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Cassandra eventually spoke, voicing her choice. "I'll go with Riberta. Fighting around a blast furnace sounds... interesting." she stated, as she walked over to stand next to Riberta. "Honestly hope the gauntlet isn't actually in the furnace. That'll be tricky to get to."

Riberta smirked. "If its in the furnace, we'll let you crawl in to get it." she said, chuckling afterwards before looking to Rebecca. "They'll all be safe with me, don't worry." She then flashed her a thumbs-up.

Jakob soon decided to go with Rebecca, with the Gravedigger in tow. That was everyone, it seemed. "Well, let's get going. Keep an eye out for our friends, wherever they are down here." stated Rebecca, before motioning those that sided with her to follow.

The group split, one going in the direction of one archway, while the other moved in the direction of the archway near the collapsed rubble blocking their path. It wasn't long before both disappeared into the darkness of the tunnels, with Riberta's group taking a winding path descending downward towards the blast furnace area. Rebecca's group's path, however, was actually straight forwards. The hallway wide and lined with old tables and crates as they proceeded on towards the living quarters.

The furnace was silent, from the looks of things, as they soon entered the area at its base. The crucible was black, the massive pair of bellows sitting silent as no water ran through the systems above to power them. There were traces of coal scattered about, black smears and the occasional rock here and there. Iron ore was also found in a pile, likely waiting to be taken to the top of the blast furnace and dumped in.

The supernatural members of the group, of course, could sense the gauntlet nearby. However, it wasn't in the furnace. It was further down into the tunnels, down towards mines below. "...I think it may be in one of the material storage rooms. They stored coal and ore to use in the furnace in special rooms down here, which they could just run and grab if they needed more." muttered Riberta, motioning in the direction of the divine aura. "Be careful, and quiet. They're down here, but the question is where?"

She pointed towards more claw marks on the floor and walls. Demons were definitely there. She looked up towards the ceiling, and only saw blackness above. Nothing up there. "Careful, now." she whispered, motioning the group to follow as she moved past the massive crucible of the blast furnace.

The wide tunnel leading into the living quarters turned into three different tunnels, each with dozens of wide rooms lining each. Inside, beds and other assorted furniture. Most of them looked long abandoned. Others looked as though they had never been used at all. "I would have loved to have seen this place at its height of activity." said Rebecca softly, as she peeked into the rooms. "Listen to their stories. About life down here, or dwarven life in general."

The group proceeded on-wards, moving towards the back of the living quarters area. There seemed to be another dining area, made likely for the miners and other workers as compared to the one they had seen in the main hall. More long tables, covered in cobwebbed mugs and plates along with overturned candlesticks. To the far left, however, they noticed a large staircase leading downward. Likely to the storage rooms below. Supplies and other objects were likely kept there, and Rebecca could feel a divine presence down there.

"The staircase, over there. Take it slow and quietly." she said, glancing back to the others as she approached it.
Sebastian wasn't entirely keen on the idea of Cassandra accompanying him and the others into the blast chamber; Rebecca had thus far done an excellent job of keeping her fully lucid and sane during their travels, but now she was allowing the pureblood to separate herself. He didn't say anything about it, however, as things were moving along rather quickly and he didn't want to start an argument here and now, especially if no one else felt the need to object.

The tunnel ahead proved to be so saturated with old soot and coal dust that nothing could be seen. Sebastian tried to walk quietly, but his legs kept nearly buckling whenever he stepped on some unseen rock or put his toes into an unseen crack in the ground. He suspected that even if he were carrying a bright lantern, it would still be a difficult passage to explore. Thankfully, they wouldn't be staying in the area for long, as Riberta indicated that the gauntlet was in a storage room below them.

"Be careful, and quiet. They're down here, but the question is where?"

She pointed towards more claw marks on the floor and walls. Demons were definitely there. She looked up towards the ceiling, and only saw blackness above. Nothing up there. "Careful, now." she whispered, motioning the group to follow as she moved past the massive crucible of the blast furnace.

Sebastian did his best to control his breathing; he was one of the only ones who needed to bother with it, and so he made sure that it wouldn't cause them undue grief from an enemy waiting in ambush.
Despite Camille having faith that Riberta would keep the group safe, she too was unnerved by Cassandra making the choice to separate herself from Rebecca. Should the pureblood unravel without the saint to bring her back to a state of modest sanity, the huntress had her assigned task to minimize the bloodshed Cassandra would cause. She could not very well stake her if they were in completely different areas throughout this immense castle and its tunnel system, and while the others among Riberta's group were capable Camille would rather not take chances. Indeed, things moved too quickly for her to object as well, and she remained stone faced despite that particular anxiety as she watched the team part ways.

As Rebecca commented on what life may have been like down here, Camille looked among the rooms and dining area with a twist of her lip. "I won't deny how interesting it must have been, but I could not stand to be beneath all of this rock, sealed off from fresh air and sunlight," she stated, though knew full well that certain company may prefer never being in the sun again. Beyond that comment however, the huntress kept quiet and moved alongside the group stealthily and on guard.

When the staircase was pointed out to them, Camille gave a nod of understanding. While she was blind to sensing auras, she could tell that there was something of interest for Rebecca to point out this specific path to them.

In the grand scheme of things, neutrality mattered little. If you remained neutral in this grand war across the continent of Adonia, you were simply an obstacle to surmount on the road to victory. So when a renewed King Newmont saw the current established fronts, the first changes he made were to place forces on the borders of Trechtstaat and Schwyz. The excuse to both nations were that they were simply there as reinforcements for the Daristeinian front.

It was a bold faced lie.

Four days before Rebecca's group arrived at the dwarven castle in northern Daristein, Atracan forces crossed the borders into Trechtstaat and Schwyz. Both nations were unprepared, as they had expected Atraca to uphold its own code and not violate their neutrality. Another force also crossed the border into Stiusil, passing through its mountain region and into the valleys on the peninsula.

The war with Tsavania was going so well after the major offensive that the Tsavanian lines were collapsing. Tsavanian forces were retreating back into Tsavanian lands, and were openly considering a cease fire with the emboldened and encroaching Atracan soldiers. Nivarden, a nation Tsavania had invaded and captured early in the war, was beginning to push back against their captors. Tsavania was struggling to prevent itself from falling apart, largely due to incompetence in leadership, so talks of ending the war with Atraca were now underway. Tsavania would leave the war, leaving Daristein without an ally in their efforts against Atraca and Escaria.

Battle hardened Atracan forces were soon pulled from the Tsavanian frontline, and soon placed on the Daristeinian front. As the neutral nations were pushed into and captured, catching Daristein off guard, the front line moved inward through Arnsfeld almost to the edge of the region of Darisa. It was, a sense, a blitz. More land had been taken on the front than ever before, and in such a short span of time.

There were Atracan forces being moved elsewhere too. In the badlands of western Delaplaine, in Atraca, a new division was being made using specially selected soldiers from across the fronts. Only time would tell what this group would be used for. Rumors were flying around Eternis that this new division was intended for a new front with Eshax, to use the chaos of the empire's civil war to exert some imperial will of Atraca's own and claim land.

