the kiss did not last that long. Huffing. "I've not kissed much before. " He argued. Before turning his face away. As if embarrassed. Though Gareth hoped the position might make it a bit harder for Gaheris to kiss him further.

Swallowing. Gareth then asked Gaheris. "Are... Are you going to stay the night in my room? " Gareth wasn't sure which he'd prefer. It would be best if Gaheris went to his own room honestly. Gareth would not need to worry nearly as much. Though Gareth doubted Gaheris would leave anytime soon. As long as things stayed calm it would be okay. They had slept in a room together before. Cuddled when they were little! He could just pretend this was the same. Try and ignore everything that had happened.
Gareth didn’t push him away this time and so Gaheris felt he was making some progress. He rolled off Gaheris and lay Next to him at the question. ”of course, wouldn't want you getting lonely” he said, nudging him with his elbow before snuggling up to him, putting an arm around Gareth. Gaheris of course was more at risk of feeling lonely. “need a kiss goodnight?” He asked before laughing like he thought it was a funny joke, shaking his head and squeezing Gareth a bit tighter. They could discuss things more in the morning, might be …awkward though if Gaheris was sober and regretted what he’d done.

How would Gaheris react if they didn’t wake up by themselves anyway? He might not take it well if Ruth or Caleb or Agravain burst in to try and see Gareth, he was a bit too drunk to worry about that sort of thing at the moment though. Hopefully Gaheris would be in a better mood tomorrow and forget about what he’d said tonight, Gareth might not be lucky enough for Gaheris to forget such a thing though.

(Do you reckon Arthur, Silas and Gawain should have their ‘quest’? Caroline said she’d join if it was earlier i in the day but obviously Silas is hurt as well so they could’ve postponed it but I don’t imagine Gawain much cares about Silas’ health)
Gareth couldn't help but feel some relief when Gaheris finally got off him. Though he hardly went far. Arm wrapped around him and forcing him to stay near. But Gaheris was not going to push things further tonight it seem. Gareth would be okay, Tomorrow morning Gaheris would be sober and they both could put this behind them. So, Gareth closed his eyes. Attempting to calm down and hoping morning would come soon.

(I imagine they'd have it in a couple days. Gawain doesn't really care about Silas. But I doubt Silas would be able to make it far if he wasn't given anytime to heal. I also figure that they'd probable bring along either Galehaut or Percival as well. Just in case they need to leave Silas a bit further behind. So they can have someone to guard him.
If you want, We could play the scene where Gaheris fights the squire. Then skip to Silas and them going on a quest? )
(yeah sounds good)

The following day, Gaheris woke up early surprisingly, it didn’t take him long to figure out where he was and well, he remembered last night with quite A bit of clarity. He was sober though and that meant he was a bit more stable. He lay next to Gareth for a little before he climbed out of bed, trying not to wake his brother as he moved and collected his clothing. His head hurt and his mouth was dry and horrible and he felt grimy, he would quite like a bath but also just a fresh set of clothes and a nice breakfast. Once redressed in his clothes from last night he went to slip out of Gaheris’ room and towards his own.

He didn’t really have plans for the day, he could go out to town again, but maybe he should take Gavin’s advice and try to be nice to Ruth, spend some time with her, even if that meant hanging around here. It would be good to have at least some one on his side, even if it was only Ruth. Of course Gaheris had not been told about the plans for someone to come over, he was never told about the plans, plus it’s not like he cared about Caleb having friends. Gaheris was newly knighted and yet to spar and show off his skills to Ruth, he might like such a chance, would be a good way for him to work out some of his residual anger too hopefully. Although things never went quite To plan for Gaheris.
It was fairly early. But well, Many knights were used to rising early for the day. Caleb was no different and preferred to try and keep to such a routine. She wasn't allowed to spar, But she still had intentions of keeping up most of her old habits. Thus, Gaheris wasn't to be able to sneak back to his room unnoticed. For when he was walking towards his room was when Caleb stepped out of hers. Only to pause when she caught sight of Gaheris. He certainly looked ruffled and Caleb figured he'd likely spent much of the night drinking. For a moment, Caleb considered ignoring it. Probable should. But it could be difficult at times to bite ones tongue.

Thus she then said. "Did you go drinking alone again? " Though she didn't think she really needed to ask. She knew the answer. Thus she shook her head. "I understand you don't want to go with Agravain. But surely you could bring someone along with you. Maybe Chris could go? " Chris was friendly! But, Gaheris might not like Caleb getting into his business. Still, Maybe she'd talk to Chris about him tagging along with Gaheris? The man probable would be over soon enough. Caleb could ask then.

