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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

Flossie was buzzing. They had a Quidditch game against Slytherin and, whilst her track record of staying on a broomstick wasn't amazing- her balance was awful- she hoped that she could help them win today. She just had to try and stay on her broom and not get distracted. She could be good at Quidditch, as she'd proved before, if she didn't get distracted so easily. She skipped into the hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table next to her- were they close enough for her to refer to as friends?- acquaintances.

"Hello everybody." she said, reaching for the toast, "Are you nervous yet? Because you should be. Nerves help people perform well- or is that fear? Or is that hope? I forget."
Cerys had her current book safely tucked under her arm as she made her way into the Great Hall and to the Ravenclaw table. The feeling of gloom and uneasiness caused by the murder of the Hufflepuff first year seemed to have let up to be replaced by excitement. The Hall was filled with chatter, most conversing of the match that was being held that day between Slytherin and Ravenclaw and Cerys was not immune to the anticipation. She sat down at her house table and placed her book on the bench next to her.
"Are they nuts? That thing will kill us all. What am I supposed to do? Duel it?" The willow tree had always been something that Mortimer had cautioned over. Sure he went near it, but never close enough to get hit. He had once seen a bird land on it and a second later all he saw was a mass of feathers float down. "Well if that is the case I'll research it. Maybe I can think of something."
"I can help you out of you want," Opal offered sipping her apple cider lightly. "I've honestly got nothing better to do, and Albus told me a little secret his dad taught him about the Whomping Willow."

"ALL STUDENTS PLAYING IN THE QUIDDITCH MATCH PLEASE REPORT TO THE FIELD!" Professor Truenen called out gesturing for the players to head out to the Quidditch Pitch. "Well I guess that's us." Opal mused standing up and grinning mischievously at Marley and Albus.

(@Soul OMU ) (@Fallen from Heaven )
"I'll take you up on that offer." Said Mortimer as he watched Opal and the twins leave for the match. He was really glad to get a chance to handle his task.

Lysander high fived one of the kids who was wishing the team luck. "People are on our side. We have this match."
Garrett gets up and heads out of the Great Hall, Rebecca, Scorpius and Cassiopeia make there way towards the Quidditch Pitch, talking while getting ready for the game.

Alissa making sure the students stay in line as she makes her way to the pitch.

(@LuckyANDKitty, @Johnny R McAvery)
Clarissa, hearing Professor Truenen's shouts about the quidditch match, made her way to the pitch.
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]"I'll take you up on that offer." Said Mortimer as he watched Opal and the twins leave for the match. He was really glad to get a chance to handle his task.
Lysander high fived one of the kids who was wishing the team luck. "People are on our side. We have this match."

"This is going to be great!" Opal exclaimed to the twins bounding out of the Great Hall.

August led the other students out once the players had gone.


Albus set up his broom, mounting it as he waited for the ref to signal for them to begin. "Remember guys, this is the first game of the season, so let's make it a memorable one!" Marleen called out encouragingly.
When Mortimer had at last made sure his house was staying in their bounds and not causing chaos he made his way over to Alissa. Taking the seat next to her he smiled.

Lysander and Lorcan both took off into the air as the whistle blew. Lorcan took her spot, nearly at the center of the three rings and waited for the quaffel to zoom by and send it back if it did. Lysander on the other hand was zooming about along with other chasers, acting as if they were flies chasing rotting meat. He narrowly avoided getting hit with a bludger and shook off the feeling that came from nearly getting hit.
Flossie didn't really get nervous. She worried, but they weren't quite the same thing. She took several deep breaths before getting up from her table and heading to the Quidditch pitch.

She mounted her broom and that was when the worrying truly set in. Because falling off a broom from that height could be incredibly painful. Then, they started and she didn't have time to worry about it anymore. She followed close behind the other chasers and prayed to every god that she knew about, that she wasn't going to fall off her brooz- ARRGGH. She nearly got hit full in the face by a bludger. It grazed the side of her face as she dodged it.
Opal sat on her broom above the action, keeping a keen eye out for the Snitch. She was determined to get it before Scorpius did. "We're are so going to win this!" Albus called out to Opal as he caught the Quaffle and headed towards the Ravenclaw goals, keeping a close eye on the Bludgers. "You wish potter!"

"And there goes Albus Potter racing down the field with the Quaffle!" Called out Clemmence watching the match excitedly as he did the announcing.
"Flossie, keep an eye open. Don't need you falling." Said Lysander as he flew passed her, trying to stop Albus before he could try and score a goal. If he couldn't get it, then maybe Lorcan would be able to stop it. If Lorcan did catch it she'd be able to toss it to him.
Rebecca swings a bludger towards Lysander, Cassiopeia weaving around the other chasers, flanking Albus in case he needs help.