This new push by Newmont was unnerving, to say the least. Going from simply defending Atraca and its people to openly invading other neutral nations as well as planning to open new fronts? Escaria also didn't like how their supposed ally was now operating, but was too preoccupied with repelling the Daristeinian invasion to voice their concerns.

Silvani & Casillo Factory & Rail Yard
Outskirts of Crighton's Bend, South Warren
Former Atraca/Stiusil Border

The clacking of horse hooves against hardened dirt was mostly drowned out by the sounds of machinery and train whistles throughout the large factory and rail yard. This was the most activity the old factory had seen in quite a long time, having only recently been bought out by House Le Rouge to use as a base of operations. it seemed... odd for a House to use a factory as a base instead of a manor or castle, or even a riverboat. Especially one as large and widespread as Le Rouge, who's method of recruiting to increase numbers simply came down to really 'bite whoever you want'.

Claire's horse stopped only momentarily, as she looked about the expansive train yard. There were some trains already finished, while others were still having the finishing touches placed on them by workers. It was quite clear that everyone here was a vampire, as this factory had been mostly silent during the day according to the peoples of Crighton's Bend. Even the Atracan military had avoided this place during the early stages of their invasion of Stiusil. The factory lay beyond, abuzz with movement and light. Sparks flew through the air from welding, metal clacked against metal as parts were assembled.

She flicked the reins of her horse gently, making it continue forth. Further into the train yard. She stood out a bit, compared to the workers. Clean skin, nicer clothing. A fully loaded pump-action shotgun resting on her lap. Le Rouge were the least trustworthy of the lot when it came to the various great houses.
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Constantine didn't know why he expected the furnace to still be working. Maybe he was hoping it was for some reason. The nostalgia comment was just a joke, but maybe there was something else that made him enjoy the furnaces in the lands of Wrath. The Abyss had gotten to him in some unexpected ways. Still he followed their guide with no hesitation, but as soon as he sensed the gauntlet he started to feel something was going to be off. They haven't encountered any of their enemies ye, but the artifact was getting closer.

Something was wrong.
Azathor nodded to Rebecca when she mentioned the staircase and took position behind Camilla as they pushed forward as quietly as the could. Like Rebecca, he could feel a radiant presence coming from down there though it was of less comfort than it was to the Saint given that he himself was a demon. He could feel it prickle into his chest like small needles the closer he got to it, to the point where he had to forcibly repress the feeling with deep, quiet breaths. It was also a reminder that they were close to their goal, at least half of it, and thus far he hadn't felt anything out of the ordinary aside from the powerful godly presence that remained within the artifact.

Perhaps they had lucked out at last?

Probably not. Azathor thought to himself as he kept his gaze wary and on guard as they moved forward. He wasn't eager to get attacked out of nowhere and not be prepared for it.
Their booted footfalls through the Dwarven flagstone echoed slightly as they went, louder to the inquisitor's bestial-enhanced ears. The wide tunnel at their backs split into three paths, each one honeycombed with rooms. A few of the rooms held evidence of activity, now long gone: wrinkled bedsheets, chairs assorted in a crescent-shape, one or two books strewn haphazardly. The place was as desolated and grim as Rajko imagined it. Where the Saint approached the dwarven ruins from a hopeful outlook, Rajko could only focus on the dreary tragedy of it all — the lives lost, the work undone. His expression darker as he looked about the dining area.

"I'll toast to that." Rajko agreed with Camille, his voice a hushed whisper in the half-lit depths of the Dwarven architecture. The inquisitor sensed it. The air almost hummed with a power, the sensation was not as keen to the werebat like the demon or the Saint, like a block of glacial ice pressed against the inquisitor's back. The grip around his sword and pistol tightened as they came upon the staircase.

Without a word spoken, Rajko nodded and began descending down the steps behind Azathor. The space within felt low and cramped, as though the walls shrunk around them. Rajko kept his senses keen.
Both groups continued on in their respective directions, with Riberta's group continuing down a tunnel into the material storage areas while Rebecca's descended the staircase to a different sort of storage. Eventually, both would hear a scratching noise. Claws being dragged across stone. A few hisses here and there in the darkness. Rebecca's group would soon have the upper hand however, as she held up a hand and muttered a string of words under her breath. It was as if someone had switched on a spotlight inside the massive storage room beneath the cafeteria, as a baseball sized ball of light emerged from her hand. Most of the room was filled with towering shelves, with ladders and strange lifts fixed to each. Crates and sacks sat scattered about, some likely filled with rotten goods while others sat empty and exposed to open air.

What the group was more focused on was strange black crawling entities moving about the room on the floor, walls, and ceiling.

"Crawlers." muttered Rebecca, preparing her sword and shield. "That's what the markings were from. They're feral, usually used by gluttony demons as attack dogs. Teeth like broken glass, and razor sharp claws. Watch the tails, they're barbed near the end."

At the same time, Riberta encountered her first Crawler, which jumped at her out of the darkness. She managed to catch it by the throat in midair, and watched it flail around in her grip as she inspected it. It sliced her arms several times with its claws, and attempted to stab her a few times with its tail.

"Rabid little thing." she said aloud, before squeezing her fist tightly around the demon's throat till she heard three different cracks. The demon soon went limp, its neck broken. "Sounds like there's more of them coming. If someone's got a torch or lantern, best to light it now. Otherwise, we're gonna have to pull back to the furnace and light it."

Cassandra didn't hesitate, searching for any of the torches in the tunnel that could still be used. Meanwhile, more hisses came from the darkness ahead of them... and above them. Riberta motioned for the group to pull back slightly, but as they began to move, they were set upon. Riberta's fist collided one that lunged at her, sending it flipping through the air. Others moved for her as well, but the rest were more focused on the group following her.

"My name is Claire McLachlan. I am the Enforcer of the Sanguine Laws. I'm here to speak to your master, Lucius le Rouge."

The pair of guards looked at one another, eyes widened. "M-Ma'am, Mr. le Rouge isn't taking guests." one eventually said, looking back to her and rapidly shaking his head. The other then spoke up. "We're going to have to ask you to leave, please. We'll contact you when he's available to speak."

Claire frowned. "He'll be seeing me. Tonight. As Enforcer, I have the right to speak to him whenever I damn well wish." she responded, rather bluntly. As she finished, she lifted the shotgun, and let the butt of the weapon rest on her thigh. Finger resting on the trigger in the event she had to lower it towards someone.

"M-Ma'am, please..." responded one the guards, before the other patted him on the shoulder and shook his head at him. "Don't. Let someone higher handle it." he stated, before turning about and letting out a sharp whistle at someone further into the factory. Claire looked up, noticing someone soon on the approach. This one was more cleanly dressed, wearing a grey shirt with brown pants and suspenders. A flat cap rested atop his head, his red eyes barely visible beneath the brim. As he neared, he rolled his shirt's sleeves up.

"What is it?" he said, his voice rough. As if he had been yelling most of the night. He looked up to Claire. "I'm one of the Foremen. James Phelps. Who're you?"