Caleb figured it best not to try and push anything any further. Gaheris didn't exactly like her. She knew that well enough. But it felt weird to just... Leave. She knew Gaheris had been threw a lot lately. Likely was hurting. It didn't excuse his nasty behavior. But Caleb then decided to further try. "I uh... I get that you might just need to get out of this house for a bit. Maybe we could see about going somewhere nice or something? " And she winced a bit at her own words. Feeling the awkwardness from them.
Of course Caleb spotted him, because the universe hated him. Proven even more so by her opening her big trap. He stopped to glare at her eyes narrowed, bad mood already kicked into gear and not helped by his hangover. He sneered as she mentioned Chris. Why would he want to hang out with that loser? He was Caleb’s friend and therefore Gaheris wanted nothing to do with him. Her suggestions were only getting worse though and they made Gaheris feel a bit sick. “You’re not my mother, although I like you both about the same” he muttered, he didn’t need her telling him what to do.

”just because your mouth is off Agravain’s d*ck enough to speak, doesn't mean you have to talk to me, and doesn’t mean I have to listen” he told her. He wasn’t even getting on with Agravain at the moment, getting along with Caleb was going to be a much harder sell. “But you could leave, that might be nice, especially if you don’t come back” he suggested. “You can even take my traitor of a brother with you” So yeah, not the best start to the day but Caleb was more Tactful than Agravain, things would only get worse if heard what Gaheris was saying.

”i mean it seems like that was your plan anyway, to run off, not bothered about me or Gareth or anyone” yeah he’d heard what had happened when King Mark had been around and that was just another strike against his big brother. “I think the anger at you too being gone would’ve been better than the disappointment of you coming back,“ But all those words did come from hurt, didn’t stop him from being vicious and nasty and malicious. Gaheris’ attitude was unlikely to change, it’s not like Agravain could foster a better one in him. Maybe Ruth would be able to break through?
It didn't take long before Gaheris was snapping at her. Frankly Caleb expected it. That didn't mean she was going to tolerate it though. Her expression soon hardened. "You're right, I'm not your mother. And you aren't a child. So how about you stop acting like one? " What? She wasn't going to just ignore him. Though she figured such would only make things worse in the end. Caleb then crossed her arms. Huffing. "Your brother has done nothing but try and help you. Listen, I'm sorry for whatever you went threw. But that does not give you a excuse to talk to me, Or anyone else like that. " She had a feeling things weren't going to change. Gaheris was a bitter young man, And they could blame it on whatever the slavers had done to him. But Caleb had seen him before the capture. He had been horrible then as well. So maybe it was time to put bit more pressure on him? If no one took him down a notch, Well. He was just going to keep behaving as he currently was.

Caleb then growled. "But talking ain't going to do anything for you? Is it? So lets go hash things out outside, s- " She trailed off though. She wasn't allowed to spar. She couldn't take him down a peg. And she had no plans of having someone else do it for her. Would it be so bad to spar now? Caleb could defend herself. She did not think Gaheris was that good in battle. As tempting as it was. She couldn't. So she shook her head.

Caleb thus growled. "Whatever, Get yourself dressed. You stink. " She muttered. unable to hide the frustration in her voice. She hated this, Not being able to fight. If she was just able to spar, She could teach Gaheris a lesson. Maybe get him to behave a bit proper. He had no respect for her. But if she bested him in combat? Well, He might claim she cheated or something. But it was still a start. No, For now all she could do was wait. So thus she began to move as to walk past him.
She had the nerve to call him a child? She was the same age as him! No one ever seemed to remember that and it was mighty annoying.And she also was feeling sorry for him? He didn’t want her pity, he was fine, not that she truly cared or Agravain or really anyone seemed to. He was allowed to be angry though at them moving on without him, for Agravain bringing this disgrace into the family. This wasn’t unwarranted viciousness, he was just giving her what she deserved. She was the one that needed putting in her place after all.

He raised an eyebrow, expression smug as she realised she wouldn’t be able to fight him. Of course she couldn’t anyway, she was just using the baby now as an excuse, she’d never be able to beat him, not fairly. “Look at you running away again” he mocked as she went to go past him. “You couldn’t beat me in a fight anyway, you can’t even defend yourself, you certainly couldn’t at the fort. Or at least that’s what you’d have us believe, I know you loved it” he spat, he wasn’t going to mince his words and he wasn’t going to tiptoe around her just because she was Agravain’s wife. He didn’t want a whore for his sister in law but it seemed he’d got one anyway.

