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Fantasy I Was A Villain But Was Reborn As A Demon In A Devastated World To Redeem Myself (Postapocalyptic Fantasy) [Interest Check/Recruitment]


Cuddly enby auntcle
Plot: "Where did it all go wrong?" You asked yourself before your execution. The world had turned against you and you may have even been betrayed by an accomplice. It doesn't matter anymore whether you truly wanted to do evil or were just misunderstood or misled as you would soon be dead anyways. You hope that the afterlife would be kinder on you or you could achieve true peace.

Once executed, you awaken in a bright void. Before you is a goddess who lectures you on all your faults and even puts you in the shoes of your victims so you can reflect on how others felt about your actions.

The goddess is however merciful and offers you a second chance to redeem yourself. You will be reborn as a demon in a new world, however in this world demons arent evil beings but face extermination by humans and elves. Though you wont have your past memories from birth, they will come to you at a crucial point in your life and you shall put your knowledge to good use. Whether you don't revert to your old wicked ways is up to you.

You then awaken as a newborn in a loving family of demons in the demon lands. You have yet to receive the memories of your old life. Over the next years, you live a fulfilling life in a village. However, one day, the humans invade and ravage your village. The trauma of your loved ones dying triggers the memories of the past life to reemerge. You however cursed the goddess that the memories didnt come earlier so you could have saved people from dying.

With your past knowledge, you manage to defeat the small invading force and will have to rebuild so that if a future invasion happens again, that you can easily defend the village. Over the next few days, weeks and months, refugees will arrive in the village, reporting that the humans eradicated most of demonkind and sabotaged the soil so that nothing could grow. Only a few villages remain but face starvation unless the move into potentially dangerous frontier lands.

Demons: The demons are not necessarily a single species per se, but all have some pure demon blood. Demons all have horns and can have slit pupils (like cats or dragons). There are demons that look mostly human, there are demons with elf like ears, there are demons with animal features like demon wolfmen or demon catpeople and so on. In this world, demons are mostly peaceful and less aggressive than humans or elves.

Setting: The world is call Ledia and the known world is divided into two continents: Deidara, the continent of humans and elves and Avoritsia, the continent of demons. By the end of the Deidara war of aggression and the genocide of demonkind, Avoritsia is nearly completely depopulated and uninhabitable. Only a few pockets of civilization remain in Avoritsia and in between is a vast wasteland of steppes, dying forests and empty towns and cities. The humans and elves messed it up so badly that even they don't want the continent anymore.

Goal: Either rebuild and defend or get revenge. With the reawakening of the memories, a lot is possible.

Magic: The magic function differently in this world than in the old world, which is why magic experts may have to adjust their magic and relearn a lot of things.

Magic types: Elemental magic (fire, air, water, ice, earth, plants), light/healing magic, black/destruction magic, death magic, abyssal magic, enhancement magic, enchantment, summoning, illusion, necromancy, taming magic

Technological level: Deidara is baroque era fantasy while Avoritsia was more of medieval to renaissance era fantasy. Humans and elves already have magical rifles and swords while demons still use bows, crossbows and swords.
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Hello hello! So the characters have all been reincarnated as demons in a new world, but are they all coming from different worlds in their past lives? What I mean to ask is, is there a specific setting you had in mind for their world of origin or are we free to make up whatever setting they used to live in before dying?
Hello hello! So the characters have all been reincarnated as demons in a new world, but are they all coming from different worlds in their past lives? What I mean to ask is, is there a specific setting you had in mind for their world of origin or are we free to make up whatever setting they used to live in before dying?
They don't have to come from the same world. The only ones that can't come from Earth-like worlds are "magic experts" for obvious reasons.

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