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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villains


Something edgy


Character Sign-Up

Copy me! Name:









Additionally, please feel free to ask me in your post if you would like me to update you on the current events of the roleplay.
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Name: Victoria Rohr

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Hero/Villain/Other: Hero

Skills: Victoria mostly relies on her equipment. She has a various arrangement of candies hidden in her belt that can do different things such as heal, buff, relieve pain, and explode (of course, you wouldn't eat them). She can turn the wrappers into deadly razors that she can throw at a reasonably accurate rate. The weakness of these candies is that the heals and buffs take a while to take effect (up to five minutes.)

She wears black googles around her neck, with removable pink Xs on the sides. These can be turned into boomerangs. When the Xs are put back onto her goggles, they can also act as small lasers that can cause a little bit of pain to her enemy. For intense combat, they are pretty much useless.

Her friends insisted that she carried other weapons other than stupid candy wrappers and boomerangs, so she also carries a sharp hunting knife. The handle is pink.

Background: You wouldn't be able to tell, but Victoria is a full-fledged gadget nerd. Her father is extremely into creating all sorts of odd gadgets, but he is unable to test him due to him being stuck in a wheelchair. That is where his lovely daughter comes in. At a young age, she was a (somewhat safe) test subject for these gadgets. They started off as mere objects to make chores easier, but after a 24 hour action movie marathon, Victoria's father became obsessed with combat gadgets. Victoria was about 13 years old when his obsession surfaced. She helped test these gadgets for her father, becoming more and more interested in how they worked and how to improve them.

Victoria was encouraged by her father to take combat classes, so she decided to enroll in martial arts and archery. This made it infinitely easier for the pair to test out the combat equipment. It wasn't long until she started using these gadgets to catch petty criminals.

The teenager simply could not resist the appeal of moving to Dangerville, a place where she could put her skills to the test. Despite her father's obsession with action movies, he was pretty reluctant to move near the dangerous town. However, they packed up their bags and moved to the 'safest' part of town, which isn't really saying much. Victoria is a newbie to the town by all means, and she is incredibly excited to see what is in store for her.

Personality: Victoria is a bundle of energy. She is upbeat, energetic, and extremely friendly with everyone. She can be a complete spazz most times. She is hardly serious, but she is secretly very overprotective of her loved ones. She takes a lot of responsibility whenever she is out helping innocent and helpless citizens, and failure can really take a toll on her.

Other: She is obsessed with the color pink. One of her candy flavors is cherry, and she hates cherry.
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Name: Dr. Stefan Einster

Age: 52


Appearance: ( I am on mobile but will put pic later

Hero/Villain/Other: Superhero/ordinary

Skills:Knows quantum mechanics. Has military skills and is a professor at a university.

Background:Stefan was a ordinary physics teacher who knew quantum mechanics. Although he has a irreversible brain damage after he was a private military contractor in Iraq. A motor shell hit his head and did not explode making a big crack in his skull. But after finding 20k barrels of oil under his house in the countryside Stefan became rich really fast. Since today's medicine can't help with the crack he decided to cyborg himself a bit so he has a part of a brain which is a computer. Stefan funded the reaserch to make a human like a superman. He was the test subject. The experiment went well but Stefan has ran out of money so he decided to go to dangerville and be a bounty hunter but a good one. After getting enough money he will find reaserch to fix him up and make him normal.

Personality:Stefan is a bit brain sick since he is half cyborg in the brain. Although Stefan is a superman he is just as in danger of cancer like a real human so it is a race of time for him fix crack or die.!!!!

Other: Stefan is German he can change his accent but he choices not to as sometimes he forgets to turn it off and his students thinks they have a different professor. Btw Stefan works as a quantum mechanics professor at dangerville community college.
[QUOTE="Little gasmask]Name: Dr. Stefan Einster
Age: 52


Appearance: ( I am on mobile but will put pic later

Hero/Villain/Other: Superhero/ordinary

Skills:Knows quantum mechanics. Has military skills and is a professor at a university.