Caleb could always get Agravain to try and knock him down a peg but she likely wouldn’t want someone else fighting her battles, still once and if Agravain heard about this, Caleb might not be able to stop him. The problem with Gaheris was that he was filled with unproven hubris, a strong belief of his own self importance despite all evidence pointing to otherwise, Agravain may not be able to knock some sense into him. Still, Gaheris didn’t want to spend his whole morning in the ruinous presence of Caleb so he figured he would take her advice and get dressed, should she not move to stop him, even so he figured he could easily move her out of the way. In all reality Caleb was a better fighter than Gaheris, everyone could see that, but Gaheris was probably stronger, if he caught her by surprise then he might be able to do some real harm, plus he probably wouldn’t fight fair when it came to Caleb.
Caleb was going to just walk away. To try and brush things off. But when Gaheris spoke. Well, He took things too far. Memories of helplessness coming back and Caleb froze in her track. Balling her hands into fists. It took everything for her to not just turn on him then and punch him. No, She couldn't run from this now. So she spoke. "Gaheris..." She started. Not even glancing towards him before she informed. "I challenge you to a duel. Meet me outside in fifteen minutes. " With that she was walking away. She could defend herself. She had that confidence. She couldn't have someone fight this duel for her.

Perhaps she was being too rash. As soon as anyone else in the castle caught wind of this. they'd certainly stop her. Be furious. But Caleb didn't care. Because she needed to teach Gaheris a lesson. So she then quietly continued walking. Heading downstairs as to seek out her sword. Gaheris might be the same age as her. But Caleb easily seemed to have more skill then him. Except, She was pregnant and hadn't been able to spar for a decent bit of time. She was out of practice.

Would Gaheris even meet her outside? Would his pride allow him not too? Caleb didn't know, Didn't care. If he didn't show then Caleb would simply take it as a show of weakness. Caleb grit her teeth as she walked. Soon reaching the armory. It took some searching. Her father made sure her favorite sword wasn't the easiest to find. But soon enough she had it in her hand and was heading outside. She was fuming and it was clear to see.
Oh, Agravain and Melodias were not going to be happy.
Gaheris grinned, smug and vile and sharp as he got under Caleb’s skin. “I’ll be there” he promised, entering his bedroom to Change his clothes and freshen up. Caleb was more skilled, it came more naturally to her but Gaheris wasn’t a beginner and he wasn’t a bad fighter. He had a lot of experience with all the quests he’d been on and Gawain has taught him well, if he could just keep a cool head then he’d be a decent challenge, it wasn’t something he was known for though. Unlike Lance, his overconfidence could Be his downfall, and unlike Agravain he could not channel his anger well into a fight, instead it was distracting. Caleb was out of practice though and this pregnancy probably had her off balance too, would slow her down and change her centre of gravity slightly. She wouldn’t be able to use her speed as well nor would she be capable of too many nimble moves, plus she might be distracted with thoughts about harming the baby. Gaheris had no such qualms.

He‘d love for someone to see him knock Caleb down but he wasn’t stupid enough to invite someone. No, as soon as he’s changed and splashed some water on His face, he’d grabbed his sword and headed to the meeting place. He flexed his hand slightly before rotating his wrist, feeling the weight of his sword. “You sure you don’t want to back out? It’s hard for me to think any less of you” he mocked. They really shouldn’t be doing this though, someone was going to get hurt. Caleb wasn’t the only one out of practice either after all, Gaheris had been kidnapped, sure he’d had a sword in the way back but they hadn’t done a whole lot of fighting and For the most part it’d been too cold to train, they were both in bad shape for this duel, hopefully that’d mean there would only be a few scrapes though.

Agravain was going to lose his head when he found out what they were up to. Who would get the blame though? Gaheris should not be provoking Caleb like he did, should be nicer and shouldn’t be fighting her, but Caleb should also know better, plus she had been the one to actually challenge him. Maybe Melodias could scold Caleb whilst Agravain scolded Gaheris. And well, Agravain would happily ground Gaheris, maybe Melodias would do the same for Caleb, if Gaheris wasn’t too old for that punishment then neither was she, not that she left the estate much anyway. “Shame theres no audience, I wish Agravain could see me spill your blood,“ He might just get his wish if he was unlucky enough. “Ready when you are” he challenged, gripping his sword tighter.
Caleb was not backing down, She was not in a state that could be reasoned with. Pacing back and forth until she spotted Gaheris approaching. The man seemed almost cocky which did not help her mood. "You're lucky you're Agravain's brother. " She growled, That was the only thing keeping her from throwing him out of her home. She was honestly still a bit tempted. Speaking of audiences. Caleb spotted out of the corner of her eye a servant peering threw the window. The person did not linger long. Soon disappearing back inside. No doubt to seek out someone. Thus the clock was ticking. This fight would not be able to last long.

Thus, As soon as Gaheris expressed he was prepared, Well.. Caleb nodded and was setting into action. She figured Gaheris was expecting her to be defensive. Maybe a bit meek when fighting. Thus no, Caleb was going full offensive. Charging in and hoping to overwhelm Gaheris as quickly as possible. He might not expect things to get started so quickly!
Caleb could feel her speed was not as it once was. Something she mentally tsked at. Perhaps others might not notice it. Might still think she was a good fighter. But she could feel the difference. She'd need to work on correcting such as soon as she could.

