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Fantasy Heroes of Might and Magic

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"Knocking him on the head was enough... I'm fine." Zara muttered, watching the pervert fly off a few feet over to his master. "Don't you think that was a bit overkill?"

The elf knelt down beside the pervert hesitantly. "You alright...?" At the mention of inspecting her breasts again, Zara glared at him. "He's fine. And don't talk about the arch Mage like that, it's disrespectful!"

The fair girl looked up as the woman spoke, standing from where she was nearby Orion. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you. My name is Zara Trylle... What are you doing here, if I may ask?" The elf inquired, only becoming curiouser and curiouser.

@Shiro kurogane
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Winry Vlat

Winry made it to the lake without incident, her breath coming out in little puffs in the cold. She sat beside the frosty water, fondly turning her massive spell book in over hands. It was her grandfather's, an old Tome with countless incantations. Her mother had taught her from it since she was young, but it had passed into Winry's possession years ago. The title was in some language she couldn't read, though she thought it looked awfully like Elvish.

She opened it to a familiar page, one with detailed instructions on how to make flame magic. Winry's magic was strong... just not good in a fight. She could create light so bright your eyes would burn for hours and even heal broken bones, but offensive magic evaded her. With her brows furrowed in concentration, she extended her hand just as the Tome showed. A delicate red flame appeared on her fingertips, flickered, and died out. How was she to win the tournament if she couldn't fight? She could always blind everyone, but somehow she doubted that would be seen as a fair fight. And suppose one of the mages knew a counter spell to her light magic?

A rustling movement from a nearby tree caught her attention. As she watched, a blue bird fell from the tree to the hard ground. Carefully, she stood and walked over to investigate, pulling her cloak closer around her. The poor thing was dead, it's neck bent at an awkward angle. Without thinking, she stooped and picked the creature up, walking slowly back to the lakeside where she'd left her Tome. She'd never told her parents, but there was a page in her grandfather's book about Necromancy, the forbidden magic. It was just one page, with a simple spell titled "To Bring Back Those Lost".

Using Necromancy meant immediate death here in Bracada. The savages in Soulscar practiced it proudly; the dead roamed their entire kingdom. Winry bit down on her lip, glancing around her to make sure no one was around. What harm could it do to give life back to this little bird? The trees would hide her, and maybe she'd be able to become stronger. Like working all your muscles to make your entire body stronger, maybe Necromancy would make all of her magic stronger. She squared her shoulders and turned the Tome to the forbidden page, clutching the dead bird gently between her palms.

A strange heat came from the creature as she mumbled the spell as loudly as she dared. Holding her breath, she peeked at the animal between her palms, and found that it was most definitely alive. It blinked at her in surprise, before she opened her hands and allowed it to fly away.

She was a criminal. Winry laughed aloud at the thought, staring at her hands in wonder. As dangerous as it was, she had an urge to try it again.
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Kayden Craghammer

"Just some business I need to take care of," The woman repiled. She then turned to the mage, "Yes, I'm Kayden Craghammer. As for Orion, I can't control him in the slightest. I've tried," She muttered the last part. Running a hand through her sliver hair, she sighed, "What is the Archmage of...where ever you said, doing here at the border of Rockwarren?" Kayden asked, cocking her eyebrow. The giant wolf walked over and sat down beside the warrior, it's paw on Orion.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
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Kenshi Takeda

Kenshi was leaping from tree to tree with his enhanced agility and speed, it was a good way to move around fast. He had come to a stop a lake near a female magi who seemed to be holding a grimoire. He stopped in the tree concealing himself within the leaves with his Ninja Magic. He then realised he couldn't see anything from this angle and then suddenly leapt from the tree rather sloppily which caused a bird to fall from the tree. He landed in another tree nearby and watched the magi approach the bird and seemingly heal it or rather bring it back to life. He would try to remain concealed for now and watch her further knowing necromancy is forbidden in these lands. He would watch her to make sure she is the kind that would be able and willing to help the King of Erathia.

Winry Vlat

Winry twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as she thought over her options. Necromancy wasn't easy, she felt drained even from the tiny animal she'd managed to resurrect. But the rush of adrenaline and power she'd felt was intoxicating, made her want more. She worked in a nearby tavern, one with all sorts of shady characters. It shouldn't be too difficult to sweet talk one of them into handing over an illegal Tome. She rested her chin in her palm, considering that. If she continued to attempt to learn dark magic, that would mean less time practicing for the Tournament. She couldn't very well show off her Necromancy skills in front of the Archmage. But maybe continuing would mean she could become strong enough for flame magic.

