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Hogwarts Will Always Be Home (BiancoangelloXShuPhoenix)

OOOOOh so thats what the usernames with an x in the middle means... cool x) ok so my character will have my original name :) Angello, not the best wizard in learning but still pretty good considering i barely study. I use intuition which helps me a lot in my grades. I have problems being social and am kind of serious (hehe unintended pun) am i doing it right? xD just some background info bfore we start :)
Great! Haha if you look on the top of the thread you'll see a tab that says character sign-up we can both post our characters there and if you want to talk out of character use the OOC chat tab other than that, we're all good :)
I enter the train and look upon my ticket to see the number of the cart and room where my seat and take my luggage with me. My pet snow Owl, Nydia resting on my shoulder as i keep walking holding a cracker she is eating. I reach my seat and put everything in place sitting down playing with Nydia as she eats her cracker. I place my wand on the table between Nydia and me. It is adorned with a Lion on the tip of the handle.
Imelda hung from the window of the red steam train, waving to her mother before the Hogwarts Express could start it journey to Hogsmeade station. With luggage in hand and nearly all her friends sitting in full compartments, she headed to a compartment with just one other student. Taking a seat opposite the boy she nodded a hello. It was fairly obvious she was a Gryffindor due to the red and gold scarf she wore around her neck. "Hi there, is anyone else going to be in here? Only there's not enough compartments free."
Angello looks up with an almost annoyed look while scratching Nydia's chest. "I.. don't know, I am on my own here..." His eyes almost trying to avoid contact with hers. Noticing the Gryffindor colours, a sense of discomfort invades Angello wandering what Imelda might think of him just by seeing the green scarf around his neck. After an awkward silence he adds "...it should be fine."
Imelda smiled an awkwardly polite smile and took her seat, looking from the Slytherin scarf, to the snowy owl perched on the boy's shoulder. It was not common for her to associate with Skytherins, most of the time she couldn't stand them. Especially the Malfoy boy, but she always gave people the benefit of the doubt.

"Thanks...you have a beautiful owl by the way. Oh and um, my name is Imelda, just so you know." She tried making conversation, running her fingers through her auburn hair nervously.
"Angello.... this is Nydia " Nydia jumps off his shoulder and hops her way in front of Imelda, she leans forward as if examining if she is a threat and raises her wings to seem bigger and intimidate opening her mouth also. "Nydia!" Angello knocks on the table getting her attention as she returns to his side. "I.. apologize. Cages were never suitable for Nydia. She needs freedom or otherwise she gets loud... and aggressive. I assure you though she is harmless when free!" raising his palm trying to assure Imelda of her safety
Imelda smiled and shook her head slightly, not alarmed in the slightest, "it's alright, my owl Portscreech is the same way. Truly I don't think he likes anyone that isn't me. I let him fly alongside the train because he gets irritable being in his cage, and I'd rather not have a headache before the feast." She chuckled and produced the latest edition of the most popular wizarding sport magazine, which was really only about quidditch. "Do you follow quidditch?" She asked absently as she flicked through the pages.
Angello lays his eyes upon the magazine getting an idea of Imelda's interest and in a shy voice he replies "I... used to play on the slytherin team.. I had to quit though. Malfoy wanted the position of seeker and had me kicked out.." He looks down at his wand with a slight look of sorrow. Nydia leans down rubbing her head against his hand to comfort him but with no success. "Avoid meddling with him. His family has friends with influence... and other things..." He looks away at the window as if trying to avoid the subject. Some times passes in awkward silence and trying to brake the ice he engages in conversation again. "You have many friends, from what i can tell. The Gryffindor are a cheerful lot aren't you..."
Imelda frowned at the mention Malfoy had him kicked off the team. She had always wanted to play on the quidditch team herself but Oliver Wood was picky. Her own mother had been a chaser alongside James Potter at school.