Gaheris was bigger then Caleb, Probable stronger then her. Would show no mercy with his hits. So, Caleb held back very little herself. She wasn't going to kill him. But he'd certainly have a few gashes by the end of this. Frankly, She wanted him to have a few wounds. It would hopefully make him think twice about how he spoke to her. So she lunged at him, Aiming to slash wherever she could.
Gaheris did not feel lucky being Agravain’s brother but for once he kept his mouth shut. There wasn’t much time for talking anyway as Caleb set into motion. She was slower than usual but still quite quick, quicker than you’d have thought possible with how pregnant she was. And there was very little preamble, she was getting straight too it and Gaheris found himself having to go on the defence immediately. He managed to deflect a few slashes but she was angry and she was good so he found himself hissing as he got sliced several times.

Well, already this wasn’t going as planned, but Gaheris didn’t want to be on the defence, he wanted to be attacking her. So, when the opportunity presented itself, he went to block her sword and flick it back, hoping to put her off balance a bit and swing her sword side so she was vulnerable. It was now Gaheris’ to slash at her. He wasn’t as quick but he was strong and he wasn’t as slow as Agravain anyway. The problem Caleb had was she wasn’t used to dodging in Her current stated, might undershoot it With the size of her belly and of course Gaheris cared little for the safety of the baby.

Time certainly was counting down, that servant would tell Agravain, or Melodias, or both, and then they’d have someone coming to interfere. Caleb’s sword would Have to be hid away better this time, maybe somewhere up high she’d struggle to reach, and Gaheris? Well, what were they going to do with Gaheris really. He had no respect and was full of anger and vicious intent, he needed help but wasn’t willing to accept any. His attitude was a big problem and Agravain didn’t want him stressing Caleb out but he did not want to abandon his brother otherwise.
Caleb had little mercy with her attacks. But soon she was on the receiving end. She could feel herself stumbling. Though such did not last long. Twisting herself in a attempt to dodge Gaheris's attack. Barely escaping a more severe blow. Though the sword did Knick her. She paid little attention to it. No, She was soon enough right back to attacking. She needed to end this quickly. So she moved forward. Hoping to feint to the left before moving properly in. Swing her blade and hoping to stop just before such hit his neck. Maybe it was risky. Gaheris might manage to block her. But this fight needed to be over quickly.

News had certainly spread fast. The servant had been shouting for Agravain and Melodias. But, Well, Melodias was first threw the door. Having already been downstairs and well, As soon as he'd heard Caleb was fighting? He had bolted outside. gritting his teeth and Caleb heard him. Though she did not take her eyes off Gaheris as Melodias snapped. "Caleb! " Anger clear in his voice and eyes wide.

No doubt his worry increased by the sight of blood at her side, No doubt fearing the worst. She could tell he was still storming closer. If Caleb had not ended the fight, Well... Melodias was likely to drag them apart. Not caring if he was at risk of being slashed or stabbed. No, His only concern was separating the two before anymore damage could be done. Honestly! He would have thought Caleb knew far better then such. She was pregnant!
The sight of her blood was encouraging and Gaheris was pleased to make her stumble, as was only right. Caleb wasn’t out for the count though, far from it and even if her pregnant state she was a more than capable fighter. Gaheris caught the feint, if a bit late and went to move his sword to try and stop hers, clashing as it reached near his neck but not quite getting as far as she’d probably liked. It was still a dangerous situation for him though had she really been trying to kill him. The day was still young though and someone else was going to want to kill the both of them.

Melodias’ voice had him tensing, they were going to be in trouble, he recognised that, but it better not just be him. She’d started it! He also didn’t know Melodias very well so was unsure of what he might do to someone who hurt Caleb but he’d heard the old man was a half Decent fighter. Gaheris glared at Caleb as she stayed looking at him and went to shove his sword against hers so that it was away from his neck, snarling at her and backing away slightly. He wasn’t stupid enough to continue fighting her whilst Melodias was about.

