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Fantasy Heroes of Might and Magic

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We're only getting older, let's enjoy ourselves.
Erathia had been standing for a long, long time. In fact, it was even there during the great Kinslayer War-when all races, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Gnomes, Orcs, and even Draconians tore each other apart, and eventually came to a stalemate after 75 years of fighting. Obviously, many grudges and blood feuds were formed during these wars, not just between races, but between their OWN races. Well, out of the Kinslayer War came many many nations that developed out of the ashes. Some all one race, others one or two races. But there was only one country able to form with all manner of race inside-Erathia! Such a brilliant nation seemed to be unstoppable, as they were united against all others, and saw their differences not as something to tear them apart, but as something to bring them together.

Well many other Kingdoms have arisen around Erathia, and there seems to be trouble brewing in Erathia now. The ruler has fallen ill, and it seems other more nationalistic nations don't appreciate Erathia being so tolerant towards unity of races. War seems almost unavoidable, and with no heir to the Erathian throne, there is bound to be struggles for power. The Archmage of Erathia has called for heroes to fetch an antidote that is supposed to save the ruler of Erathia. Will you join Erathia and try to save their land, or will you join as one of their enemies hoping to topple all other races?

The capital building was full of people-big, little, elven, dwarven, human, gnomish, any race you can think of, it was there. On this day however, people were rushed, panicked, and quite rude to one and other. It was bad enough Soulscar had already shown aggression by sending spies through the Swamp of the Lost Ones, and apparently the spies had gotten through unscathed, promoting suspicions of some pact between the lizard men and the Draconians in Soulscar. This was already a lot, and had the nation's generals preparing for war, and evacuating citizens northeast a bit. However, what really broke the camal's back was the fact the prince...had vanished! A servant came to fetch him for his training, to find his quarters locked, and he refused to answer. Well after a while, people thought something must be wrong-and they must have been right, as the prince was gone. No note, no trace of him leaving. There was only one small window with bars across it in his room, so he couldn't have gone off of that. And besides, it was at least a 300 foot drop-no way he could have lived! He was just...gone! Well this, along with the King falling ill, and the Queen going into several panic attacks because of her two only living family members essentially dying (or dead, who knows), she was in hysterics, and became even less efficient of a ruler during the King's absence. All people of any education agreed that Erathia could not stand up to her enemies at current state, and now many heroes flocked to the Arch-Mage's request of looking for a cure for the King's aliment...

John Silverspire

He had been training his entire life for this-nonstop hours at the training field, at the church, in schools, at court. He had been a noble in Erathia for a long time, and he really couldn't recall a time he wasn't in training. Not that it mattered, the time for him was now, he was to go find some herb that was somewhere on Krynn. It was so rare of course, because it was taken wherever it was found. After all, who couldn't take a herb that cured any aliment? Anyway, it was his time. The arch-mage directed him where to go, and what to find. He would stop in Gladeroot first so he could ask those tree-hugging elves where he could find one. He mounted his steed, and sped off south, to save his King, and his empire.

Orrin Griffonheart

He ducked underneath some underbrush as he continued on north. He would find this herb to save his King. He wasn't ready to be King yet! He didn't want to be king until he was a bit older, at least 25! He still had a good 9 years of practice and training before that happened, because if the King died, he was sure his mother would kill herself. Because his mother, Queen Amber Griffonheart, couldn't live without her husband, as he was really her only family left. That and him, but he wasn't sure she could take it. So he would have to save the King, and because he didn't believe any other champion could do it as well as he, he shot off north, to look for the herb where nobody would expect it to be-Rockwarren. Who would suspect this herb nobody could remember would be in a desert! It was so stupid it was genius! He went on his way, hoping his guard-the elite guard, wouldn't be able to find him.

Cloudfire Mountains

Rothgard Cloudfire had been part of his family's rule for many generations. Many many many generations. In fact, few dwarves could remember a time when they weren't in charge, as they took their name after the Cloudfire Mountains, and simply ruled for so long it was in questions whether the mountains were named after them! Well, Rothgard was quite busy, he had an arena to win today, and right now he would meet a challenger who would try to dethrone him. He wasn't worried. By his beard and axe, he would fall his opponent, and secure his rule for at least another 50 years. He was glad the Dwarves were so allied, because he knew the trouble brewing in Erathia right now...in fact, after this win, it would need to be taken into consideration what to do about the threat of Soulscar. Not a threat to them yet, but they certainly could be.