"Claire McLachlan. Enforcer of the Sanguine Laws. I'm here to see your master." she responded, "Your guards here are trying to tell me no. Are you going to say the same?" Her finger tapped the trigger guard of the shotgun in her hand, as she cocked an eyebrow.

The foreman looked to the guards, then sighed. "Godsdamnit." he muttered, taking his hat off for a moment and running a hand through his short brown hair. "Ma'am... you know how Lucius is. He talks to folks when he wants."

"He'll talk to me regardless as to if he wants to or not." she responded, before gently flicking Claude's reins. The horse continued forth, walking towards the large open doorway of the factory.

"H-Hey, wait a minute!" said the foreman, quickly following after her with the guards in tow.

As the horse entered and moved through the factory floor, Claire got a good look at the inner workings. Including the workers themselves. Even though they were vampires, most of them looked particularly rough. Worn out, even. Covered in oil and grease, some with bloodied hands likely from accidents with the machinery. She even found herself stopping to listen to a literal child near one of the machines. They were apparently freshly turned, crying and saying aloud that they wanted to go home. Another older vampire, near the child, was trying to remind them that they couldn't. They were a vampire now, and would be until they eventually were snuffed out by a hunter or the sun.

Claire stared at the child for a few moments. Converting children into vampires was heavily frowned upon by the Great Houses, but House Le Rouge didn't really care. If they could be recruited to bolster the House's numbers, they were. This often meant the House had far too many members, and sometimes the types of people you didn't want as vampires. Outright criminals, and the occasional serial killer popping up every now and then.

"Ma'am, please recon--" said Foreman Phelps, finally catching up to her, but Claire quickly interrupted him.

"Shut up." she snapped, looking over her shoulder at the man, "Take me directly to Lucius. Now."

It wasn't long before Claire was being lead through the factory on foot, a different guard tailing behind her than the two from before. Eventually, she was lead up a few flights of stairs towards a set of office suites above, with long stretches of windows that allowed one to look down at the factory floor. The moment she was let through the first door into the waiting room of the suites, she was met by two more foremen and an even more well-dressed vampire sitting on a pair of sofas. All of them had been staring at the door. Waiting on her.

Claire already knew the well-dressed vampire. She had met him once before. She sighed as she approached. "Sylvain. I assume you're here to try and stop me too?" she soon stated. She was still holding the shotgun in hand, but letting it rest at her side.
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Sebastian wheeled backwards, waiting until he felt a tug at the end of his shotgun's barrel before pulling the trigger. The blast killed a crawler by detonating the creature's head completely, and the muzzle flash illuminated other creatures moving about the darkness. He pumped and fired, again and again, the repeated flashes treating him to snapshots of the enemy's position as he cleared out those who got too close to him. He didn't have a torch or a lantern to work with; all he had was matches.


Sylvain looked over his freshly-polished dress shoe at Claire as it bobbed up and down on his knee. Of course this meant that he was -very- reclined, with his chin almost to his chest, so that his tailored suit and string tie did almost nothing to suggest sophistication on his behalf.

She sighed as he approached. "Sylvain. I assume you're here to try and stop me too?" she soon stated. She was still holding the shotgun in hand, but letting it rest at her side.

"If I was going to make an effort of it, I'd have bothered to stand up before you got here," he replied, a certain weariness in the timbre of his voice. "You can relax, McLachlan. Nobody's going to make a move." His head tipped to the side, eyes giving warning to the foremen where they sat: don't move a muscle. In a quieter voice, he continued, "...But you've got to let the boss feel like he's in control of the situation, and that this is business as usual. If someone were to barge in, uninvited and unannounced, well..." he gave a slimy smile. "A lot of us bystanders would probably wind up dead. Just... give him time."

Claire traced Sylvain's eyes toward a device mounted on the opposite wall; it was electromechanical, presumably some kind of signaling device like the ones used on railway bridges. The foremen were nervously watching it, apparently more afraid of Lucius' fury than Claire's impatience.

"His secretary just kicked me out of the man's office, so that's more than a little convenient for me," Sylvain said with a smirk, letting his head tip back onto the couch cushion. "I assume they led you the long way, to buy a little... more... time..."


"Ah-ha," he laughed smoothly, just as Claire had reached the limit of her patience. Sylvain gave a single, wide clap as he finally sat up, before swiping a stout top hat off the arm of the couch and planting it on his head. He then finally waved her through. "Lucius le Rouge will see you now, my dear. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make myself scarce, before any thunder and lightning comes my way."

The foremen seemed to relax as well, forcing sighs from their breathless lungs or rubbing the backs of their necks as they also stood to leave. All that remained was a short walk up the hall to the double doors of Lucius' office.
Xiaòzhou followed as they descended further down towards the blast furnace, the gauntlet's aura becoming ever more prominant. The silence of the area beyond their footsteps was deafening, which obviously meant having to focus further on noting where the enemy might come from, though always keeping an eye on the others too - you never knew if an attack could come suddenly with the Abyss involved. The hermit nodded at Riberta's call for vigilance as they moved towards the storage rooms.

As they trekked towards them however, it was there that suddenly the enemy appeared, jumping Riberta from the darkness, though easily dispatched by her. As they moved back slightly and Sebastian fired at them, the oni quickly conjured up a light source using his mystic powers... revealing just how many crawlers had appeared suddenly. His being the obvious source of light prompted a number of crawlers to lunge at him, which he smashed to the side using his martial arts.
Constantine upholstered his pistol and fired off a few rounds into the darkness. From the sounds, he could guess that he hit a few of them, but they needed to actually see them. He took out his lighter and a hand up to form a fireball in his palm. The new light source illuminated the crawlers that were coming to flank them. The wraith concentrated on the ball and chucked it at the oncoming crawlers, followed by a shot from his revolver. As soon as the bullet connected, there was a small explosion that pushed the creatures back.

"Abyss take its trash back. I hate these things!"
Azathor quickly took notice of the crawlers and drew his sword, though combat was only second on his mind. He knew these creatures could be dispatched with ease as he brought his blade forward into a forward guarding position, but what the demon prince was more concerned with was why they were here. These were the mindless, ravenous servants of Thorgran and their presence was no mere coincidence given their journey thus far. However, he couldn't feel any stronger presences which meant either this was a forward force or that whatever was in charge here was hiding itself still.

It was impossible to tell at this time however as Azathor gritted his teeth and readied himself to fight.
Both groups began to engage the Crawlers, gunfire sounding off and melee weapons colliding with demon flesh. Soon enough, the numbers of the creatures began to thin. Cassandra eventually lit a handmade torch, using cloth she had found and a long stick. The additional light from the others helped to illuminate their foes and the situation in general. It seemed as though these Crawlers had been specifically placed here, near the artifacts. It was as if they were intentionally guarding them from the groups.

Soon, they'd find out why.

As the last of the Crawlers in each area was cut down, the group soon heard the sounds of portals opening. One opened deep in the tunnel ahead of Riberta's group, whom was recovering from their encounter with the Crawlers, while another portal opened in the very same room as Rebecca's. This wasn't good. Far too close to the artifacts.

