• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)

Charlie Howell
Charlie took up Luca’s offer almost immediately, ditching her things on a chair before grabbing her notebook and walking over to the musician.

“So, it's a song about being confident in yourself and stuff. Not really the style my managers are going for but I don’t care.” Charlie began to explain, flipping through her notebook until she got to the page the lyrics were on. Handing the notebook to Luca, she slid onto the bench beside him.

After demoing a bit of the song on the piano, Charlie turned to Luca with a grin on her face. She was doing her best to ignore the aching anxiety thumping around in her stomach. How much had Lin heard? How much of what was said in what Charlie thought was private did he now know? Every time Charlie looked to her friend, her face flushed a deep red in colour. Eventually, she just stopped looking at him.

“So, uh, I need a trumpet of some sort. I think having a bit at the beginning would work very well, sorta setting up the playfulness of the song.”

The rest of lunch was spent working through various ideas. Luca was a whiz with most of the instruments Charlie needed and Amy was great with helping her with the flow of the lyrics. And then there was Lin, just hanging out and throwing in his ideas every once in a while. As odd as it was, the four made a great pair and, just before lunch was over, a demo was freshly recorded on Charlie’s phone.

“Hey, you guys go on ahead, class is about to start. I’m just gonna wrap up here!” Charlie said to Amy and Lin. Once they were gone, Charlie turned to Luca, the cheerful expression draining from her face.

“I’m sorry for running out on you earlier. I really hadn’t expected anyone to come in, I was sorta rattled.” Charlie laughed as she laced her fingers together on her lap. “A lot happened this morning, I just needed a minute on my own. Stupid Twitter drama, people being assholes again, feeling kinda worthless and dumb again. It was a lot.”

Charlie turned to Luca, a sad smile on her lips. “Thank you for checking up on me and thank you for saving my ass just now. I, uh, I think Lin found out some information he really didn’t want to hear and I just sorta booked it. I guess running away from stuff is a talent of mine today.”

Luca and Charlie talked for a good while. Charlie found that the Italian was incredibly good at giving advice and found comfort in his wise words. As the lunch bell rang, Charlie slumped forwards slightly.

“Hey, uh, thanks for the help. You’re a really good guy Luca. I appreciate everything.”

Charlie stood up from the piano bench, patting Luca on the shoulder as she walked by him to grab her guitar case and backpack. As she walked to the doors, Charlie turned around to open it with her hip as she offered one last smile to Luca before she made her way to class.


What the actual hell had she gotten herself into? Charlie hadn’t left her room yet that morning, instead opting to simply sit on the edge of her bed and contemplate the intricacies of why going on a blind date at a glorified pumpkin patch was the worst idea in the immensely long history of bad ideas. There was something especially dumb about the whole affair, something so monumentally idiotic that Charlie was convinced that the night was going to end in literal flames. There was that bonfire after all, and what would a first date be without some mild arson and a couple of burns?

Charlie groaned audibly, flopping backwards into the plush embrace of her mattress. Was it really too late to get a really accurate looking fake moustache and get a legal name change and become her alternate identity: a strapping young man named Ricardo? Perhaps. They were on a time crunch of sorts and Charlie was fairly certain that if she didn’t show up, Ash would hunt her to the ends of the Earth just to drag her back and force her on the date. For someone who wasn’t supposed to even be in on their little bet, Ash was certainly invested in the whole thing.

Her procrastination then posed a very important question: was there any way of getting out of the date? No one would really miss her if she didn’t show up, would they? Whatever poor dude Ash had coerced into agreeing to go on a date with Charlie would just wander off and find someone else to bother. Lin would go on his date and be happy. Amy would drag Trevor to Ash. It would be perfect! Charlie paused, phone in her extended hands, hovering dangerously above her face. She needed something gritty, something disgusting, something absolutely repulsive to get her out of this date…

Ah yes, the stomach flu. Food poisoning. Irritation of her digestional tract. Perfect.

A few words into Twitter ended with Amy banging at her door, telling her to open up. Charlie rolled her eyes, wanting to crawl back under her covers and cocoon herself. Would she become some sort of butterfly if she did?


“Ow fuck!” Charlie yelped. It had happened so quickly yet so slowly. The phone tumbled from her hands, making a beeline for her face. It was locked onto her nose as a target, rotating in the air before smashing directly into the bridge of her nose. Charlie sat upright, the phone dropping to the mattress beside her as she vigorously rubbed her aching nose.

Well, if that was any indication of how the rest of her day was going to go, maybe she should just wrap herself back up and catch another few hours of shuteye. No, she had made a promise to Ash and to Lin. She had to go.

The pain in Charlie’s nose subsided only for the pang of hollowness that shot through Charlie’s chest at the thought of Lin. She was 100% certain that he had overheard her and Amy in the music room on Monday, meaning he definitely knew she had feelings for him. Charlie had never meant for any of that to come out, she had made the mental decision to keep it under wraps in the deepest parts of her private mind. But the situation presented itself and ultimately, Charlie couldn’t stop herself. But now what was she supposed to do? They were both going on those stupid fair dates with other people. How awkward would it be if Charlie simply rolled up before the date spewing her whole ‘hey I feelings for you, have fun with your date’ spiel? The idea was hopeless and pathetic.

Charlie had come to the conclusion that, no matter how great the upcoming set up went, she wasn’t going to enjoy herself. Not while somewhere else in the fair, the person she really wanted to spend time with was on a date with someone else. Not while what she said was out in the air and just floating around unaddressed. She really just wanted to stay home.

But alas, she had made a stupid bet and a stupid promise to Lin and Ash. She had to show up. So, with a sigh of reluctance, Charlie peeled herself from her bed and began to get ready.

Some time later, after many hours of contemplation and convincing herself that she needed to go, Charlie felt sufficiently ready to go fake impress some guy. She looked presentable enough for a ‘date’ but not fancy enough to actually seem interested in taking things seriously. Interested but indifferent. Perfect, just the look she was going for.

The walk to the fair grounds was longer than expected, every step Charlie took was agonizing and met with her mind telling her to just turn around and go home. At least the fresh air was helping to clear her mind. And sure, the fair itself was a personal favourite of hers. If she got ditched, she could still enjoy the festivities on her own.

Once Charlie arrived at the fairgrounds, the tension built once again. Past the ticket booth and the swarms of people was the fair. All those cool rides and diabetes inducing foods and all the people showing up only to take aesthetic photos. But, somewhere in that flurry of activity, there was Lin, waiting for his date. There was Ash, likely hanging out with their dates. There was, hopefully, Trevor, being dragged in unknowingly by Amy into his date. Past all that activity, Charlie had to fake enjoy a date she really didn’t want to be on in the first place. Perfect.

After giving in her ticket, Charlie made her way through the gates and into the fair. She stood just inside for a moment, hugging her arms around her abdomen in an attempt to slow her anxiety. Charlie had to meet up with Ash and Lin, but she had something she had to do first. Making her way through the fair, Charlie walked up to the two boys she had been looking for, making eye contact with each one of them.

“Hey Seb.” Charlie greeted before looking at the shorter boy beside him. “Hey Chas. I was looking for you two, I actually wanted to talk to you guys.”

Charlie paused, nervously nibbling at the interior of her cheek. She had to apologize.

“So, uh, I just wanted to say sorry to both of you. Just to clear the air or whatever.” Charlie sighed, tucking her hands in her back pockets. “I overreacted at the party and I really shouldn’t have. I don’t know the intricacies of your relationship and ultimately, it isn’t my place to know or judge. And the whole fight was uncalled for. I was drunk and angry but that doesn’t excuse my actions. So, I’m sorry. If I were you, I don’t know if I’d forgive me but I figured I would apologize anyways.”


the fair




autumn vibes


amy (mentioned) Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
lin/trevor (mentioned) ditto ditto
ash (mentioned) Winona Winona
luca Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
seb LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki
chas hery hery
coded by natasha.

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerflelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilrfillerfilr
... lindsay kay ...



fairgrounds; the meeting spot


ash Winona Winona (charlie, evie, and nate mentioned)

Lin was feeeeeeelin’ himself. Evie? He’d have to employ her talents more often. Aych-oh-tee, he was looking hot. Forget his normal look— this style? It was doing wonders. Not that his style wasn’t fucking great, but…thissss.

Needless to say, he was hype. He was looking hot, he was feeling great, he was hype.

Also, he’d eaten a whole box of Fruit Roll-ups® before he had come to Evie’s to get styled, so that also helped him feel hype— though that was probably more hype-r.

And also also, he’d been super hype for the fair anyway.

Listen, he had the promise of love from Ash and Charlie. He trusted that. Buuuut he also trusted that Ash was going to do a good enough job for him that he could still win—

Like, boom, Charlie insta-love, and then he didn’t even have to worry about losing.

Charlie’d get with her mans, then Lin’d get with his (mono-free) womans, and everything’d go according to plan. He’d get love right after Charlie would. They’d both be happy, and he’d have a servant.

Hell yeah.

After overhearing Charlie’s thing about crushing on him, he’d done his best to press that whole thing from his mind, and it had worked pretty well. Now? It was super, super far from his mind.

Why? ‘Cuz he was hype as hell.

Needless to say, Lin, as he, Ash, Evie, and Nate (whom he had dubbed the Fashion Fleet™ at some point in the makeover) walked up to the fairgrounds in their little pack, he was chattering his head off.

“Luhmao, can the smell of hairspray get you high, though?” Lin laughed, prodding at his hair. “‘Cuz, like, I feel like I can fuckin’ smell it— what happens if I get, like, high off of the fumes and you have to, like, get me off of the big whirly spinny thingy because I scale it or some shit? Like, the one with the arms? Like, on a scale of one to ten, how quick do you think that I would be able to be pried off?”

Lin was really out here asking the real questions.

“Asking the real questions” really meant “most likely annoying the shit out of Nate and mildly entertaining Ash and Evie”, and he had been doing this the whole way over.

Aaaaaaaaaaand he’d done it before they’d even come.

Listen, they were really being treated tonight— treated to limericks (pardon, linricks), longwinded, bizarre stories about Lin’s past, and weird ass questions that pertained to nothing much.

They were quickly approaching the fairgrounds’ ticket gate, and Lin excitedly commented, “Look at that ferris wheel! Big fucking wheel. Looks pretty fun, eh? Luhmao, went on one last year? Fuckin’ siiiick. Then I got kicked off of it because I rocked the little crate thingy too much. But it was fuckin’ dope.”

He whipped out his wallet confidently, paid at the ticket booth like he was some big star, and then waited a moment inside, a mischievous grin on his face. “Hey, Ash…” He raised his eyebrows and chuckled, giving her an exaggerated wink.

And then he ran off in a burst.

The wink must have been code for “race you to our meeting spot”.

When he got there, he was grinning widely, and he came to rest at the fountain, leaning his butt against it and breathing heavily. He grinned at Ash as she arrived. “Egg-guh-guh-guh,” he teased, and he put an L-shaped hand on his forehead. “Sucks, luhmao. Now ya owe me a dime,” he laughed gleefully.

For a moment, he rested, and then he looked over at Ash again. "Hey, so...who did ya pick--" He huffed a sigh, knowing what she would say. "Wait, shit...I know I can't know--" He huffed another sigh. "But like...hint?"

He raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Hint, pretty please?" He shifted his eyebrow down again. "Like, it's, like, max five minutes before I'll know, so...hint, pleaaaase?"

For that extra umpf, he pouted and gave his best puppy eyes, and he added, "Pleaaaaase?"

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



Evie, Nate, I don't know some other fuckers


ditto ditto

The chaos of last weekend had come and gone away all in one fell swoop. Her Monday trip to Trevor's apartment had left her uhh... well, it at least left her with an answer, which was both of them coming to the conclusion that they were just friends. And then Ash had grabbed her bag, figured out the alcohol situation, and left. Yup. As simple as that -- seriously, nothing weird had gone on except that things with Trevor still felt weird. Like, there was an unspoken tension.

