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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

Randomness in NY The guys are eating ramen!!!

I miss big cities just for the variety of stuff. xD where I live is awful for variety. Like, every restaurant that opens is Japanese but it's usually not own or run by Japanese people and then the second biggest thing is Chinese buffets. -_- there is a Thai restaurant but I'm not really a fan of Thai food and there are some other restaurants but my father-in-law has worked constructing and connecting commercial refrigeration and freezer units so he knows most of the restaurants around us and he doesn't like any of their kitchens. lmao so we don't eat at that many places.
And I was on Facebook and first I see someone holding a bunch of baby orchid mantises and they are like... dancing. xD and then I see some nightmare fodder that can't be unseen, the gangis moth. D:

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