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Fantasy Hotel Cali: New Character Sheet!

Do you have a name?:

Its Blade Ovakaski

How old are you?:
Where did you come from?:
in a dark part of japan
Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
Pin on anime illustrations
Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
i have 2 katanas made out of a one of a kind metal. no scars or tattoos. 6'8
What are you?:
demon half breed

What are you like?:
a dark and gothic personality
... is that all

What is your past?

Tell me whatever else you wish to:
to rest alone with no distractions whatsoever
Do you have a name?:

Its Blade Ovakaski

How old are you?:
Where did you come from?:
in a dark part of japan
Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
View attachment 711197
Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
i have 2 katanas made out of a one of a kind metal. no scars or tattoos. 6'8
What are you?:
demon half breed

What are you like?:
a dark and gothic personality
... is that all

What is your past?

Tell me whatever else you wish to:
to rest alone with no distractions whatsoever
You're an odd one aren't you? You look so lost, why don't you come inside and let us get acquainted.

Do you have a name?:
Terry Meldon

How old are you?:
23 years old

Where did you come from?:
My home town

Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
33168AA7-0D54-492A-9691-100A63F884E6.jpegAnything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
What are you?:
a human

What are you like?:
friendly and creative, a guy interested in the finer arts

What is your past?
Terry made a deal with a demon long ago for a beautiful face but what the demon didn’t tell him was that he’d forever be stuck with blood that attracts all kinds of demons in return

Tell me whatever else you wish to:
I don’t have anything
You're an odd one aren't you? You look so lost, why don't you come inside and let us get acquainted.

Do you have a name?:
Terry Meldon

How old are you?:
23 years old

Where did you come from?:
My home town

Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
View attachment 726640Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
What are you?:
a human

What are you like?:
friendly and creative, a guy interested in the finer arts

What is your past?
Terry made a deal with a demon long ago for a beautiful face but what the demon didn’t tell him was that he’d forever be stuck with blood that attracts all kinds of demons in return

Tell me whatever else you wish to:
I don’t have anything
accepted!! the like usually means you are but it's my bad for not explaining that haha
Do you have a name?:

Saoirse Aisling Bryne

How old are you?:

Just recently turned 21

Where did you come from?:


Step into the light and let me see what you look like:


Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, etc?:

Saoirse stands at 5'6" tall, skinny as a twig but wears very baggy clothing and long draped skirts to hide and sometimes create a more feminine curved figure. Her preferred clothing is, the old and starting to fray cardigan 4x her size that the priest at her church gave her on one of the days her parents allowed her to go. She's covered in freckles from head to toe, standing out quite well on peach pink skin, her cheeks a naturally bright rosy red. Her hair is caramel in color, eyes deep black pits with small colored specks that almost resemble stars. She wears fingerless gloves and wherever there is exposed skin, she has a covering of bandages there instead. They hide scars, ones that come in all different forms, some healing over and returning to natural skin, some bright pink or blue, some glowing, some an inky black, some pure gold, the list goes on.

What are you?:

A Human (Mutated)

What are you like?:

Saoirse despite how she was raised is a very active girl, spending the hours locked in her room exercising and containing the endless energy her body seems to have. She's kindhearted but scares easily at loud sounds. She curious and extremely gullible, willing to follow what "The Star(s)" show her or guide her towards, thinking of them as her friend. Overall, despite her age, she still acts younger, not enough experiences to go off aside from her old home, church, and the dire attempts that gave her the knowledge that she is beyond normal.

What is your past?

When Saoirse was a child, she drank from a pool that she claimed was filled with “the tears of the stars”. A dark pool that in truth was a tear in reality leading to pockets of all sorts of dimensions, that somehow Saoirse was able to ingest and submerge herself in. Her body mutated, becoming an anomaly that split her amongst many places in space, time, and reality. The consequence of this is Saoirse can no longer die, her body stopping it's aging process by the time she turned 21. This venture into the stars leads Saoirse to go missing for 5 years' time, her parents petrified when they found the injured body of their daughter slowly healing itself in ways that should be impossible. Fearful of their daughter, and fearful of her being taken away, her parents kept her locked up in her home claiming to the neighbors that she was nervous about public school and had a chronic aliment that needed her to stay inside. Once the scars started appearing from Saoirse's attempts to flee from her home and play with others, her parents force her to cover them up with clothing, bandages, whatever hid it all. Still, to keep her satisfied, Saoirse's parents would bring her to their church where they also prayed whatever happened to their daughter would go away. The night she turned 21 she’d had enough and in a desperate need to get away, she planned a way to get out of her house. A few nights later she packed the minimum essentials and broke out of the glued shut window of her room, making a run for it. By the time she’s exhausted is when she sees cracks in reality that she believes are a sign from “the star”. They overwhelmed her until there is one that beckons her, brings her toward what seemed to be a hotel.