The magi had very little care what was going on with the politics in Erathia. They did however, care about Erathia's stability, because not only had they been a good ally, and sent fresh student magi over to Bracada all the time, but they were the only thing preventing the Cloudfire Mountains, Rockwarren, and Gladeroot from attacking Bracada. That of course, and how dense they all were and couldn't work together without killing each other first. Even so, they did care about the well being of Erathia. They also didn't want to see Soulscar in charge-as Soulscar trained necromancers, a forbidden craft that was instant death to any caught practicing it, Erathia, Bracada, and Gladeroot. At the moment, the main talk was the Grand Tournament! It would be happening quite soon, and magi all over the place were getting ready to bet on new contenders and calculating where they'd fall in power after the games were over. Well at the moment, studying was a must, as the new Arch-Mage would usually pic good students and elevate them to his tower, and perhaps they could learn under him directly. Not that many students had any ideas of competing themselves, because after all, they were just students, not knowing the extreme power that the contenders of the Grand Tournament had to wield! Besides, there was no penalty if someone killed their opponent in the tournament, maybe some shame, but that really didn't matter.

Solymere Dragonheart

Solymere paced about his large office atop of the largest tower in Bracada. He was worried, because he had already executed 5 necromancers this month! That was more then he had in years, since Soulscar's first invasion from the Blackwater Islands! He was also worried he had no clue where the cure for the King was, and he wasn't sure if he had the time to go out and look. He had a feeling the elves knew, or perhaps it was in the Unknown Lands...well he didn't have time for that-the Grand Tournament was starting soon, and he had seen no sign that he should step down yet. He stepped on his window sill, grabbed his staff, and took a step off the edge. He plummeted who knows how far, before gently landing on the ground. He was going to visit the Academy, perhaps he would see a sign.

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @Angelostar4 @Zelda18 @cinderfloof @Raikou Kaminari @thea cat @Cherrywitch
Jaeherys Rheon of Rockwarren

Tiredness had fallen upon Jaeherys already. She had spent the past 32 hours deep in the outskirts of Rockwarren. She had recently decided that she needed to familiarize herself with nature, to know which plants were which, to know what animals were friendly or not, which type of wood would be the most sustainable. Having lived her life focused on training and labor, she was unable to do so as a child. The sun had already risen well above the horizon. She could no longer keep track of how many hours she had been awake.

The sunlight glistened through the small cracks of the high leaves that arched over her. She followed the light on a small dirt path she had not trekked before. It was foolish of her, she knew that, to go anywhere without knowledge of where she was going, but she had
Kingslayer with her. She trusted her capability and she trusted her sword. If any problem were to occur, she could handle it. That would have been the case before Gregor's death.

Jaeherys's mind was plagued by the overwhelming truth her "father" had given to her just a few weeks past, along with his death. Her mind was not suited for combat at the moment, or for traveling alone in a foreign part of the nation. But that did not stop her--her reasoning had taken a vacation along with her alertness. So she continued on, her sword under one arm and her hand-written encyclopedia in the other.
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In the military academy of Bracada. There seems to be students of varing skills in the building. Cecilia was enable to get in this academy, thanks to her eldest brother, Dyceburg, recommendation. Another noteworthy person that was in the building, was Delita. He was a boy of commoners blood, and he only got in thanks to Cecilia's father's wish.

One of the students that where near Cecilia and Delita started to speak to his friend. "Another wain was struck last night on its way to Erathia." He said the student said. The student sitting next to him then said his words. "Hmmm... that sounds like something the Death Corp would do."

Cecilia looks over to Delita, wanting to know what he thinks. " I wonder where all this leads...Delita, what do you make of this?"