Rebecca looked to the others. "Quickly, to the artifact. We must defend it from them." she said, before darting between the shelves and crates towards where she felt the godly aura. Eventually, she slid to a stop near a pile of grain sacks. The aura was coming from underneath it all. They'd have to dig it out, but not right now. Right now, they had to deal with any demons coming to lay claim to it.

Riberta's group, on the other hand, were soon racing down the tunnel towards the materials storage areas. "IF YOU CAN SENSE IT, GET TO IT AND DEFEND IT." she spat, looking back behind her at the others following. Cassandra, yet again, did not hesitate. She almost vanished into thin air, her blinding speed coming into play as she darted down the tunnel towards where the artifact was. Riberta eventually stopped and picked up Sebastian, who wasn't as particularly fast as the others, and held him under her arm as she picked up speed. She was half vampire herself; she could run pretty fast too.

Eventually, Cassandra found it. A large square room where large deposits of coal was dumped for use in the furnace. In the back, half buried in coal, was one of the gauntlets. It had been colored almost black due to all the coal dust, but it was most definitely a barbarian warrior's gauntlet.

Riberta, Sebastian, and the rest of the group soon arrived, rushing into the chamber behind Cassandra whom was already near the artifact and prepared for whatever was coming. Soon enough, the threats showed themselves.

A dozen demons each, but of different types. The ones that arrived where Riberta's group were seemed to be greed demons, bearing the Icon's sigil and wielding flashy weaponry as they rounded the corner into the room. Where Rebecca was, gluttony demons. Bulky demons that looked more fat than muscle; Really, however, they were all muscle. Thorgran had learned the error of his ways from before, employing stronger troops to act as his guards than those that the Beaumont group had encountered. Most of them had axes, which made sense. Chop the enemy up, then eat them.

As the demons spotted them, they called out in their harsh demonic languages. Likely an alarm to their master who was coming behind them. The Icons were near, but hadn't emerged from their portals yet. This would get serious fast.

Claire simply watched as Sylvain and the others departed, before redirecting her attention towards the double doors at the end of the hall. She didn't have to wait for him to be ready. She could come and see him whenever she wished. That was her right as the Enforcer. If he didn't like it, he could complain to the other House Lords and Ladies. That, or she could stake him. Then, they could find another Lord or Lady to represent House Le Rouge.

They probably should have staked him themselves, if they were that scared of him. Put someone more sane in charge of the House.

She began to walk down the hallway towards the double doors, taking her own time as she went. Perhaps that would annoy him. She was wasting his time, just like he was wasting hers. Her grip on the shotgun tightened, but her finger stayed away from the trigger. For now.

Eventually, she reached the door and forced a sigh. Let's see what this paranoid wreck has to say. She then reached for the door nob and gave it a twist, before pushing it open.

The first words out of her mouth as she stepped through the door weren't an introduction. She looked directly at who she assumed was Lucius's secretary, and immediately spoke. "Tell your secretary to get out, Lucius. This is a private conversation." she said bluntly, before redirecting her red eyes to the man she was after. "Believe me, my patience is wearing quite thin. So if they don't leave, I'm going to stake them and you'll have to find someone else you trust well enough to be around you."
Xiaòzhou rushed as the others had down the tunnel to rush towards the gauntlet, with Cassandra and Riberta using their abilities to get further ahead than the rest of them. The hermit had contemplated utilizing his teleportation for once, but before he could, the two of them had already disappeared. He concentrated instead then on the enemy to come, and recognized the auras - greed demons. The oni twirled his staff as the demons yelled out towards them - if this was anything like last time, they would be fighting Keggoth soon...

He briefly wondered whether she would remark upon him, given Yinjian rested in her lands, but put those thoughts aside to concentrate on the fight in front of them. He used his powers to charge his staff with mystic qi, and joined another in the group in attacking.
The impenetrable darkness resounded with hisses, the scraping of claws against hard stone, and the hunger of a dozen beasts. Rajko heard them, skittering in the hard shadows around them. He swung his sabre out, slicing off a piece of tough flesh, trailing a streak of ichor, dripping to the floor from its merciless edge. The rest would have difficulties fighting in such a state, but it was Rebecca's efforts that resolved the issue. In a moment, the Saint lifted a hand. Rajko half-turned, looking to the palm, feeling the energy prickly against his skin, suffusing the air around him. He shut his eyes tight and raised his arm to shield himself further.

The full extent of these deplorable wretches were revealed in the greatness of the holy light. Their wicked jaws wide with a cruel set of teeth. Bleak, black eyes smouldering in the light — haughtily ravenous to devour their flesh. Rajko's expression hardened, grip on his sabre tightened. The inquisitor was moving. Running after the Saint as she picked the artifact in the midst of the crawling mass of flesh and claws.

"Is there any way we can get it out swiftly and retreat!?" Rajko asked, turning to his rifle, leveling the barrel to the oncoming horde.
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Constantine's eyes fixated on the greed demons before them. He was already agitated from the crawlers that he didn't properly sense their auras. Not until he saw the flashy weapons that they carried. The sight of them reminded him of another demon and that would serve enough motivation for him. He wanted to kill all of them. They cried out as soon as they saw the group and pointed their glitzy weapons at them.

"I'll melt those toys and pour them down your throats." The wrath yelled back as he aimed for the eyes.
Having been scooped off the ground by the massive hybrid woman, Sebastian was shocked, but simply accepted the maneuver when it became clear that time was increasingly of the essence. Having been released inside the chamber where the gauntlet was discovered - by Cassandra, annoyingly - he began to prepare for the battle ahead while quietly hoping that the pureblood wouldn't try to wear the damned thing unless it was absolutely necessary. Demons soon appeared, and Sebastian winced at their wicked, incomprehensible language, but nonetheless sprung into action as quickly as he was able.

He dropped his harpoon gun and explosive missiles onto the floor of the chamber, intending to hold his ground by using his shotgun and pistol to protect himself until their leader, perhaps an icon icon, appeared. Then, hopefully, he could employ his strongest weapon against the strongest foe.
When the crawlers arrived, Camille seemed ready for them. Rebecca's warning about their tails was about all the information she needed to handle the group of them rushing for her, as like an acrobat she leapt over their gnashing jaws and twisted in the air to avoid their slashing tails. Landing behind them, she lanced forwards and made devastating cuts into the demons with her blades, her expression cold and focused as ever.

When the saint observed that these creatures were guarding the artifacts, the huntress nodded in understanding before she moved to her side. Coming to all of the grain, she twisted about and took stock of their surroundings. There was no doubt that the foes would emerge from the portal, and with her back to the artifact she held her blades in a position primed to strike at whatever would pour out from it.

"We shall make them regret coming here."
More of Throgran's underlings, which meant that the Icon of Gluttony was likely to get involved soon if their encounter at the beach with the Icons of Wrath and Pride before was indicative of any trend. If Icons were here, then it meant that Sazak was pushing hard to get what he wanted. His father putting his plans into action meant that the worst was yet to come, which furthered steeled the demon prince's resolve as he rushed forward with blade in hand towards the closest glutton and sought to disembowel them with a lateral strike across their belly.
"Miserable things," Aleister grimaced to himself as the last of the crawlers were dispatched, though he feared more lurked about as a portal began to appear. He hadn't expended much ammunition against them given the flurry of blades unleashed upon them by the others, such as Camille who had moved so swiftly she seemed a whirlwind of metal. But this sudden portal prompted him to yank on his rifle's ejector and reload an entire new clip of silvered bullets. Still, even after all this time, the mere presence of that metal made his gloved hands tingle with subtle pain, as if he had stuck his hand into electrified water.