With a sigh, she turned her book back to the spells on fire incantations. She needed to think this over when she clear-headed. Her heart was still beating far too fast from the thrill of her rebellion, even though she was certain no one had seen or heard her.

@Raikou Kaminari
Orion Starbelt

"Zara? thats quite a fitting name for one as cute you~" Orion picked himself up and stood, brushing off the dirt like he hadn't just been force pushed backwards. His hand was once again grabbing onto the elf girl, Zara's boob. "Hmm... yep, still a good size." He grinned once again perversely. "ah~ boobs are really one of the best things in life."

After fully and carefully inspecting Zara's chest again. He returned to Kayden's side with a satisfied grin. "i got to grope a beauty today and it also gave me a reason to grope Kayden. life is great." He muttered happily to himself.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch

(srry for short reply. im on mobile and its hard to tell how long something actually is. that and baby-sitting my two cousins is a chore)
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Again, the girl socked him, but this time in his jaw. Her eye twitched, Zara crossing her arms over her chest again in an attempt to protect them from Orion. "My breasts do not need your hands inspecting them, thank you! Go feel up someone else!" The elf huffed in annoyance, face flushed from her anger and embarrassment. "Next time, I'm taking out my sword." Zara threatened under her breath.

Zara faced away to look to the two leaders, Kayden and the archmage.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden

(This is just how I picture Orion's actions:

Cherrywitch said:
Again, the girl socked him, but this time in his jaw. Her eye twitched, Zara crossing her arms over her chest again in an attempt to protect them from Orion. "My breasts do not need your hands inspecting them, thank you! Go feel up someone else!" The elf huffed in annoyance, face flushed from her anger and embarrassment. "Next time, I'm taking out my sword." Zara threatened under her breath.
Zara faced away to look to the two leaders, Kayden and the archmage.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden

(This is just how I picture Orion's actions:

(that was the exact scene from that anime that i was referencing. xD glad to know i did it well enough to make you think of it.)
Kayden Craghammer

Kayden sighed, "That's not something you should be proud of...." Though she was use to his antics, they could become quiet annoying. That, and the fact it normally got them into unwanted trouble. Just last week they were chased by some angry villagers because he wouldn't stop groping every woman in sight. It axe it worse that they were being chased by some warriors that were very agile. "In any case, Zara was it? I'm terribly sorry for his actions."

@Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Orion Starbelt

Orion's carefree perverted half grin fell from his face as he because suddenly serious. Without he boob groping thing he would actually quite a treat for any female's eyes... until you knew he was a perv. He felt bad for making Katden feel that she needed to apologize for him. So he did something he rarely did. "don't apologize for me. i can do so myself." He turned to Zara and bowed deeply. "i am sorry for my offensive actions. it is not often i can help/control my perverted self... i am sorry."

He stayed bowed, waiting for Zara's reply. He normally only did this for or because of Kayden. He had gotten them chased from towns but he'd always timed it to just before the y were leaving anyways. Besides, with his red, demonic looked cursed arm. There was no telling if, when, where or how he would die. That and he soon needed to find someone to drain the constantly storing mana that his body sucks in from the surroundings.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch
Zara rubbed her pale arm, frowning deeply and gazing down at her feet. "Ah... I forgive you. Please don't feel bad." The white haired elf gave a pretty smile, to show her forgiveness. She didn't like seeing others sad, she had to watch her mother be depressed for sixteen years of her life. Sadness was stressful for her.

The girl looked to Kayden. "Don't worry, either. I don't really get upset easily. Annoyed maybe, but not necessarily angry." Zara shrugged, rubbing at her neck.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
Kayden Craghammer

Kayden was surprised at Orion's apology, "I didn't think you could act like that..." she said in a bit of an astonished voice. Then, looking at the elf, "It's ok to get a bit mad at him. If he didn't make me mad, or even annoyed me a little, the past three years would've been kind of boring." She chuckled. "He is right tjough, you are very pretty. But, I guess that's all elves," Kayden said with a shrug. The wolf stood behind her, a good two feet taller than the woman, it's shadow rained down on the group of people. It made a growling sound, which made Kayden start to speak again. "I almost forgot, this is my wolf. His name rn is Cuddles. Cuddles the Destroyer."