Delita crosses his arms together. "I'm not sure. I have my guesses, but... I think Duke Larg is coming here, to Bracada. The only logical reason as to why that wain was attacked, was probably betting that Larg would be on there, but no dice. So now the duke would be more prepared than ever when coming here." He puts his arms to the sides. "And you didn't hear it from me, but I think the Marquis of Limberry is coming here too. I think the reason why, is that they want to discuss Krynn as a whole. Because let's face it, The Order is lacking in numbers, so that's why they need us."

"Hmmm... an interesting thought, you've put a lot more thought into that then I could." She rubs the back of her head, the Onion helmet sitting on top of the desk.

A man with white cape with the crest of a blue lion comes through the door. As he appear everyone lines up in place. The man gets on stage, and prepare his voice.

"The Order of the Northern Sky has an assignment for its students. As I'm sure you're already aware, the number of brigands roaming Kyrnn is on the rise. Among them, the Death Corp..a seditious lot with a grudge against the Crown and the nobles. Rogues such as they must be dealt with. The Order

has been commanded to undertake an operation to eliminate the Corp - an

operation of a grand scale. We will not be acting alone. The Order will be

joined by, among others, His Excellency Duke Larg's royal guard, stationed at

Eagrose, which lies in Erathia. This will leave Eagrose Castle undermanned. Your task will be to proceed there, and support us from the rear by bolstering its defenses."

All the students gave the man a salute as he finished his speech. But come rushing through the door, was a woman with the same cape and armor as the man. She leans in to the man's ear, and runs out of the building.

"The time to take up arms is upon you, young students! I've just received word that a band of thieves routed by our knights flees here to Bracada, seeking refuge. We will move to stop them, and finish the task of our brothers. You, young apprentices, will accompany us. This is but a squall before the storm of battle. Prepare yourselves at once! Dismissed!"

And with those orders utter, Cecilia puts on her Onion Helmet, and Delita got his sword and his wits in check. Them and the students leave the building, and out to Bracada in search of the thieves.


Erathia didn't know what to do in it's current state. The king was ill and the prince was nowhere to be found. Not to mention that the queen was losing her mind. Deanna was outside of her house, and ponder in her thoughts. She then decided that she was going to do something about this! She'll find the cure for the ill king, and well find the prince to their once great nation! First thing first though, she would need to go to the castle of Erathia, and find out any clues about the king's illness. So she when back inside her house, and grabbed her equipment and the Sword of Hajya, while also getting a piece of paper. With those items obtain, she runs to the castle, passing by the locals and such.
Winry Vlat

Winry was quite distressed. Her father had grimly informed her of the King of Erathia's illness that morning, of the call for others to attempt to find the cure. Her older brothers had foolishly left before she'd even woken, as if the cure would grow somewhere in freezing Bracada. She'd spent the day helping her mother try to locate them, but a neighbor claimed she'd seen them heading for the border hours earlier.

Secretly, Winry was pleased. Her brothers could take care of themselves, and would likely be home before the week was up. That meant more time for her to train in peace. She sat cross-legged on her bed, extending her pale fingers hopefully. A small, heatless flame appeared in her palm and almost instantly went out. The brunette sighed in defeat, closing the large Tome in her lap and donning her warmest cloak. She'd go and sit by the frozen lake and try again. Summoning flames was always easier for her when she couldn't feel her face from the cold. As she made her way outside, she guiltily thought that maybe the King's illness would mean that more people wouldn't be here for Bracada's tournament... which would mean less people to beat.

Taisto Savas

Taisto grumbled irritably, causing his council to shift nervously in their seats. His spies were doing well in the Swamps, but that was the only good news he'd received from his advisers that morning. The King of Erathia was deathly ill, and its prince missing or dead. There were whispers of Soulscar's involvement, as if Taisto could just make princes disappear and Kings sick with a snap of his fingers. No matter his love for invading and land, he would fight his enemies honorably; in combat. And right now, he had no need to fight Erathia; damn them. His goals remained ever the same: invade the Emerald Isles and claim them for himself. Form an alliance, no matter how weak, with Rockwarren. And if he still had time, find a half-witted, beautiful Queen to have his sons.