Alongside the others, he rushed forwards, looking to secure the artifact before it was too late - and it seemed it was. The first shapes were already appearing in the room with them. Aleister came to a stop near Rebecca and the grain bags; eying the latter, he planted his foot against a small stack of them to send them toppling over into an impromptu barricade for cover, as meager as it was. He already had suffered the ignoble nature of losing his good jacket and the gradual accumulation of blood and grit on his clothing, so taking on a little more by kneeling beside the grain was something he would simply put up with.

The appearance of the gluttony demons caused him to balk, however. "Disgusting," he remarked simply, barring his fangs as saliva formed. Bulky as they were, he knew they wouldn't be as unwieldy as they seemed, not armed with their gargantuan weapons of war.

"Now would be a good time for some brilliant, master plan," he commented. With his elbow propped up on a sack of overturned grain, Aleister narrowed his eyes as he aimed in at the forward most gluttony demon, targeting the creature's head in hopes of putting it down swiftly - or slowing it down enough to be eradicated by the others.
Dwarven Citadel - Lower Levels - Turn One
Squad of Greed Demons
(Number of Enemies = 10. HP = 15 HP Each)

Squad of Gluttony Demons
(Number of Enemies = 10. HP = 15 HP Each)

Special Buffs
Greed Demon Squad
Not Just Flash. Substance Too. - Despite their appearance, Greed demons are still adept in combat. Especially those serving directly underneath Keggoth as her personal escort. Their flashy weapons are still capable of dealing out a lot of damage. In melee combat, an attack from a greed demon does a base three damage. They can also attack a second time upon a successful hit. If the hit connects, they deal an additional three damage. Critical hits deal automatic double damage. 3 to 6, 6 to 12.

Gluttony Demon Squad
Incredible Bulk - Their large mass, consisting of both fat and muscle underneath, allow them to take punishing blows. A solid strike can simply send ripples across their fatty skin. In combat, the Gluttony demons can brace themselves to absorb hard impacts. However, it takes two turns before they can do it again, as it costs them some energy. Their melee attacks do a base three damage.

Riberta's Group

- Riberta -

Chosen Perk: Another Seizure of Power - Since her time with the Beaumont group, Riberta has attempted to focus her anger when it comes to fighting strong enemies or groups of enemies. When Riberta's health drops below 25%, Riberta can channel all her power into a rage-filled onslaught which lasts for three turns. With every successful attack, she regains 5 HP, and inflicts 10 DMG against enemies. Damage is increased to 50 DMG against minibosses and bosses. Enemies that target her during her onslaught will suffer a -3 chance to hit penalty during their attack. Can be used twice in a battle.

Chosen Perk #2: YOU CAN'T KILL ME! - Thanks to Riberta's hybrid status, and taste for war, she can take an immense amount of damage and pain while continuing to fight. Her rapid regenerative abilities from both her vampiric and werewolf sides allow her to endure attacks that would kill most several times over. When enabled, can tank damage for three turns but cannot attack. Afterwards, can deal automatic critical hits for three turns. Can be used twice during a battle.

Random Perk: The Cruel - Riberta relishes close combat, especially in the form of hand-to-hand. To be able to break an enemy apart using your bare hands? Catharsis. If Riberta manages to kill an enemy with her bare hands, she regains 5 HP automatically through the execution of said enemy. If she assists in killing an enemy that an ally is fighting, she will regain 3 HP instead.

Random Perk #2: Hybrid Artillery - Riberta, being as large and strong as she is, is able to throw things pretty hard and pretty far. Weapons, objects, people... all can be tossed great distances and with plenty of force behind them. Up to three times in a battle, Riberta can throw an ally or object at an enemy. A d10 roll is required to see if the ally/object connects with the enemy. If the ally/object connects, it does 20 DMG. If the enemy is a miniboss or boss, the damage is doubled. If the object is explosive, another d10 is rolled to determine if the explosive goes off. If it goes off, an additional 20 DMG is dealt.

- Cassandra -
Chosen Perk: Shadow-dancing, Naturally - Using her blinding pureblood speed, and a little finesse, Cassandra can dart around her enemies and deliver devastating attacks. For up to three times during a battle, Cassandra can deliver a critical hit, with a bonus in damage of +5 if it is to a mini-boss or boss.

Chosen Perk #2: Crimson Sorceress - Blood magic is a particularly dark area of magic, using either your own blood or someone else's as a weapon. Cassandra, being a vampire, has already proven that she has a particular talent with it. Why not actually harness that ability while she's actually conscious? It might hurt, of course, but better to hurt the enemy than her allies. In exchange for HP, she can cast amplified magical attacks using blood magic. For every point of HP sacrificed, she does x2 DMG. (1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 9 and so on.) She can do this up to three times in a fight.

Random Perk: Witness the Slaughter - Cassandra's brutality in close quarters has a chance to strike fear into nearby enemies. If Cassandra kills a foe in melee combat, nearby enemies will be 2 points less likely to hit her for a turn. Effect increases by one point with every chapter.

Random Perk #2: A Deathless Song - Channeling her magical ability into song, Cassandra weaves her talents into spells to aid her allies and prevent their demise. Once during a battle, should an ally take enough damage to KO them, Cassandra can cast a spell that fills them with renewed vigor. The ally will, instead of going down, automatically regain five HP. The cost of this spell is five of her own HP.

- Sebastian -
Chosen Perk: Quick Reflexes - Sebastian's military training has given him heightened reflexes compared to the average person. Enemies have less of a chance of hitting him, and (if they just so happen to hit) will never score a critical hit on him (with the exception of environmental hazards, mini-bosses, and bosses.)

Chosen Perk #2: Hatchet Man - Having grown used to using an axe in melee combat (and having killed an Icon by throwing one), Sebastian has learned to wield it effectively enough to strike foes in more vital locations. Necks, limbs, torsos, no area of the body is safe from his wrath. While using his axe, he has a +2 chance to score critical hits either in melee combat or by throwing the axe at his foes.

Random Perk: Point-Blank - Sebastian's no stranger to fighting up close with his firearm. If engaged by an enemy in melee, Sebastian will automatically counter-attack with a firearm. It will be an automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #2: Explosive Ordinance - Taking note of the ferocity and size of some of the foes that they have faced, and using a bit of his own creativity, Sebastian has begun to seek out better ways to decimate enemies. And what better way than with the overapplication of explosives? Grenades, dynamite tied to sticks/wooden planks, anything that goes boom will be put to extensive use. Up to four times in a battle, Sebastian may throw an explosive device at an enemy or group of enemies. A D10 roll will be performed for each target, determining how much damage each enemy takes from the blast. If the target is a miniboss or a boss, a D20 is used in the roll.

