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Fantasy House of Opportunity OOC

What to do with this RP?

  • Close up shop. Better luck next time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Proceed as you are now.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 1 week to wrap up scenes and create extra/replacement characters, then start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End all scenes now and start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think we should name this supervisor of the kitchens, something tells me she'll be a recurring NPC. Should we go with the obvious Hanabi? Or maybe try and get a little more creative?

Good to know! Also, since Byakko is now officially accepted into the story, should the first post be edited with his debt stats?
Two different people for sure. Which makes sense, you want different supervisors for different sections of your business. I'm actually really curious to find out who @Anomaly has cast as the pit boss. Traditionally that person has to be sharp as a tack and hard as nails to keep order on a casino floor.
KamiKahzy said:
Two different people for sure. Which makes sense, you want different supervisors for different sections of your business. I'm actually really curious to find out who @Anomaly has cast as the pit boss. Traditionally that person has to be sharp as a tack and hard as nails to keep order on a casino floor.
Ah okay, thanks ^-^
Indeed. So, can we expect to see a post from you tonight? I'm hoping the others post shortly, I really want to post again but I don't want to hog the main page just yet.
Hey, are we allowed to bunny the NPCs, or should we wait for @Anomaly to respond for us? I saw @KamiKahzy controlling some of the kitchen supervisor's actions, wasn't sure if it was planned or not.
It totally wasn't planned, and I took a little risk by doing that. But so far @Anomaly hasn't chewed me out for it, so I think I did good? Idk, I'll let her answer.
Feel free to control the NPCs, though the higher-ranking/recurring NPCs like Hana are off-limits. A good rule of thumb is if they have a fancy job or I've bothered to give them a name, no touching. :P

Of course, I am ever a good sport and am mostly here to play along with your whims, so don't worry about these things too much~.
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Ooohhh, ok. Did I miss that tidbit, or was that something ya'll discussed behind closed doors?
Sorry, my post will be delayed. These people and their damned "urgencies". -.-
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