Background:Stefan was a ordinary physics teacher who knew quantum mechanics. Although he has a irreversible brain damage after he was a private military contractor in Iraq. A motor shell hit his head and did not explode making a big crack in his skull. But after finding 20k barrels of oil under his house in the countryside Stefan became rich really fast. Since today's medicine can't help with the crack he decided to cyborg himself a bit so he has a part of a brain which is a computer. Stefan funded the reaserch to make a human like a superman. He was the test subject. The experiment went well but Stefan has ran out of money so he decided to go to dangerville and be a bounty hunter but a good one. After getting enough money he will find reaserch to fix him up and make him normal.

Personality:Stefan is a bit brain sick since he is half cyborg in the brain. Although Stefan is a superman he is just as in danger of cancer like a real human so it is a race of time for him fix crack or die.!!!!

Other: Stefan is German he can change his accent but he choices not to as sometimes he forgets to turn it off and his students thinks they have a different professor. Btw Stefan works as a quantum mechanics professor at dangerville community college.

Hello!! You have been accepted, so please jump in at any time! :)
Maria Romanova



Gender: Female

Hero/Villan/Other: Somewhere in-between but tends to lean more to the villainous side of things

Skills: knife wielding/hand to hand combat

Background: She is originally from Russia but moved to Dangerville with her dad whom is known to help villans with his machinery and technical knowledge.

Personality: She is very "snarky" and sarcastic, also very hot-headed and quick to rationalize and judge.

Other: She wishes she could be more hero-like. As a vigilante she goes by the name Panther. and wears just a mask to cover her eyes, flaunting her bright red hair proudly whenever she can.
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Name: Jenny Li "Cyberpunk"

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Hero/Villain/Other: Other / Antihero


Jenny is a hacker first and foremost. Her tech skills are honed by her years of science nerdiness. She can take down nearly any system and has even created her own droid sidekick named Skeet. Skeet is small and generally harmless, but also quick and good for scouting and uncovering information. She's also a commendable artist with skills sharpened by drawing masses of smutty star wars fan-art. The young woman generally travels on a skateboard and has some pretty sick moves on it. Weapon-wise, Jenny uses a self aiming gun prototype that she designed. Considering that it's just a prototype, it's wonky and still needs alot of work. It breaks so often that it's basically useless.


Jenny is a nerdy highschool student attending school in the infamous Danger City. She reads comic books, plays crypts and trolls every Saturday, skateboards every Sunday, and cosplays at her every opportunity. Jenny would rather hack her school's website and change her grades as opposed to just studying. She's always looked up to the heroes of her city, but one day it hit her like a truck that she could become one. She created her own costume and soon after joined the SuperHero scene. Jenny uses her hacking skills and engineering abilities to steal money from corrupt institutions and give them to charity. Her entire identity is to stick a middle finger at corruption, and she makes sure to leave some crude graffiti for them to find. She's known as Cyberpunk to the public.


There's really two sides to her: the one she brandishes as Cyberpunk, and the one she shows as an average teenager.

Jenny herself is really sarcastic but generally quiet. She's soft and bullied by the other kids during school, and is an all around nerd. She does other people's homework, has the highest GPA of her class, and is a mathlete champion. People like her for her jokes and sweet temperament, and would never expect someone like her to be the city's real Cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk is much more brash and talkative. It's almost as if the costume makes her fearless. She's an asshole, frankly, but an asshole you like to have around. Overall, Jenny loves freedom and justice. The law system has no value to her, and she doesn't care too much about killing anyone. In fact, she'd go after both the government and organized crime at the same time with no remorse. This makes some people believe that she's immature, and she is. There's no doubt about it. Jenny also talks too much and can get extremely cocky quick.


  • Jenny has alot of tricks up her sleeve, but god forbid she ends up in hand to hand combat. Jenny depends on her ability to dodge attacks and move out of the way quickly. She's a nerd still, and has the sterotypical build of one.
  • Her parents don't know about her alter ego, and she doesn't want them to find out either.
Name: Victor Romaine

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://orig02.deviantart.net/0adf/f/2010/052/a/9/self_replicate_by_salamandros.jpg

Hero/Villain/other: He walks the line but finds himself a hero more than anything.

Skills: Victor has the ability to bend mechanical machinery to his will. This includes things like cars, planes, A/C units, and certain guns. However, the simpler and more digital a machine is, the less control he has over it.

Background: Though american, Victor was at the center of a rogue Japanese science experiment. The intent was to give the average human the ability to control their smart devices with their brain. The outcome was not what was planned. The experiment was shut down by INTERPOL. Victor checked out medically but after a few years his powers began to manifest. He has kept them secret and away from his normal identity for fear that he may become a target for villains.