- Constantine -
Chosen Perk: Yippee Ki Yay - Even while using more modernized weapons, Constantine's skill with a firearm is up there with some of the best cowboys around. Perhaps it's simply natural, or his Wraith abilities enhance it? When landing a critical hit, Constantine can roll a D10 to stack additional damage on top. The amount of damage is determined by what the dice lands on.

Chosen Perk #2: Lady Luck - It seems the world likes someone who pushes the envelope, and Constantine's quite the gambler. If Constantine rolls a 1 at any point, he can reroll to attempt to avoid a critical failure.

Random Perk: Pistolero - Handguns are a cowboy's bread and butter, particularly revolvers. In time, they practically become an extension of the gunslinger themselves. Serving as deliverers of swift death. Constantine's all too familiar with handguns, and has mastered them over the course of his existence. When using revolvers or other handguns, Constantine has a +2 chance to hit his target. If the hit is a crit, it's an automatic vital shot.

Random Perk #2: Card Thrower - A true gambler, Constantine has a love of card games. In fact, he can summon a deck of cards to play with at his leisure. Those very same cards can also be used as weapons too. Up to four times in a battle, Constantine can summon his deck and sling an enchanted card at an enemy or ally. If the card hits an enemy, it will explode much like dynamite after a turn and do 10 DMG (or 25 DMG to a miniboss or boss.) If it hits an ally, it will heal said ally for 10 HP.

- Takato/Xiaòzhou -
Chosen Perk: Like Water, Returning - Takato/Xiaòzhou, since the days of the mission into the Abyss, has honed his skills ever more. Grants an additional move/action during a turn; applies double damage if the second move/action is an attack that hits, other traits do not come into effect for the second move/action. Both moves/actions can be used for a singular AoE move/action, which also does double damage (if an attack that hits.)

Chosen Perk #2: The Firm Grasp of Nature - +2 chance of succeeding in actions which directly manipulate an enemy's movements, whether they be passive or aggressive (a la attacks, such as physical [swords, bullets, etc], or spiritual [magic, etc]). Can be utilized in both an offensive and defensive manner (can be used with Like Water, but AoE moves/actions require recharging up to 3 turns after use)

Random Perk: The 10 Trials of Adriel - Thanks to the teachings of the second Abyssal King dwelling within his mind, Takato/Xiaòzhou has learned of the trials a young Adriel (the eventual first Abyssal King) had to endure to become a Titan. In exchange for a decrease in health, Takato/Xiaòzhou can amplify their damage output by extraordinary amounts. For every point of HP substituted, Takato/Xiaòzhou does 2 additional DMG. This damage will grow by two with each chapter.

Random Perk #2: Shan Oni Pai / Mountain Oni Style – Slowly embracing his Oni side in an effort to harmonize it with the Douean way, Takato attempts to internalize his Shadow self to add their fighting style to his repertoire. Up to three times during a battle, Takato may unleash a devastating flurry of brutal physical attacks upon his enemies. Rolls five times during an attack to deliver multiple hits, and for each hit, an additional point of damage is added. If attacking a miniboss/boss, three points of damage are added instead for each hit. If a roll fails, the rolls continue until five total rolls have been completed.

Rebecca's Group

- Rebecca -

Chosen Perk: Shield-maiden - With her tower shield equipped, Rebecca can shield herself (or an ally) from an attack. Damage is halved when struck (to a minimum of 1 DMG.)

Chosen Perk #2: Ever Vigilant - When faced with overwhelming numbers, Rebecca still remains ever focused and searches for any chance to turn the tide in her favor. When fighting against more than one foe, Rebecca gains a chance to counter-attack enemies that miss. If an enemy misses, she automatically strikes back (and if the attack lands, it is an automatic crit.)

Random Perk: Voice of the Saint - Using her Saint powers, Rebecca can heal an ally from a distance. Each use grants 3 HP to an ally, but the power has a one turn cooldown with each use. Amount of HP regained will increase by 3 per chapter.

Random Perk #2: Light Bringer - As a Saint, Rebecca can manifest a ball of pure Heavenly light which can blind or burn demons. It also harms those that cannot stand the light of the sun. If used against demons, it does damage equal to 25% of their current health, and blinds them for a turn. If used against those weak to sunlight, it does damage equal to 50% of their health. This can only be used once in a battle.

- Azathor -
Chosen Perk: Combination Power - Azathor's a natural when it comes to making hits land one after the other, all focused on one spot. For every hit that lands in a string, an additional point of damage is added. Damage can stack endlessly, until Azathor misses (after which the damage resets.)

Chosen Perk #2: Gunslinger - Using his twin pistols, Azathor is able to strike an enemy twice in rapid succession. When using ranged attacks, Azathor attacks twice in one turn, stacking damage against foes. This perk can combine with Combination Power for devastating results.

Random Perk: A Sister's Legacy - In the same vein as his fallen sister, Azathor shows immense prowess with bladed weaponry. If fighting a foe in melee, Azathor's learned talents come into play. Does an additional 3 points of DMG against melee opponents when using a melee weapon himself, and has a 50% chance to deflect a melee attack. Amount of damage dealt will increase per chapter.

Random Perk #2: That Which Dwells Beneath - Azathor, having mastered leaving and returning to his vessel much like the other Demon Princes and Icons, is able to shed his vessel temporarily to do battle in his true Demon Prince form. For once in a standard fight (and three times in a Miniboss or Boss fight), Azathor can strike foes directly in his true form and do double damage. He may strike up to three foes at a time in a standard fight, before returning to his vessel. If he struck while in his true form, he suffers double damage to himself.

- Camille -
Chosen Perk: Honed Reflexive Riposte - During the years following the Witlock Inquiry, Camille honed her skills as a sword fighter. Enemy melee attacks that fail to land prompt an automatic counter-attack from Camille. Double damage if her attack hits.

Chosen Perk #2: Veteran Huntress – Enhancing her prowess in battle over time against a variety of foes, Camille has chosen to focus on improving her abilities to dodge attacks from a distance. If targeted by a ranged attack from an enemy, her reflexes allow her to potentially avoid being hit and counter-attack in response. When attacked by an enemy at range, a D10 is rolled to determine if Camille is able to dodge the attack. If successfully dodged, another D10 is rolled to determine the success of Camille’s response. If the counter-attack hits, its an automatic crit.

Random Perk: Nevermore - A rather new technique Camille has learned over the years, Camille can cause a distraction in order to throw off an enemy's attack and allow for a devastating strike. Once during a battle, Camille can use this ability to force an enemy's attack to miss entirely. Enemy will be stunned for one turn afterwards, allowing for one automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #2: Dagger Dance – Sometimes the pace of combat requires a bit of finesse. Add in a bit of slight of hand, and the proper application of short hidden blades, and foes can be put down quickly and with ease. Camille’s no stranger to such things, using her needle-like weapons to great effect. However, she’s recently acquired a set of stiletto daggers. Typically used by gamblers, assassins, and other more criminal elements, Camille’s using them for a bit of a better purpose. Up to four times in a battle, Camille may employ the use of her stiletto daggers. When an enemy is hit by the daggers, they are temporarily stunned for a turn. While stunned, the enemy suffers double damage from all sources of damage. This can also be used as an AoE attack, targeting up to four enemies.