Except it wasn’t just Melodias, Agravain had arrived on the scene too and had instantly narrowed in on his brother, thundering over. ”what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Agravain roared, going to push Gaheris back even further. Gaheris had been A nightmare these last few days, he knew he was upset and angry and hurting, traumatised and vengeful, but he couldn’t be putting Caleb in danger like this! She was family now, and so was that unborn child yet Gaheris was selfish enough to risk seriously hurting her? He wasn’t having it. “She challenged me to a duel” Gaheris exclaimed, it was a matter of pride, everyone knew that, how could he refuse? And maybe that was snitching a little, but he didn’t want all the blame! Agravain turned to give Caleb a stern look. “tell me he’s lying. We’ve talked about this. No duelling, not until the baby’s born” Agravain implored, rough hand gripping Gaheris’ shoulder to make sure he didn’t run off. Gaheris was already looking a bit sulky as well, besides the indignity, that Agravain wanted him to be a liar, was softer with Caleb already. Things were only going to get worse once Caleb explained what Gaheris had said to her. If she even told them that she is, maybe she’d just say he was being mouthy, still they all had to know he‘d said something truly horrible to get her to actually challenge him. Or maybe they’d put it down as Caleb being restless, jumping at any chance to duel. Oh, Gaheris could use that in his defence if she did start saying things about him.
Caleb could hear Agravain and her father approaching. And while it seemed Agravain decided to shove Gaheris away. Melodias had his focus on Caleb. Making sure to stand between her and Gaheris. Causing Caleb finally to look away from him. Her eyes averting as she heard her father growl. "Caleb, You can't- " But he faltered. Catching Gaheris's words and glancing back towards the young man. Seeming himself a bit startled by the words. Caleb made no move to deny it. Gripping her sword tighter and looking up towards Agravain. She then said. "He said... He said I loved it. What happened at the fort.... " Tone quiet. She couldn't let that slide. Fighting him was still reckless and stupid. She was pregnant. There was more then just herself at risk. But well, They could probable honest what had caused such.

Melodias was certainly furious. A dark look formed across his face. And well, Of course he believed Caleb. He didn't agree with her choice to fight. But for now his anger was directed towards Gaheris. He stood still for a moment. As if taking things in. Before turning around to face Gaheris. Without warning suddenly aiming to punch Gaheris. Which well, Gaheris might not be prepared for the strength behind the hit if it landed. Clearly he was ready to do more. But then Caleb was snapping. "Don't. " Causing him to pause. Caleb then expressed. "He's my fight. I won't have anyone else fighting on my behalf. " She didn't want others defending her honor. She was not helpless. But it seemed any fight she wished to be had would have to wait.

Melodias clearly did not approve of such. But he was willing to listen to Caleb. Taking a few steps away. Caleb watched him for a moment before her attention turned to Agravain. Caleb then began. "I can't... He can't talk like that... I..I can't walk away from it. It..." She soon enough trailed off. Agravain might need to have a serious talk with Gaheris about keeping his mouth shut. But well, What was the chances he would actually listen?
Gaheris’ words were true but so were Caleb’s. Agravain didn’t think she’d lie about that and he also knew his brother well enough to know he Could say something so vile, it didn’t appease him though. Agravain turned to look at Gaheris, ready to shout at him when Melodias was stepping in. Gaheris was still in Agravain’s grip so there was little he could do to avoid the punch. On the bright side, Agravain’s grip stopped him falling over. It didn’t stop the bleeding though, red already gushing from his nose. Melodias hit hard and there was no denying Gaheris deserved it but part of Agravain still bristled that someone would touch his brother like that, even if it was Melodias and in defence of Caleb. He should at least have been the one to discipline Gaheris.

”too late for that” Gaheris snapped, spitting blood and Glaring. Whether she liked it or not, Caleb would not be able to fight her battles alone, Agravain and Melodias would always be threats standing behind her. Gaheris wrestled himself out of Agravain’s grip, giving him a shove not that it moved his brother much. “ive heard much worse said about you“ Gaheris told her. “I can repeat some of it if you’d like” voice vicious even with the other men around, they already knew what he’d done, what he’d said, he couldn’t really get into more trouble Could he?

“you do that and you won’t be able to talk for a week” Agravain growled, snatching Gaheris’s shirt this time and dragging him closer whilst also trying to walk him away from Caleb a bit. Gaheris sneered at His brother, going to open his mouth but Agravain clamped a hand over it. “You get checked out, make sure you’re alright” he suggested to Caleb. “Let’s try and put this on hold until you can actually fight okay?” He said which was….optimistic. Gaheris was still horrible, it didn’t take back what he’d said snd he’d probably say more but them being around each other right now wasn’t going to calm things down and he’d rather Gaheris didn’t get murdered by Melodias or Caleb.
Caleb grit her teeth as Gaheris spoke up. Anger clear on her face. Luckily Agravain was pulling his brother away. A good thing because honestly, If Gaheris kept running his mouth? Well, Either Caleb or Melodias would likely teach him a lesson. Agravain was encouraging Caleb to leave. For the best really and Caleb seemed as if she might argue. But in the end she nodded. Not wanting to stand and listen to Gaheris any longer. Thus she turned, Beginning to storm inside. Melodias didn't take long before he was following after his daughter. Anger still lingered in his eyes. But also worry as he caught up with her. Voice soft as he spoke up. "Hey... Caleb, Are you alright? " Which felt like a silly question, Of course she wasn't alright!

