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Hogwarts Will Always Be Home (BiancoangelloXShuPhoenix)

Angello did not seem to impressed by the names elected. They were all remarkable wizards however he did indeed clap for Fleur Delacour who he had shame to admit he had a fancy to. When he saw that Harry Potters name had been mentioned as a competitor he had much concern as to what was going on, specially since it had to do with that boy who always attracted danger. He wasn't as easy fooled as the rest of the school.

No, he knew that signaled something was off and quickly sneaked out of the Great Hall and went into the gardens where he looked for one of the fountains. Once there he started pouring a strange ectoplasmic liquid into the fountain and started speaking to the fountain as if it were a person "Father...? Father are you there? Strange things are happening! That boy Potter... his name came out of the goblet!". He stood there waiting for an answer but alas the fountain did not answer. He sat on a ledge of the fountain looking down in fear of what was going on. His fear was primarily that dark forces are giving hints of being around Hogwarts, and began to have superstition that they were looking for his dear book.
Imelda had spotted Angello as she left the great hall. She wanted to catch up with him to thank him for returning her things so she followed him, catching up to him in the courtyard. "Angello," she called.
Angello looks as Imelda calls for him and quickly turns around splashing his hand in the waters of the fountain and scatters it successfully dispelling the communication he was trying to make with his father. He turns back and looks at Imelda "H-Hey"
Imekda smiled and sat herself beside him. "I wanted to thank you for handing my stuff back. I can't believe I was stupid enough to leave my wand. So what did you think of the champions?" She asked casually, but the real meaning was thinly veiled: why did he think Harry was chosen?
He looked back at her worried "Something is not right... had it been anyone else perhaps it wouldn't be so alarming... but it was Potter." Looking down again. "A goblet made specifically to choose 3 wizards and 3 only, and having the age ring around it by Dumbledore himself?? It's too much. The person, his age and the total refutation of the goblets rules. My father might call me back home when he hears about this."
Imelda frowned. "Someone is probably trying to kill Harry...again. Someone very powerful. It's the only reasonable explanation. Ron seemed pissed off about it though, as if Harry actually put his name in..." She trailed off
"There is no way Harry could have... He is but an average wizard for his age." Almost speaking with disgust against him. "He will probably not survive the competition, not alone at least."
Imelda seemed rather affronted on behalf of Harry. "Hey, Harry is more than average. He can cast a corporeal patronus and he defeated the dark lord three times...though the first time doesn't really count I suppose..." She was suddenly very pensive after that before changing the subject. "So...that Fleur girl seems nice," she didn't sound like she liked her much, but she knew all the boys did.
"Pff.." He muttered as Imelda defended Harry. His eyes opened again and exclaimed "Why? did you speak wit her? what's she like?"
Imelda laughed slightly at his sudden interest in the conversation before rolling her eyes. "Boys, honestly!" She chided, "personally I thought she was a bit in love with herself, but I expect you'll be asking her to the Yule Ball next!" She half joked "I bet most boys will. I heard her saying she had veela blood in her, that would explain a lot."
"oh no.. that's right... the Ball.. You know me enough to know that i might not find a date for it. I might end up not attending the Ball at all" He said confident on his last remark as such a social event was too much for the poor boy to handle.
Imelda looked at him incredulously, "oh but you have to go! It won't be that bad. I'll go with you if you like," she encouraged. She had already received invitations and it was barely the second day of the term.
Angello blushed as his eyes were shocked at Imelda' proposal "I-I...." Not knowing what an appropriate answer would be since he had never been in a date, less being invited by another girl to a ball.
Imelda smiled and had promptly forgotten the subject now., "now all we have to do is survive Moody for the rest of the year. That's a triwizard task," she grinned
"It sure will... what's your next subject? mine is potions. Severus Snape." He said almost gladly. He obviously had a liking towards the professor and why not? He was always encouraging Slytherin himself and maybe his past with the dark arts is of interest to Angello. "If only he could be our DADA teacher..."
Imelda winced at the thought of Snape teaching DADA. "Please don't jinx it. I can't stand Snape." Imelda shook her head slightly as if dispelling evil. She had transfiguration next lesson.
"I'll see you at the first trial then? it should be fun!" He said with a genuine smile, it seemed as if he was finally beginning to feel comfortable around Imelda. He waved at her while walking away in direction to his potion class. "I'll make sure we have seats together!" He said excited.
Imelda was surprised at the invite to sit with him,but smiled and took the offer up. "Sure.have fun with Saint Snape." She called as she began making her way to class, her hair flying behind her in the breeze.
It was time for the trial to begin. Angello was waiting for Imelda outside the stadium with his 2 tickets in hand wandering if she was going to show up. Time passed and he decided to sit down outside and start reading his book. Fleur Delacour had already bested her dragon and his book contained information on them. He thought to himself that with this, even he could best the terrible task to retrieve the egg.
Imelda cursed her luck that she had missed some of the first task. She ran from class when it was over, hoping she would still be allowed in. Once she was,she took her seat with Angello, looking distinctly flustered. "Hey Angello, who did I miss?" She asked.
"Oh.. hey you made it!" He said gladly as he looked at her for the first time noticing how cute she really was "Uuuh yeah, Fleur Delacour just passed her trial. Apprently its dragons, they need to retrieve a golden egg from them. She had to battle a common welsh green dragon." He said trying to remember the name as accurate as he could from what his book said.
Imelda's eyes widened in amazement as he uttered the word dragons. The organisers clearly wanted to have them either dead or mortally wounded. "Dragons! Wow, I commend her for lasting. I know I wouldn't last five seconds facing a Welsh Green of all things."
"Yes viktor krum will be next and I heard he was going against the chinese fireball, now that is a scary dragon indeed, it should be exciting to know how he deals with it " he says almost excited to see krums skill in the battlefield
Imelda was both excited and terrified as a cheer erupted through the crowd and Krum stepped into the stadium, looking surlier than ever. Her attention was mostly in the tournament, but she noticed Angello's book out of the corner of her eye, not realising what it was. "Is that a book about dragons?" She enquired.
"Uuuh... yeah.." He says, thinking it's best to hide it from her as closes it and puts it back in his bag. He then starts cheering as a wave of cheers passes through their seats trying to change the subject quickly. Viktor krum finally grabbing his golden egg and beating his dragon.

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