So Ash did what she did best for the rest of the week, and that was to avoid him as much as she could. Turns out that it wasn't that hard seeing as how Trevor and Ash didn't really travel in the same groups, anyway. That was their schtick, after all -- they were just friends that occasionally flirted at parties because flirting was fun. But they'd never overstepped that boundary and Ash was sure as heck not about to start overstepping it now.

Monday came and passed and the rest of her week had been... busy. It wasn't like she'd purposely set herself up to be busy the entire week before fair so she could keep trying to push off that video call with her and Jace's parents. No, Ash was totally always hanging out with people every day of the week all the time.

So Monday had been Trevor and later Rome and then drinking with Gen (followed by a small hangover the next day, but that's unimportant). Tuesday had been her... date with Nic, right? Like, that's what they'd called it but she was still unsure of if it had been a real date or a friend date. They were in that weird gray area it seemed. Anyway, Wednesday had been spent with Jan, and it had been nice to get to know the focus of Eli's attention a little bit better -- and Ash had to say, Jan had her approval. And then Thursday had been the small hangout with Charlie and Nic.

And now... finally... the fair. Ash's most dreaded part of the week, and perhaps part of the reason that she had remained so busy throughout the last week. Because if she was busy, she had less time to worry about the potentials for everything that could go wrong with this upcoming blind date. It also probably didn't help that Ash kept flipping between being super excited about meeting a hot guy that was supposed to be her perfect match and not wanting to go on the date because dates were scary.

Unfortunately, Saturday came and Ash was still in a consistent state of denial and turmoil. Her stomach hurt and she felt almost light-headed when she first woke up. Ash did her best to take deep breaths, and yell at Charlie over Twitter about overreacting -- at least it helped to keep Ash from panicking too much.

And then the rest of the day happened simply and easily. Ash and Lin showed up at Evie's, she showed them their outfits (which, by the way, were freaking perfect and amazing), Ash and Lin did their best to annoy Evie as much as possible while they all got ready, and then it was time to drive to the fair with Nate and Evie.

Their little group, nicknamed "Fashion Fleet" by Lin -- which had earned a look of pure disgust and confusion from Nate -- arrived at the fair and Ash stuck close with them as they walked up and paid.

Her stomach was twisted up into knots and she really thought she was going to be sick. What a first date that would be -- Ash vomiting from nerves. Well, it wouldn't have been the first time (and no, we do NOT talk about it, god), and she had been in the middle of trying to keep her head from swimming when Lin said her name.

Ash looked at him...

... And he winked and took off and Ash knew exactly what that meant.

Her jaw dropped open. Obviously there was no way that she was going to win the race -- Lin had already taken off -- but just the brief moment of wanting to try and beat Lin managed to make the nerves in her stomach and the rapid beating of her heart calm down enough that she could feel almost... happy? Yeah, happy about being here.

"Thank you so much, Evie. I totally owe you and I'll see you later." Ash threw her arms around the other girl and gave her a quick hug, and then she turned and was gone, chasing after Lin.

As predicted by the fact that Lin, again, had a lead on her when the race started, Ash arrived at the meeting spot a few minutes after him. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, but she was smiling as she walked up and came to a stop in front of Lin. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"A hint, huh?" Ash echoed. She tilted her head to the side, her gaze breaking from Lin's for a moment to look at the fountain as she pursed her lips together in thought. "Alright, alright, fine. One hint, and I'll make it a good one because like, you're going to find out in a few minutes, anyway." Ash decided.

She looked away from the water to look back at him, a grin spreading across her face. "Okay so, she's also a junior and she really loves doing bets and dares for some reason. You're going to love her. Trust me."

Was Charlie going to hate her for setting her up with the very boy that she had begged Ash to not set her up with?


Did Ash really care?


Charlie and Lin were, strangely enough, somehow totally perfect for each other and to be honest, she couldn't wait until Charlie got here so she could just set them up. And then get out of there as quickly as possible before Charlie could yell at her too much.

And then Ash could take her date, ditch him somewhere, and go find her friends.

All in all, it was going to be a perfect evening.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

OUTFIT: xoxo



lin ditto ditto
ash Winona Winona
Evelyn Sinclaire
evie ~ eighteen ~ senior ~ plastics; fashion

It might come as a surprise but Evie had actually been looking forward to the fair all week. Not because she was overly excited about carnival games or cotton candy but more-so for the fashion. Yeah, it sounds weird to be more invested in the outfit for an event than the event itself but Evie’s passion was centered around styling and designing. When she’d been asked to help both Ash and Lin for their dates her mind was immediately flooded with ideas that would suit their individual looks. The brunette might’ve acted as if she was doing them some huge favor, which maybe she kinda was because Lin was really lacking decent fashion sense, but they were honestly helping her out too. Evie enjoyed the challenge and the more practice she got at trying her styling on actual people, the better.

It had taken every bit of 2 and a half hours to get them ready which in all honesty wasn't that bad to her but Ash sure complained about it. She'd changed up their outfits a few times from her original ideas and forced them to let her fix their hair, which only caused Lin to question if he could get high off the hair spray. In all honesty, the pair were easy to style for but just a handful to deal with due to their constant questions and Lin calling them the Fashion Fleet over and over which Evie rolled her eyes at each time. The poor girl had probably called Gen a million times to either get Ash to shut up or ask for advice on certain things. It was hectic but worth every bit of annoyance when she'd finished. They were clearly just as happy as she was with her work and that was the goal.

Luckily she had done her own hair and makeup, plus figured out her own outfit, prior to them coming over so she only had to get dressed. Once she was ready they had left her apartment for the fair, which only took a matter of twenty minutes. Evie's shoes hit the pavement as she climbed out of the car and they walked up to the fairgrounds. Lin was going on and on about the Ferris wheel and whatever else (she was hardly paying him any attention) as they reached the ticket booth, then he called out something to Ash and just took off? Jesus. Thank you so much, Evie. I totally owe you and I'll see you later. And then she was running off in the same direction Lin had just gone causing Evie to shake her head as she and Nate paid for their tickets and walked in.

Rolling her eyes, she watched as they both disappeared into the park and then shifted her gaze to Nate. "Please tell me you brought that joint. Those two gave me a headache," Evie said as she rubbed her temple softly. It was actually kinda weird being here with him and not...well, not Dei. It wasn't that she would have rather been with Kordei right now but last year they had been dating and every "major" event that happened, they went to together. Still, even if she did sorta miss being at these sorta things as a couple (which she would absolutely never admit) she was happy that she and Nate had come together. It definitely didn't feel or look relationship-y, as Chase had suggested it might, just because she'd confessed to Gen that she had weird feelings for Nate. It was a normal day, normal friends, hanging out...normally. She was determined to make sure of that.

"Thanks for sitting through the disaster that is Ash and Lin with me. I mean, I know you didn't have to," she spoke up, a smile painted across her face. Evie really was grateful for his company. He really could've just shown up at the end of them getting ready but instead, he'd come over earlier at her request and dealt with the pains in the asses with her. She wouldn't be surprised if he regretted that choice now but either way she appreciated it. As they moved further into the fair, pushing past some of the people, Evie looked around in search of something to eat. She'd skipped both breakfast and lunch today and after they smoked she was sure to be hungrier than she already was starting off. "Wanna find some tacos? They had some good ones last year and I am starving," she questioned as she reached for the joint.
code by valen t.
Last edited:
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr






You know that old book? That Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

Yeah, that book.

Well that book currently described Zeph, except that it should probably be renamed to something like Zephyr and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week. Yep. Ever since Monday when his face had been slammed into a bathroom counter courtesy of one asshole named Mike, the world had decided to just continually kick him in the ribs while he was down.

Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. Point was, things sucked right now.

He kissed Ronnie while she was drunk, then he got into the fight with Mike, then Ronnie accused him of stalking her over Twitter, followed by an awkward Twitter conversation that ended with him finding out that Ronnie was going with Mike to the fair. As a date.

What. The. Fuck.

It wasn't any of his business, so he'd done his best to just ignore it and move on. Stella promised to hangout with him at the fair, along with Alex and Naomi. You know, Naomi, the girl that Alex had invited and then proceeded to ramble about nearly nonstop. If Zephyr wasn't so caught up in his own weird feelings, then maybe he would've picked up on the obvious fact that this was more than just Alex inviting a friend.

So it was going to be him, Alex, Morrigan, Naomi, and Stella. Out of all those people, he really only knew Alex and Stella, and he figured Alex would be busy with the other girls so... at least he had Stella.

Zephyr got ready to go and headed out of the apartment when Kai and Jordie weren't in the living room. Why? Well, it was a little weird to be going to the fair to hangout with his roommate's ex-girlfriend, and a little part of Zeph felt bad about it. Guilty, really, but hey Alex had been his friend, too, and it would've been mean to just cut her off because of the breakup...


Anyway, when he arrived at the fair, he realized that he really didn't know where they were all supposed to be meeting up. So Zephyr came to a sort of uncomfortable halt near the entrance. He hesitated, not yet paying to go in, while he lingered near the edge and waited for the others that he was supposed to meet to show up. A benefit to being as tall as he was? He was easy to spot.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: anxiously in awe

OUTFIT: classic band tee w/ some jeans (no jacket *wink wink*)

LOCATION: entrance of the fair
MENTIONS: eli n ash

INT: none yet

TL;DR jan is incredibly anxious to go to the fair, but once she got there, she was amazed
dance with me in my backyard boy
to say jan was nervous was an understatement. there was a reason she wasn't in the lit department, she wasn't the best with her words. january had a tendency to ramble, which was funny because how do you ramble while not being good with words? the answer is lots of stuttering, ums, uhs, and sorrys.
but january was at least nervous. she had spent the entire day, drowning in anxiety. she was the new girl at school, she had a total of one friend. well, she had been making "friends" on the twitter, but she never saw any of them outside of her dms, all except eli. elias johannes was her first friend at Hollywood Arts, after quite literally running into her. and as much as she hated to admit it, she was catching feelings for him. the two of them had been flirting back and forth online but when it came to in person, jan could barely remember her name.
and then there was ash. jan loved ash, as they had been bonding over twitter with disney movies and whatever other topics popped up into the timeline. they even had disney movie marathon, dressed in their disney onesies and eating more popcorn than their stomachs could handle.
january was so excited to have made two friends, but they were each other's best friends. the last thing she ever wanted to do was to be a third wheel in a best friendship. she hated putting herself where she wasn't needed, meaning she almost didn't go to this fall festival. but could you blame her?
the new girl, with two friends, one of whom she so foolishly already had a crush on, trying to go to the fall fest? the only reason she was less nervous to go was because eli, himself, said she should come. he invited her. it made jan's stomach do flips just thinking about it.
shut up, jan she always had to mentally slap herself when she felt her heart get all fluttery for this guy. he had no idea who she was, and january was convinced he'd be disappointed and never see her in a romantic way. add that to how january had a checkered past, and only one boyfriend who ended up dumping her? yea, january hated herself for allowing herself to start catching feelings for anyone at this school.
shut up, jan she had to slap herself, again. the most pressing thing on her mind was what she was going to wear. LA wasn't too terribly cold this time of year, so she probably didn't need a jacket, right? right. after much contemplating she made the decision to settle for a fairly simple outfit; a band tee and some jeans. paired up with her favorite sneakers, she figured it would make a perfect fall fest outfit.
with all the time jan spent on her outfit, she hardly spent anytime on hair and makeup. once an outfit was picked out, it was much easier to plan the rest of the outfit, aka hair and makeup. january decided to wear her hair natural, in it's slight waves down to around her shoulders, while her makeup was a simple look. some autumn toned eyeshadow and mauve lipstick and she looked ready to go; but she didn't feel ready.
this was normal, though. in typical january quinten fashion, she was getting cold feet due to anxiety. what if i don't have anyone to hang out with? what if i end up wandering around alone like some kind of idiot? what if everyone is way more dressy than me and i get all these looks from everyone because they know i don't belong? what if i'm hanging out with ash and eli and they're trying to talk about something but i'm right there and it's secret, personal stuff and they can't talk about it because i'm right there? what if? what if? what if? jan's mind was always flooded with "what ifs". her first instinct in most scenarios was to freak out and let her thoughts run wild. but she had to stop that, right now.
her mom wasn't home. she normally was able to go to her mom and she could help her remember to breathe. but her mom had been in and out of surgery at the hospital all day long, no way was january going to call her mother up, probably in the middle of surgery, so she could help her daughter with some stupid issue like anxiety. nope. jan would just have to remember to breathe on her own.
"okay jan, it's just a fall festival. there's gonna be lots of games and foods and i think someone mentioned some rides on twitter? it'll be fun. even if you end up by yourself, you can get a view of Hollywood from the top of the ferris wheel, right?" she gave herself a pep talk as she gathered some necessities into her small, travel backpack. her charger, her wallet, her house keys, and pepper spray. all necessities for jan.
locking the door behind her, jan stepped outside of the apartment complex. she was thankful that her mom found a place close enough to the school that the walk to the fair wouldn't be that terrible far. placing only one earbud into her ear, jan selected her favorite playlist, hoping it would help calm her nerves, and started walking off to the fair.


to say the fair was beautiful wouldn't be doing the fair justice. january was impartial to winter being her favorite season, but man was autumn a close second. the mood was perfectly set for a fall festival; the lights, the music at a perfect volume, even the smell of the food wafting through the air helped with the fall scene. all in all, it was some of the best vibes january had experienced in a while.
she swiftly took her earbud out and placed them into her backpack before beginning to wander around. jan had never been to anything like this, she had been to street festivals and fancy parties and concerts, but nothing like this; this was like an amusement park, another january had never been to. not knowing if anyone else had shown, she was in no rush. she had no agenda but to take in the sights of the fall fest.
code by valen t.
MOOD: slightly less shitty

OUTFIT: a striped button up, quite a few buttons undone, some tan pants, with a long necklace and some chunky rings.

