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Realistic or Modern Heroes of Today: God's Territory

Rachel Oliver
Black Matter
"First we need to go buy a weeks supply of food. Then we need to get you some new clothes," said Rachel as she got to the door and began out. "Let's go."

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Rachel Oliver
Black Matter
Rachel went towards the supermarket when she suddenly realized that there was an explosion or something that happened nearby in a science looking building of some sort.

"Woah, what the heck happened here? Should we check it out?"

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
D duegxybus
Hanah Solo
transparent lie transparent lie

Hanah nodded. She didn't really want to go, but it seemed that Rachel wanted and that was enought to Hanah to go with her. Hanah followed Rachel to building.
"I try to stay out from your way, i don't control my powers."

North Rails → Southern District | Southern Station | The Subway 115 | 8:25 a.m.​


Kal Tetsusaki

The ride back to the apartment had been somewhat of a blur. What hadn't was one: He'd decided to return to Northern District and two, Kal remembered two occasions where Three had to grab him whenever he stumbled as they made their way up stairs to the third floor of his apartment. It'd been embarrassing if it were anyone else, but Three was him. And Kal knew himself well enough not to say a word in situations like that. The others also knew well enough not to comment on the girl that'd put Kal in such a situation in the first place.

What was her stage name again? He couldn't remember. Thoughts were a mess, knew it started with a D though. Running a hand through dark hair, Kal uttered a long sigh. So much information to sift through too much of an actual pain to actually do it right now. Every time Kal tried to think through last night's events in its complexity his head would ache with a warning and the pieces of missing memory did nothing to help. As if it was a token telling him that it was 8 something in the morning and too damn early for his brain to be active.

Ding and Kal scowled. The Southern District would be his next stop. And if he was being honest Kal didn't like the idea of going to work today with a hangover. It irked him in more ways than one, but skipping wouldn't do any good. One, Two, and Three weren't here. They were all back in the Southern District with Five and Four. Plus any copy he'd make now would simply be in the same situation as him, there was no win. So Kal merely held on to the steel rod as more people filed in.

Initially he'd planned to ignore them. And at first he did. People shuffled, moved, scooted, and shifted as the car 115 started to become a bit too full. Feeling increasingly annoyed at the situation and deciding he could speed up this process by simply staring ahead through the window in front of him Kal paused when he thought he saw something that caught his attention. Someone he thought looked almost familiar.

Glancing behind him to check, Kal saw no one. No one that fit the description he was looking for. Raising a brow he made to move in the direction of his target's reflection but the metro dinging it's stupid bell once more made him wince and decide to limit his movements, turning his back to the girl, feeling as though he'd possibly imagined it- Kal returned his thoughts to trying to recall the girl with jagged teeth's name. "Daisy?" He muttered. "Danielle?" He tried again, each name whispered so silently it didn't even look like his lips were moving.

"Darling?" The headache confirmed it, and Kal was sure. Darling was her name but for the rest of the night, save for recollection of him doing something bold, he wasn't too sure. The metro shifted and as it did so did the crowded room in his car. Twice, Kal felt someone brush over his arm, twice he held back a scowl in annoyance. Maybe I've got her too much on the brain Kal thought to himself for the second time he saw sharpened teeth in the reflection of glass in front of him.

Another pounding ache and Kal tore his eyes away from the window and took a swig of water. The sooner he got to work...the better.

Mention: B BlueClover
Didn't need anything huh. Well, she was taking him shopping regardless, he'd have a chance to reconsider then. The doctor came in a few minutes later as promised. Vicky supposed the commotion yesterday had cleared out the visitors to the point where most of the staff was no longer needed. The lobby had been entirely empty, so it made sense the doctors usually assigned to clinic would be re-purposed to overnight patients. Lucky her.

The doctor looked very skeptical when he closed the door behind him. "Normally we don't let patients go so soon after an operation, but your... contacts, assure me an extended stay is unnecessary." He still wasn't comfortable with letting a patient leave unsupervised only a few hours after surgery, but his colleague insisted it was a bad idea to keep her longer than they already had. It had resulted in a long argument about the responsibilities of being a doctor, but in the end the high possibility of her having a power convinced him.

He handed her the paperwork. Technically most of it should have been filled out when she first woke up, but with everything that happened last night and the frustrating gray area that came with treating particular individuals no one was able to get around to it.

Vicky took it and filled it out quickly. She didn't have insurance, she'd never needed it before, but she could handle it, even if it put sizable dent in her savings. She might have to take up a few jobs in the future if she was going to get a nicer apartment and start buying food for Eko. That was fine. A few quick estimations told her it wouldn't take too much effort if she was aggressive at acquiring employment, especially if they were going to a nicer part of the city. Huh, maybe she should send Eko to school too. Where should she enroll him? How old even was he? How was she supposed to send him anywhere when she wasn't registered as any kind of guardian? She'd figure it out, cross that bridge when she got to it.

