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Fantasy Hybrid, Magic Camp

Sarthiss turned to Rou, laughing. "Eyyy, lmao! Haven't had that much fun since you invited one of the councilors to fight with me!" He smiled. "Rou, you know these things can jump the walls, why not make them bigger if you don't want anymore stray pups where they don't belong?" Rou was steaming, but Sarthiss was a man of fire after all. "Listen Rou, I handled it. Might as well been me who brought it, if anyone did at all?" Rou got redder, a vein throbbing in his neck. Sarthiss enjoyed opposing authority, but Rou was done playing around now. He turned on his heel and went to leave. "Ya know what, I'm just gonna nonchalantly walk away..."
Eevee knew that it was a bit stupid to talk to the headmaster like Sarthiss did, climbing down the tree and looking as he walked away. She heard someone familiar talking behind her to a possible friend. "What's wrong with her? She can't seem to do anything right." Eevee turned to see the same air bender he encountered yesterday by the tree, shooting him a deadly stare. "What? It's true. You cats are useless." Eevee's ears flattened and she hissed, throwing the boy off guard. Eevee never usually took those things seriously, and almost Never was the one to bring herself into a fight. But something had drawn the line for her today, and it was pissing her off that that particular boy kept harassing her about everything.
Sarthiss heard the air boy's high annoying voice, and eevee's hiss. He might seem looney, but his hearing was almost as sharp as a neko's. "You what mate?" he strode towards the air boy, cracking his knuckles sending sparks that ignghted flames curling up his arms with each loud pop. "You FEKIN' what mate?" he stood abreast with the air boy now, Sarthiss was about a head taller. "If I hear you say anything like that again, I will beat the living shit out of you. Racist bastard." The boy looked up at him, frozen with fear. "Your opinions are not wanted here. Off with you." Sarthiss picked up the arrogant boy by the collar and flung him sideways about six feet. Turning to Eevee he smiled. "You ever need help let me know," He said, "I've always had a soft spot for things with fuzzy ears." With that he went to the dining hall, humming and snapping his still bloody fingers. Throwing people made him hungry.
Eevee's ears flew up and she looked back at the air boy, throwing him an angry look before turning back and following Sarthiss to the dinning hall. It was probably smart that she eat something since it's almost been two days since the last time she ate something like a fish.
Sarthiss smiled as Eevee followed him, nowing she trusted him, especially after defending her. "Hungry now? I told you to eat before." He went to the food line and got himself an apple, two slices of bread, and a bowl. "Watch this, it's good." Sarthiss placed the bread in the bottom of the bowl, leaving the other outside. He crushed the apple in his hand, heating it to gently cook it before the pulp fell through his fingers onto the bread below. Satisfied with his work, he placed the other piece of bread on top and pinched the edges closed, baking it a bit as he did. "This is a pie. A healthy one, but a pie none the less." He smiled at eevee and took a bite. "I can make one for you if you want, I can do this with meat and other fruits too."
Eevee tried not to look disgusted, but she had never tried on of those before, not feeling that it was great to eat, especially for a Neko. She shook her head a little. "No thanks. I'll stick to fish and other meats." She said softly, looking at Sarthiss as he ate the pie.
Sarthiss laughed, and licked the crumbs off his fingers. "Mabel caught a bunch of fish last night. You can either eat those or we can go back down to the creek and catch a few ourselves."
Eevee shrugged. "I'd rather catch them, just so I can show you a trick I know." She smiled and got up, walking out the door and waiting for Sarthiss.
Sarhtiss followed, not realizing what she was getting at. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'such are the ways of women.'
Eevee jumped into the water of the creek, catching a fish and holding it for Sarthiss to see. "You're OK with gutting a fish, right?" She said, keeping the fish in one spot so that it didn't get away.
Sarthiss smiled, piking up a branch and burning it into the shape of a sharp impliment. "What's wrong Eevee? Don't want to do it yourself?" He chuckled. "Jk jk, i'll do it for you."
Eevee held the fish away from him and shook her head. "Nope. Not necessary." She unsheathed a claw on her finger and set the fish down, holding it in place so that it didn't flop back into the water. She cut into the side of the fish, taking the scales off and tossing them to the side. She quickly gutted the creature. Then, she stuck a hand in the water and washed off all of the blood. finally, handing the uncooked meat to Sarthiss. "You can heat it up if you want."
Sarthiss was touched that the neko was sharing food with him, eating was a personal thing for their species. He smiled. "How do you like your fish?"
"I can eat it raw you know." Eevee said crossing her arms. "But you can have some if you want. It doesn't really matter how it's cooked for me."
Sarthiss thoughit would be rude to refuse, so he ripped the bones out and handed her the rest of the fish. "These make good soup," he said, cupping a bit of water in his hand, boiling it along with the bones. Casually sipping his "handsoup," he smiled as Eevee ate her fish.
(Grisyr? What?)

