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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tommorow OOC

[QUOTE="Lana Sedition]Silly dumb question:
Where are we right now xD

There is no dumb question. You just make a intro post, someone is bound to respond. Also there is no true plot you have to follow, there are little things here or there. If any big plot happens I will notify everyone. If anyone has an idea and I and everyone agree than we can do the plot.
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Hey, I would like to join this, but I was wondering if I have to be caught up on everything that has happened so far to be able to join.
hentaiprincess01 said:
Hey, I would like to join this, but I was wondering if I have to be caught up on everything that has happened so far to be able to join.
You just make a intro post, someone is bound to respond. Also there is no true plot you have to follow, there are little things here or there. If any big plot happens I will notify everyone. If anyone has an idea and I and everyone agree than we can do the plot.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]You just make a intro post, someone is bound to respond. Also there is no true plot you have to follow, there are little things here or there. If any big plot happens I will notify everyone. If anyone has an idea and I and everyone agree than we can do the plot.

Okay, cool thanks! I'll go submit a character application now!
yo to join this do I need to complete a rules section/do a backflip or anything, or do I just head straight over to character sign up?
Shammy the Shamrock] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:
@YoungX[/URL] @JPax42 I need people to help me accept people when i'm not around. You two are the fastest at writing post and such so how would you like to accept characters?
Shammy the Shamrock] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:
@YoungX[/URL] @JPax42 I need people to help me accept people when i'm not around. You two are the fastest at writing post and such so how would you like to accept characters?
*Sits in my sad corner*
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Astra is on Bolt's bed and a woman who looked surprisingly like Bolt walked out of the room and outside.


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