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Fantasy House of Opportunity OOC

What to do with this RP?

  • Close up shop. Better luck next time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Proceed as you are now.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 1 week to wrap up scenes and create extra/replacement characters, then start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End all scenes now and start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Finally got to post it. By the way, is that Haku? Y'know, dragon-like creature with antlers on its head. A kirin, to be specific.
It's probably not Haku specifically, but likely a Kirin spirit. Witch's seem to prize having those in their clutches, and can you really blame them?
KamiKahzy said:
It's probably not Haku specifically, but likely a Kirin spirit. Witch's seem to prize having those in their clutches, and can you really blame them?
Hmm. Guess I can't, dragons are cool. Well, they are when they're not burning down villages and taking all the gold.
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Reinhardt said:
Hmm. Guess I can't, dragons are cool. Well, they are when they're not burning down villages and taking all the gold.
Kirin isn't exactly a dragon, I believe, and especially not the same kind of dragons that the west imagined. They're known for being extremely gentle creatures (so gentle that they don't dare to even tread upon grass in fear that they might trample it) as well as nearly god-like creatures. Also, eastern dragons are typically associated with water, clouds and rain, hence being the symbols of luck. Wait a minute...DOES JINBABA HAVE A KIRIN UNDER HER COMMAND (or is he a co-owner of the place)?
Reinhardt said:
Hmm. Guess I can't, dragons are cool. Well, they are when they're not burning down villages and taking all the gold.
Dragons are indeed very cool :3 burning down villages and taking gold is just a stereotype, don't fall for that!
Haku was a dragon, not a kirin. Good eye spotting that I was describing a kirin. I'm glad you guys are curious - I shall not reveal my secrets here, though! You'll have to use your characters to dig up that kind of information.

I hope to avoid using known characters from the universe, but it is not out of the question that Haku may be sent on business sometime much further down the line. He does still work for the bathhouse after all. What would you all prefer to see?
Anomaly said:
Haku was a dragon, not a kirin. Good eye spotting that I was describing a kirin. I'm glad you guys are curious - I shall not reveal my secrets here, though! You'll have to use your characters to dig up that kind of information.
I hope to avoid using known characters from the universe, but it is not out of the question that Haku may be sent on business sometime much further down the line. He does still work for the bathhouse after all. What would you all prefer to see?
I think I like this idea of keeping characters mostly separate. After all, Haku is pretty much the only slave Yubaba has at her disposal that can leave the grounds with her permission. Everyone else is stuck inside the bathhouse, much like our own characters. So it really wouldn't make much sense to have any other characters besides Haku show up in-story. The only exception I can think of is if Yubaba herself makes a house call and brings a kind of entourage with her, which would no doubt include her son, those rolling head spirits, that mini-yubaba raven thing, and maybe her foreman.

Unless ya'll think the radish spirit would show up to play a few rounds of hanafuda?
Indeed. Which is why I think only Yubaba, Haku, and maaaaaaybe the radish spirit should be considered for cameos. Other than that I can't see many other spirits from the bathhouse would have any reason to show up to the casino. Certainly not the river spirit, he's far too pure to consider going to such a place of vice and misery.
What I'm asking is if cameos should even happen. xD I had not planned on any at all.

Would you like to see any, or would you prefer the material to be entirely separate?
I think it should only happen if you think it would make sense for he storyline you're running. Cameos are fun, but in my mind the casino seems entirely separate from the bathhouse. Hell, I'm pretty sure they're in entirely different prefectures, if not different islands. But that's just me, can't speak for the other players. :P
Yeah - the bathhouse is at Station Two, while the House is at Station One. Far enough you'd need a train or boat to cover the distance.

I really, really encourage you all to look at the Locations tab.
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Oh, I should also mention that anyone who goes a week without posting is liable to have their character bunnied by me if they're locked in an interaction at the time or otherwise holding something back, and anyone who goes ten days without posting will be dropped, unless they communicate with me about what it is that's holding them back and give me an estimate on when they will be able to post.

Also, if anyone goes 7+ days between posts three times, they'll be dropped regardless of whether they're barely squeaking it in or not.

@Teh Frixz @KamiKahzy @simj22 @Nano @Edric Yuma @waifu @Turnip @AngstyAlb @Reinhardt
Yknow Mago's had his eye on Maria too, he's not about to let a little toothache get in the way of a good time.
May I just take a second and point out that the posts on this casual roleplay are longer than that of many detailed roleplays? xD
[QUOTE="Edric Yuma]May I just take a second and point out that the posts on this casual roleplay are longer than that of many detailed roleplays? xD

I've seen several people post one-liners in an RP that's been marked as Detailed...To be perfectly honest, a lot of people don't really follow the guidelines for Simple/Casual/Detailed RPs unless the GM specifically points out what kind of posts they want, sadly.
KamiKahzy said:
Guess you haven't been running with the right crowd then. Welcome to the big leagues!
Kami, my interest check specifically states I prefer posts to be 1-3 paragraphs long. Y'all have been going overboard. xD

EDIT: That's not to say 4 or 5 paragraphs are bad, and introductory posts are often much longer than regular ones. It's okay to overshoot, just don't forget what we're shooting for.
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