Personality: Victor is an aimless individual. Some in the superhuman community would say he is suicidal, given that he actively seeks out trouble. He is very bright and quick-witted, not often missing the chance to "bring the banter" as they say. It pains him to see a machine poorly maintained.

Other: Victor works in an automobile factory. Sometimes cars will mysteriously be found parked without having been assigned a test driver.
Name: Ian Rohr

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short brown hair, square-rimmed glasses. Has a bit of a beer belly. Always wears plain t-shirts varying of different colors and basketball shorts. A scar that goes from the top to his forehead to the top of his mouth. Is confined to a wheelchair.

Hero/Villain/Other: Plain old citizen. He's a good guy, though.

Skills: Besides making a killer mac n cheese, he is extremely talented in creating useful gadgets for all sorts of purposes.

Background: Ian met his ex-wife during college, and married two years after they both graduated college, with degrees in engineering. They had a daughter together, named Victoria. However, his ex-wife left Ian for a richer man when Victoria was only two years old. It also may have something to do with the desire to experiment with their baby girl, but he doesn't mention that. I mean, they were just baby toys. Victoria and Ian have been inseparable ever since she was born, working together to create gadgets and testing them. Eventually, his daughter became somewhat of a superhero, and she convinced him to move to Dangerville, where they can do more good with their skills.

Personality: Ian is a very, very kind and polite person. It's enough to for him to be a pushover, besides some things he is passionate about - such as food and his gadgets. He is strangely calm in any situation, which is why he wasn't too nervous about moving to Dangerville. He loves cooking and makes it a point to offer guests food whenever they come over. He can be very excited and upbeat talking about action movies and gadgets.

Other: Ian is a very minor character. I will probably only be playing as him if he is being interacted with.
Name: Ani Burakgazi

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Hero/Villain/Other: Hero

Skills: Super human agility aiding in his achievement of master swordsman. Ani prefers light scale armour as it allows him to use his agility to the fullest extent, but still keeps him well protected. He wields a specially forged two handed greatsword measuring at 60 inches and weighing just shy of 8 pounds.

Background: Ani was a small, young white-boy who was abandoned and lived on the streets just outside of Tokyo. One day an older Japanese couple took him in and raised him from the age of 5. They were very traditional and believed every boy should be raised as a warrior. So Ani was given lessons for sword fighting and soon came to enjoy it.

Ani excelled in swordsmanship and quickly rose above his peers. He even got put in the same group as older boys. The school did not know how he was doing so well and tried to balance things out by having Ani fight with a heavier sword than his classmates. He came to love wielding a heavier sword for he felt like he was able to control it much better than the lighter alternative. After years of vigorous training and strict discipline he achieved the title of master swordsman.

After his achievement and completion of training, Ani moved to Dangerville in search for a near chapter in his life.

Personality: Ani is very shy and does not handle social interaction well. Although he has social anxiety, he is very calm in all situations as a result from his training. Due to how he grew up on the streets, he's very protective and has a keen sense for his surroundings. Once you get him out of his shell, he's very kindhearted but soft spoken. Due to the way he was raised by the foster parents, he has very traditional beliefs. He doesn't show emotion very often, but when he does it's the cause of extreme feeling.

Other: Loves to indulge in sweet treats.
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FlyingPepsiTruck said:
Name: Ani Burakgazi
Age: 18

Gender: Male


Hero/Villain/Other: Hero

Skills: Super human agility aiding in his achievement of master swordsman. Ani prefers light scale armour as it allows him to use his agility to the fullest extent, but still keeps him well protected. He wields a specially forged two handed greatsword measuring at 60 inches and weighing just shy of 8 pounds.

Background: Ani was a small, young white-boy who was abandoned and lived on the streets just outside of Tokyo. One day an older Japanese couple took him in and raised him from the age of 5. They were very traditional and believed every boy should be raised as a warrior. So Ani was given lessons for sword fighting and soon came to enjoy it.

Ani excelled in swordsmanship and quickly rose above his peers. He even got put in the same group as older boys. The school did not know how he was doing so well and tried to balance things out by having Ani fight with a heavier sword than his classmates. He came to love wielding a heavier sword for he felt like he was able to control it much better than the lighter alternative. After years of vigorous training and strict discipline he achieved the title of master swordsman.

