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Fantasy Heroes of Might and Magic

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Cherrywitch said:
Zara covered her eyes from the light, having to remove her hand from Cuddles to do so. After she was unblinded by the colorful spots over her vision, the elf stood to see the arch mage had vanished and realized she had most likely made him only angrier before. The girl frowned at the thought, running her fingers through her snow colored locks. Hearing the man's words, Zara summoned one of her swords from thin air, pointing it at it him. It wasn't so much a threat as a simple way to tell him to stay back. "Touch me again, and I will hurt you." She warned, before making the sword disappear in a shimmer. "No... I'm not with him. We bumped into each other, which made him mad, and now I guess I made him angrier. Well, I guess I'm not going to the Grand Tournament to watch the brawls." The elf sighed, seeming honestly disappointed.
@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
(You would hear the voice by the way, any resident of Bracada would hear it)
Winry Vlat

Winry jumped a mile when the archmage's voice reached her, clutching her chest as she tried to calm herself. A coy grin crossed her face as she considered what she was about to do: go and train with her ruler after having committed a crime... a serious crime. She frowned as she glanced at her Tome. She couldn't bring it with her. She ventured over to the trees, stuffing the large book into a hole in one of them. That would have to do until she could come back and collect it. She had most of the spells in it memorized, though she wasn't sure how much she would reveal to her opponents.

She made her way over the tower, wondering what the archmage's angle was. He probably wanted to see the power he was facing before the Tournament. Perhaps it would be best to play dumb, make herself seem as nonthreatening as possible. As she reached the tower she paused uncertainly outside, unsure if she was supposed to just walk in.

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John Silvermoon

He had finally entered the borders of Gladeroot. It had taken him a couple days, but Erathian travel and their roads was relatively safe-not to mention he was not the ideal target for a robbery. He had now reached the edge of the great forest that shrouded Gladeroot. "I AM JOHN SILVERMOON!" He called, "I HAVE COME FROM ERATHIA TO SPEAK WITH YOUR RULER!" He shouted this and saluted, trying to be as official and polite as possible, and waited for the Elves' response. @Shiro kurogane

Solymere Dragonheart

Well he had already finished talking to 4 apprentices that he would now know how to tear apart in combat. Of course only one would possibly make it to him...and even that was a long shot. He now saw someone new at the door...

A gargoyle above the great doorframe shot a glance down at the girl. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" It rumbled, scaring the living shit out of any birds near by. "YOU COME TO THE DOOR OF THE MOST POWERFUL MAGI IN THE LAND-AND YOU COME IN WITHOUT GROVELLING?!" The gargoyle stopped, laughing. "I'm sorry I'm sorry....go right on in" He kept laughing. "You just looked so unsuspecting! Anyway" He tried to talk in between gasps, "Simply go to the third pentagram on the left. It isn't evil it will teleport you straight where you want to go. Or you can wander around the castle. Your choice." @Zelda18
Kayden Craghammer

Cuddles got up and licked the elf again, before walking back over to Kayden. The armored woman got back on. "Well, come on you two. Anywhere you need to go?" She asked Zara. "We could go to Earthia (or how very you spell it) st not that far, or we could keep heading that way."

@Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Orion Starbelt

Orion smirked at the blade Zara pointed at him. His eyes took and a dangerous glint with a hind of death as he looked at the elf in that moment. But he blinked at the glint was gone like a dream. He was a perv, but even he had secrets. Secrets not even Kayden or her family had known when he served them. "sorry, i get it. i won't touch you again.... for awhile." He walked over to Cuddles's side and looked at Zara waiting like Kayden for her answer.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch
Kenshi Takeda

Kenshi watched as the girl seemed rattled by what she had done, he now moved silently tailing her as she seemed to stash her Grimoire. He took note of where she left it before following the magi which was easy since her outfit seemed to always catch his eye when he had to avert his gaze to look where he's going. He moved with speed and stealth often just barely avoiding detection. Then he watched her stop outside the Tower and wondered if he should stop her and ask her to help him save the King. Or maybe he could trail her into the Tower where the rumored Herb could possibly be. Afterall it is a place of powerful magic.


Drake Knightwalker

During his entire ride Drake contemplated whether he should just try to track the prince without having to cast magic or not. But as time went on and he neared the Cloudfire Mountains he couldn't help remember that the prince doesn't posses any real powers or magic and was basically an ordinary human as far as he knew. Such a person could be torn apart all to quickly in this world. He had to increase his pace so he looked to his steed. Calling upon his companion's allegance to him he began to boost the speed of the horse's gallop. He would be at the Mountains in no time there he would decide whether to draw Collbrande to find the prince and get through the mountains.

