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Fantasy High school for the angelic, and demonic

"You remind me of Jacob." Says Shield laughing as he gives Cree her plate.

Matsu doesn't understand why Saori was telling him no but he stopped yelling and invited Damion in.
Kyra ate her taco and watched Riku. It was strange that she was a cat, but as a cat, Riku was pretty cute. She set down her taco and looked at Riku as she raised her paw. "What?" She asked, tilting her head. Kyra was totally drawing a blank, why were Riku and Ai acting so strange around her? Ai bit her lip and then flew up to Kyra. "Um, Kyra can I talk to you? In the other room?" Ai asked.
"Thanks, babe!" He'd say as he took a taco. "These are absolutely delicious." Kiri exclaimed, continuing on with his taco. He'd then tun to Ai and Riku. "What is it you guys?"
Saori went over to the kids, picking them up out of the play-pen and placing them upstairs, putting them to sleep before coming back down and sitting on the couch, not saying a word. The children guardians seek down, peering at the group of adults from behind a corner "..what do you think is happening?..." Amu says to Kenki suspiciously "nothin' much, probably just some boring adult issues..." he says smirking back at Amu. @FantasyForever1
Riku blushed as she gave an awkward smile to Kiri before silently following after Kyra and Ai to the other room, sitting down just inside the room wanting to confirm her suspicions. @Spotine @NightCasterZ
Kyra walked into the room and closed the door, not noticing Riku slip in. She turned to Ai. "Okay what? Why have you been acting so weird lately?" Ai grinned and bit her lip. "When are you going to tell Kiri?" She asked Kyra. Kyra looked at Ai like she was insane. "What do you mean?" Kyra asked. Ai smiled. "You don't know!? You're gonna be a mom!" Ai exclaimed excitedly.
I wiped off Basara's face & took him to bed. I then tried to surprise Sakura in the shower. (I'm going in. *Lowers hat* Bring it on.)
Riku blushes even deeper red before suddenly transforming back to human form, still in her school uniform, she looks at her own body shocked for a moment before returning to the situation "I knew you smelt funny! just like Saori did this morning and for the last few days!" she smiled before suddenly covering her mouth "I....err...umm...sorry?.." she said bowing to Kyra apologetically before standing back up, awkwardly smiling "Saori is going to kill me for saying that!?" she says to herself under her breath. @Spotine

Sakura was washing her hair when she heard the door unlock, she then turned around in suspicion of what exactly was going on, she turned, fully exposed to see Jacob before covering herself up with her arms and throwing the shampoo bottle at his head screaming "PERVERT!!" soap still bubbling in her hair. @Draig
Kyra screamed as Riku suddenly popped up next to her. Her eyes widened, she had had no idea she was going to have a child. "Wait... Saori too!?" Kyra looked at Riku, confused and frustrated. "What is even happening?"
Cree finished her meal and put the dish on the little table in front of her. She leaned on Shields arm and rested her head on his shoulder
Riku looks at Kyra blankly "umm...plainly put...your..pregnant." Riku says in the most considerate tone possible "and Saori is once again...Along with from what I've heard Cree and Shield are thinking about it and...umm...I'm sorry I guess this is too much for you right now!" she then goes and gets a chair from the other side of the room, placing it behind Kyra "w..would you like to take a seat?" she asks, still blushing. @Spotine
Kyra sat in the chair, holding her head in her hands. "I want to finish my taco." She muttered like a 4 year old. "I should tell Kiri..." She told them.
(Just a heads up, as I feel near the ending that Riku kinda faded out...there is a Plot Twist coming up that is...moderately extreme! xD )

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