She watched as Sarthiss drank his soup that he made after she had finished the fish. "Hey. wanna see something cool?" She waited for his response.
Eevee smiled and stepped back a tiny bit. She removed a wing necklace around her neck, tossing it to Sarthiss. "I'm gonna need you to hang on to that...I almost broke it last time..." She quickly changed her appearance, looking like a black mist with a hint of flames. It didn't last long, only about a few minuets because the water didn't help with the flames so they burnt out quickly. When Eevee returned to a normal state, she sighed and looked at her feet. "Remind me never to do this in water..." she said quickly.
Sarthiss blanked a bit. That was what Flare did the day their school burnt down. His smile faltered, but he kept it up as soon as he realized it. "Hey hey hey, that was... great..." he held out her necklace. "That was good... I think maybe, we need to stop trying to work with fire as well, thats my job." a corny excuse, yes, but it would keep her safe. "Nice job." he said holding out his arms, waiting for maybe an encouraging hug.
Eevee frowned a little , knowing that something was bothering him. "Alright. Spill it. What's wrong?" She said after she hugged him. "I know there's something bothering you."

Eevee frowned a little , knowing that something was bothering him. "Alright. Spill it. What's wrong?" She said after she hugged him. "I know there's something bothering you."
Sarthiss dropped the smile. A tear ran down his cheek. "Do you know how I came to know my powers? Did Rou tell you? He's the only other one who knows..." He backed up against a tree, away from the stream, leaning against it. "I knew someone. We were like siblings. Her name was Flare." Sarthiss sank to the ground, sitting with his knees up. "She had a problem. She heard voices. She was alot like you, before I knew what I was, I didn't realize it, but she had the same power you do." Sarthiss had his head down. "One day she did what you just did, except with more black fire. Alot more black fire. She told me she had to go far away... something about the ancients... the shadows... She ended up burning the school down." He tilted his head up to look at her again. "I survived. Fire is cool, yea. It keeps you safe. But it can also take the things you love the most."

"This thing you have, the stuff you do..." He continued, "...It's dangerous. It can hurt people. I don't want that to happen to you as well."
(My laptop keeps glitching and it's annoying as all bloody hell.)

Eevee looked at him, saying nothing for a little, ears flattening. "And I thought I had it hard..." The Neko didn't say anything after that, looking back towards the walls and then back towards Sarthiss, giving him a look of pity.
Sarthiss smiled again. Smiling and singing was how he stopped the pain. "But that's over now. And you're warming up to people so you get to learn to controll your powers and don't accidentally kill everybody in the entire camp and cause the end of the world." He stood up again and snapped his fingers. "Ey, that's a good song, you know that song? Warrior concerto, good song good song." he stood akwardly, not humming yet. Eevee was the first person he had opened up to, if he showed her peopl could be trusting, maybe she'd trust others as well.
Eevee stood up and looked at him, confused at his words. Then, she remembered a stereotype that was comon with her people, especially among Humans. She looked away from him, crossing her arms. "My people are selfish...if you haven't noticed...the only one who wasn't was me and my best friend..." Eevee sighed and her eye twitched a little at the thought.
Sarthiss was glad Eevee shared a little about her past. "Hey." he got up standing at full height and stood close to her. "Look at me. I don't care about your people. You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met, Neko, Human, or otherwise." Sarthiss reached up a hand to her face. "You're shy and secluded, but on the inside you're golden. You may be one with the shadows like Flare," he said, stumbling over her name a little, "But you shine brighter than anyone else." He cupped his hand on her cheek. "You might not seem to know alot about everyone else, including yourself, but you need to know Eevee, you're beautiful."

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