Caleb though brushed off his worry. "His blade didn't go very deep. " She promised. Waving her hand dismissively. Though her father shook his head. "You know thats not what I mean. " He said gently. Which caused her to pause. Head hanging low. She didn't want to talk about it. Anger twisted its way in her chest. The memory of helplessness and betrayal still stark in her mind. She hated those thoughts, Those men, Hated Gaheris as well, Because his words and eyes reminded her very much of them. Melodias's expression softened. Reaching forward and gently pulling Caleb into a hug. Which soon enough Caleb leaned into.

Caleb then murmured quietly. "I don't want.. I can't... " But she trailed off, Because she didn't want to talk on the matter further. She didn't want to think about it. Luckily Melodias did not press her further. Simply murmured. "I know... " Melodias then sighed. Pulling away and seeming to think for a moment. His gaze drifting down to her side. Frowning before he murmured. "Listen, Go sit down for a moment. I'll get the first aid kit. " He urged. Before stepping away and heading off. Briefly leaving Caleb. Who let out a long sigh. Glancing down as she realized she still had her sword at her side. Blood lingered on it. No doubt belonging to Gaheris and Caleb couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction. The fight might have ended early. But he'd have a few scars to remember her by. Thus she then was moving to the living room as to sit down.
Agravain wanted to go with Caleb, wanted to make sure she was alright, let her know that he thought Gaheris was out of order, but he had to deal with his brother first. Caleb was inside and that left him alone with Gaheris, although maybe they’d still be heard at the volume they’d be talking. “You don’t get to talk to her like that” Agravain told Gaheris. “She’s my wife, and even if she wasn’t, that was a disgusting thing to say to someone” Might as well try and get Gaheris to see how wrong it was to say that. Gawain never would’ve allowed him to say such a thing!

”not when it’s true“ Gaheris snapped back, “it’s hardly my fault you married a whore who-“ SMACK. Agravain backhanded him, causing him to stumble and press a hand to his already reddening cheek. He spat more blood, blue eyes filled with hatred focused on Agravain. “Can’t you see how weak she‘s made you? You act so tame around her, you’re a completely different person” Gaheris hissed. “She’s made you her b*tch” Agravain advanced and grabbed his brother by the throat, fury in his eyes.

”and you’ve changed too. Into a snivelling vile little creature, a disappointment. No wonder Gawain didn’t want you around Gwen’s baby” and maybe they were both saying things they couldn’t take back but Agravain had always had a nasty streak in him too. “im not even asking you to act nice, I’m just asking you to keep your mouth shut. When Caleb has this baby and hopefully when Gawain comes back we’ll see about you learning some manners, but for not just stay quiet and maybe I wont have to knock you into next year” Agravain released Gaheris with A shove, leaving him coughing as he turned to go and check on Caleb. “And you’re grounded for the month at least” Agravain added, scooping up Gaheris sword as went. He’d think up some more punishments for him later, right now he needed to make sure his wife and child were okay.
Caleb let out a heavy sigh as she reached the living room and found a spot to sit. Soon moving to lift her shirt and study the wound on her side. Just as she suspected it wasn't deep. Nothing to fuss about. Though Caleb was aware that had Gaheris been a bit more skilled of a fighter... Well, Things could have ended in tragedy. This all had been foolish. But Caleb was still struggling to tamper down her anger. She paused though as she heard the sound of footsteps. Glancing up just in time to see Agravain entering the room. No doubt worried. Which now that the fight was over. Well, It was hard for Caleb not to feel bad about. Glancing away from him. "Everythings alright. He only got one hit on me and it was not deep. " She began. Hoping to settle some of his worries quickly.

But that was not the only matter. Caleb bit her lip. Murmuring. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have fought him. I just... When he said that.... " She soon trailed off. She didn't have a excuse. She should have kept her emotions more in check. But that was easier said then done. Especially when living under the same roof as Gaheris. Honestly, How had Gawain put up with him for so long? Caleb half wanted to send Gaheris away. Have him live somewhere else, Just so he would be out of her hair. But he was struggling and she would not do that to Agravain.

Caleb then muttered. "When he spoke he sounded just like... " No, She wouldn't think any further of those men who hurt her. They did not deserve a moment more of her time. But, If he dared sound so much like them, Then how else was he like them? That worried Caleb and suddenly her gaze became firmer. Lifting her head and looking to Agravain. She then told him. "I should have saw to this earlier. But he is not going to own Ruth any longer. I'm not going to allow it when we can do something about it. " Caleb was not going to sit around and allow him to harm someone.
Agravain was overly calmed by her words, knew she’d try not to worry so him so didn’t trust that she’d tell him the full extent of her injuries. From what he could see she didn’t look too injured though and he’d be keeping an eye on her so he just nodded as he went to her side. He agreed that she should’ve refrained but Gaheris had a mighty talent for getting under people’s skin. He might not be the best fighter but he was a master at being annoying. Still, he was trying to get a reaction out of her and for that reason Caleb should just learn to walk away. Gaheris was not going to be the bigger person so he guessed she’d have to be and he understood that was maybe expecting a lot of her with what Gaheris said but he trusted her to be more sensible than his brother.