He examined the reports before him, dark green eyes narrowed thoughtfully. These accusations of Soulscar's involvement in Erathia would not make Rockwarren likely to want to ally with him. The whole word seemed to think that Necromancy made you cruel and unbalanced, but Taisto was quite level headed. He turned to his second in command, a younger kid with surprising power. "I want more spies in Erathia to see how these alleged rumors continue," he said slowly. "It would not do to have our good name tarnished." Taisto grinned briefly as his council laughed, tapping his fingers whilst he waited for silence to return. In truth, he was only stalling for time while he decided what to due about troublesome Erathia. It would be good to know what was being said there while he made up his mind. "You are dismissed," he finally said coolly, standing from his throne and leaving the room swiftly.
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A cloaked figure walked quietly among the bustling people of Bracada. All magi, either students training to be high-class or just people preparing for the grand tournament. The girl smiled under her hood, gazing about with awe. She never could enter such games, due to her type of magic, but she still enjoyed to watch others prepare. It was a big deal, this she knew, but for Zara it was just another festivity, another event to draw her curiosity.

The elf continued down the streets with a skip in her step as usual, but still she was no center of attention. You could almost call that one of her abilities, to be able to be unnoticed even with her hyper temperament.
Solymere Dragonheart

He walked across the city, and occasionally would dodge into some classes. He hated it though-whenever we walked in they would all get on their good behavior and not act like they normally would. Damn this! He couldn't find anyone worthy. Well that would mean he would stay Archmage then...who knows. He walked to the training grounds, where people were preparing for the Grand Tournament. He assumed he wouldn't be respected there, as they would soon try to take his throne. However, people still did give customary bows and greetings. Perhaps I should change form? Maybe then those fools will stop being so custom. He thought to himself as he walked to try to find some place to transform in private. @Cherrywitch @Angelostar4

Orrin Griffonheart

He sprinted across into some near cave. He hadn't seen anyone, but he could see the border of Rockwarren there. He had searched, nothing in the Cloudfire Mountains. The dwarves agreed to be secretive...for now. Hope that holds... he thought to himself. He put on his hood, and began stalking forward towards the Rockwarren border. @thea cat @FireMaiden
The fair elf sprinted ahead suddenly, bumping into the man and turning to look at him with her bright blue eyes. "Eep! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" Zara gave a bow, not because she noticed his rank, but because she was begging for forgiveness of her clumsiness. Again, her curiosity had got her in high water.

The elf straightened, some of her wavy white hair falling loose out onto her shoulders, before she turned to run off. "S-sorry again!"

Cherrywitch said:
The fair elf sprinted ahead suddenly, bumping into the man and turning to look at him with her bright blue eyes. "Eep! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" Zara gave a bow, not because she noticed his rank, but because she was begging for forgiveness of her clumsiness. Again, her curiosity had got her in high water.
The elf straightened, some of her wavy white hair falling loose out onto her shoulders, before she turned to run off. "S-sorry again!"

Solymere Dragonheart

Perhaps he would have seen her if he was looking up and not at his book of spells trying to find the most convincing transformation spell, and the most convenient. However, he saw her just in time to slam the book into his belt pouch, but not to stop the hit. "By the Gods! Does nobody have any decency for themselves?! Why do you bow to me the Grand Tournament is so soon I am about to be challenged!" He didn't yell, he had more composure then that, but even so he was quite obviously annoyed. He saw that she was trying to run off-and that she was an elf. "Oh-Hold there miss, I would like a word with you if you could." Who knows-this might be the sign?
Drake Knightwalker

The prince was missing and almost no one had a good idea where he might have gone except the one man currently tailing the prince. This began with the thought that the prince can disappear in Gladeroot or Bracada because elves and prime magic users not to mention he would likely be recognized too easily. Soulcar and the Swamp are also out of the question. This leaves a treacherous journey through the Cloudfire Mountains into Rockwarren a place where he may not be recognized and would be among other humans. With this Drake had taken to the road leading from the capital to Rockwarren and began using his Supernatural Detection to pick up the prince's trail. Now he rode on a brown steed down this road pursuing the prince. He had no intention of stopping the prince depending on what his goal in this is but wondered why the prince would think it safe to go running around without him, this could end very badly.