Personality: Ani is very shy and does not handle social interaction well. Although he has social anxiety, he is very calm in all situations as a result from his training. Due to how he grew up on the streets, he's very protective and has a keen sense for his surroundings. Once you get him out of his shell, he's very kindhearted but soft spoken. Due to the way he was raised by the foster parents, he has very traditional beliefs. He doesn't show emotion very often, but when he does it's the cause of extreme feeling.

Other: Loves to indulge in sweet treats.
accepted :333333

Name: Alistair Samael Crowley

Anti-Hero Name: Heaven's Hitman, The Guardian Angel, The Venom of God, The Angel of Death

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Archangel (A mix between a demon and an angel.)

Status: Single

Hero/Villain/Other: Anti-Hero/Vigilante. He is viewed as a villain by the media and other heroes due to his brutal methods, but has good intentions.

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Age: 200,000 years old

Personality: Crowley is more of a demon than he is an angel. He loves to drink, smoke, have sex, etc. He is a sarcastic asshole, but that comes off as some of his charm. He is quite the ladies man, due to having 200,000 years of experience. He hates people who act bigger than they are, and he is not afraid to put them in their place.

Powers: Crowley is Immortal, virtually invincible, extremely strong, and can fly with a pair of wings which he can summon at any time.

Weakness: Although he is immortal, that does not mean that he is entirely invincible. If enough damage is dealt, Crowley can and will submit to his injuries.


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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]

Name: Alistair Crowley

Anti-Hero Name: Heaven's Hitman, The Guardian Angel, God's Personal Devil

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Archangel (A mix between a demon and an angel.)

Status: Single

Hero/Villain/Other: Anti-Hero/Vigilante. He is veiwed as a villain by the media and other heroes due to his brutal methods, but has good intentions.

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Age: 200,000 years old

Personality: Crowley is more of a demon than he is an angel. He loves to drink, smoke, have sex, etc. He is a sarcastic asshole, but that comes off as some of his charm. He is quite the ladies man, due to having 200,000 years of experience. He hates people who act bigger than they are, and he is not afraid to put them in their place.

Powers: Crowley is Immortal, virtually invincible, extremely strong, and can fly with a pair of wings which he can summon at any time.

Weakness: Although he is immortal, that does not mean that he is entirely invincible. If enough damage is dealt, Crowley can and will submit to his injuries.



hello!~ sorry for the late reply, i thought i had accepted you already. but anyways, you are accepted! please start whenever you are ready.
Name: Cain Mcknight

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Hero/Villain/Other: Chaotic good-A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. (so mostly a hero but also a good villain at points just depends on perspective.)

Skills: Cain since he was born had superhuman agility, this revolves mainly around running faster than normal people as well as being able to jump the height of a one story building. Cain is also able to run on and up walls if he is going fast enough if he just tries to walk up a wall he will fall but if he runs and jumps up the wall he will walk on it like it's the sidewalk.

Background: When Cain was born he was born with superhuman agility, Cain had a normal childhood well normal enough. He never got tagged in hide and seek or a game of tag and he was the best at playing sports at a young age since his superhuman agility wasn't fully developed yet. When Cain got into middle school however he was banned from playing in most sports since his powers had fully developed and he could run as fast as a car, Most of his friends stop talking to him since they feared what may happen just by hanging around him. When he was 17 in highschool Cains parents died in a car crash which devastated Cain and for some time made it hard for him to connect with people. He felt alone in the world since he didn't know anyone else with super powers until one day he heard of a city of crime were people with powers can go to either fight crime or become crime, Cain finished his high school and immediately moved to Dangerville and stayed in the dead center of town at day working as a delivery man for a pizza restaurant. Cain with age grew out of his hollow shell and became a really friendly person unlike his counterpart that would go out at night. When nighttime came Cain would grab his skateboard that had the design of a guy fawkes mask on it and would put on his grandfather's old WW2 mask with his black hoodie and he grabbed a machete for looks mostly keeping it on his back while wielding a baseball bat as a primary weapon. He would skate down the street trying to keep busy often times he would just ride past mailboxes smashing them with his bat and riding on, occasionally he would fight evil doers but he mostly kept to himself.