"Well, most of us are cool, except that Cormac McLaggen, and Lavender Brown can be a bit too excitable at times. I suppose I do have a pretty cheerful house. Do you have many friends?" She asked, putting away the magazine after circling which broomstick she wanted to buy one day.
Angello looked down and expressed discomfort at the question. He turned a page revealing he had book under his table and kept reading as if trying to avoid the question while blushing. The book seemed to be wrapped as if concealed all but the pages. The title and cover all hidden. "Salazar Slytherin had a hard time being likeable... I suppose he had a jinx placed on all the students of my house"
Imelda looked out of the window thoughtfully, watching the rolling hills and greenery pass them. It was time for her to recall some magical history and lighten the mood. "Not all Slytherins are unlikeable. You know one of the most well-loved and famous wizards of all time was a Slytherin, do you know who?. Besides, so far you seem a damn sight nicer than Malfoy and his cronies," she assured with a genuine smile, her hazel eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"I can only think of the wizard Merlin..? I don't know... apparently every one in Slytherin has dark secrets..." Angello grips his book tighter as he turns the page and silently chants the revealing charm "...Aparecium..." some words appear to shine on the book as he keeps reading. "..I like you. But I wouldn't make it to your list of friends trust me. I like to think i'm not as bad as Malfoy but I guess there is a reason why he is more popular. My father used to partner with his, he told me to never speak to him nor get involved in anything that included him." Angello's eyes finally meet Imelda's, his dark brown eyes that lack some sleep apparently and are filled with insecurity.
Imelda seemed pleased when he answered her question correctly then her mood promptly changed at the dark turn the conversation had taken. She had an inkling of what Malfoy's family were involved in, since her mother worked at the ministry of magic and was part of The Order of The Phoenix when it was first formed.

"You know, everyone has dark secrets, not just Slytherins." She then rummaged through her bag and pulled out a chocolate frog box, offering it to him wordlessly.
Angello looks at the box, then at Imelda's pretty face with jolly eyes and barely cracks a smile. He closes his book which sparkles foggy light as the charm is dispelled and places it in his bag. He grabs a frog and just as he is about to place it in his mouth the frog jumps on his forehead. He tried to catch but jumps to its wand escaping his grasp "Food has never been a more stressful thing.." The frog jumps once more in direction of the box but is caught in mid air by Nydia who eats it with great appetite and jumps on Angello's shoulder to enjoy her meal.
Imelda laughed as she watched Nydia devour the chocolate frog, shaking her head slightly, "well, it was meant for you, but I suppose owls like chocolate too!" She glanced at the wizard card with a grin. "Merlin," she stated. Sure enough Merlin stood watching the owl eating the frog with amusement, "how ironic."

The sun was starting to set outside now, and they were halfway to Hogsmeade station.
"hehe" Angello smirks and then adds "we should be arriving soon then shouldn't we?" Just as Angello finishes his sentence, the windows start freezing and the environment around the train starts to get foggy. Light flickering. Angello nervously looks outside the window barely being able to spot anything and shakes in fear as he realizes he has read of these events before. "oh no..."
Imelda felt as though she had been doused in icy water, unable to breath or move any organ but her eyes. She glanced at the window, feeling a cold chill. "W-what is that?" She said in a small voice, nothing like her usual bold demeanour.
"Stay here! Don't go out" Angello closes the door shut and the curtains. He quickly breathes to calm himself and opens his mysterious book turning the pages desperately and chanting the revealing charm again. He places the book down and then points his metal lion adorned wand at the door casting another spell "P-Protego.. Totalum!" The magical barrier starts spreading across the little and confined room where they are. Angello sits back in his seat and and takes quick glances outside the window. Suddenly a dementor hits the window hard scaring him back to the far end of his seat and Nydia being frightened starts flying across the little space adding to the stress of the situation.
Imelda would have screamed had she the air in her lungs. All she could feel was coldness and emptiness and the sight of the dark hooded, floating creature paralysed her with fear. She caught a glimpse of the hole where the face should be before everything went dark and she passed out in her seat.
Angello makes sure Imelda doesn't fall from her seat has she passes out and chants the protection spell in hopes that it might fortify the spell but is not sure if it can work. Harry passes beside our room. After everything has passed, Angello stays in the room to make sure Imelda wakes up well and unharmed holding his book and wand close to him.
Imelda woke once the dementors passed them, blinking rapidly with an expression of puzzlement as she sat up. She still felt a little numb. "What...happened?" She asked, looking around until she met his gaze.
"Dementors... I don't know why but it's not a good sign... hurry, the feast is about to start and the train is empty" Angello grabs his luggage and properties getting ready to leave once Imelda is ready to leave as well
Imelda stood, gathering her own things and following him. She wondered why dementors were even at Hogwarts. They were supposed to guard Azkaban. She was sure Hermione would have an answer for this if she could find her.

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