Kenshi Takeda

Although he would prefer to be investigating a possible connection between the draconians and lizardmen he was currently in Bracada. It was one of the places where people theorized that the herb could grow here with all the magic being used. Or rather their could be someone here powerful enough in herbal magic to produce one with the right kind of help. Either way his orders were to look into this herb that can cure any ailment.
Zara jumped at the man's words, taking a better look at his face, before blushing hot in embarrassment. "O-oh my gosh! I didn't know you were- oh, I-I'm sorry! I didn't bow because-" The girl trailed off, poking her index fingers together nervously. "I'm very sorry. If you want to talk to me about my clumsiness, I really apologized. S-so..." Zara was frightened beyond belief. Even if he were to be challenged soon for his title, he still currently was the arch Mage, and she thought she had upset him.

Kayden Craghammer

"Where did that perv get off to now?" Kayden muttered, a giant wolf nuzzled her hand. A whine came from it, and the copper eyed girl nodded, as if she agreed with the animal. "Eh we'll find him soon, as for now, let's just keep going."

The silver haired girl in polished armor climbed onto the back of the wolf, who, once she was safely on, began to walk along the boarder of her birthplace. Of course, she knew she couldn't go back, so she always wondered why she was drawn back.

The wolf growled, and started to go a bit faster, as he had picked up a new sent. "Hey! You can to chasing after every c- oh. It's people." Kayden muttered. The giant white wolf stopped, and Kayden got off.

(Yes, it's a bit short, but I'm kinda being rushed right now)

@Inheritance @Cherrywitch @Shiro kurogane
Orion Starbelt

Orion looked around utterly confused.... he could have sworn Kayden had been here a second ago. that girl with her wolf... could staying in one place for longer than a minute kill them? He walked off in the direction of the wolf prints lead. Thank god the wolf was huge, it made tracking so much easier. As he walked his mind went from thoughts of scolding Kayden for being impatience to thoughts of perverseness. He imagined Kayden being sorry and doing THIS and THAT and groping her exquisite boobs..

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kayden's voice. He decided to take his normal way of arrival. "kayden~ did you miss me~!" He swooned, instantly latching onto her boobs with skillful groping. "well i missed you~" He acted like they had been separated longer than a few measly minutes. Orion noted the other man and woman present. But he studies the other woman, an elf, closely. Withing seconds he was now groping her chest.

"Hmm..." He groped the elf girl's chest like a lover would during THE act. "your boobs are quite good as well. though my Lovely Kaydens' boobs are still the best!" Even while talking he still groped the elf girl a few more rather thorough squeezes. "yep, Kayden's is still best!" He quick went back to groping his beloved Kayden.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch
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"Uh..." Zara became bright red, arms raised in surprise as she looked down at her chest as well as the hands around them.


With ease, the girl swung a fist at the side of the man's head after turning on him, face bright red in anger. Her hand was clad in metal as usual, so it hurt a bit worse than a normal fist. "What?! Who just goes up and...?! You, you perv!" Zara blinked, turning her eyes to the girl a little further away. Had she made that much of a scene...?

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
Kayden Craghammer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/713971.gif.469bab8afbc5cbfe122216490eb15055.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/713971.gif.469bab8afbc5cbfe122216490eb15055.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Stop doing that you dumbass!" Kayden scolded Orion. "You should at least wait until you know her name before you grope her!" The woman sighed, the had a relaxation. "How the hell did you grope me through my armor?" She asked.

Once she brushed it off, she then turned to the elf. "I'm sorry about him he's a bit....yeah." she stepped closer to the others, the giant wolf right behind her. "Orion, apologize."

@Inheritance @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch



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Jaeherys Rheon of Rockwarren

The lit path trailed off to something a bit more ominous. The trees began to decrease, the space between each growing larger as she continued further. Had she been nearing the border? Which one, she did not know. She did not intend to cross into Etharia or any other nation in fact. She intended to reach the border, though. She'd know when she got there when to stop. The landscape had become more barren, more gray and and more--figuratively--dark. She did not notice.