Personality: When people meet Cain they describe him as arrogant but nice and caring, when people catch cain off guard if they see his face they will generally be met with the 1000 yard stare or just a blank sad expression. Cain cares deeply about his friends and tends to come at just a call, He often uses his powers to mess with people or be a general nuisance. Often times Cain will steal things and smash mailboxes or spray paint his symbol on walls leaving his mark but he only does this at night when he's wearing his mask this is seen as a therapy for him since in the day time he is the most calm person you'll see.

Other: Cain doesn't have a house but a small scrappy apartment, when he's destroying things he wears the gas mask as a symbol to be someone else as a way of escaping his pain. Even though it's been a couple years since his parents dies he still feels the sadness behind it and often time goes out in his gas mask and gear early to deal with it.
CainMcknight said:
Name: Cain Mcknight
Age: 20

Gender: Male


Hero/Villain/Other: Chaotic good-A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. (so mostly a hero but also a good villain at points just depends on perspective.)

Skills: Cain since he was born had superhuman agility, this revolves mainly around running faster than normal people as well as being able to jump the height of a one story building. Cain is also able to run on and up walls if he is going fast enough if he just tries to walk up a wall he will fall but if he runs and jumps up the wall he will walk on it like it's the sidewalk.

Background: When Cain was born he was born with superhuman agility, Cain had a normal childhood well normal enough. He never got tagged in hide and seek or a game of tag and he was the best at playing sports at a young age since his superhuman agility wasn't fully developed yet. When Cain got into middle school however he was banned from playing in most sports since his powers had fully developed and he could run as fast as a car, Most of his friends stop talking to him since they feared what may happen just by hanging around him. When he was 17 in highschool Cains parents died in a car crash which devastated Cain and for some time made it hard for him to connect with people. He felt alone in the world since he didn't know anyone else with super powers until one day he heard of a city of crime were people with powers can go to either fight crime or become crime, Cain finished his high school and immediately moved to Dangerville and stayed in the dead center of town at day working as a delivery man for a pizza restaurant. Cain with age grew out of his hollow shell and became a really friendly person unlike his counterpart that would go out at night. When nighttime came Cain would grab his skateboard that had the design of a guy fawkes mask on it and would put on his grandfather's old WW2 mask with his black hoodie and he grabbed a machete for looks mostly keeping it on his back while wielding a baseball bat as a primary weapon. He would skate down the street trying to keep busy often times he would just ride past mailboxes smashing them with his bat and riding on, occasionally he would fight evil doers but he mostly kept to himself.

Personality: When people meet Cain they describe him as arrogant but nice and caring, when people catch cain off guard if they see his face they will generally be met with the 1000 yard stare or just a blank sad expression. Cain cares deeply about his friends and tends to come at just a call, He often uses his powers to mess with people or be a general nuisance. Often times Cain will steal things and smash mailboxes or spray paint his symbol on walls leaving his mark but he only does this at night when he's wearing his mask this is seen as a therapy for him since in the day time he is the most calm person you'll see.

Other: Cain doesn't have a house but a small scrappy apartment, when he's destroying things he wears the gas mask as a symbol to be someone else as a way of escaping his pain. Even though it's been a couple years since his parents dies he still feels the sadness behind it and often time goes out in his gas mask and gear early to deal with it.
hello! you have been accepted, feel free to jump in whenever you are ready. the 'overview' tab has updates for what's currently going on in the RP if you'd like to catch up ^^
Name: Lucas Walker



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3cpvgiMtl1rplnhzo1_500.png.e573f10b0b1921edfa281b2f7483b06f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3cpvgiMtl1rplnhzo1_500.png.e573f10b0b1921edfa281b2f7483b06f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hero/villan/other: Other, He fends for him self but has no intention of harming/helping people.

Skills:even though Lucas is young he is an expert hacker at can hack almost any computer,phone,tablet and other handheld devices. He also He can manipulate the elections around him to form electricity. It doesn't shock him but will shock who ever he hits with it.

Backround: Lucas began his life as a hacker at the age of 7 because his father wanted him ready for the world. How hacking would help he had no idea at the time, but he went along with it. A few years later at the age of 10 Lucas found out about his power in the worst way possible, he was swimming with his parents and with out realizing it make the pool electrified. This killed his parents and left him devastated. Two years later he make a web site where people can call him if they need something hacked.(F.E. I wanted my bosses bank account to suddenly have no money I would call him) He made a decent amount of money from this and lives by himself in his parents home in danger city.