LOCATION: his and toni's apartment
MENTIONS: toni, kane, nate

INT: toni Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

TL;DR gathering himself enough to finally shower, gus is finally feeling a little better and a little more prepared for the fall fest
you know they say that i am better now
maybe i could just, stay home? gus stared at himself in the mirror. he looked awful, like he got run over by a train and dragged for a couple miles; he actually wished that happened to him. the dark circles under his eyes were so incredibly dark they were impossible to miss, his normally bright and vibrant eyes now looked grey and lifeless. he hadn't showered in maybe a week, and he reeked of weed and tequila.
after his own self implosion, gus was convinced no one would want him there, at the fall fest. the only reason he was talked into going was toni. God bless toni, honestly; gus would probably dead in a ditch somewhere if it wasn't for him. toni convinced him he needed to go outside and breathe something that wasn't weed or the fumes in their house. it would also be a good idea to not be home while they leave their windows open to attempt to air out the stench.
no, toni would never let me stay home, not alone, not in this state. gus sighed, he had been staring at his own reflection for the past ten minutes, not having any motivation to actually take a shower. the events of the past week or two really effected his mental health, in the worst way possible. first he was working on an international shoot for about two months, which was exhausting. then he decided to surprise his parents after not remembering the last time he got to hang out with them; just for them to yell at him and amount him to how much money he was making. and in case that wasn't bad enough, he was completely embarrassed by someone he thought was a friend, and proven to be a terrible friend by his roommate.
all in all, gus was depressed. he had run from his feelings and was trying to drown them for the entire week, he hadn't even gone to school. but toni knew better for him, in that moment, gus knew it deep down. gus knew his best friend cared about him, even if he was the only one, and gus felt bad for being such a bummer the past week. gus knew he should at least give him this.
so before his ten minutes turned into an hour, he shook himself out of his mind set, stripped out of the same clothes he had been wearing all week, and hopped in the shower. he turned the shower as cold as it could go and put the water on blast SHIT, nope. and immediately turned the water to a more doable temperature. he figured he'd wake himself up with a nice cold shower... turns out it wasn't a nice cold shower, it was an ICE cold shower. gus was definitely awake now. he stood there, letting the water hit his face and run down his body. he forgot how nice it felt to just stand in the shower, almost like standing in the rain. i need to do this more often when i want to die he mentally laughed at himself, he used to shower every day. he had a skin and hair care routine that had just gone out the window back in misssissippi, and it was showing. but being in that shower, it's like his muscle memory kicked in. his arms reaching for his bottles, gus not even remembering their contents, but putting them into his hair or on his loofah to wash his body.
in about fifteen minutes, gus was all clean, and strangely feeling a lot better. towel around his waist, he stepped out of the bathroom, the steam following him. he was hit with the smell of weed and tequila, which he had grown numb to. the smell of their apartment mixing with the fresh scent coming from a freshly showered gus was very much confusing to gus' brain.
he threw on a decent outfit, feeling a small surge of confidence, and knowing that people would probably giving him weird looks already gus was going to give them something to look at. once dressed, he tousled his hair with the towel, drying it off just a bit more before throwing said towel into the hamper. walking over to his dresser, he opened a little jewelry box where he kept an assortment of rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. he picked out a few rings to place on his fingers and looked at himself in the mirror again.
he looked better than before his shower. the dark circles were still there, but at least his hair was back to its fluffy self, opposed to being greasy and flat. gus felt he looked better after his shower, along with his outfit, he felt a bit more prepared to go out to the fall fest, surrounded by his peers that he hadn't seen in a week. after finalizing his outfit, he walked through the apartment, to find toni.
"hey man, sorry for the smell, i'll deep clean the apartment tomorrow." he gave a small smile, his hand scratching the back of his neck, very embarrassed at how he'd been acting the past week. but, nonetheless, he was grateful for how toni had proven to be the best friend in the world by dealing with him.
code by valen t.

Bobby Carson

mood: Embarrassed anxious

location: HA Entrance-Cafeteria

tag Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

Headset: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61cBweAGaPL._AC_SL1500_.jpg

Bobby’s smile only grew wider at her cute giggle before she spoke. Listening intently to her words Bobby nodded in agreement to not enjoying the jet lag. “Oh trust me. This is just a disguise. I really just want to go sleep.” Bobby would admit with a small laugh to Stella. The more she spoke the bigger his smile grew and the happier he was. If Bobby was truly being honest he just wanted to hug Stella, wrap his arms around her, hold Stella to his chest and just relax. Of course he didn’t though as it would be undeniably creepy and weird. Instead he was intent to listen to Stella with a big smile.

“Oh that’s so awesome! I know it might sound creepy and all but I’ve watched literally every episode hehe. You’re character is so good to!” Bobby has to exclaim. Needing out about stellas tv show so much he almost missed hearing her talk about an audition for a movie. His look of excitement for her grew only bigger as he spoke yet again. “Oh shit that’s so awesome! You know what the movies about yet? It is it a secret and all?“ He couldn’t help but ask not only because it would be cool to hear but also so he had something else Stella partook in making to watch. Bobby was excited for Stella to no end. Hearing of her successes and how Stella has gone exactly where she wanted to in life. Deep down though it did sadden him a little in all honesty. Stella, his amazing ex-girlfriend who has gone exactly where she wanted to without him. The thoughts where of course a bit self toxic, he knew if they had stayed together he wouldn’t have held her back from her career like his heart was trying to tell him.

Before his feelings could drag him deeper Stella brought him back to her with a question he honestly wasn’t ready for but very excited. “No no no! Of course I’m free for you! I-I’d love togo somewhere and talk. We can go to one of the recording studios I usually work in and talk? That is of course if you want.” He said mentally kicking his own Ass for how weird those first two scent ended probably sounded.

coded by weldherwings.

- Location.
Entrance to Fair
- Mood.
Let's try and have some fun shall we?
- Tags.
Zeph ( Winona Winona ), Alex ( Soap Soap ), Naomi, Morg ( Kio.exe Kio.exe )
Cute, fun, flirty

Stella wasn't sure what was going on with her, but being with Bobby was nicer then she remembered. She doesn't know why she was surprised at the fact that he said yes. To be honest she was surprised she'd offered. Hearing him rave about her accomplishment wasn't something she was aware she wanted until she heard them. It sent her heart racing hearing his praise. His suggestion of leaving campus was different but honestly she was down. This place was going crazy anyways and she could use a break. "Sure sounds good to me!" She replied more excitedly then she originally intended.

"Let me just grab my bag from my locker." She replied. She thought maybe that this could be the start of something good. The re-start of their friendship maybe? Who knew, but she was curious enough to give it a try. Worse case scenario they go back to not talking to one another for another three years. One Lunch couldn't be so bad.


Stella usually prided herself in being above whatever petty drama was going on in the school. She had more important things to worry about and spend her energy on then who was dating who, and who said what to who. Especially when in her eyes most of them didn't have the work ethic to really be anybody, so why waste her energy on nobodies? However this past week she couldn't simply ignore what had gone on because while it didn't directly involve her it did involve one of her best friends.

Zeph had a ROUGH week. And for the life of her should couldn't understand how things had turned out this way? Why were people so stupid? She was mostly referring to Ronnie and her terrible toxic obsession with all the wrong kind of boys at this school. Like she had a radar for trash and couldn't get enough of it when someone as amazing as Zeph was right in front of her. It blew her mind. Then again Stella had the sneaking suspicion for a while now that Ronnie was here for all the wrong reasons. She simply wants to be some boys trophy wife not a real artist in her own right despite having the potential if she could stop worshiping the ground these jerks walked on and walked on her own two feet.

Once again normally she could simply brush these sort of things off, and ignore them, but due to her stupidity her best friend was hurt. Even if he won't like to admit it, and not just the physical pain that ass hat Mike did. Ugh she wishes she could've done something about that. He shouldn't be allowed to just do that and get away with it! But that was Zeph's fight. If he didn't wanna press the issue she knew it wasn't her place to do so for him. All she could do now was be there for him. Which is exactly what she planned to do today. They were going to go to this fair with these randos she hoped he knew and have a good time.

Honestly other then in passing and seeing their names on twitter Stella didn't know any of the people they were going to the fair with on a personal level. She didn't mind it, after all meeting new people, possibly networking it was all part of the job right? IT couldn't hurt to expand her acquaintance horizon. Push comes to shove Zeph was there, and she could talk to him mostly if they were boring or something. She hoped though that if Zeph was cool with them then everything should be just fine, and giving them a shot wouldn't kill her.

She couldn't deny the fact it would also be a good distraction for herself from the fact she'd recently talked to Bobby again. And been thinking about doing it more often. After all they ended on good terms right? Ex's could totally still be good friends! Nothing had to change really, they just could keep in touch better from now on. that's not weird nor will it lead to weird feelings. Right? Right.

Looking at the time she realized she'd spent enough time in her own thoughts and not nearly enough time looking over her script like she originally was supposed to be doing. Oh well she'd work on it once she got home. She quickly got dressed in a crop top, skirt with overall straps. Fluffed out her hair a bit, did her make-up and gave herself a quick once over in the mirror to make sure everything fit just right. It was cute, fun and flirty which is exactly what she wanted. Who knows maybe she'd run into a cutie while she was out and about with them. It was starting to get into cuddle buddy season.

She ordered an Uber and was on her way. It didn't take too long to get there, so she got out of the car smiled and waved bye to her driver before looking around the front entrance of the fair for a familiar face. She smiled brightly as her eyes landed on Zeph and who she assumed were the few others joining them. Twitter pictures were so tiny and usually filter filled you could never be too sure. She walked up grinning, "Hey, hope I'm not late!" She chimed.
Stella J. Bailey
coded by incandescent

Stella usually prided herself in being above whatever petty drama was going on in the school. She had more important things to worry about and spend her energy on then who was dating who, and who said what to who. Especially when in her eyes most of them didn't have the work ethic to really be anybody, so why waste her energy on nobodies? However this past week she couldn't simply ignore what had gone on because while it didn't directly involve her it did involve one of her best friends.

Zeph had a ROUGH week. And for the life of her should couldn't understand how things had turned out this way? Why were people so stupid? She was mostly referring to Ronnie and her terrible toxic obsession with all the wrong kind of boys at this school. Like she had a radar for trash and couldn't get enough of it when someone as amazing as Zeph was right in front of her. It blew her mind. Then again Stella had the sneaking suspicion for a while now that Ronnie was here for all the wrong reasons. She simply wants to be some boys trophy wife not a real artist in her own right despite having the potential if she could stop worshiping the ground these jerks walked on and walked on her own two feet.