Jaeherys was, in short, really "down". Her whole life had been a well-woven fabricated lie. Everything she knew she doubted. She had wished that Gregor had told her long before his death, he was the only one who could really help her with her quest. She felt lost in the world, as though she did not know where she belonged. Gregor had told her that she was not from Rockwarren. Where else could she have been borne? She did not yet have the heart to read the letter from her mother, she could not bring herself to do it so soon after losing the only family she had grown up to know. So lost in thought, she did not notice as she wandered close to cave just a few feet ahead of her.

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Orion Starbelt

Orion took the blow to the head and Kayden's slap like a freaking champion. Really it was just because he'd gotten used to the fall backs of perverted boob groping. "to answer your question Kayden, i didn't grope you through your breast plate.... i took it off~" He removed the hand from behind his back to reveal her missing piece of armor. Now he turned to the elf girl who had also hit him. "i'll tell you who suddenly grope female strangers, A PERVERT! like me!" HE yelled proudly, being WAY TOO honest with his feelings and such.

"might i say though, on a scale from flat to my lovely Kayden's boobs... your are about just over the halfway mark." HE held a thumbs up to the elf, "good job nourishing such fine melons." He grinned with perverted truthfulness. "and a pervert never apologizes for copping a feel! that would be dishonorable to past perverts and rude to tits of great size like yours and the elf girl's!" Orion stated actually sounding insulted though he really wasn't. Wasn't his fault for having a boob fetish.

Though truthfully despite his boob fetish he already knew who his ideal dream woman was. He'd met her and traveled with her.... God he already missed having Kayden's boobs in his hands.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch

(well fuck it, you two were walking the border and so was Kayden and Orion.)
Zara only got more flustered, seeming more upset about the fact she was only over the 'halfway mark.' "Hey, don't just go groping girls and then say they're only over halfway in size!" She crossed her arms over her chest defensively, cheeks pink with embarrassment.

The fair girl hesitantly pushed down her hood, to better show her young pretty face as she looked to the other woman. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you two? Why did you just show up so randomly?" Zara let her arms fall curiously to her sides, seeming to forget about the pervert right there. She was quite forgetful, after all. The elf tucked a few locks behind her pale pointed ear, the blood in her cheeks dying down to their usual light flush.

(Yea I agree with @Shiro kurogane let's just make like dough and roll with it.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance )
Kayden Craghammer

Kayden looked down, then back up at Orion. "Give me that!" She said, snatching her chestplate back. She quickly put it back on, "Don't ever do that again or I'll kill you," she warned. The copper eyed woman, "You really need to stop groping strangers, or you're gonna get killed."

Once her armor was fixed, she flicked him in the forhead, "Bad pervert," She said, then crossed her arms. The armor shined in the sunlight, and the red cloak fluttered with the small breeze that came from the west. "Well, Rockwarren is my birthplace, I'm Kayden Craghammer."

@Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
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He didn't have time for this, but that man dared touch one of his subjects. With a quick sorrel spell, he sent the pervert flying back. No real damage, just a kick. "Quite alright miss," he spoke to the elf "How dare you touch her?!" He yelled, energy swirling. "YOU STAND before Solymere Dragonheart, Arch-Mage and ruler of Bracada!" He took a step in front of the elf. "Are you alright?" He turned to the girl on the wolf. "KAYDEN Craghammer is it?" It was his buisness to know the royalty of the world. "Control your perv would you?" @FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @Cherrywitch
Orion Starbelt

Orion let himself get hit with the arch-mage's spell. He could have dodged it or simply enchanted himself with magic resist. But even Orion wasn't stupid enough to show his skills or battle sense to others openly. "oi! ya don't have to be so mad mage!... wait... did you want to grope that elf? thats why your pissed!" He grinned like he'd just stumbled onto treasure. "do you want to know how her tits felt?" He gave a wink to the mage.

"and as for your question, oh lovely elf. i said half way because your bust will grow a bit more until it stops. by the time it stops you bust will be just a bit smaller than Kayden's. so when that time comes, i'll be sure to inspect them closely again." He chuckled at the elf girl's blush and also because his guess of her looks were stop on. The elf was just as beautifull as the other females of her race. But Kayden's beauty put elven beauty to shame.

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Cherrywitch

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