”i could’ve killed him for what he said” Agravain muttered as he sat next to her. “But he wants a reaction” he was still a kid, and a sulky one at that. Except what did that make Caleb? She was Gaheris’ age so it was even more understandable that she would react. He didn’t like the comparison she made between his brother and those men, it spoke of bad things but maybe she wasn’t wrong. From what he’d heard Lance say, Gaheris had been very pushy with Ruth. Speaking of, Caleb wanted Ruth out of Gaheris care which he just knew she wasn’t going to let go.

”As far as rights of ownership go, I don’t think Gaheris is going to agree, regardless of what I do, he’ll hold onto her out of pure spite” he explained. He could already see him putting pressure on Gaheris and his brother just refusing to give. “But we could talk to the king about having him hand her over, or free her” he suggested. He’d recognise that Gaheris was of a fragile mind and had likely heard that his nephew was apur at the best of times, he’d imagine Alexander would agree with little hesitation. It would make Gaheris’ attitude worse, but maybe him not having that power over someone would help him in the long run, he hoped so. “I’m sorry for what he said, I know that does little. He’s not coping well since he got back, I’m sure you can tell, and that’s not an excuse its just….I don’t know what to do with him. He barely listens to me and I can’t exactly rebuild our relationship when I have to punish him every five seconds. But I can’t just let him get away with things either.“ he sighed, leaning back in his seat. “Gawain would know what to do” except he didn’t want to detract from her, although it might do her good to focus on something else. “I hope our kid turns out a bit more well mannered.” except Agravain had helped raise Gaheris.
Agravain was soon enough at Caleb's side. It seemed he was very much on her side which was comforting. understood her reasoning well enough. It seemed he was also willing to help when it came to freeing Ruth. Talking to the king was a good call. This kingdom didn't tend to keep slaves. Enslavement was normally only done to the worst. The king was a noble man and she had a feeling he might not like the idea of a young girl being a slave. So she thus was soon giving Agravain a nod.
The matter of what to do about Gaheris was less clear, Agravain clearly did not know what to do and Caleb knew not how to help. She then shook her head at his comment. "He's been a jerk since before everything happened. Even when Gawain was here. " Gawain had been his mentor and clearly hadn't been able to teach him manners. She wasn't so sure he'd know what to do here.

Caleb then murmured. "He needs to get out of his own head. Not go drinking on his own. Make some friends. " Caleb didn't think he'd ever had the most friends though. Caleb had certainly been rather social at the crowd. Hung around many of the younger knights and squires. She could never recall him being apart of them. Why she was not sure. But it wasn't as if she could try and introduce him to people. She was fairly certain he'd just snap at anyone she brought close.

A soft laugh came from her at the comment regarding there child. Soon leaning against Agravain and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. But she was not able to say much more as her father was soon entering the room. Seemed he'd found the first aid kid. Striding over to them. "Okay, C'mon, Let me get a look at that cut. " And Caleb was ready to argue the injury was not that bad. But well, A stern look from her father had her going quiet. Sitting up and lifting her shirt just enough to reveal the wound. Melodias didn't waste time. Kneeling down as to get a better look at it. Tsking slightly. But well, The sight of him had a idea coming to her mind. Asking suddenly. "We were just talking about Gaheris, And well... I don't suppose you have any suggestions? " Her father didn't really need much more explanation. He had seen Gaheris. Seen his temper. Melodias didn't even look up from what he was doing. Pointing out. "I'm afraid I don't have any help to provide. You're my only child and have always been well behaved. Well, Besides when you were two. You were a nightmare then." Melodias probable had about the same amount of experience as Agravain. Considering Caleb was about the same age as Gaheris. But, He did pause. Glancing towards Agravain, Before saying. "But someone needs to get a handle on him. Its only a matter of time before he picks a fight with someone and gets himself seriously hurt. "
Caleb didn’t mince her words but she wasn’t wrong, Gaheris had had an attitude for a long time it had just gotten significantly worse since he’d gotten away, it was not as easy to keep him in check. Before he’d been bitter but not as outright vicious with him words but it seemed he didn‘t care any more. With Gawain gone and falling out with Agravain, it seemed he didn’t want to hold back or pretend that he was nice in any way. Some friends would do him so good but how would he ever get friends if he kept acting like this? And Agravain didn’t want him to become friends with someone with a similar attitude as that would only make the problem even worse.

