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Home is where the heart is

If his wife wasn't standing there Brett would have laughed at how terrified he made him. Instead he pulled his side closer and kissed her softly. "It's alright, he's gone and I'm right here." He whispers as he felt her shake In his arms.
Ryan simply nodded and hugged her husband close as she cried into his chest. She was shaking terribly. This wasn't how today was supposed to go. She stayed there with her husband for a long while.

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Eventually Brett was able to compose Ryan so they could go back out to the party. After Matthew's nap ended they did the cake and presents. Brett was glad he handled the situation before things got too out of hand.
Ryan was glad her husband was there to end things because she was honestly terrified. Everyone enjoyed the party and when everyone left, Bentley helped his mom clean up the house.

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Brett helped Matthew get ready for bed. After his bath Brett laid him in the bed and read to him to help him sleep. When he finished he put him under the covers and kissed his forehead. "Did you have fun today?"
Matthew looked up at his dad and nodded. "I got a lot of pwesents!" He said with a laugh and then let out a yawn. He then held his fathers hand and slowly began to fall asleep.

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Brett laughed softly at the little one and nodded as he watched him fall asleep.. "I love you." His father whispers before getting up and shutting the door behind him. Once the mess was cleaned and Bentley himself went to bed Brett smiled and kissed his wife lovingly. "Are you alright?" He asks looking at her with soft eyes.
Ryan looked at her husband in the eyes and let out a shuddered sigh and nodded. "Yeah." She whispered and then kissed him softly. The feeling of Luke's hand still on her body so she got her husbands hand and placed it on her side.

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Brett nodded and kissed her again. "Well Mrs Adams, I think today was a success." He whispers with a soft smile. He didn't want her to think about the one mishap they endured earlier because Brett took care of it.
"I agree. I love you." Ryan whispered as se smiled and kissed him again, holding him close. She was so happy they did well. "Did he have fun?" She asked him with a smile.

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Brett laughed softly and nodded. "Tomorrow he'll be into every thing, chaos will ensue." Matt was just as crazy if not crazier than Bentley.
Ryan laughed and smiled. "Oh I know. Chaos for sure." She looked at her husband and kissed him a bit roughly and then laughed. "I love you. Thank you for the save today."

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"That's my job." Brett whispers before he kissed her in return. Taking her hand he lead her upstairs. Heading for the shower he smiled when he came back out and felt her arms wrap around him. "Yes?" He aka looking down at her.
"Nothing. Can't I just hug my husband?" She asked him and draw random shapes along his chest with a smile. "I really do love you Brett Adams." She whispered and kissed his neck ever so softly.

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"I suppose you're allowed that privilege:" Leaning down he kissed her, this time before he pulled away he bit her bottom lip and pulled away to grab a shirt.
Ryan bit her lip after her husband did and ran after him, hugging him close and holding on with her legs wrapped around him. She kissed him again and then bit his bottom lip. "Two can play that game." She whispered with a laugh.

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"Oh, I never doubted that." He whispers before he kissed her neck. "I love you." He whispers with a smiles as he moved the hair from her eyes.
"I love you more." Ryan whispered as she smiled and kissed him roughly again. When she pulled away, she laughed and smiled. "I really do love you."

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"I would surely hope so." He says laying her gently in their bed before he put his shirt on for bed. Before he could get into bed he heard Bentley.
Ryan heard Bentley as well and she looked at Brett a little confused. She got up and went over to his room to find Bentley hugging his knees and crying. "What's wrong baby boy?" Ryan asked as she hugged him close and let him cry on her chest.

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Brett followed after his wife and looked between her and Bentley confused. Sitting beside him he kept close eye on him. Bentley looked up to his mom with tears in his eyes but was unable to speak. Brett looked on the floor and found all the newspapers and pictures on the ground from his father's death. This was concerning because Bentley was only nine. "Bentley, where did all this come from?" Levi asks in a whisper.
Ryan looked over at the newspapers and pictures on the ground as well and her heart broke. Now she knew why he was crying. "Shhh my love. Shhhh." Ryan said as she hugged him tighter. Bentley continued to cry and he didn't even answer his father. Ryan looked at Brett as she fought back tears. This wasn't fair. He was still to young to know the truth.

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Brett picked up all of the papers and stormed out of the room where he proceeded to throw them into the fire place. Once Brett found out who did this he wasn't going to take it lightly at all. That's not something a nine year old needed to be exposed to. As Brett watched the pictures turn to ashes he felt a few years escape his eyes not only at the memory but because he felt for Bentley. He didn't deserve this.
"Why mommy." Bentley whispered and Ryan sighed as she hugged him close. "Shh love. We'll discuss this another time. Get some rest." She whispered hoping Bentley could just get some rest and when he fell asleep from all the crying, Ryan sighed and looked up. "Help him through this Levi." She whispered and then stood up to go check on Brett and she hugged him close from behind.

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Brett sighed wen he felt his wife's arms wrap around him. "I guess no matter when he found out it would still be hard to take but whoever did this is one cruel sonofabitch." Standing up Brett released his wife. The flashback of his friend swarming back to him. "I tried Ryan, I really did I tried to save his life because I knew what this would do to Bentley." Looking away from her he wiped his inevitable tears.

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