Handing the completed paperwork back to the doctor, she grabbed her backpack and tilted her head as she asked, "Am I good to leave then?"

Sighing in resignation, he wasn't even allowed a last check-up, he nodded and waved them out of the room.

"Alright then, come on Eko, we got lots to do today."

_Line 213 _Line 213
Rachel Oliver
Black Matter
She walked in, soon recognizing that there was a problem. The door was bust open and there was a dead man on the floor as well as some sort of experiment thing? Rachel didn't make a sound. She extended her hand out and summoned a ball of dark energy. The energy grew until finally she could fire it off in the direction of the experiment thing. She hoped it was enough to at least knock him out or burn him.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

D duegxybus
Eko waited silently, his bag on his back, and his single visible eye looking back and forth between Vicky and the doctor as their exchange went by. As Vicky went to work on her discharge papers, Eko turned his attention back to the game on his phone for however much time he could, this time with the volume off. Even so, he could not help but toss glances toward the doctor every so often, who met his unease with a set of reassuring smiles, (which appeared to have a fair amount of unease in them anyway).

Eventually, the paper was handed off, and the doctor waved away. Once he had left, Eko closed the game down, and reached for his headphones and plugged them in quickly. As Vicky finally announced her intention to leave, Eko smiled, slipping his headphones over his head in what appeared to be his own version of a preparatory gesture. He nodded in readiness, before starting to the door himself. After what had happened last night, there was no question that he was more than ready to leave the hospital for good.

The sleepy early morning state of the hospital was quieter than one might expect, with the only constant sources of noise being the shuffling of doctors and nurses up and down the halls, and periodic callouts over the intercom when necessary. The personnel making their way up and down the walkways were an odd bunch, a mixture of the fatigued night-shifters ready to be relieved, and the daytime doctors carrying their own brand of tiredness, with a few that seemed perfectly awake mixed around in-between. Save for the somewhat tense state of readiness in the lobby, it was almost as if the incident of the former evening had not happened at all, something that was likely for the best when the considerations of the patients was taken care of.

Location: Hospital
Interaction: Mega Mega
Norm Hall, Soleil and Lune Celeste

The trio made it to school just before the bell could ring. However, upon entering the main campus...

"Hey look! Its the trinity of freaks! Pie them!"

"Wait! No!"

All of the students began throwing cream pies at the three, but Lune puts up a light barrier to protect themselves. They begin to rush to their classroom, enduring the pies and insults thrown at them. They finally get to their classroom, safe and sound. When they get to their seats, they are greeted with graffiti showing hate to them. The teacher then arrives, along with a girl just around their age. However, her appearance alone has given fear among the students, save for the trio, who felt familiar about her.

"Class, we have a new student who will join us today. Please, introduce yourself to them."

Danielle Estrada

"Hello, my name is Danielle Estrada, but you can call me Dannie for short. Its nice to meet with all of you." Danielle says, only to see that the students, except for Norm, Soleil, and Lune, have already fled in fear. The teacher sighs, and then he gets a shotgun from underneath his desk before he begins to hunt down the runaway students. With the teacher gone, Danielle walks over to the trio and gave them a warm smile.

At least you're the ones who doesn't fear me." Danielle says.

"Hey..." Norm spoke "Aren't you...the Hero Killer's daughter? I think I heard about you from my parents."

Yes..." Danielle reluctantly replies "I am his daughter, but I'm still a good person, even though the people around are afraid of me." She then turns to the sisters and asked "And you two must be..."

Yes, one of your father's failed experiments." Lune replies "But we get the feeling why you're so saddened to have that kind of status. How long have you've be so lonely?"

Maybe...a year now." Danielle says "I don't quite remember at all."

"...Well, its nice to meet you Danielle." Norm says "My name is Norm Hall, these two are my sisters; Soleil and Lune."

Nice to meet you three as well. I'm so happy to have someone who finally has the guts to be friends with me. I hate being alone for a long time." Danielle says.
Fayette Solo
Zamasu Zamasu

Fayette waked to noises from outside of motor home, she made choice of switch off from her superhero costume and taked some of her old clothes instead. She then packed costume in bag and started seeking her sister. At front of school she was stopped by guard.
"Why aren't you in your class?"
"hmm? I don't have school."
"ha, i have heard that before already. How old are you?"
"16, but i don't have school i am hero."

Guard taked hold of Fayette and dragged her in classroom.
"You four! Keep eye on this runaway."
Norm Hall, Soleil and Lune Celeste, and Danielle Estrada

The four of them looked at Fayette with confused looks. Norm went up to her and asked "Um...are you suppose to be in this class? I don't remember you being here, side from those who inexplicably ran away."