Personally: Even though he killed his parents and has to face that every day, Lucas still talks a lot. He is a big smart a$$ and will treat based on how they treat him

Other: He normally has his fathers 45 pistol on him in a holster under his jacket.



  • tumblr_m3cpvgiMtl1rplnhzo1_500.png
    149.7 KB · Views: 40
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Godless555 said:
Name: Lucas Walker


Apperence:View attachment 283997

Hero/villan/other: Other, He fends for him self but has no intention of harming/helping people.

Skills:even though Lucas is young he is an expert hacker at can hack almost any computer,phone,tableta and other handheld devices. He also He can manipulate the elections around him to form electricity. It doesnt shock him but will shock who ever he hits with it.

Backround: Lucas began his life as a hacker at the age of 7 because his father eanted him ready for the world. How hacking would help he had no idea at the time, but he went along with it. A few years later at the age of 10 Lucas found out about his power in the worst way possible, he was swimming with his parents and with out realizing it make the pool electrified. This killed his parents and left him devastated. Twoyears later he make a web site where people can call him if they need something hacked.(F.E. I wanted my bosses bank account to suddenly have no money I would call him) He made a decent amount of money from this and lives by himself in his parents home in dangerc city.

Personally: Even though he killed his parents and has to face that every day, Lucas still talkes alot. He is a big smart a$$ and will treat based on how they treat him

Other: He normally has his fathers 45 pistol on him in a holter under his jacket.
Hello! You've been accepted, go ahead and post whenever you'd like. The overview has a list of what's currently going on if you need it :3
Making a second character.

Name: Roland Atwood AKA "Stryker"

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/2/2a/Ghost_(Iron_Man_Armored_Adventures).png/revision/latest?cb=20120527123315

Hero/Villain/Other: Villain

Skills: He possesses the ability change his particle density. He can reduce it enough to allow him to pass through solid walls or increase it to the point of stopping a truck. In addition he utilizes many different gadgets that he has gained from scavenging the lairs of defeated villains. Including: EMP grenades, thermite laser cutter and mini rocket motors.

Background: Roland got his powers from a genetic experiment. He abandoned the experiment when he discovered that great money could be made from them in the hired help field. He took to being a mercenary like a fish to water. With nearly 400 successful kills and heists to date he is a very well-known figure in the villain community. His personal life is mysterious, as the money he acquires must be going somewhere, but no one knows. At the same time he also raids the lairs of former villains. He steals and scavenges their technology and sells it on the black market. Again, what he does with the money is unknown.

Personality: Roland is incredibly condescending, and often taunts his opponents into fighting harder. He feels this gives him an edge due to their decreased lack of thought when he gets them wiled up. No hero has ever fought him more than once, as they never survive the first fight. He has a strict policy of not allowing opponents a second chance to fight him. He also goes to great lengths to keep his personal life under-wraps.

Other: TBD
OGTomahawk said:
Making a second character.
Name: Roland Atwood AKA "Stryker"

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/2/2a/Ghost_(Iron_Man_Armored_Adventures).png/revision/latest?cb=20120527123315

Hero/Villain/Other: Villain

Skills: He possesses the ability change his particle density. He can reduce it enough to allow him to pass through solid walls or increase it to the point of stopping a truck. In addition he utilizes many different gadgets that he has gained from scavenging the lairs of defeated villains. Including: EMP grenades, thermite laser cutter and mini rocket motors.

Background: Roland got his powers from a genetic experiment. He abandoned the experiment when he discovered that great money could be made from them in the hired help field. He took to being a mercenary like a fish to water. With nearly 400 successful kills and heists to date he is a very well-known figure in the villain community. His personal life is mysterious, as the money he acquires must be going somewhere, but no one knows. At the same time he also raids the lairs of former villains. He steals and scavenges their technology and sells it on the black market. Again, what he does with the money is unknown.

Personality: Roland is incredibly condescending, and often taunts his opponents into fighting harder. He feels this gives him an edge due to their decreased lack of thought when he gets them wiled up. No hero has ever fought him more than once, as they never survive the first fight. He has a strict policy of not allowing opponents a second chance to fight him. He also goes to great lengths to keep his personal life under-wraps.