Once again normally she could simply brush these sort of things off, and ignore them, but due to her stupidity her best friend was hurt. Even if he won't like to admit it, and not just the physical pain that ass hat Mike did. Ugh she wishes she could've done something about that. He shouldn't be allowed to just do that and get away with it! But that was Zeph's fight. If he didn't wanna press the issue she knew it wasn't her place to do so for him. All she could do now was be there for him. Which is exactly what she planned to do today. They were going to go to this fair with these randos she hoped he knew and have a good time.

Honestly other then in passing and seeing their names on twitter Stella didn't know any of the people they were going to the fair with on a personal level. She didn't mind it, after all meeting new people, possibly networking it was all part of the job right? IT couldn't hurt to expand her acquaintance horizon. Push comes to shove Zeph was there, and she could talk to him mostly if they were boring or something. She hoped though that if Zeph was cool with them then everything should be just fine, and giving them a shot wouldn't kill her.

She couldn't deny the fact it would also be a good distraction for herself from the fact she'd recently talked to Bobby again. And been thinking about doing it more often. After all they ended on good terms right? Ex's could totally still be good friends! Nothing had to change really, they just could keep in touch better from now on. that's not weird nor will it lead to weird feelings. Right? Right.

Looking at the time she realized she'd spent enough time in her own thoughts and not nearly enough time looking over her script like she originally was supposed to be doing. Oh well she'd work on it once she got home. She quickly got dressed in a crop top, skirt with overall straps. Fluffed out her hair a bit, did her make-up and gave herself a quick once over in the mirror to make sure everything fit just right. It was cute, fun and flirty which is exactly what she wanted. Who knows maybe she'd run into a cutie while she was out and about with them. It was starting to get into cuddle buddy season.

She ordered an Uber and was on her way. It didn't take too long to get there, so she got out of the car smiled and waved bye to her driver before looking around the front entrence of the fair for a familiar face. She smiled brightly as her eyes landed on Zeph and who she assumed were the few others joining them. Twitter pictures were so tiny and usualy filter filled you could never be too sure. She walked up grinning, "Hey, hope I'm not late!" She chimed.
Last edited:
MOOD: romantic <3

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: chase's place
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Chase)
TL;DR no
Javier Cervantes
Javi sat in the car, smoking a cigarette. Since he'd moved out of his buddy's apartment, he had yet to return the car he'd taken to school a few days ago to him. Sure, it was registered under his friend's name, but they'd both gone even on it. Javi had the right to partial custody before he could sucker Kane into buying him a brand new car. The kid was rich, even among rich people's standards. He wondered if the boy was going to the fair too, but it wasn't really his business that night. He already had a date. Dates, of course, to Javi were synonymous with casual hookups, but Chase was a date nonetheless.

"Later, Raisin' Kane's!" Javi hollered from the car, with the hope that the freakishly tall boy would hear him. Javier sped out of the neighborhood, the tires on his red, dilapidated Honda Civic screeching for all to hear. Tire marks on the street were one of the reckless boy's many signatures. He made a mental note never to be the one to drive the car after doing something illegal as he'd just cause noise and leave tracks leading back home.

Windows rolled down and, in true douchebag style, Javi blasted metal on the radio. He thumped his hand on the side of the car to the tune of his music as he went down the street, taking one last drag off of his cigarette before tossing it out the window. Whenever his favorite part of a song came, he screamed the lyrics at the top of his lungs, gaining sideways glances from drivers near him. He smirked and waved at a little girl staring at him from her car seat, then floored it once the stoplight turned green.

Once he was at Chase's place, he parked his car on the side of the road. He frowned, realizing he'd definitely snuffed out his last cigarette too soon. He was already itching to smoke something else, particularly the blunt in a plastic baggie sitting on the console. While Javi was no stranger to driving a little less than sober, he restrained himself for the sake of minimizing the amount of snarky comments he'd inevitably receive from Chase.

"Get your tight little ass out here!" Javi shouted, refusing to get out of his car and grab the boy from his house himself. He had a naturally loud voice, which helped him in times like this. "I'm waiting, Chasey boy!" he added in a singsong fashion, following it up with an impish fit of laughter.

Several minutes passed and Javier was already dreadfully bored. "God dammit," he hissed under his breath, rolling his eyes and getting out of the car. He walked up to the door and banged on it, pressing his face against the peephole. "The fuck are you doing in there? Let's go! I've got plenty other dick appointments I could turn to tonight. So chop chop."
code by valen t.
Last edited:
Gen & Eli Johannes
“What? No no, definitely go with lipstick! No no, not a gloss, there’s too much transfer! I know it looks better but skip the gloss, Ash’s date will thank her later.”

Gen had spent practically the entire morning answering frantic phone calls from Evie. She had planned to show up to her place to help Evie with prepping Lin and Ash for their big dates. But, after some consideration and her car refusing to start, Gen was still at home. Instead of being there for emotional Evie support, Gen was busy answering frantic FaceTime calls and reassuring Evie that she was, in fact, doing an excellent job with date prep.

After the phone calls stopped coming every other minute, Gen began preparing herself for the fair. She wouldn’t be going to the fair at all if it wasn’t for Eli’s endless pleading and promises of cotton candy. There were few things that Genevieve could say no to and her brother and cotton candy were amongst the list. So there she found herself, tidying herself up and getting ready to go on the cooling Saturday afternoon while Elias was across the hall, ripping through every article of clothing in his closet.

As Gen was painting smooth layers of black varnish onto her nails, Eli burst into the room with a rattled look in his eyes.

“Genny!” Eli exclaimed, bracing himself on the edges of Gen’s doorframe. “I can’t find anything to wear, I need your help.” Swivelling around in her chair, Gen looked to her brother, bursting out into a fit of laughter once she saw him.

“Eli my god, go put on some pants!” Gen laughed, shielding her eyes.

“Now is NOT the time, Gen! I have nothing to wear and all of my clothes are in the wash!” Eli groaned. Standing up from her chair, Gen turned Eli around and pushed him towards his bedroom with a grim look upon her face.

“You didn’t think to do a load of laundry before the fair?” Gen questioned as she walked across the hall and into Eli’s room. Pointing to the bed, Gen turned to face Eli’s closet. “You sit, I will find you something to wear.”

Gen began rifling through Eli’s clothes as he sat down on the bed, crossing his ankles below him. Gen did not speak as she began pulling pieces off of hangers and from drawers, humming softly to herself as she laid the outfit on Eli’s cleanly made bed. Eli simply sat as Gen styled him, even going so far as to fix up his hair and clean up his face. After Eli got dressed, Gen returned to his room and grinned at her handiwork as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Damn, I’m good.” Gen complimented herself, twirling her finger around. Eli carefully turned around, arms awkwardly away from his body. Once he faced Gen again, it was obvious that she was well satisfied with her work. “What’s got you so worked up about how you look, anyways? Is it because that photography girl is gonna be there?”

“Who? Jan?” Eli asked as his cheeks began to redden in hue. “No no, I, uh, I just want to look good, that’s all.”

“Oh so it IS because of the girl.” Gen teased, flopping down onto Eli’s bed. “I have to say, I actually don’t hate her. Jan seems really sweet. Let’s just hope she stays that way, given how things have been lately. It's easy to get all bitter and stuff when all the drama breaks out.”

The twins sat in silence for a moment as Eli’s face dropped. Gen watched him closely as her eyes narrowed. He was thinking, he had something to say that he wasn’t letting on. But Gen knew better than to force him to speak, instead watching him closely as the cogs in his brain worked together to create a thought. Elias often fell silent during conversations, carefully thinking over his words and ideas before speaking them so as to not hurt anyone’s feelings. But he had no idea how to put his next words in a way that wasn’t going to aggravate Gen. So, with a hefty sigh, Eli spoke.

“You’ve been angry all week, ever since Jordie came back. What is wrong? You’ve been all confrontational and mean all week and I’m starting to get concerned, Gen. Not to mention how you’ve been with Jordie. He messaged me asking if you were okay and honestly, I didn’t know how to answer him. So what’s wrong?”

Genevieve’s face fell as she watched her brother speak. Every witty remark left her brain, every shred of confidence ripped from her. She must have looked like an absolute fool as she sat there, mouth gently agape as she stared at Eli with complete disbelief on her face. Why was he bringing that up now?

“I don’t wanna tal-” Gen stopped herself in her own tracks as Eli’s expression changed. He was pulling out the big brother card on her. There was no getting off the hook. “Fine. I’m pissed off. That much you could tell.”

“Pissed off about what?” Eli urged, pushing through Gen’s silence.

“Do I have to spell it out for you?” Gen snapped, her face grimacing as she did so. Eli raised his eyebrows, a silent encouragement for Gen to continue talking. “Sorry. The whole thing with Jordie just really got to me. Like, he disappeared for his suspension and then when he comes back, I find out on public Twitter. That would have been fine if I didn’t seem to have gotten tossed aside like a used dish rag for a junior bimbo. I didn’t realize that years of friendship went away as soon as he got laid. I fucking threw away all my plans because he was too busy with JJ to even seem to care.”

Eli listened carefully to each word, his mind planning out what he was going to be saying next. He noticed every fluctuation in tone, every recalculated word, every quiver of Gen’s bottom lip. She was upset, truly upset. Elias couldn’t find it in himself to mention the glossiness of her eyes becoming dampened with tears. When was the last time he had truly seen Gen cry?

“I just wish things were different. He shows up after being gone and suddenly I’m crap. He doesn’t tell me about JJ. He cancels plans for her. The whole thing just pisses me off. Then he has the nerve to say I’M being mean to HER. As if she isn’t a total bitch all the time. I don’t know where the hell this came from but apparently, I don’t matter to him anymore. So whatever. Excuse me if I seem a little irritable.”

“He still cares, Gen.” Eli reassured, reaching out to pull his sister into a hug. “You haven’t been making this easy on him. And before you snap, I know why you’re angry and I would be too. But by constantly being on edge, you’re not helping.”

Gen pulled away from his embrace, standing up abruptly from his bed. Glaring down to her brother, she adjusted the jacket hanging off her shoulders.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do, El? Apologize for defending myself? Tell him everything is fine when it's not? Roll over to JJ to keep my best friend? I think the fuck not.” Gen growled, walking to the door. “Finish getting ready, I’ll meet you in the car.”

Gen exited the room, slamming the door shut behind her leaving Eli alone. He sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers. He loved Gen more than nearly anyone else in the world but sometimes, she really exhausted him. But, Eli knew that her anger was, in an odd way, a good thing. She was talking, she was feeling. That’s what mattered.


The drive to the fair was tense. Gen was still fuming about Eli bringing up Jordie and Eli was a bundle of anxiety. Jan was going to be there and he had asked her to meet him at some point. Did he look okay? Was she actually going to show up? Did she actually want to see him or was he just being nice?

Once the two were inside the gates, Gen turned to Eli. Her face was fallen, eyes tired. Something was really wrong.

“I’m gonna go get a drink. You go find your friends. I’ll meet up with you later.”

Without another word, Gen left Eli to go find Amy and Trevor who he had agreed to meet up with. With a sigh, Eli went on his way to find his friends, walking through the fair with his hands tucked away in the pockets of his denim jacket. He paused on the way to buy some popcorn for the group, grinning as he finally found them.

“Hey guys! I brought snacks!” Eli chirped, walking over with the bag of popcorn in hand. “How are you guys on this fine afternoon?”


the fair


'we here'


gen & eli


gen | OPEN ( mentioned Jordie fin fin )
eli | trevor ditto ditto , amy Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 , jan sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
coded by natasha.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Lucky ugh



Why was he here?

Jace didn't have a straight forward answer to that.

His morning had started off about as well as one would expect of the skinny blonde. Jace had gone to bed at a random, undoubtedly ungodly hour, and then he'd woken up at around noon -- feeling exhausted, not at all well-rested, and with an unnecessary amount of nerves in his system. For a while, Jace had just laid in his bed, hidden and protected from the world amidst the sheets.

Unfortunately, eventually he had to get up.