Melodias didnt have much advice either but he did give him an idea to talk to other parents, maybe try and find one with a problem child. He could talk to some of the knights as well, the older ones were a better shot as Gaheris was going to go mental if he found out he’d been talking to the knights about him being a problem. But, maybe someone else would have had a similar experience and would be able to give him some advice? They couldn’t all have had perfectly behaved children.

Seriously hurt? You mean like today when Melodias had punched him and Caleb caught him with her sword several times? And oh, maybe he should’ve helped Gaheris get cleaned up, tend to his wounds but he’d been too angry and he also didn’t think Gaheris would accept his help. He knew what Melodias meant though, one day someone wasn’t going to hold back because he was his Brother, one day he was going to say something that would get him killed if he wasn’t careful. “I’ve taken his sword away” he said, evident by the sword he’d brought with him into the room. “but maybe I should talk to the king about keeping him busy, maybe stick him with some other young knights and squires in group training” he might get dime comradery there if he went to bootcamp of sorts. If Gaheris was worked hard enough to be tired then he might not be a problem, too worn out to start anything. yes, he liked that idea, but Gaheris wouldn’t like hanging out with squires again.

”anyway, don’t let him ruin your day” he insisted. “Is Chris coming round today?” He asked, she could use a visit from a friend to distract her, if not he figured they could go out and do something. But, if Chris was coming round, he could snag him as he went to leave again so they could find that cabin of Loth’s James had told them about. Lance was about though so that was a friend for her, he’d yet to appear though the shouting from the servant had likely woken him had he been asleep. Maybe he figured it was best not to get involved as Agravain would be riled up and that could mean trouble for him.
Melodias frowned, Glancing towards the sword before looking back to Caleb's wound. Gaheris training with the other young knights wasn't a bad idea. But Melodias feared that with the young mans attitude he might still isolate himself. Gaheris might also get the feeling that the family was sending him away. Which was risky. Melodias did seem to be considering the matter. Falling quiet and no longer seeming to be listening much. Luckily Agravain was speaking to Caleb soon enough. Changing the subject and frankly, Caleb was glad not to think about Gaheris anymore. Though she was a bit surprised by Agravain switching to speaking of Chris.

Caleb then nodded her head. Saying. "He's supposed to be coming by. Lance seems to want to help train him a bit. So I imagine if he doesn't come on his own well, Lance will probable drag him by. " A bit of amusement in her tone. She imagined it wouldn't take him too long to arrive. Chris always seemed to like staying awhile. Caleb then mused to Agravain. "You ought to join them. I think Chris could certainly learn a few things from you. You have to promise not to break him though. " She said playfully.... Sorta. she was very much aware that Agravain was softer with her then most others. She didn't want him being too harsh on poor Chris!

Caleb then mused. "I think he also mentioned something about possibly a friend joining him as well. " Though Chris had not mentioned any names. She could figure it was either a younger knight or a squire. Hey! Maybe Gaheris could make friends with them? Except no. Caleb didn't think Gaheris would be in any mood to make friends today.
By now, Melodias was finishing patching Caleb up. Giving the wound one last glance over before standing up. He then mused. "Alright, That should be good. " Now hopefully she'd keep out of anymore trouble! "You're lucky it was not any worse. " He informed.
Who would’ve thought that moving the conversation onto Chris, and by extension Lance, would help calm things down. It was actually a welcome relief, even if Agravain still had the anger and worry about Gaheris nibbling away at the back of his mind. “I ought to drop by? You ought to hang out with them” Agravain insisted, he wanted To make sure she hung around them, knew that’s why Chris was bringing his friend in the first place but she talked as if she wouldn’t be there which Agravain couldn’t have this be for nothing. Caleb did like to get involved with the sparring though so he imagined she’d prefer it over sitting around doing nothing.

”me and Chris get on Perfectly fine” Agravain insisted, by which he meant he scared Chris slightly and could boss him about a bit. Hopefully Caleb would get along with this new guy and then once they left, Agravain could join them and steer Chris towards where the Cabin was supposed to be. He didn’t want to wait around for too long to try and figure all this out about his father and his allies. They needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Agravain looked towards Melodias as he said Caleb was alright, he was glad, but it was worrying to think what might’ve happened if they hadn’t gotten there and intervened. “You have to promise us no more fighting, and mean It this time“ Agravain said. “Even if people are saying nasty things, at the end of the day they’re just words. If you want, instead you could keep a list of everyone you need to teach a lesson when you can fight again” he teased playfully. Oh, there might be quite a few names down there.

”and once you’re back in the rhythm of things I’ll talk to Antonio and see if he can get you a small quest” he suggested with a smile, something for her to look forward too. He’d like them to have a joint one but he was also happy to stay home with the baby. “Did you do much questing Melodias?” He asked curiously. He was King Mark’s brother so maybe he wasn’t sent on such things but he imagined he had a few stories that he wouldn’t mind hearing.

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