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Fayette Solo
Zamasu Zamasu

Fayette was abashed.
"No, i think... I was seeking my big sister and that guard forced me to come here.."
Then Fayette saw Soleil.
"You are similar than me!"
Fayette's tail started whiping happily.
Norm Hall


Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Unknown Numerals
Once Unknown was finished with Marcus, he heard the sound of two walking in after him. One of them shot some sort of dark energy beam at him. That was the most exciting thing that happened all day; unfortunately, it wasn't enough. The dark energy froze in mid-air in front of Unknown, though close enough so he could feel the heat and the vibrations from it.

"Do you have some sort of hate against me? Did you talk to that ghost guy that ran away from me? Did you find the esper? If none of the above are true, then you can enjoy a swift demise." Unknown smiled. The dark energy dissipated in four ways, slamming into the walls and reducing them to rubble. The entire laboratory shook a little bit. "Actually, I think you're here to challenge me for my rank. I'm already above X-rank, if that's what you're thinking." Unknown began to laugh.

He pulled back his fist and thrusted it forwards. A powerful wave of air pressure fired forwards, as invisible as it was damaging, towards the energy girl's general direction. Upon reaching her, it would curve and attempt to slam her into her horned friend.

Interactions: Veltsu VI Veltsu VI transparent lie transparent lie
Hanah Solo
D duegxybus transparent lie transparent lie

Hanah felt bad when she saw dead body, but her nausea turned to panic when she saw fist thrusting towards Rachel. She didn't think anything she just runned front of Rachel, spots where spikes before come out pushed out boneplates to cover her and her bone density turned harder.
Rachel Oliver
Black Matter
Rachel found herself flying through the air, about to crash into Hanah when she summoned bone plates. Rachel slid on her feet, landing directly against Hanah. "Hanah, I'm gonna drop this place on him. Get out of here!" Rachel began summoning a huge ball of dark energy above her head as she ran towards the exit, prepared to fire it when Hanah and herself were out of the area.

D duegxybus
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Last edited:
Hanah Solo
transparent lie transparent lie
Hanah nodded, clumsy, as she had plates around her neck and head too and followed Rachel outside.
Hanah's short horns had turned to 2 bone plates that covered her head, leaving only holes for her eyes, noseholes, longer horns and mouth.​
Unknown Numerals
Unknown saw the building falling down on towards him due to the support pillars being destroyed. Luckily, most of the lab was underground so all Unknown had to do was step back and jump down the destroyed elevator shaft. As he found his way down, he tapped the rubble and sent it flying upwards in a large arc towards the general direction of the assailants.

"Dammit, why does everyone want to kill me. Hey, Iris." He pulled out his phone as he dropped himself down the elevator shaft. "Iris, there are two idiots outside the laboratory. Don't let them know it is a laboratory."

Mentions: Veltsu VI Veltsu VI transparent lie transparent lie
Norm Hall, Soleil and Lune Celeste, and Danielle Estrada

"My name is Norm, the catgirl and the one-arm are my sisters; Soleil and Lune." Norm says "And this here is Danielle, she's actually new here. So, where you from?"

"Nyuu~<3" Soleil seems to like how Fayette scratches her ear.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Vítězslav, was already in his class where he taught, having been ready many hours before it began, he was dressed in a nice white polo shirt, with a light tan vest over it with a dark purple tie, and white pants. For the time being he was reading 'Titus Andronicus' knowing his 'star pupil' was very much a fan of it, and other Shakespearean tragedies. He had seen potential in her, and was willing to grow that, she had 'inner demons' he was going to release today, she was already open to it, she just simply had to take it upon herself to do it he had her first victim in mind though... But he was also awaiting news from Namgung about news pertaining to KISS and that experiment....


Victoria made her way over to school, today was going to be the day, preparation was set up for this day, her repressed urges were being brought out and it felt good. And today would be the day her 'art' would be primed to be released into the world by her art teacher Mr. Sedlák, and that preposition of it all was exciting, and as a result she drifted from reality for a second, and didn't realize she now bumped into Eryn, internally scolding herself for drifting off.

"Oh my, are you alright? Sorry for bumping into you like that."

Doctor Nope Doctor Nope (As cliched as it is, that was all I could come up with)


Namgung finally after taking the time to wake up later, and now fix the screen of the smart watch, a relatively simple fix, the more complex issue was going to then fall on hacking into it, she may be one of the best if not the best hacker in the world, but it still takes some time to do it, although much quicker than others, and with it open now, she began to take a look through the contents of the smart watch.

D duegxybus

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