And for some dumb reason, Jace had decided to go to the fair instead of wasting away in the comfort of his studio apartment for a day.

Wait, he knew why he was here.

Funnel cake. Jace really wanted funnel cake, and nothing could beat fair funnel cake. So he'd driven to the ridiculous fair and he'd parked his car in the very back of the parking lot, and then he'd made his way to the fair gates where he'd awkwardly handed over the money (exact amount so there was less talking), and then Jace was free to roam the fair.

Unlike so many others, Jace hadn't arrived with a group of friends or a little posse or whatever. Jace had arrived by himself and he hadn't arrived to meet up with anybody because Jace knew... a total of not a lot of people, and none of them had invited him to hangout. Not that he had at all cared and, sure, he could've asked them to hangout. Taken the reins, so to speak, but...

Jace just wanted his funnel cake and then he wanted out.

So that's where he now was. Near the concession stands, staring at a sign that said it. Funnel cakes. It was right there, within his grasp, just...

Jace would order his food. Eventually. He just needed to work up the courage to step forward and actually talk to the vendor and order his food. And then have the courage to stand there and wait for it, but there were so many people gathered all around, and the line was so long, so he was just...

Going to stand right here. On the sidelines. And wait until he was ready.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfilslsderlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfisdsdllerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... michael reid ...

totally happy. definitely doing great. don't fucking doubt it.


fairgrounds; right inside the gate


ronnie hery hery

Mike Reid— little Michael Kaiser Reid— had envisioned himself being such a badass by the time he was age seventeen. He thought that he was going to be of those guys who had all of the ladies, had all of the money in the world, didn’t have a thing to worry about, and could do whatever he wanted to. Shades on, leather jacket while still sitting in a blue ass chlorine hot tub, surrounded by big-titted women in skimpy bikinis, smoking a big cigar while asking his butlers to count his money for him. That whole thing. You know how kids are, with their lofty expectations and their terrible concepts of time, but back then, he was sure that he would be the coolest when he got older, wiser, more enlightened.

He did not, in fact, envision himself going on a date with a sad little redheaded simp, dressed up in a dark blue, thrifted polo, with a discount Walmart watch on his wrist, all because he called her what she was.

Ya know, when life gives you lemons, maybe you shouldn’t fucking go on a date with them. Mayyyybe that’s not the way to go.

But here Mike was, blowdrying his damp hair and trying to look good for Veronica fucking Crosby. His shirt was ironed for Ronnie fucking Crosby. His cheap ass shoes were shined with dollar store shoe cleaner for the redheaded thirsty bitch. He'd put on his priciest, best-smelling cologne for the small-chested, annoying, simping, "uwu-I'm-so-innocent" ginger.

That’s right, yeah. Great. This is who Mike was, totally. This was where he wanted to be. Cool. Debonaire. He wasn’t disappointed in himself whatsoever.

God fucking damn it all.

He dropped his comb by the side of his sink, and he cursed beneath his breath. He tried his best to reach it, but his damn arms were too short. That was what he fucking needed.

“Great fucking job you’re doing, asshole,” he muttered, slamming the drawer beside him shut. “Fucking great.”

His eyes went to his watch, and he sighed softly. 3:50. Was he really going to be fucking late? Sure, that didn’t matter or anything— it was Ronnie, and he didn’t want to go on this date, anyway— but he was a punctual person.

And, despite the fact that he didn’t want to admit it, he’d feel even worse if he stood her up than if he went.

“What the fuck are you, a masochist now? You just going to fucking let this happen?” he hissed at himself, glaring into his eyes in the mirror. “Why in the hell do you even want to force yourself to go?” He sighed, stepping away from the sink, and he flicked the lights of his bathroom off. A familiar whaaaaawn sound hit his ears when he did.

For some reason, the bathroom light— which was really just a lightbulb protruding from the ceiling— always made that weird noise when it went off. There was probably a messed up wire somewhere, but his landlord— the dick— would make him pay for it if he found out that it was like that, even though it had been that way since he moved in.

He went to his sorry excuse for a nightstand, and his eyes searched for his cracked, four-year-old cell phone and his car keys. He found the phone easily; it was in the same place that it always was— the base of his nightstand, attached to his only phone charger that looked more like knot of random tiny wires and duct tape than a charger. He couldn’t really move it from that one position, or else the charger got all finicky and wouldn’t work until he piled on more duct tape, which was a pain in the ass, so he meticulously removed the phone from the charger, stood up, grabbed his keys from his rickety nightstand, and headed out of his door, though he had to slam it shut multiple times in order to get it in its spot.

Literally everything this morning only served to piss him off more. Fucking great. Things were just going dandy.

Walking past all of the shady figures in the parking lot of his apartment, Mike made his way to his Camry, sighing in that musk of cigarette smoke and cat piss that the parking lot always had. It was a slightly different flavor than the smoke-and-piss scent that his apartment itself had, but even this scent had grown familiar, and the smell of it did a little bit to comfort him.

The whole way there, his squeaky-braked clunker played whatever was on the same radio station that Briar had left it on. He didn’t really like pop music— he wasn’t too much of a music fan— but at least it distracted him a little bit.

Pulling up to the parking lot, Mike sighed softly. Of course, the place was already chock full, and, of course, he had to search forever for a spot and park very near to the back, so, of course, by the time that he got out of his vehicle, he was much later than he had expected to be.


He slammed his car door, sure to lock it— not that he had much to steal, anyway— and he made his way to the ticket gate, gait brisk. As he approached the ticket gate, he felt a pit of dread and nerves grow in his stomach.

‘Cuz there Ronnie was, waiting for him.

“Shit,” he muttered beneath his breath, suddenly considering ditching— just turning around and leaving.

But no. It was too late for that. If he got himself into this shit, he was going to get himself out the long way.

He forced a grin, feeling nauseated. “Hey, Ronnie,” he greeted, reaching for his wallet. He looked her up and down.

She tried too hard to look cute. It was really kind of gross. He swore that she was going to break her back if she tried any harder to pop her non-existent chest out.

He was looking at a little girl, an annoying child who simped for him.

And he had to act interested.

Fuck him.

Either way, he made himself whistle. “You look hot tonight,” he lied through his teeth. He winked at her. “Dressed up for me, huh?” He put an arm around her shoulder and ushered her towards the ticket booth.

I’m ready to be done already.

He took his hand from around her, taking enough money from his wallet for a ticket apiece. He had plenty of money to spend for today— he’d taken a last minute shoot after another model cancelled, so he’d gotten more than he expected.

But did he want to spend it? Not really. Especially not on Ronnie.

Would he anyway?…yeah. Sigh. Ugh.

Fuck the part of him that was actually a good guy. Fuck that shit.

He looked down at Ronnie, grinning, and he put his arm around her again, rodeoing her into the fair, the whole time cursing in his head.

He really, really, really did not want to be here. If he came out of this alive, he'd just be some creep who hit on and flirted with a childish girl because he'd called her a cockblocking simp; if he didn't then...well, he didn't really see any negatives.

He prayed for a freak accident.

Hey, God. We never talk, but...do me a solid—

Fucking end me.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: date night bby

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: fair entrance
too much work

ditto ditto (Mike)
TL;DR nope
Veronica Crosby
Ronnie did a few twirls in front of the mirror. L.A. was definitely on the warmer side in terms of weather, but it was surely too cold to be wearing a minidress on an October evening. The young singer didn't mind the discomfort; the dress had a beautiful floral pattern, perfect for looking cute and fashionable on a date. Ronnie devoted much of her time to the pursuit of boys, but really, she hadn't been on many dates. Now was better than ever to be presentable, even if the addition of a beret was a bit overkill. Does this even look like fall attire...? I'll stick out like a sore thumb. But sticking out is what she wanted, even if she looked like she was attending an event in spring or summer rather than a cozy autumnal fair. Dress to impress, as they day.

With a spring in her step, Ronnie grabbed her handbag and headed out the door. It was still fairly bright out; she was most definitely going to be there early, just as she liked it. The girl made her way from the dorms to the bus stop, then arrived at the fairgrounds a good chunk of time before it opened. She stood patiently, chatting on the phone with her mom about the hot date she had for the night. Who else would be so proud? Ronnie's affinity for romance didn't come from nowhere.

As time passed by, more people arrived, crowding the line at the ticket gates. She periodically scanned the area for a shortish dude arriving in a beaten-up sedan. Ronnie was familiar with the exact model of car he had, perhaps in a weird way but mostly out of an urge to get to know the guy's personality and tastes better. Mike was late, but she didn't mind it much. She supposed he was going the "fashionably late" route, which she had considered herself. But the cons outweighed the pros in case Mike was a really punctual guy. Then that would be kinda rude. Part of her was pleased to observe his apparent lack of respect for time commitments. It was one attribute that contributed to the shitty taste in men she called her own.

Her eyes lit up as soon as she spotted Mike sauntering over to her, seemingly prolonging his torture as long as he was able to. As he got closer, Ronnie could tell Mike had put some effort into his appearance, all for her. Ronnie was over the moon. She'd set herself some lofty goals in the boyfriend department, but she never expected to actually land a hot piece of man like Michael Reid. She by no means had forgotten how he'd treated her on Homecoming night, but she'd be damned if a grudge kept her from achieving her dream high school romance. And, if the naïve simp had to make him work for it a little, then so be it. More power to her.

She embarrassed herself in front of Zeph. Lost Hunter to Nickie, however it was only temporary; he'd be back for his true love, Ronnie. She sat through a harsh example of tough love from Gen. Nearly lost Zeph as a friend. And she'd be damned if all of it was for nothing. Ronnie was getting her fair date with Mike and he was gonna like it. He had to. By the time Ronnie was done with him, little Mikey would be swooning over her for the rest of his life. She would prove she was more than a cockblocking simp. And one day, he'd even admit she'd grown to be the badass bitch she sought to emulate via Gen.

"Hey, Mikey! You look great!" she chirped, folding her hands together and arching her back very subtly. Her face went beet red as Mike complimented her appearance and she already found it difficult to maintain eye contact without growing flustered. She couldn't help but grin foolishly, especially as she leaned into her date. Right next to him, she could feel the definition in his torso and arms. Is this heaven?

She looked up at Mike while they walked in, leaving little space between their bodies. Instantly, she found her eyes drawn to a food stand selling various sweets like candy apples and cotton candy. Staples, of course, of dates at the fair. Ronnie tugged on Mike's sleeve and pointed to the stand, smiling adorably and begging for him to spoil her. "Candy apples! Pleaaaaase?"
code by valen t.
Last edited:

- Location.
Entrance to Fair
- Mood.
Just have fun
- Tags.
Zeph ( Winona Winona ), Alex ( Soap Soap ), Stella, Morg ( Kio.exe Kio.exe )

So fair day...Naomi had very mixed feelings about it. One the one had she was super excited! After all she'd spent the better part of what a whole week flirting with Alejandra. Not that this was something she was regretting, but it did also feed into the other feeling she was starting to get worried about...Dred. Alex was an amazing person, and really fun to talk to in all her dorky way. Not to mention the girl was beyond stunning in her eyes. So what was the problem?

Naomi doesn't date. She has short non-emotional flings that she ends before that can happen. Why? Because life sucks and destroys happiness and there is nothing you can do about it. You can live the perfect life and get screwed over, you can live a trash life and get screwed over. Hamilton had it right. Life doesn't discriminate between the sinner and the saints all it does is take and take and Naomi had decided long ago she wasn't going to give it anything worth taking. It'd taken enough of her family and her families joy away it couldn't have her or her heart.

Normally Naomi would seen all the red flags Alex was tossing out there and bolted. Being a romantic? Not doing hook-ups? Red flags everywhere yet here she was looking at in the mirror trying to decide to wear for their...group outing. Certainly NOT a date because once again Naomi doesn't date. Honestly she'd got a track record like all the other fuckbeings around the school, but Naomi is much more low key then the rest so she's never really seen like that by people. Which is how she likes it. She's never been one to like a bunch of people knowing her private business.