Tell me whatever else you wish to:

- The Church that Saoirse's Family went to is known as the Anderson House of Hope
- Saoirse tends to whistle noises she hears when the "stars" cracks make noise​
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Do you have a name?:

Saoirse Aisling Bryne

How old are you?:

Just recently turned 21

Where did you come from?:


Step into the light and let me see what you look like:

View attachment 740388

Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, etc?:

Saoirse stands at 5'6" tall, skinny as a twig but wears very baggy clothing and long draped skirts to hide and sometimes create a more feminine curved figure. Her preferred clothing is, the old and starting to fray cardigan 4x her size that the priest at her church gave her on one of the days her parents allowed her to go. She's covered in freckles from head to toe, standing out quite well on peach pink skin, her cheeks a naturally bright rosy red. Her hair is caramel in color, eyes deep black pits with small colored specks that almost resemble stars. She wears fingerless gloves and wherever there is exposed skin, she has a covering of bandages there instead. They hide scars, ones that come in all different forms, some healing over and returning to natural skin, some bright pink or blue, some glowing, some an inky black, some pure gold, the list goes on.

What are you?:

A Human (Mutated)

What are you like?:

Saoirse despite how she was raised is a very active girl, spending the hours locked in her room exercising and containing the endless energy her body seems to have. She's kindhearted but scares easily at loud sounds. She curious and extremely gullible, willing to follow what "The Star(s)" show her or guide her towards, thinking of them as her friend. Overall, despite her age, she still acts younger, not enough experiences to go off aside from her old home, church, and the dire attempts that gave her the knowledge that she is beyond normal.

What is your past?

When Saoirse was a child, she drank from a pool that she claimed was filled with “the tears of the stars”. A dark pool that in truth was a tear in reality leading to pockets of all sorts of dimensions, that somehow Saoirse was able to ingest and submerge herself in. Her body mutated, becoming an anomaly that split her amongst many places in space, time, and reality. The consequence of this is Saoirse can no longer die, her body stopping it's aging process by the time she turned 21. This venture into the stars leads Saoirse to go missing for 5 years' time, her parents petrified when they found the injured body of their daughter slowly healing itself in ways that should be impossible. Fearful of their daughter, and fearful of her being taken away, her parents kept her locked up in her home claiming to the neighbors that she was nervous about public school and had a chronic aliment that needed her to stay inside. Once the scars started appearing from Saoirse's attempts to flee from her home and play with others, her parents force her to cover them up with clothing, bandages, whatever hid it all. Still, to keep her satisfied, Saoirse's parents would bring her to their church where they also prayed whatever happened to their daughter would go away. The night she turned 21 she’d had enough and in a desperate need to get away, she planned a way to get out of her house. A few nights later she packed the minimum essentials and broke out of the glued shut window of her room, making a run for it. By the time she’s exhausted is when she sees cracks in reality that she believes are a sign from “the star”. They overwhelmed her until there is one that beckons her, brings her toward what seemed to be a hotel.

Tell me whatever else you wish to:

- The Church that Saoirse's Family went to is known as the Anderson House of Hope
- Saoirse tends to whistle noises she hears when the "stars" cracks make noise​
Do you have a name?:
Ulquiorra Cifer

How old are you?:
I dont know
Where did you come from?:
Hueco Mundo
Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
(My Profile Pic)
Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
my mask, and magical abilities and two deadly transformations and a katana.
What are you?:
an Espada

What are you like?:
I am a very cold, callous, and dispassionate figure, and I am rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm my comrades in addition to my enemies should they get in my way. i refer to anyone I do not find interesting as "trash", and treats them as expendable.

What is your past?
I dont know actually but i remember losing a fight.

Tell me whatever else you wish to:

Im the embodiment of Nihilism
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You're an odd one aren't you? You look so lost, why don't you come inside and let us get acquainted.

Do you have a name?:
Bruce Dickinson

How old are you?:
Where did you come from?:
Worksop, United Kingdom
Step into the light and let me see what you look like:
download (83).jpeg
Anything else? Tattoos, how tall you are, scars, ect?:
Im known to be the lead singer of the metal band, Iron Maiden. Also, I'm an operatic singer, and im known for that.
What are you?:

What are you like?:
Im extremely sensitive, perceptive, and a bit shy. These qualities are both my strengths and weaknesses, for while I possess enormous sensitivity to my feelings and those of others, that same sensitivity can cause me to hold back and repress my considerable talents.

What is your past?
this is my past do reasearch

Tell me whatever else you wish to:
I hope you don't mind any entertainment from me in the hotel

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