- Rajko -
Chosen Perk: Batimalism - Rajko can command a swarm of bats to attack or do an arbitrary action like retrieve a distant object or blind a foe for a turn. An attack by the bats does 3 DMG to a target (and is amplified every chapter by 3) Goes on cooldown for two turns after use. Additionally, bats will never attack Rajko unless induced by a magical entity or older werebat.

Chosen Perk #2: A Hunter's Vow - Rajko honors his vows to others with immense zeal, determined to see what he has promised to completion. In combat, there's no exception. Once per fight, Rajko will improve his next two attacks, dealing an additional 15% of the target's health in damage. The additional damage will apply through a target's resistances while the base will not. If the target is a boss character, the damage will be reduced to 5%.

Random Perk: Deafening Screech - While in Werebat form, Rajko can unleash a screech directed at a foe loud enough to stun them. The enemy stunned will remain unable to attack for three turns, and any attacks directed at this foe will be automatic critical hits if they land. When used on a mini-boss or boss, they will be stunned for only one turn but will have three points less of a chance to hit targets for two turns afterwards. Can be used once per battle.

Random Perk #2: Flash Ball – Reaching in the large arsenal of Inquisitorial tools, Rajko pulls a rather useful and more recently developed piece of equipment: the Flash Ball. A baseball-sized glass ball, filled with enchanted flash powder and an igniting agent, the device produces a bright flash that blinds observers temporarily. The enchantment on the powder, however, renders it more effective on those of the supernatural variety. Up to four times in a fight, Rajko can toss a flash ball at foes, disorienting them and throwing their aim off by two points for the next two turns. If used against supernatural enemies, however, it actually stuns them for a turn and throws their aim off by two points for the next four. Quite useful against groups of enemies.

- Aleister -
Chosen Perk #1: Arcane Miracles - Since his time with the Witlock Inquiry years ago, his faith has faded. However, his ability to heal has only strengthened over time. When used, Aleister can heal an ally and allow them to regain 6 HP. Has a cooldown of one turn.

Chosen Perk #2: Dance of the Vampire - Ever graceful on his feet, Aleister has even more of a chance to dodge incoming attacks from foes. When attacked, Aleister can roll to dodge an attack and has a +2 chance of succeeding along with the chance to counter-attack. If the counter attack roll is successful, it is an automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #1: Midnight Masquerade - Ever the dramatic, Aleister brings his artistry on the stage to the field of battle. Using one of his many enchanted masks, he can create a duplicate of himself to distract foes. The duplicate, once struck, will disappear. However, should Aleister strike the enemy before his duplicate is struck, the enemy suffers double damage. Can create up to three duplicates at once, but doing so costs a use. Ability can be used three times in a battle.

Random Perk #2: Divine Favor - Its difficult to earn the adoration of a god or goddess. It's only ever been done a select few times throughout the various millennia, over the different cycles of gods and goddesses. However, Aleister seems to have acquired that from Undite. Although he isn't as much of a holy man as he once was, she would still do quite a lot for him. Thus, if Aleister were to invoke her name during a battle, there would be a resounding answer. Once during a battle, Aleister can invoke Undite's name and heal all members of the party to full HP as well as revive fallen allies.

- Jakob -
Chosen Perk #1: Focus Fire! - Jakob, being a former Sergeant in Atraca's armed forces, knows how to get his allies' attention. He also knows how to pick out a nice target too, and single out just where to put a shot to bring it down. Combine the two for efficiency, and you get the job done quickly. In combat, he passively gives nearby allies +2 on attack rolls to hit their targets.

Chosen Perk #2: Gitche Manitou - Like a spirit manifesting to claim fading lives, the Gravedigger accompanying Jakob appears to claim the lives of some of the group's foes. When an enemy reaches below 25% HP, and Jakob is nearby, there is a chance that the Gravedigger will execute the enemy with a surprise attack. Roll is determined using a d10. If the roll is 7 or above, the enemy is executed.

Random Perk #1: Clawing Out - Jakob's werebeast side tends to want to break free from time to time, a bi-product of the natural aggression that werebeasts harbor. He has it under control most of the time, but there's moments where he simply needs to free the beast. Up to three times in a battle, Jakob can unleash his aggression in his werewolf form upon an enemy, doing immense damage in a sudden and brutal attack. It is considered an automatic critical hit, and the damage is doubled against minibosses and bosses.

Random Perk #2: A Brazen Act of Defiance - Jakob's not one to go down easy, in his human form or otherwise. Especially when it comes to defending his allies. Due to this, and his morals, he is willing to throw himself in harms way to protect others from enemies. Up to three times in a battle, Jakob can put himself in an enemy's direct line of attack to defend an ally. If the attack connects, Jakob tanks the damage, and only takes a quarter of the damage from the attack himself. Inspired by his defiance, said ally gains an automatic critical hit when they next attack.

Riberta's Group vs Greed Demon Squad

Xiaòzhou = 5. Does 3 DMG to Greed Demon #1. Greed Demon #1 HP = 12.
Constantine = 4 + 2 (6, Pistolero). Acc. Roll = 20. Headshot! Greed Demon #2 is dead!
Sebastian = 7. Acc. Roll = 15. Does 5 DMG to Greed Demon #3. Greed Demon #3 HP = 10.
Cassandra = 3. Misses Greed Demon #4.
Riberta attempts to throw a large hunk of coal at one of the Greed Demons (Hybrid Artillery.) Chance Roll = 8. Chance Successful! Does 20 DMG to Greed Demon #5. Greed Demon #5 is dead!

--- --- --- --- ---

Greed Demon #1 = 10, 8. Critical Hit. Does 9 DMG to Xiaòzhou. Xiaòzhou's Body Armor absorbs 5 DMG. Xiaòzhou HP = 16.
Greed Demon #3 = 10, 10. Double Critical Hit. Does 12 DMG to Riberta. Riberta HP = 8.
Greed Demon #4 = 4. Misses Sebastian. Chance to Counter Attack. Chance Roll = 10. Chance Successful. Does 6 DMG to Greed Demon #4. Greed Demon #4 HP = 9.
Greed Demon #6 = 1. Critical Miss! Greed Demon trips and falls over corpse of Greed Demon #5. Suffers 1 DMG! Greed Demon #6 HP = 14.
Greed Demon #7 = 2. Misses Constantine.
Greed Demon #8 = 8, 4. Does 3 DMG to Sebastian. Sebastian HP = 17. Chance to Counter-Attack. Chance Roll = 7. Chance Successful. Does 6 DMG to Greed Demon #8. Greed Demon #8 HP = 9.
Greed Demon #9 = 4. Misses Cassandra.
Greed Demon #10 = 5, 7. Does 6 DMG to Constantine. Constantine HP = 14.