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Zara blushed slightly at the compliment, but her eyes trailed up to the wolf, only now noticing the gigantic beast. The elf tried to smile, but was shaking like a leaf. "... Th-that giant is named... Cuddles?" She managed to choke out, not moving from the spot as if it would entice her as a main entree for the furry wolf. "H-hello... Mr. Destroyer." Please don't eat meeee! Zara thought desperately, as if the wolf could hear her thoughts. She only ever saw elves and humans her entire life, finding other races would shock her, never mind a terrifying towering monster of a wolf!

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
Kayden Craghammer

The wolf walked past Kayden and licked the elf, before plopping down infront of Zara showing her his belly. "He wants a belly rub!" Kayden laughed. The white wolf happily wagged his tail. "He acts like more of a dog than a wolf, but he's just like any other wolf in Rockwarren. Go ahead, he won't eat you."
Orion Starbelt

Orion stood back up and reclaimed his normal demeanor after Zara accepted his apology. He grinned, smothering a laugh since every time he heard Kayden' wolf's name cracked him up. Though Orion let a true smile, not his normal pervy one show on his face. He always liked watching Kayden since he loved her. He was by all means a perv, but he only loved one girl and that wouldn't ever change.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch
The fair girl trembled even more as he approached, wondering if he could smell fear, before seeming shocked at the lick. Zara was wiping the saliva with slight disgust from her face as the wolf made the ground at her feet shake from his collapse onto his back, begging to be... Well, cuddled.

Well, the dog can't read minds, but she certainly can. Thought Zara as Kayden spoke, but very carefully knelt down on her knees and hesitantly poked the fluffy belly before gently scratching at it. "Heh. I guess your name really fits you, huh, big guy?" She became much less frightened as she patted the puppy-like wolf cheerfully.

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
Kayden Craghammer

Cuddles wiggled happily, making happy and cute yips. Kayden smiled, "He likes being g scratched right under his ribcage, but be careful about his leg." The woman crossed her arms, and watched as someone showed her wolf affection. "I think k he likes you."

@Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Solymere Dragonheart

"Enough of this" He growled. He had no patience for the likes of people like this. "Craghammer-I better not have any trouble with you again. Your orcs will be the least of your worries." He muttered a spell, and vanished a brilliant flash of light back to his tower. (IN BRACADA DAMNIT) He sat down at his desk. This was crap...he wouldn't stand for this. He spoke into his crystal ball:

"ANY GRAND TOURNAMENT COMPETITORS THAT WANT DIRECT TRAINING FROM THE ARCH-MAGE COME TO MY TOWER AT ONCE!" He projected. He knew this would bring fourth less powerful magi-no extremely skilled one would come and give their secrets.

@Angelostar4 @FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch

Orrin Griffonheart

He saw the person near the caves as well. Shit He thought...He hoped he wouldn't be seen. The question was, should he get her down now, and just make sure she didn't remember him, keep hiding, or just go on his way. He decided to just walk on, though he felt as though he kept glancing too much at the girl for a believable 'harmless stranger' guise. It would be awful, but he didn't really think anyone could track him. @thea cat @Raikou Kaminari
Orion Starbelt

"Zara, aren't you with the arch-mage guy?... cause he just left." Orion pointed out, not sure if the elf girl had yet realized while petting cuddles. "unless you changed your mint and decided we should go somewhere alone and have some fun?" HE winked at her. But Orion didn't truly mean it since the only girl for him was Kayden.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch
Zara covered her eyes from the light, having to remove her hand from Cuddles to do so. After she was unblinded by the colorful spots over her vision, the elf stood to see the arch mage had vanished and realized she had most likely made him only angrier before. The girl frowned at the thought, running her fingers through her snow colored locks. Hearing the man's words, Zara summoned one of her swords from thin air, pointing it at it him. It wasn't so much a threat as a simple way to tell him to stay back. "Touch me again, and I will hurt you." She warned, before making the sword disappear in a shimmer. "No... I'm not with him. We bumped into each other, which made him mad, and now I guess I made him angrier. Well, I guess I'm not going to the Grand Tournament to watch the brawls." The elf sighed, seeming honestly disappointed.

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](also my Gladeroot queen is done.)

(Ah thank you)

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