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Fantasy House of Opportunity OOC

What to do with this RP?

  • Close up shop. Better luck next time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Proceed as you are now.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 1 week to wrap up scenes and create extra/replacement characters, then start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End all scenes now and start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I imagine those that work in similar areas know each other, and there's probably some crossover between the work branches. I'm pretty sure Mai's alter ego is a secret to anyone who hasn't witnessed one of her episodes. Mago probably hasn't seen it yet, though he might know about the second mouth. Hard to say, but sometimes he'll sneak a peak in the women's changing rooms if he happens to be passing by. ;P

But I'm fairly certain everyone knows who Mago is. Loud mouthed food enthusiast who's bigger than life in more ways than one? Yeah, even if you've never seen the guy everyone knows who Mago is.
@KamiKahzy, I was actually thinking about that. I think Mai and Mago should be on good terms because someone needs to give her extra food under the table, since she's always hungry.
Hmm, Hayato's in his own little world most of the time, so I'll leave it up to you guys whether or not you want to know him beforehand. He'd definitely know Mago though since they're working together. I guess he'd see him as a boss figure too, but a good one!
That still doesn't tell me what Noh's favorite food is!
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So something like this?


"My favorite food...it's been a while since someone has asked me something like that. Is today something special? Anyway, if I had to pick a favorite, I guess I'd have to say hakuto jelly. I doubt they have those kind of peaches here though, so good luck making something like that. Other than that, I like most kinds of wagashi, not that I wouldn't be able to make that on my own."

By the way...

How well would this have worked for an oni? O.o
Miiiiighta been good for a 'full power' mode before she got tricked into Jinbaba's service. Otherwise it looks a little too powerful to be something under Jinbaba's control.
Takeru has a special affinity for the first meal he ate in this world which was onigiri stuffed with umeboshi, but lots of things to him are new and delicious. A staple he's really grown fond of is omurice.
"Favorite food? Well, I'd eat anything edible, to be honest! What can I say? I'm a big spirit with an even bigger appetite. But if I had to eat something... let's see... well, I'd have to go with ramen. Not that fake ramen that them Americans eat, you know? That genuine ramen... mmm... so de-lish. To be a bit more specific, Tonkotsu Ramen is the best. No doubt about it. That steaming broth, caramelized aromatics... Everything is just mushed up together into the bundle of joy that is headed right for my mouth. Ahhh... Now I'm hungry. But, long story short, I prioritize quantity over quality. Because seriously, these spirit portions are just not big enough for me. Just give me a lot of something that doesn't taste bad, and I'm satisfied." ~Emi
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I wonder...is one considered a failure of an Asian if they can't eat spicy things? 8D;;;
Actually no, spice isn't as big over in Japan as you'd think. Sure it's a common garnish, but wasabi was never meant to be something people just ate casually. However soy IS something that practically everyone uses. So if you can't handle soy then you're a weirdo.
Noh doesn't seem to have an actual preference, really. He just enjoys whatever food is given to him, especially if he's eating with a group of friends. It reminds him of...what exactly does it remind him of anyway? He reminisces about a time that he probably would remember if he still had his name. It's also probably impossible to replicate what he truly wants, something that he truly misses.

I mean, unless Mago reminds him of a certain person he used to be with, and can remind him of the love they shared, then I doubt it's actually possible to have him actually have a 'favourite' in Mago's menu.
Nano said:
I wonder...is one considered a failure of an Asian if they can't eat spicy things? 8D;;;
depends on what kind of Asian.

Indians tend to have a LOT of spice in their foods, for one. Chinese favour garnishes and soy-based sauces and fermented stuff. Koreans love their spicy stuff too. Japanese have a more 'anything's fine' taste, with wasabi being a dressing? of sorts. I mean, hell, their donburi is usually leftovers chucked in with rice and egg.
I do really dig Kimchi and authentic hot sauce. If you add enough of it to a food you don't like, sooner or later all you will taste is that hot sauce, and that isn't half bad. Until you start banging your head and tears start forming.
[tries not to touch anything remotely spicy with a ten foot pole]

I'm working on the OP for this now, folks. OvO
I always felt hot sauce was meant as a seasoning and not a sauce. I never put too much in my food if I can help it. Much like salt, too much and things get bad quickly.

Then again I knew a guy who practically drank hot sauce on his own. Creeped me right the hell out.
[QUOTE="Edric Yuma]I do really dig Kimchi and authentic hot sauce. If you add enough of it to a food you don't like, sooner or later all you will taste is that hot sauce, and that isn't half bad. Until you start banging your head and tears start forming.

Kimchi has always been and still is impossible for me. There are some people who wash the spice off of kimchi with water but...it just turns all sour and gross so I can't see why someone would do that...
I think the spiciest asian food I ever had was Japanese curry at this one place, though it wasn't too bad. Still need to get around to actually eating things with kimchi and wasabi.

Also looking forward to it @Anomaly !
AND WE'RE LIVE, PEOPLE. Sorry that took so long - one thing after another kept coming up.
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So it starts! I'll wait for Simj to post first.

Also, lately I've started getting cravings for spicy food. I add some green pepper to my food if it tastes bland.
Well, I have submitted an application. Hoping to get accepted. It may be inferior, sorry, I've been lacking in brain juice these past days.

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