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Zara turned her bright blue eyes back to the woman, giving a quick gentle smile as she patted the wolf's shoulder, he being too tall to reach his head. "Huh? Ms. Craghammer, you want me to go along with you two? Well, I have nothing to do, but... Why would you want a simple elf soldier like me to accompany you?" The fair girl seemed honestly confused as she cocked her head slightly to the side, her white locks falling to the force of gravity. "As I said, i really have nothing to do. I was planning to watch the tournament, but I can't bring myself to face the archmage again. If you'd really like, I'd have no problem going with you, you seem like a very kind person." She flashed another of her warm smiles up at Kayden.

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
Winry Vlat

Winry was scared out of her skin for the second time that day as a voice screamed at her from above. She glanced up and saw that a gargoyle had been bewitched to greet- or rather, scream at- those who approached the palace. After she realized she wasn't about to be struck down she chuckled weakly, giving the gargoyle a little curtsy. "Thank you," she mumbled, feeling awkward thanking a normally inanimate object.

She ventured over to the pentagram and felt the familiar sensation of magic flowing through her as it prepared to transport her. She took a deep breath to settle herself, feeling
vulnerable without her Tome. You don't need it, she mentally chided herself.

With another shaky breath, the pentagram transported her and she stepped out into a large stone room.

@Inheritance @Raikou Kaminari
Kenshi Takeda

Kenshi using his Enhanced speed managed to slip into the pentagram right behind the magi girl so that he was teleported along with her. He then tumbled along the stone floor or the room they were teleported into. He realized he broke his cover and immediately sprang to his feet to face the magi girl. He motioned for her to stay quiet and calm in hopes she wouldn't freak out and cause a scene.

@Zelda18 @Inheritance
Solymere Dragonheart

"Welcome young mage" He greeted before she even fully materialized. He already had refreshments out...or...there was empty plates and empty cups. There was also a small unimpressive stool-three of them-in front of his desk. "Please sit, and envision what you would like to sit in, as well as what you wish to eat or drink, if you so desire." He leaned back, feeling whatever magic she had on her. In his tower, he was gifted unbelievable magical power. He couldn't sense much on her, nothing too dangerous. "Would you be so kind and tell me exactly why you are here?" He slowly reached out his mind to make contact with hers as well...no secrets here. He was startled to see a second one coming in-however, in his own tower, he could easily ensnare him in some spell. He didn't though. Yet. "That was pretty tricky young one-may I ask what you want and perhaps where you learned that? Both of you, sit, and once again, envision what you desire." @Zelda18 @Raikou Kaminari

Sandro Agony

He walked forward into the courtroom of their ruler. He had just been let in, as he would be offering his services to Soulscar now-directly to the crown. He had come back from a spying mission. "Your Majesty" He hissed, and bowed, staying down.
Winry Vlat

Winry gasped quietly as a tall man stood before her met her gaze, gesturing for her to keep silent. She tilted her head, looking back and forth between the archmage and the stranger, before finally giving him a little nod. Maybe he was just trying to make it inside the tower and happened to take the pentagram with her.

She examined her ruler as she sat before him on the stool. Dragonheart was exactly as she expected, dressed in a red cloak similar to her black one. Winry carefully drew back her cloak as she sat, closing her eyes as she followed his instructions. Was this some sort of test? Envisioning what she desired... what she desired was power, magical power far greater than what she possessed now. She chewed on her lower lip as she concentrated, feeling a bit uneasy.

@Inheritance @Raikou Kaminari
Solymere Dragonheart

As soon as she sat down on the stool, it transformed into a beautiful chair with scarlet velvet and gold trims. That was impressive enough, but that's not what Solymere cared about. Her envision made him able to access anything he wanted in her mind. This was what he wanted-he began to probe her mind for information-her reasons for being here, ect. He kept getting blocked at first by her overwhelming desire for power. "By the Gods girl, why is it you want so much raw power?" He could see himself in her mind, so instead of finishing the mental search, he mentally asked to go further. @Zelda18

(By the way check out Sandro as well that was supposed to be for you)
Kayden Craghammer

Kayden nodded, "How about we keep along the boarder for awhile?" She asked the elf, not really bothering to ask Orion cause she never did. "While we walk, we can come up with a plan." She looked down at the elf. "Well, come on, Orion can walk."

@Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Orrin Griffonheart

He had sprinted across into Rockwarren territory, and in his haste to try and not be tracked and escape being noticed, he ran right into view of some elf with white hair...some girl on a giant wolf, and some man. Really, the Elf captivated him the most, of course he didn't dwindle, he just skidded to a stop, MUCH closer then he would have liked.

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @thea cat @Raikou Kaminari
Though she no longer feared the wolf, Zara worried about getting onto his back. After some hesitation, she was about to join Kayden upon Cuddles' back, but stopped at the sight of another man... Fleeing Rockwarren? That couldn't be good. Zara stepped back, assuming since it was their territory, Orion and Kayden would prefer to interrogate the man himself. Noticing the man's eyes lingered on her the longest, the elf looked away quickly, playing with her white hair nervously.