Rebecca's Group vs Gluttony Demon Squad

Rajko = 6 + 2 (8, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 15. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #1. Gluttony Demon #1 HP = 10.
Camille = 3 + 2 (5, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #2. Gluttony Demon #2 HP = 12.
Azathor = 6 + 2 (8, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Does 4 DMG (A Sister's Legacy) to Gluttony Demon #3. Gluttony Demon #3 HP = 11.
Aleister = 4 + 2 (6, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 11. Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #3. Gluttony Demon #4 HP = 12.
Jakob = 6 + 2 (8, Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 12. Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #4. Gluttony Demon #5 HP = 12.
Gravedigger = 5 + 2 (7, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 8. Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #4. Gluttony Demon #5 HP = 9.
Rebecca = 10. Crit. Roll = 6. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #5. Gluttony Demon #6 HP = 10.

--- --- --- --- ---

Gluttony Demon #1 = 7. Does 3 DMG to Rajko. Rajko HP = 17.
Gluttony Demon #2 = 1. Misses Camille. Chance to Counter-Attack (Honed Reflexive Riposte) = 5. Chance Successful! Camille does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #2. Gluttony Demon #2 HP = 6.
Gluttony Demon #3 = 7. Does 3 DMG to Azathor. Azathor HP = 17.
Gluttony Demon #4 = 5. Targets Aleister. Chance to Dodge (Dance of the Vampire) = 7 + 2 (9). Chance Successful! Counter-Attack Roll = 9. Roll Successful! Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #4. Gluttony Demon #4 HP = 6.
Gluttony Demon #5 = 2. Misses Jakob.
Gluttony Demon #6 = 5. Misses Rebecca.
Gluttony Demon #7 = 6. Targets Aleister. Chance to Dodge (Dance of the Vampire) = 3 + 2 (5.) Chance Successful! Counter-Attack Roll = 2. Roll Failed.
Gluttony Demon #8 = 3. Misses Gravedigger.
Gluttony Demon #9 = 2. Misses Rebecca. Counter-Attack Roll (Ever Vigilant) = 7. Roll Successful. Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #9. Gluttony Demon #9 HP = 9.
Gluttony Demon #10 = 6. Does 3 DMG to Jakob. Jakob HP = 17.

The battles began for both groups, as the demons began their rush towards their targets. Intend on getting to the artifacts and securing them for their masters. First blood was drawn by Constantine, who planted a pair of well placed shots from his pistols through the eyes of the demon he singled out. The demon dropped dead on the spot, and forced one of his allies to trip over him and face-plant. Another demon would attack Constantine as well, but miss. But then yet another demon, however, would attack score a slice across Constantine's arm, before whacking him along the side of his head with the shaft of its halberd. Xiaòzhou struck his target with a back swing his staff as they neared, striking it hard across the side of the head, but the demon would counter with a pair of rough blows from his polearm across Xiaòzhou's chest. His new armor would absorb most of the damage, thankfully.

Sebastian would strike true, his buckshot forcing several dents across the Greed Demon's chest armor. When he went to attack Sebastian, however, Riberta got in the way to protect him. Two large gashes were cut into the hybrid's flesh by the demon's halberd, forcing her to groan before shoving the demon away from the pair. A second demon closed in, however, and swung at Sebastian with his polearm. He easily avoided the swing, however, as it went far too wide, and fired a shotgun blast into the creature's side.. A third demon, however, would close in and actually manage to hit Sebastian. Only once, however, with a slice across his right forearm. He'd return the favor with another shotgun blast into that demon's back. Riberta grabbed a hunk of coal from the ground, after inspecting her wounds, and picked out a target to strike afterwards. One of the demons in the back. Easy enough. She lifted the chunk, and then pitched it almost like a fastball at the demon's head. It connected, shattering upon impact but caving the front of the demon's head in with brutal force.

Cassandra would fire a shot at the second demon who had closed in on Sebastian, but missed. Soon enough, a demon would attempt to strike her as well. She would easily avoid the swing.

--- --- ---
On Rebecca's side of things, their group was taking a bit less damage in the engagement against the bulky gluttony demons. Rajko, Aleister, Jakob, and the Gravedigger would score hits on their respective Gluttony Demon targets, peppering their bodies with rifle fire and buckshot. Meanwhile, Camille, Azathor, and Rebecca would move in and score hits in melee. Flesh was carved into, blood spattering against the stone floor and shelves of the storage room. The demons would also make their own attacks, striking back at Rajko, Azathor, and Jakob to score their own hits.

Camille and Aleister were thrilling to watch, as well as Rebecca, as they danced around their foes. If a foe swung at them, they were met with a scathing and damaging return blow. Aleister would avoid two attacks, returning striking back at one demon with his his own melee weapon. Rebecca's longsword was swung in silver archs, as she avoided a swing from a gluttony demon just to carve through his stomach with her longsword.

Another demon would take a shot at Jakob, only to miss, as well as the Gravedigger. That attempt was also a miss.
Three shots rang out in quick succession as Sebastian battled for his life. Although he took a gash to the arm, he remained resolutely committed to the defense of the gauntlet and increasingly confident in his chances, thanks to the presence of Riberta. Two were already dead, and several others were wounded. This was critical; the party needed to conserve as much strength as possible for the coming confrontation with the demons' master.

"Tell your secretary to get out, Lucius. This is a private conversation." she said bluntly, before redirecting her red eyes to the man she was after. "Believe me, my patience is wearing quite thin. So if they don't leave, I'm going to stake them and you'll have to find someone else you trust well enough to be around you."

"Go," Lucius said, and the secretary did as she was told, eagerly moving out of the room to avoid being caught between the two of them. They waited a moment longer until the door latched with a heavy, metallic clunk that signaled its impressive ability to resist; an ordinary vamp would never be able to kick the door in if it were locked. In the silence that followed, Claire got a good look at House Le Rouge's patriarch: a man who had sired thousands of vampires personally - and killed hundreds of them down the line. He was a thin, bald man with a long, hawkish nose and beady eyes, and he wore a stiffly-starched suit and green ascot: a ruthless man of blood and business.

"Why are you here?" he asked. His tone was measured, but his fangs were on full display, as always.
"Sonofa-" Constantine cursed but was cut off by the second hit to the head. The wraith shook his head to recover from the disorientation. "I'll kill you like your dipshit friend over there." He snapped back and took more shots at the greed demon's head.
Xiaòzhou exhaled as the demon he fought struck him across the chest. Thankful of the armor which adorned him beneath, he noticed Riberta getting struck hard by another demon. He briefly turned his attention to try and give her a heal, before turning his attention back to the greed demon he was fighting. Putting his staff to the side, he tried to use his qi to stun his opponent in place as he moved backward to a safer vantage point from which a stronger strike-back could be done.
The glutinous wretch swung fast and hard, deceptively quick for its size. It struck Rajko on his arm. The inquisitor went with the blow, only his abominable nature and decades-honed experience saving him from a debilitating injury. He retreated, further carried by the momentum, snatching his pistol from the holster on his waist. He drew the barrel on the gluttony demon, teeth gritted, pain spreading through his arm like snapping electricity. Quietly, he cursed their advance, they needed a bit more distance from their corpulent foes.

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