Howlin' at the moon (OOC thread) [Lunar Fury]

I'm thinking lion-totem. We have socially capable, but not necessarily a leader, and unless I'm missing something certainly not a war-leader. And if he ends up just being a blender, well it's hard to have too many blenders in Exalted.

I'll draw something up tonight. See what I can come up with. ;)
Braydz said:
I'm thinking lion-totem. We have socially capable, but not necessarily a leader, and unless I'm missing something certainly not a war-leader. And if he ends up just being a blender, well it's hard to have too many blenders in Exalted.
I'll draw something up tonight. See what I can come up with. ;)
Changing Moon with some Favored Physical? Waning Moons were after all the strategists among the Chosen of Luna in the First Age. :P

Oh, and is the Heron totem No Moon still in the mix, or is it for sure the Lion totem?
For this batch of characters, Lunars use the standard creation rules, but you do get the xp and bonus background points like everybody else.
Thanks, Sherwood.

Of the characters I'd fleshed out at all it's the lion-totem. He's a tactician, sure, but more than that he's a general. It's a toss-up right now between Changing-Moon with Strength favored or Full Moon with Charisma favored. I'll figure it out tonight when I get home.


You seem to have had a thought about the heron-totem. What's on your mind?
fhgwdads05 said:
Keene is supposed to be incredibly self-confident and in control.
is that Commander Keene?

2 questions:

- could I take night vision as a result of a hideout in Nexus exposed to the Wyld influence ? (like I hid there for quite a while, and when I got out, I could see in the dark).

- custom Larceny charm : Whirlwind Disguise Donning Prana, works as the Resistance charm but allows to take clothes off of a subject and put them on quicker (I figure it's the same reduction: 1 minute per mote). Useful to use with EOPM, grab a guy in the dark, knock him out, take his clothes, hide the body, and voila... you can pass by anywhere without problem.

Oh and still no merits and flaws right ?! I was kinda looking for the wanted flaw :)

Background be up soon.
nother quick questoin:

My character wants to find a Red Seed of the Immaculate Blood. How would I go about trying to acquire one?
Idem, I am not opposed to the bonding with another lunar... don't expect any love from my guy though... he's usually better off on his own.
Braydz said:
Thanks, Sherwood.
Of the characters I'd fleshed out at all it's the lion-totem. He's a tactician, sure, but more than that he's a general. It's a toss-up right now between Changing-Moon with Strength favored or Full Moon with Charisma favored. I'll figure it out tonight when I get home.


You seem to have had a thought about the heron-totem. What's on your mind?
No thoughts as I haven't seen anything for the Heron totem. I'd need to see a bit of details before I could give you anything.

Nobble said:
fhgwdads05 said:
Keene is supposed to be incredibly self-confident and in control.
is that Commander Keene?

Nope, not even close.
Tani, that's it! Hehe, this would be fun.

"Yes, Tani, I know you killed the claw-strider and wear his hide as pants. But it's not appropriate wear for a feast... *sigh* Go kill a couple of brightly scaled lizards then and make yourself a formal robe, hmm?"

"Thank you, Tani, but I really don't consume anything which could potentially talk back to me. Yes, I know he was dumb as a parrot, but it still doesn't mean he's suitable for consumption."

"... Tani, can you please take your dinner where I can't see him? I think we were related."
Lol, he's not mentally retarded, but I'm quite certain he'd offer you peices of anyone you happened to help kill at least once xD

And maybe I'll go Treasure Quest for that one artifact in DotFA that can be ANY garment I choose :D
I feel bad contributing to Braydz and Cyl having to roll new characters.

There could have been some compromise.

Oh well. My character is rather nebulous at the moment. More to come later.
I must say that so far, I am quite impressed with the quality of the backgrounds that everyone is posting. Very nice.
Well, as the ST I don't have a problem with letting the two of them bring in their old characters, but I don't want to make anyone else in the game feel like a second class player in comparison to them. I'll leave the decision to the group. All new characters, or bring two over from the earlier run?
Both are problematic. The loss of beloved characters or the loss of game balance. Toning down the old characters would be odd, and catching up the new, even just a little devalues the commitment of the continuing players.

A true conundrum.

I am still boggled by the what 2 or 3 lunars out of 8 players in Lunar fury. I remember when it was a gaggle of lunars and just one solar. And before that it was all lunar.

Not so much ranting as musing. Apologies.

EDIT: Looks like there are actually 4 Lunars.

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