I wonder what he wants... If he was truly running away from Rockwarren, for whatever reason, why would he stop so close to us? The blue eyes raised up again, lips parted slightly out of curiosity.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
Orion Starbelt

Orion drew his weapon that hung on his back and pointed it at the newcomer who had just ran up on them. He'd mostly done it due to his protectiveness of Kayden. "who the fuck are you? his voice held no trace of his normal self, his eyes also doing the same. Orion kinda considered the elf girl, but Kayden's safety meant more to him. Orion's entire demeanor now oozed with malice and his weapon gave the odd sense of bloodlust.

@FireMaiden @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
Winry Vlat

Winry shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She was used to having her mind magically probed, her brothers did it all the time despite her parent's having forbidden it. But to have your mind invaded by the most powerful man in the land, directly after she'd broken one of his laws... it was unnerving. She forced herself to remain calm, allowing him to reach into the corners of her thoughts while carefully avoiding anything incriminating. Winry's bright eyes opened as he questioned her desire for power, and she realized that the stool she'd been sitting in was now beautiful and velvet. She clutched the armrests of her seat as she leaned forward eagerly. "I only wish to learn," she corrected him. She would read every Tome in the realm if she could get her hands on them. And their pages would in turn give her power, and protection. She glanced at the stranger beside her worriedly, half-afraid of what he'd think of her reply. @Raikou Kaminari

Taisto Savas

Taisto nodded at the Draconian, pleased. He had a soft spot for his citizens, the "lizard people," as the world liked to call them. They were ruthless and loyal, two qualities he admired. "Rise," he said quickly, wishing to discuss matters immediately. "I understand you have returned from a spying mission?" He asked directly, pressing his fingertips together. Any new information would be valuable.

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Sana Wranra, Queen of Gladeroot

Sana sighed tiredly, she'd been review official documents and such all day. She decided a break was due and snuck out through a window. She would get a lot of shit from the elder council for this. When she got deep enough into the forest Sana whistled loudly and the sounds of large paws hitting the ground echoed. A big beast that looked like a cross of a eagle and a lion now stood before her.

"muffins! im sorry i didn't get to visit you yesterday." She pet the massive beast. "have you been well?" The griffon roared/screeched with a friendly sounding tone.

@Inheritance (you said something about a paladin yesterday being able to interact)
Kayden Craghammer

Kayden sighed, "Orion, calm down, the little pip-squeak can't do anything. And he looks smart enough not to tangle with people hat have a giant wolf." She then looked over her shoulder at the elf girl, "You calm down too." She scoffed, then looked at the boy. "What's a kid like you doing outside Rockwarren?" She called with a raised eyebrow.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Orrin Griffonheart

He skidded to a stop, dirt flying everywhere, but he didn't draw his weapon, just put up his shield. "Hey calm down now" He said, sounding young, yet had an aura of great authority. "I have no quarrel with you good sir, please let me pass. I come from Era-" He paused. Damnit he cursed himself. Foolish to say that. "Erathia" He finished dully. "I just wish to enter this realm in search for a herb, if you know where it is please I will match any price you give me! Any of you?" He glared at the girl on the wolf however. "Kid? I didn't realize here 16 meant I was a kid." He had dozens of insults ready to throw, but he wasn't stupid. He didn't have his guards here. This would be a bad idea to insult them here. @Zelda18 @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden @Raikou Kaminari

Solymere Dragonheart

"Your quest for knowledge is quite admirable...it is beautiful to be honest." He continued to probe her mind, and took note on the places she didn't allow. "Why block me miss? What are you hiding?" He saw everything she showed him, but he did not take it or bend it or do anything, just left it be. He wasn't trying to do anything to her, just make sure she wasn't some necromancer or anything. @Zelda18

(@Shiro kurogane my paladin did I am at the edge of your forest -.-)

Sandro Agony

"Your Majesty," He hissed with the greatest respect. "I have finished not only scouting, but I have made an alliance with the ones in the Swamp-or if not that, at least an agreement. They hate these group of Erathian ninja beings that are trying to wipe them out. Common enemies we have." He paused, so his master could take anything in. "And I know that there is a race for this Herb...if we could get one, we could bribe Erathia, or do anything. Think of the leverage! I have an idea of the Herb, but I may need to visit with our Arch-Mage or maybe the one in Bracada to confirm." @Zelda18
Zara suddenly seemed interested, never meeting anyone from Erathia before. She stayed silent, surveying the scene, but not joining it. It would be stupid to get involved with others affairs like this, but still, she wanted to know more about this man and his homeland. Zara personally had only left Gladeroot three years ago, and never travelled outside of Bracada since then. So, a person from anywhere else was a rarity to her, like a fine gem. She studied him from a distance, but diverted her attention to her shoes again.

(@Inheritance @FireMaiden

@Shiro kurogane I did, I just didn't comment. xD I just laughed to myself.)

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