Scorpius keeping an eye out for the snitch, thinking deeply while flying around the field until he's by Opal. "Hey Opal, know this isn't the best time but would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me and maybe the Yule ball?"
Lysander couldn't dodge the ball and instead took it to his shoulder. He let out a grunt of pain as he felt something crack. He had received a broken arm but ignored it. He felt as though he was too needed for the game.

Lorcan could see her brother get hit over the heads of the players but she didn't know that his arm had been broken. Instead she blocked as the quaffel came near and sent it back into the center of field.

"This game is ood." Said Mortimer as he watched the players zoom about on their broomsticks. "ALmost makes me want to play."
"No, it's the perfect time Cory." Opal replied sarcastically rolling her eyes. "Are you trying to distract me?" She asked looking out at the match, dodging an oncoming Bludger.

"Shoot it Albus!" Marley called out hit an oncoming Bludger with her bat at one of the Ravenclaws.

"Albus Potter is going for a shot! And may I say, that is one excellent broom he's got there. Is that a Silver Phoenix 21- "Mr. Fletcher! I suggest you stick to talking about the game." Professor August cut off the Hufflepuff with a steely glare. "But I am Miss."

Albus didn't hesitate and launched the ball at one of the goals.

(@Soul OMU ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
Clarissa covered for Albus, flying in front of the opposing team's chasers and beaters so that they couldn't get to her teammate. She swooped in and out of the spaces between the opposing team's players, watching from her peripheral vision as Albus threw the ball.
LuckyANDKitty said:
"No, it's the perfect time Cory." Opal replied sarcastically rolling her eyes. "Are you trying to distract me?" She asked looking out at the match, dodging an oncoming Bludger.
"Shoot it Albus!" Marley called out hit an oncoming Bludger with her bat at one of the Ravenclaws.

"Albus Potter is going for a shot! And may I say, that is one excellent broom he's got there. Is that a Silver Phoenix 21- "Mr. Fletcher! I suggest you stick to talking about the game." Professor August cut off the Hufflepuff with a steely glare. "But I am Miss."

Albus didn't hesitate and launched the ball at one of the goals.

(@Soul OMU ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
Scorpius chuckles. "No im being serious. Plus that means we can hang out more." He said while floating on his broom.

Alexander Zaccardo watching the game, grinning a bit. Bella reading while occasionally glancing up. Rachel watching Lysander and sighs softly before shaking her head. Alissa watching and cheering, smiling as she watches her friends play.
Lorcan went to block the quaffel but only her fingers brushed it as it scored through the goal. She cursed softly and put on her war face. There was no way she was letting Slytherin win this game.

Lysander's right arm was hanging usually as he flew around. He was having to play with his left hand, the hand that was not dominant. "Stupid beaters. Hitting people in the arms."

"That was a bad hit. You think he is alright. He looks like his arm hurts." Said Mortimer who was refering to Lysander.
Alissa looks over. "Probably is broken... But Beaters have the liberty of hitting the bludgers at anyone..."

Rebecca smiles and cheers Albus on. Cassiopeia smiles and flies along side Albus. "Nice goal." She said as she shot off.

"I don't know..." Opal grinned at him, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "How about you ask me again after Ravenclaw finishes trashing you guys in this match." Opals eyes focused on Lysanders arm in concern as she called for their captain. "Garret, I think Lysander's injured! Can you get the ref to call a time-out to get him checked just in case?"

"Lysander doesn't look so good after the hit from the Bludger. I think I see some bruising already." Clemmence spoke into the mic, squinting to get a better look at the twin's injured arm.

(@Soul OMU ) (@Johnny R McAvery )

Albus grinned tilting his head in acknowledgement at Cassia. "Thank you."

Marleen raised an eyebrow at Opal. "Do you guys have any replacement players? Because if you don't, and Lysander is taking out of the game, you'll have to forfeit."
Lysander landed when the whistle blew and soon felt his sister at his side. "I'm fine. Honestly. I can keep playing until we finish the match."

A loud resonating TWAP could be heard as Lorcan slapped her brother upside the head. "Look at your arm idiot. DOn't even try to lie. You need the medical wing."

Mortimer saw the commotion down on the pitch. "Is it really that bad?"
LuckyANDKitty said:
"I don't know..." Opal grinned at him, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "How about you ask me again after Ravenclaw finishes trashing you guys in this match." Opals eyes focused on Lysanders arm in concern as she called for their captain. "Garret, I think Lysander's injured! Can you get the ref to call a time-out to get him checked just in case?"
"Lysander doesn't look so good after the hit from the Bludger. I think I see some bruising already." Clemmence spoke into the mic, squinting to get a better look at the twin's injured arm.

(@Soul OMU ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
Scorpius chuckles. "Heh we'll see about that Oply." He said while flying around the field. Garrett glances over before nodding and flagging down the ref.

Cassiopeia smiles and flies off, grinning.

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