Maybe she wouldn't have to worry about all that! Alex didn't seem the type to go out on a limb and make the first real move like ask her to be her girlfriend, and if Naomi never does it they could just stay how things are now. No deep attachment, no strings, no worries. They could just hang out and have fun, and flirt. That was fine right? Eventually Alex was bound to fall for someone else and things could be normal. Yup that was the plan at the moment. Was it a good one? Probably not, but she'd never been the greatest at this kinda thing. Normally by now she'd have talked to Danny or Casey by now...but she was honestly a little afraid of what they'd say. What if they said she needed to get serious finally? Or worse...let her go. Nope ignorance would be bliss in this case, so she'd take all she could get.

At least until she could figure out why. What made Alex so different from any other person she's flirted with in the past? Sure she's hot, but Naomi didn't flirt with ugly people she most certainly had a standard. So why couldn't she just stop? It was these thoughts that's been bugging her all week, nagging at the back of her mind every time the girls name popped up on her screen. Even if a bright smile always accompanied it as well.

She decided to go ahead and text Danny and Casey that she'd be at the fair shortly if they were coming and who'd she be with if they wanted to find her. She honestly didn't know any of the others in the group other then Alex. She'd seem them on Twitter a bit, but people were different in person then they were online for better or for worse. She hoped in the case of Alex's friend Morgan it was for better because honestly she seemed like a handful from the few interactions she'd seen. Dramatic, attention seek-ing, the type of clingy and needing that they wanna play off and act as if they aren't but really they are. Most of all just moody. Naomi didn't tend to hang with a lot of people because she hated those traits about a lot of people. She wanted to just be chill, and laid back do her thing, and help her friends when they needed it. Was that too much to ask for?

She threw on something quick with pockets, and didn't really do much with her hair. It was long and curly, and with the help of moose would look good enough. She wasn't one for make-up if she could help it, so getting ready took about 10 minuets.

She grabbed her phone and wallet to shove in her pockets because fuck purses. She gave herself a quick once over and took a deep breath. This was going to be fun, she was going to have a good time, and not worry about anything beyond right here and right now. Everything in the end ends badly so why worry about it? Enjoy there right here and now while you can. Thoes are problems for future Naomi to deal with. She grabbed her keys and walked out to her motorcycle cause cars are boring. She put on her helmet, revved it up and was on her way. Once she arrived at the fair she found a decent place to park it, then made her way to the entrance looking for Alex. It didn't take too long as she smirked walking up to the small group forming,
"Been looking forward to this all week, We ready?" She hummed.
Naomi M. Elizondo
coded by incandescent

So fair day...Naomi had very mixed feelings about it. One the one had she was super excited! After all she'd spent the better part of what a whole week flirting with Alejandra. Not that this was something she was regretting, but it did also feed into the other feeling she was starting to get worried about...Dred. Alex was an amazing person, and really fun to talk to in all her dorky way. Not to mention the girl was beyond stunning in her eyes. So what was the problem?

Naomi doesn't date. She has short non-emotional flings that she ends before that can happen. Why? Because life sucks and destroys happiness and there is nothing you can do about it. You can live the perfect life and get screwed over, you can live a trash life and get screwed over. Hamilton had it right. Life doesn't discriminate between the sinner and the saints all it does is take and take and Naomi had decided long ago she wasn't going to give it anything worth taking. It'd taken enough of her family and her families joy away it couldn't have her or her heart.

Normally Naomi would seen all the red flags Alex was tossing out there and bolted. Being a romantic? Not doing hook-ups? Red flags everywhere yet here she was looking at in the mirror trying to decide to wear for their...group outing. Certainly NOT a date because once again Naomi doesn't date. Honestly she'd got a track record like all the other fuckbeings around the school, but Naomi is much more low key then the rest so she's never really seen like that by people. Which is how she likes it. She's never been one to like a bunch of people knowing her private business.

Maybe she wouldn't have to worry about all that! Alex didn't seem the type to go out on a limb and make the first real move like ask her to be her girlfriend, and if Naomi never does it they could just stay how things are now. No deep attachment, no strings, no worries. They could just hang out and have fun, and flirt. That was fine right? Eventually Alex was bound to fall for someone else and things could be normal. Yup that was the plan at the moment. Was it a good one? Probably not, but she'd never been the greatest at this kinda thing. Normally by now she'd have talked to Danny or Casey by now...but she was honestly a little afraid of what they'd say. What if they said she needed to get serious finally? Or worse...let her go. Nope ignorance would be bliss in this case, so she'd take all she could get.

At least until she could figure out why. What made Alex so different from any other person she's flirted with in the past? Sure she's hot, but Naomi didn't flirt with ugly people she most certainly had a standard. So why couldn't she just stop? It was these thoughts that's been bugging her all week, nagging at the back of her mind every time the girls name popped up on her screen. Even if a bright smile always accompanied it as well.

She decided to go ahead and text Danny and Casey that she'd be at the fair shortly if they were coming and who'd she be with if they wanted to find her. She honestly didn't know any of the others in the group other then Alex. She'd seem them on Twitter a bit, but people were different in person then they were online for better or for worse. She hoped in the case of Alex's friend Morgan it was for better because honestly she seemed like a handful from the few interactions she'd seen. Dramatic, attention seek-ing, the type of clingy and needing that they wanna play off and act as if they aren't but really they are. Most of all just moody. Naomi didn't tend to hang with a lot of people because she hated those traits about a lot of people. She wanted to just be chill, and laid back do her thing, and help her friends when they needed it. Was that too much to ask for?

She threw on something quick with pockets, and didn't really do much with her hair. It was long and curly, and with the help of moose would look good enough. She wasn't one for make-up if she could help it, so getting ready took about 10 minuets.

She grabbed her phone and wallet to shove in her pockets because fuck purses. She gave herself a quick once over and took a deep breath. This was going to be fun, she was going to have a good time, and not worry about anything beyond right here and right now. Everything in the end ends badly so why worry about it? Enjoy there right here and now while you can. Thoes are problems for future Naomi to deal with. She grabbed her keys and walked out to her motorcycle cause cars are boring. She put on her helmet, revved it up and was on her way. Once she arrived at the fair she found a decent place to park it, then made her way to the entrance looking for Alex. It didn't take too long as she smirked walking up to the small group forming, "Been looking forward to this all week, We ready?" She hummed.
MOOD: Excited, nervous... a little hungry.

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: The fair
MENTIONS: Kai, Morrigan

INT: Zeph, Stella, Naomi Winona Winona @Kitsune @elaaraa
TL;DR Alex arrived at the fair with the others, creating small talk all while pretending not to be nervous.
But I can't help from askin' are you bored yet?

Okay, okay, okay.

Alex sucked in a deep breath and exhaled.

It wasn't a date, so why was she so nervous?

Maybe because... Naomi was pretty? Okay, no. Everyone Alejandra hung out with was pretty. This was the first time she'd ever liked someone since her relationship with Kai... and Kai alone isn't a subject she likes to bring up. It was by far her worst relationship. Granted, it was her first serious one too-- but anything Kai related Alejandra did her best to stay away from.

Except her friends. She wasn't going to stray away from her friends. Zeph and Alex had gotten close since they were introduced by Kai, but just because of that fact-- no matter how Kai felt, Zeph was still her friend too.

The point here was, it's been a long time since she had gotten herself back out there. What if she wasn't ready? Or... what if Naomi just decided she didn't like her? Besides that, there was at least thousand and one reasons for why tonight would go wrong.

Alex just wasn't smart enough to list them all out and figure out how'd she counter them.

"Where. Is. It."

Her voice echoed throughout the empty apartment, Ava had already left to meet up with JJ and the only thing Alex did was thank god now that she was gone. Not that she hated Ava, but it had certainly made Alex feel a special way towards her after the 6th time she had gotten up out of her sleep due to Ava losing yet another killstreak on Call Of Duty. She could've murdered her right then and there, but she couldn't get the arrested the day of her... not date.

Her gaze followed every piece of furniture in the living room, slowly stopping on every bit of fabric that might've been a certain jacket she'd stolen from the Plastics department earlier this morning. "Forget it. No jacket. No jacket. Who needs a jacket anyway?" Not her, nope. The brunette grabbed her keys and stopped to glance at herself in the mirror momentarily, brushing a piece of hair back towards her ear and it was only when Alex noticed that she was, in fact wearing that very same jacket.

"Idiot." She shook her head, muttering many insults to herself and walking out the door.

It didn't take long to arrive at the fair, breathing in the scent of pine cones, apple cider, and the best thing of all-- cotton candy. If Naomi wasn't coming tonight, cotton candy would've been at the top of the list of things she was excited for. Once spotting Zeph, Alex made her way towards him at the entrance. Creating small talk that he most likely wasn't listening to, so... maybe she brought up Naomi one too many times. What? It wasn't a big deal. She was just... making conversation. "Are you even listening to me?" Alex nudged him with her elbow, concern seeping through the slight smile on her lips.

The next thing she knew, Naomi was already walking up to them and Alex took that as an opportunity to elbow Zeph once again, but this time it was to stop whatever he was about to say. Alex wouldn't want him to say that she went on and on. She couldn't look creepy! They hardly knew each other. "Uh, yeah me too." She replied to Naomi, bouncing on the balls of her heels while she thought of something else to say. Thankfully, Stella had shown up only moments later, allowing Alex to feel a little less awkward. "No! You're not late. We're waiting on Morgie. " Alex looked around the entrance before settling her gaze back onto Naomi, a smile was threatening to break though but she wasn't about to look like a dork.

The aspiring playwright was going to try her hardest not to, especially on their first-- not date.

"... uh weather's nice."

So much for trying.

code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillersdlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillderfillerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...

okay. on behalf of amy, okay.


fairgrounds; inside the gate


amy Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

Trevor Callaghan hadn’t planned on coming to the fair in the first place, really, but here he was, with the reason that he was going riding shotgun in Rachel, in stop-and-go traffic, wishing that he had smoked a fat one before he had started driving.

Amy’d begged him to come, and he’d had to concede.

Besides, he needed to get out more.

But anyway, the worst part about it was the fact that Amy and Charlie had insisted “no smoking”. He didn’t know why the hell not— but he lived with the two of them, so he had to let them nag him some of the time. Blah blah blah, something about Charlie holding that fact over his head too much. Regardless, this time, though, he kind of wished that he hadn’t opted to obey.

If only he had those kinda balls, it would have been really helpful.

The trip over had gone about as well as any normal car ride with Amy would. He was glad that he could be there for her, at least, and he always loved hanging out with her. She was really what he was here for.

Even so, this traffic was wearing on his nerves; he needed his head to be in the clouds— or even higher.

He worked his shoulders. He wasn’t going to drag Amy down today. She, he, and Eli were going to live it up, yeah. She needed cheering up after that breakup. Ya know, she was why he was here, not him.

Right. That.

Tonight was going to be a good night, no matter what happened. Even if things went to shit for him— even if he was stressed out of his mind— things were going to go great.

Yes. Absolutely.

He needed it after this week.

More like, after last weekend and after Monday…

Ugh. This whole Ash thing was just...

The feckin' worst.

Monday night had ended in them resolving that they were friends-- just friends. Friends, and nothing more. That was the end of it, and if he could help it, they would never have to have that conversation again.

Even though his head ached just thinking about it. Even though he was kicking himself for agreeing that. He knew that that was what was right.

That wasn't going to affect him tonight. Nope, not tonight.

Tonight was going to be great. Even if he didn't want it to be, it was going to be.

Soon, he pulled into the parking lot. He searched for a minute for a parking spot, and he managed to snag one near the front. This time— thank God— he didn’t end up driving over the parking block (though he did bump it), nor did he slam his car door into the vehicle next to him.

Cha-ching. Lookey there.

At least that.

(Listen, if he was going to have a good evening, he really had to take what he could get.)

He smiled at Amy when she got out, his eyes following her. “Ya know where we’re supposed ta meet Eli?” he asked, locking Rachel with a beep and walking to stand at the front of the vehicle before leading her to the ticket gate. “I think that he said somewhere inside, but I dunno for sure.” He pulled out his wallet and quickly paid, walking inside of the gate and waiting for Amy. “My memory is shite.”

His eyes caught sight of an approaching figure, and there was his answer. "Heyyy, Eli."