Other: TBD
Accepted ^^


Nathan Crawlak A.K.A Ghoul









Villain, however does sometimes help the Heroes.


Nathan has a healing factor to a point where he is almost immortal. From cut of limbs to his brain being blown apart, he can heal from it. The only limit is he needs some part of him to heal. Meaning, if he gets disintegrated, he is dead. He also can recover stamina and strength extremely fast as he cells are constantly healing. But, other then this, Nathan has some combat experience, knowing how to use duel blades and guns slightly. However, he is no where near the best and relies on his power in fights.


Nathan had a rather tough upbringing. His father worked in the army and while he was away, his mother would sleep with other men. One day, his dad got back early and found her. Being traumatized from war, his father had gone insane. Hearing his mother screaming, a six year old Nathan walked down stair and watched as his father kicked and punched his mother before pulling a gun out. In an instance and a flash, she was dead. Then, his father turned to his son, saying that no one could know and shot him.

Falling to floor, Nathan could feel his life drain out of him. He felt dead. He felt the blood running down his face...but somehow, in a few seconds, he began to feel better. The pain had melted away and he felt good as new. Standing up, his father turned around, surprised and scared. In fear, he shot his son five more times, and after each one Nathan stood back up. His father rushed to the kitchen, picked up a knife and stabbed Nathan in the chest. With a smirk, Nathan grabbed his fathers wrist, pulled the knife out and turned it around, forcing it to impale his father.

Then, the police knocked down the door and looked around. Seeing dead bodies around Nathan, they took him away as they thought he had murdered both his mother and father. Taking him to an asylum, he was kept there for a few months, being deemed completely sane. But the time there and his experience before hand had made him snap. He could now see that this world was unfair and ruled by corrupt people. He would not follow their rules. Someone needed to save this world, and Nathan took it upon himself to do it.


Nathan, as a normal kid and not in his alter ego, tries to make people believe he is a fun, kind person. Helping anyone out as a normal kid, Nathan doesn't speak his mind and tries to say the best thing in the situation. Making jokes and having some sort of intelligence, he also gets a lot of attention from girls. However, he always turns them down, as he knows he would put them in danger or they would get in his way.

However, while he is Ghoul, the joking part stays the same. But the jokes are a lot darker, one's that the insane would say. And, he is really, really reckless. Rushing into everything without a second thought, he does what he wants, not caring about anyone else. Some people need to die in order for evolution. In his eyes, he is the savior of the story. He is trying to save everyone from being slaves to society. But others don't see him this way, and that will sometimes get to him.


No one knows about his parents murder as he goes by a different name. Original name was Frank Dartro.​
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]


Nathan Crawlak A.K.A Ghoul









Villain, however does sometimes help the Heroes.


Nathan has a healing factor to a point where he is almost immortal. From cut of limbs to his brain being blown apart, he can heal from it. The only limit is he needs some part of him to heal. Meaning, if he gets disintegrated, he is dead. He also can recover stamina and strength extremely fast as he cells are constantly healing. But, other then this, Nathan has some combat experience, knowing how to use duel blades and guns slightly. However, he is no where near the best and relies on his power in fights.


Nathan had a rather tough upbringing. His father worked in the army and while he was away, his mother would sleep with other men. One day, his dad got back early and found her. Being traumatized from war, his father had gone insane. Hearing his mother screaming, a six year old Nathan walked down stair and watched as his father kicked and punched his mother before pulling a gun out. In an instance and a flash, she was dead. Then, his father turned to his son, saying that no one could know and shot him.

Falling to floor, Nathan could feel his life drain out of him. He felt dead. He felt the blood running down his face...but somehow, in a few seconds, he began to feel better. The pain had melted away and he felt good as new. Standing up, his father turned around, surprised and scared. In fear, he shot his son five more times, and after each one Nathan stood back up. His father rushed to the kitchen, picked up a knife and stabbed Nathan in the chest. With a smirk, Nathan grabbed his fathers wrist, pulled the knife out and turned it around, forcing it to impale his father.

Then, the police knocked down the door and looked around. Seeing dead bodies around Nathan, they took him away as they thought he had murdered both his mother and father. Taking him to an asylum, he was kept there for a few months, being deemed completely sane. But the time there and his experience before hand had made him snap. He could now see that this world was unfair and ruled by corrupt people. He would not follow their rules. Someone needed to save this world, and Nathan took it upon himself to do it.