At least he didn't have to look for him anymore.

Another good thing. Great.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Last edited:
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 12:45 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



the fall fair


Winona Winona

This was a bad idea. Like…monumentally bad. The worst idea in the history of bad ideas, but here he was.

The point of no return.

Lucky had tried to convince himself that he shouldn’t go to the fair. In fact, he spent all of last night and this morning coming up with various excuses on why he couldn’t make it. And he had plenty. He didn’t really know anyone. It’s not his thing. He was a loner. People die at fairs. The ferris wheel could roll off its track and kill everyone in its path. All extremely valid reasons in his mind, but then Lydia mentioned it in front of Lennon and it was decided.

He was sure it was because Lydia was pissed. Pissed that he had decided to move to an apartment closer to school. Pissed that he had chosen himself over her and Lennon.

Maybe he was projecting a little. She was slightly hesitant at first, but one less person in the house was one less mouth to feed and it was close enough for him to still take Lennon to school and make sure that his homework was finished before she got home. It really was the perfect solution. Nic seemed to keep to himself and Lucky could finally be alone. That’s what he wanted, right?

His phone buzzed and he rolled his eyes as he saw it was from his dad. This was the seventh call today and he was over it. Bitch buttoning him, he slipped his phone in his back pocket. What could he say? ‘I’m done drinking, son. Turning over a new leaf.’ He’d heard it all before. Every time his dad had woken up and noticed a fresh bruise or a swollen lip that he had caused. He’d make the same promises. It was all bullshit and Lucky wasn’t here for it.

He was pulled out of his pleasant reminiscing by a tug on his sweatshirt. He looked down at his brother as he dragged him towards the fair gates. “Dude, alright.” He snapped as he handed the attendant the cash in exchange for the tickets. He slipped his hands in his hoodie pocket as they entered and his brother looked around in excitement.

At least he’d have a good time. “Okay, what do you wanna d…?” Lennon was gone before he could even finish. He stopped and watched him run up to another kid. Probably a friend since Lennon didn’t have Lucky’s ability to keep people away. Guess he should be grateful his dad didn’t fuck him up too much.

Lennon rushed back. ‘Can I hang with my friend? His mom said it’s okay and she’ll even drive me home.’ Lucky sighed and looked up at the mom who gave a casual smile and a wave. Lucky nodded. “Sure.” Lennon hugged him and ran off. Little bitch ditched him. The only reason he was here was because of him.

Okay. That was a lie. But admitting the real reason why he was here made Lucky’s stomach turn and a wave of nausea wash over him. He walked around the fair and stopped when he spotted his destination.

The other West.

He stood there for a moment watching Jace stare at the funnel cake cart like it was deep frying baby ducks. What was he thinking? He should just go. Turn around and resign to the fact that he’ll never make it at Hollywood Arts. He’ll fail the arts festival. Never get an agent or a recording contract and end up playing the guitar and singing on the side of a fountain hoping people will throw their coins in the guitar case instead.

He needed a partner. Someone for the group act. Someone with a half decent voice so that he could show everyone that the poor kid from Brooklyn had every right to be there. That moving away from New York was a good thing and not just one more thing in his life that didn’t pan out.

He took a deep breath and made his way over. Why couldn’t it have been Ash or anyone else? She’d be easier to talk to at least. Easier to convince. A lot les weird. But alas, she was off flirting her way into her next long term relationship and that left him here with him. Desperate. Reliant on someone else and he fucking hated it.

Just rip it off. Just like a Band-Aid.

He cleared his throat as he approached and gave a small nod toward the other West. “Hey, Jace. How’s it going?” He plastered an awkward smile on his face and turned his attention toward the cart.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...



fairgrounds; parking lot


adriane Winona Winona

Exposing Rome had done the opposite of wonders for Nickie’s psyche.

What was that word?

Oh. Decimated. It’d decimated her pysche.

In the end, Nickie really felt like she was worse off than Rome. Throughout the whole week, she’d felt drained— really, up until Friday. The music that she played in her car didn’t make her sing along, the texts from Hunter didn’t make her smile as much, and the arguments on Twitter didn’t even serve to rile her up. She had been out of it. She had been ugh.

Thank God for the fair. That was really what had started cheering her up— the anticipation for the fair. After all of the shit with Chas, after all of that drama, after the whole becoming public enemy number one for a solid three hours because of the Rome thing and still probably being hated by more people than she’d like to think, she needed it.

She was excited just to go bitch with one of her bitches. Adriane and she had had this planned for the past few months, but she had only just now begun to anticipate it— probably because of the recent events. The fair would, at least, provide an escape of sorts, and she would be able to get away from it all.

All of that drama that had caused so much stress that she’d spent hours Thursday scrubbing away at acne on her thighs, all of that drama that had made her lose so many tears that her lips had cracked from all of the salt, all of that drama that had left her all stuffy and numb.

She was going to have a good day.

She studied her reflection in her mirror, giving herself a very small smile as she pressed down her shirt. “Wow, you don’t look like shit,” she whispered, and then snickered. “Cute.”

You know…maybe things were going to start looking up from here. One could hope, at least.

Flyyy me to the moon,” she caught herself singing beneath her breath as she tugged on her socks, and she laughed slightly. “I’m going tooo a fair todayyyI am going tooo eat myyyy weight in funnel cakeee.” She laughed at her own dumb joke, and she rolled her eyes.

Ugh. She was a mess, and she was lame, but she was feeling better, and that was something.

As she left her room, keys to her blue SUV in hand, she looked back at her room, smiling. “Catch you later,” she said to it, and she shut and locked her door before prancing down the stairs to her vehicle.

On the way there, she decided to play her own music— sure, none of it was cheerful or anything, but something about it made her feel…good.

Don’t wanna look back, thinking I coulda done this our I coulda tried that…don’t wanna look back, ‘cause it’s going by fast,” she sang, glancing at her reflection in her rearview mirror with a smile so large that she caught herself laughing at how dumb she surely looked to other drivers.

She pulled into the parking lot of the gorgeous fairgrounds into a spot near the front. She parked her SUV and looked at herself in the mirror, posturing a few times before dissolving into giggles. “You doof…,” she teased, giving herself a wink and turning off her vehicle. She reached up to squeeze the fuzzy, periwinkle dice that hung by her mirror. “Good luck? Is that what you say?” she laughed. “Whatever”

She stepped out of her vehicle, her hands going to her jean pocket to withdraw her phone. She sent a quick text to Adriane with her pinned location, and she leaned against the side of her vehicle, smiling as she waited for her friend to show, a small tune humming beneath her breath.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Last edited:
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr





Soap Soap

She hadn't wanted to come to this stupid fair. Ava didn't even really like hanging out around her classmates during school -- most of them were annoying, stuck up, bitchy, dumb... really, the list went on -- and the cons of her classmates far outweighed any kind of pros. So, she had planned on staying home and playing some video games. Plus, if she stayed home, she didn't have to shower or put on actual pants. She could just stay in her sweats all day.

But Jules wanted her to go, and Ava was weak. She caved in way too easily and agreed to go -- and then Jules convinced her to wear this jean jacket that she'd bought for Ava and...


They were meeting at the fair around four. Ava woke up at exactly 2:36 pm after staying up late playing Call of Duty. Ava hadn't gone to bed until she saw something yellow out of her window and briefly panicked -- her first thoughts had been "there's a fire," but upon closer inspection, she realized that it was the sun coming up. She'd checked the time on her phone to see it was... 6:32 am. Fuck.

With barely an hour to get ready, Ava had rolled out of bed, showered, struggled to brush her hair, and then gotten dressed in what clothes passed the smell test (she really needed to do laundry tomorrow).

And now, after that wild day, she was standing here. In the middle of the festival, looking like a joke with that jean jacket that JJ had bought her pulled on over her shoulders. Ava had to admit that it fit well and it was... maybe... a little cute, but that didn't change the fact that she was still super annoyed about being at the festival at all.

Plus, Jules was fussing with the buttons on the front of her jacket, which just left Ava even more annoyed.

"Stop, it looks fine." She whined and batted a hand at JJ to try and get her to stop messing with the jacket. "I didn't come to this stupid fair for you to just fuss with my jacket the whole time."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... saint taylor ...

mildly confrontational, but mostly exhausted


fairgrounds; inside the gate


gen geminiy geminiy

Saint Taylor didn’t really know why he was going to the fair, but he was. After all, he’d woken up, brushed his teeth, situated his hair, put on deodorant, and put on a fresh pair of clothes this morning. He’d gone to the pantry and stolen some breakfast.

Then again, he’d thought that it was a school day.

He’d gotten all the way out to his vehicle before he’d realized that it wasn’t, and he’d ended up nodding off in his car before he could drag himself back inside.

When he’d awakened again, he’d looked at his Twitter, just to see that everyone was chattering about the fair.

One look at his calendar had told him that it was today.


He’d forgotten about that.

He’d really let it sneak up on him this year.

It was yearly tradition that he went.

He had gone the past years with Casey, once as her date, another time as her friend…

But this year, he’dn’t thought to ask her— he hadn’t really thought about the fair this year at all.

He needed to work on that…he kept losing track to things like time and dates and…

He wanted to go. Besides, the commission thing…well, he’d lost a lot of sleep thanks to that, but thanks to that, it looked great. Regardless, he needed a break; he knew that. Even as someone who...worked as much as he did, he knew that.

He didn’t want to end up in the hospital for overworking himself again.

As he drove to the fair, he caught himself nodding off many times. It wasn’t anything big or anything— it really wasn’t a problem. He’d slept last night, so he was doing pretty well. He was just fatigued from his waking up this morning.

That was a lie. No, he hadn’t. He’d not slept at all last night. He’d slept only two hours the night before, and only three the night before that.

He made his way inside the gate after paying, his gait drowsy. He didn’t really know what to do now that he was here. What was there really to do? He was alone. He wasn’t a fan of roller coasters because he got motion sick. He could only ride the ferris wheel so many times…

He pondered as he walked, and then his eyes caught on a girl at a table— Genevieve.

He felt a tinge of irritation upon seeing her. Shit, he'd meant to talk to her earlier.

He remembered what she had said to Dei. Word got around, people talked— Dei talked.

He really didn't like to be the one to deal with problems. That wasn't his thing. Especially not in public. Confrontation? He would rather pass.

But...then again...

He’d heard what she’d said to Dei.

That wouldn’t fly.

He needed to let her know that, because he doubted that anyone else would.

“Gen,” he started. His figure cast a shadow over the table. “Hello. Glad to see you…haven’t spoken in a while.” He paused a moment.

He wasn’t one to beat around the bush, so the thought to try to make small talk was quickly brushed from his mind.

He met her eyes. “So I heard about what you said to Dei. You really don’t have any right to say that.” He missed a beat, setting his brows. “And the fact that you did says more about you than it does about him. He’s a great guy— didn’t deserve anything like that."

He squared his shoulders, and he said, in a more serious tone, "You have to apologize.”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



Ash, Lin, some other bitches


jasmyn jasmyn

Today had tested Nate's patience over... and over... and over.

Ash and Lin reminded Nate of his annoying siblings. So being in Evie's apartment while she was trying to get them ready for the fair had been almost nostalgic for him -- he'd spent the day mostly on his own, nursing a high on the couch, while Evie bickered with Ash and Lin and he closed his eyes and tried to tune them all out.

Reminded him of Christmas back home.

As soon as they were ready -- which in Nate's opinion took way too long but he also knew that Evie was never quick about getting ready, so he couldn't say he was surprised -- they were all piling into Evie's car while Lin rambled on and on about who fucking knows what. Nate was starting to get a headache the more the guy talked, and he was thankful that the ride to the gardens was only about twenty minutes. Had it been any longer, Nate might have lost it.

And then everything else happened in such rapid succession. They walked up, paid their way in, and they'd just barely stepped through the gates when Lin gave Ash a wink, and then the wild crack kid was running away. Ash quickly thanked Evie and then she was chasing after him, and Nate and Evie were left staring after them.

"Kids," he grumbled. "They're like kids." In fact, Nate's younger siblings weren't even on par with Lin and Ash -- or, well, Lin -- as far as energy and just basic immaturity went.

Nate really couldn't believe that Ash had found someone to date him. He wondered how much money she'd paid the girl to agree.

He glanced over at Evie as she spoke, thanking him for coming over earlier. Nate gave a shrug. "Didn't have much going on," he said, trying to play it off as him just being bored -- and it not at all being because Nate had wanted to be there. Well, not because he was super interested in the three of them playing dress up, but just because...

Fuck, it was because she wanted him there, right? That's why he'd sat through two and a half grueling hours of headache inducing whining from Ash and Lin and the choking smell of hairspray?

"Plus someone had to help you wrangle Lin. He puts the Energizer bunny to shame." Nate cracked a faint smile at his joke before giving a shrug to Evie's question. "Yeah, food sounds good." He agreed and started in the direction of the concession stands -- which, thankfully, was the opposite direction of Lin and Ash. Nate couldn't handle seeing more of them tonight.

His hand went to his pocket and a moment later, he produced both joint and lighter and held them out for Evie. "Of course I got one -- I'm always prepared." Emergency joint and all that. Yep, he was always prepared except that one time he wasn't.

Nate had pretty much shoved the conversation with Trevor to the very deepest, darkest recesses of his mind and done his best to pretend that the conversation had never, ever, ever, ever happened. It was hard to forget when he was around Evie, though, and it had been even harder today just before coming to the fair. It was like a pot of boiling water and the top was about to pop off -- the words "I think I like you" were dancing on the edge of his tongue.

But not coming out. Nope. Never.

"I'll buy," Nate added. He hesitated for a moment, for now looking ahead, but then he glanced back at Evie and couldn't help himself.

"You look really good tonight."

What? Friends complimented each other all the time.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: The fair
MENTIONS: Adriane, Gen Winona Winona fin fin geminiy geminiy

INT: Jordan
TL;DR Juliette and Ava arrived at the fair, bickering as usual.
Is it ever gonna change, am I gonna feel this way forever?

These last few days have been nothing but annoyance to Juliette. People would believe she was on her period on irritable she was. Which-- she wasn't, so. Fuck everyone who thought that. JJ had just been down lately, whether or not it was about Jordan wasn't something she was going to disclose, at least definitely not to Ava. The only thing she'd get back from Ava is. 'Oh, see, he's just using you for your body.' Or some weird feminism shit she would go on about.

Maybe it was just pure hatred instead of feminism, but she knew that Lonnie didn't particularly like Jordan. The question was why. She just had to figure out how to bring it up. "Can you just stay freaking still?" Jules dodged Ava's swatting and continued to unbutton the jean jacket. Who the hell buttons all of their buttons?

Nobody but Ava, that's who. "You're not supposed to wear them like this, be grateful you decided to put a shirt on underneath." Jules got to the last button and huffed a breath of annoyance when she was done. Stepping back to see the outfit in it's final form. It was Ava, so naturally she didn't look ugly, the outfit itself wasn't that bad. But it was good enough to be seen in public with her.

"So... I think Jordan's gonna be here later. I think he's coming with Gen and those guys."

It was a start, but it was only merely bait. It wasn't like JJ was actually bothered that he was going to be here tonight, she was just... trying to find out why Ava hated him by bringing him up.

Yeah, that's it.

It didn't bother her. That'd be stupid.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr





ditto ditto

Fair day. What a positively lovely experience.

The only reason Adriane had agreed to go somewhere that was so... different from her standard choice of venue was for the opportunity to spend time with Nickie. Not because Adriane particularly liked the loud mouthed bitch, but simply because Nickie and Adriane had one thing in common, and that was one of their favorite pastimes being able to make fun of people.

Ahh. Nothing brought a wisp of a smile to Adriane's face quite like insulting her classmates.

She had just arrived at the fair and parked her car when she received a text from Nickie letting her know where to go. Really? Nickie was making Adriane meet her at her car? With a roll of her eyes, Adriane exited her car and started in the direction of Nickie's vehicle. Her long strides got her over there in record time, and Adriane let her lips twitch up into the faintest of smiles when she caught sight of Nickie -- not because Adriane was particularly overjoyed to see the girl, but because she knew smiles were the friendly gesture to make.

Friendliness was exhausting, however, and the smile disappeared to be replaced by her typical stone-cold expression when she got closer to the other girl. Adriane looked down at Nickie, one eyebrow rising slightly as she started to speak. "Ready?" She asked and, without really waiting for Nickie to give an answer, Adriane brushed past her and started towards the fair gates.

A heavy sigh escaped through her lips before she started to talk. "So, Chas asked me to go on a coffee gathering with him and Seb so he can prove to Seb that all of his friends aren't scary." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I don't even know what Chas sees him. Seb is so... plain. Boring. He puts me to sleep every time he opens his mouth."

They arrived at the fair gates and Adriane paused in her talking as her and Nickie paid their way in but, once they stepped through the gates, Adriane picked up where she'd left off. Well. Kind of.

"Why did you tell everyone about Rome and the pedo?" She asked abruptly. "You could have kept that as blackmail. I don't know what you'd want to blackmail him for, of course. Other than loving to gossip, Rome really isn't that interesting. He babbles so much." But he was fun to talk to, simply to hear whatever gossip he may have picked up.

Granted, after it became common knowledge that Rome couldn't keep any secrets, he'd definitely had less things to tell her and Adriane hadn't really been talking to him. He'd become useless, more or less.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

- Location.
Fair entrence
- Tags.
Trevor ( ditto ditto )
Looking Good

This past week has been a week straight from hell. Drama on top of drama on top of drama from every direction and honestly Amy was surprised she was still sane. Well maybe. Who knows if that's even true at this point. Her emotions have been on a none stop rollercoaster ride of highs and lows ever since LAST Friday. A part of her almost didn't wanna go to the fair because if she didn't and just unplugged it might be the first time in a while she could actually just relax without worrying about anything.

But she made promises to look out for her friends and she was going to keep them. She was a woman of her word, as best as she could be.

Thought of Kordei's 'business proposal' ran through her mind as she started getting ready. God she hoped she wouldn't run into him there, but she knew him too well for that. If given the opportunity he was going to go for it and try to talk to her about it some more. After all he'd been bold enough to message her not a full 24 hours after she finally decided to unblock him and Evie.

She tried to let Charlies words flood her mind instead. It wasn't worth it, he doesn't understand her, and she doesn't understand him so fuck it. There's nothing to sing about that she can't do without him. He acted like she needed him and that pissed her off. Maybe because deep down she knew she'd at one point in time believed that, maybe a piece of her still does despite not wanting to.

She'd already met up with her producer during the week and started laying down tracks for the songs she'd written over the weekend. Originally they were supposed to be meeting over the songs she'd written over the summer which is why they'd already had the meeting planed, but hey when things happen you adapt. Plus talking to Charlie made her realize just writing down her thoughts and feelings wasn't enough to really get it all out. She needed to say it, she needed someone to hear it. He'd made her look like a fool to the whole school, so now it was his turn to hear her out, all of them.

As she flat ironed her hair she couldn't help but also worry about how these blind dates were going to go. It'd been a running thing since homecoming and now it was finally going to go down. She hoped it would go as they all planned. She hoped they could all have fun no matter what. She knew Charlie picked someone who while good for Ash and she apparently liked...she hoped Ash wouldn't get upset. Twitter had pushed at them pretty hard, and it seemed to make them uncomfortable at times. Then there was whoever Ash was picking for Charlie. She hoped Ash really did pick someone solid. Charlie needed this. There was so much just up in the air and she worried for her friends, but that's why she was going right? For damage control in case it was needed. She hoped it wouldn't be she hoped she'd go and they'd have zero need for her.

She finished getting dressed pulling on a white crop top and ripped jeans topping the look off with her make-up and some big hoop earrings. She was satisfied and left out her room to see if Trev was ready, which he was because let's face it it never takes guys long to get dressed. With a painted smile of confidence she climbed into the passenger seat of his Van affectionately named Rachel and left.

As they pulled up to the fair Amy sent a quick text to Charlie letting her know she and Trev had made it. Then hoped out the Van after he parked. She was about to Text Eli when Trev caught her attention with his question. She smiled back at him, "Uh that's all he'd said to me too me too." She giggled a bit nervously. "I'll text him real quick and get a specific spot cause just 'inside' is kinda vague." She hummed following him to the ticket stand to pay.

After she paid and followed him in she texted Eli asking where he was at inside, "Or maybe I should've called? But he might be in a noisy place." She spoke mostly to herself. "Oh wanna grab a snack first while we wait?" She asked curiously. While she knew Trev was going to be busy the rest of the fair thanks to Charlie's plot, but she did kinda want to spend at least a little time with him. With everything that's been going on she's not gotten to talk to him too much. Though it seemed Eli had beat her to the punch as he arrived with popcorn. "Oh hey! Good you?"
Amethyst K. Jones
coded by incandescent

This past week has been a week straight from hell. Drama on top of drama on top of drama from every direction and honestly Amy was surprised she was still sane. Well maybe. Who knows if that's even true at this point. Her emotions have been on a none stop rollercoaster ride of highs and lows ever since LAST friday. A part of her almost didn't wanna go to the fair because if she didn't and just unplugged it might be the first time in a while she could actually just relax without worrying about anything.

But she made promises to look out for her friends and she was going to keep them. She was a woman of her word, as best as she could be.

Thought of Kordei's 'business proposal' ran through her mind as she started getting ready. God she hoped she wouldn't run into him there, but she knew him too well for that. If given the opportunity he was going to go for it and try to talk to her about it some more. After all he'd been bold enough to message her not a full 24 hours after she finally decided to unblock him and Evie.

She tried to let Charlies words flood her mind instead. It wasn't worth it, he doesn't understand her, and she doesn't understand him so fuck it. There's nothing to sing about that she can't do without him. He acted like she needed him and that pissed her off. Maybe because deep down she knew she'd at one point in time believed that, maybe a piece of her still does despite not wanting to.

She'd already met up with her producer during the week and started laying down tracks for the songs she'd written over the weekend. Originally they were supposed to be meeting over the songs she'd written over the summer which is why they'd already had the meeting planed, but hey when things happen you adapt. Plus talking to charlie made her realize just writing down her thoughts and feelings wasn't enough to really get it all out. She needed to say it, she needed someone to hear it. He'd made her look like a fool to the whole school, so now it was his turn to hear her out, all of them.

As she flat ironed her hair she couldn't help but also worry about how these blind dates were going to go. It'd been a running thing since homecoming and now it was finally going to go down. She hoped it would go as they all planned. She hoped they could all have fun no matter what. She knew Charlie picked someone who while good for Ash and she apparently liked...she hoped Ash wouldn't get upset. Twitter had pushed at them pretty hard, and it seemed to make them uncomfortable at times. Then there was whoever Ash was picking for Charlie. She hoped Ash really did pick someone solid. Charlie needed this. There was so much just up in the air and she worried for her friends, but that's why she was going right? For damage control in case it was needed. She hoped it wouldn't be she hoped she'd go and they'd have zero need for her.

She finished getting dressed pulling on a white crop top and ripped jeans topping the look off with her make-up and some big hoop earrings. She was satisfied and left out her room to see if trev was ready, which he was because let's face it it never takes guys long to get dressed. With a painted smile of confidence she climbed into the passenger seat of his Van affectionately named rachel and left.

As they pulled up to the fair Amy sent a quick text to Charlie letting her know she and Trev had made it. Then hoped out the Van after he parked. She was about to Text Eli when Trev caught her attention with his question. She smiled back at him, "Uh that's all he'd said to me too me too." She giggled a bit nervously. "I'll text him real quick and get a specific spot cause just 'inside' is kinda vague." She hummed following him to the ticket stand to pay.
After she paid and followed him in she texted Eli asking where he was at inside, "Or maybe I should've called? But he might be in a noisy place." She spoke mostly to herself. "Oh wanna grab a snack first while we wait?" She asked curiously. While she knew Trev was going to be busy the rest of the fair thanks to Charlie's plot, but she did kinda want to spend at least a little time with him. With everything that's been going on she's not gotten to talk to him too much.
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