Nathan, as a normal kid and not in his alter ego, tries to make people believe he is a fun, kind person. Helping anyone out as a normal kid, Nathan doesn't speak his mind and tries to say the best thing in the situation. Making jokes and having some sort of intelligence, he also gets a lot of attention from girls. However, he always turns them down, as he knows he would put them in danger or they would get in his way.

However, while he is Ghoul, the joking part stays the same. But the jokes are a lot darker, one's that the insane would say. And, he is really, really reckless. Rushing into everything without a second thought, he does what he wants, not caring about anyone else. Some people need to die in order for evolution. In his eyes, he is the savior of the story. He is trying to save everyone from being slaves to society. But others don't see him this way, and that will sometimes get to him.


No one knows about his parents murder as he goes by a different name. Original name was Frank Dartro.​

welcome!! you have been accepted ^^

Name: Rasputin

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Hero/Villain/Other: Villain

Skills: Rasputin is a master of bladed weapons, most notably knives. He has heightened speed and agility which gives him the ability to travel around the city via rooftops. His superhuman ability is that he is almost unkillable. Much like his namesake, Rasputin can take tremendous amounts of damage before dying, and unlike his namesake, he regenerates overtime.

Background: TBR

Personality: Absolutely insane. 'Nuff said.



[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]


Name: Rasputin

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Hero/Villain/Other: Villain

Skills: Rasputin is a master of bladed weapons, most notably knives. He has heightened speed and agility which gives him the ability to travel around the city via rooftops. His superhuman ability is that he is almost unkillable. Much like his namesake, Rasputin can take tremendous amounts of damage before dying, and unlike his namesake, he regenerates overtime.

Background: TBR

Personality: Absolutely insane. 'Nuff said.



Spooky. Accepted.
Name: Hero title: Smoke Stalker. Alter Ego: Owen Wright

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance:Smoke Stalker

Owen Wright:

Hero/Villain/Other: Neutral, leaning towards Hero

Skills: Owen has the ability to disappear in a puff of smoke, though it requires focus. He can also project smoke, either around him or or at someone. Owen is a skilled in boxing and martial arts. He also is a trained in gymnastics. His detective skills also help as he can read a person, knowing if they are lying.

Background: Owen grew up in the suburbs. Nice home nice family. He sees them every once in a while. Owen grew up as a quiet kid, but a smart and tough one. He manged to graduate and move out to Dangerville to follow his dream. Become a cop. He had always like the idea of helping people and bring justice. Cracking a few heads along the way wouldn't be too bad either. He moved up through the ranks pick, becoming a detective. With keen investigative skill, no nonsense, and a good puncher. And a few other skills he has. Had them since he was born.

Only problem is there seems to be a bunch of people running around doing the polices job. Superheros, Vigilantes, Morons. The government uses them for things we 'can't handle'. Now Owen doesn't have hatred for these supers. After all there helping. Its there ideals. They fly in stop the bad guy, give a speech, and bang there gone. They never go after the real threat. People in power. The corrupt, the evil, the powerful. Someone has to do something. So Owen using 'gifts' he has born with he became, Smoke Stalker. He will weed out the corrupt, the vile, the unprincipled. He will show them that they are not safe.

Personality:Owen is a quiet man. Not afraid of people, but if he doesn't meet them he will shed no tears. He can be mean at times, with a strong sense of justice. He not normally one for a joke. He has a strong distaste of people in power, believing them to be dishonest. He also has no love for superheroes. Though not out right hatred he views the goals of them as missing the real evil. He does have a lighter side, though he won't show it.

Weaknesses: Is just a human in terms of strength and agility, even if his is trained one. His 'disappearing skill' takes time and needs focus. He can also let his anger get the better of him. His distrust of authority and lack of respect for supers can also hinder him. He also likes to think he knows best which can hinder him.

Equipment: He has a few tracking devices, a standard hand gun if need, a extendable baton, a pack of cigarettes and a featureless face mask.

Weakness: Is just a human in terms of strength and agility, even if his is trained one. His 'disappearing skill' takes time and needs focus. He can also let his anger get the better of him. His distrust of authority and lack of respect for supers can also hinder him. He also likes to think he knows best which can hinder him.


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