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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villains{In-Character}

Benny began screamed in terror, trying to cover his face with his arms to keep himself safe. He knew what was going to happen, and he knew it would hurt only for an instant, but he was still scared out of his mind. Then chaos happened. Benny screamed some more as she was knocked off him by a man with clear skills. The little future sidekick took off. He launched himself off the table and sprinted for the door. There was another man there too, but Benny ignored him and sprinted faster without hesitation as he ran for the door.
elfattack elfattack Dawnblade Dawnblade Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
He was already there seemingly out of no where he had gone through the door in the garage. He slammed his palm into her jaw powerfully a perfect hit. He has trained for a little under a decade to deliever such a blow meant to knock out instantly. Had it not been for the hug David would probably already be operating on him and once he was open Sion would body have intervened.
She felt the blow then nothing as if the moment it lifted her off her feet she disappeared almost nice if it hasn't been for the fact she flew a few feet back before hitting the sofa. Her back and head would hurt when she awoke that is when for know she was nothing doing nothing going no where. Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Benny began screamed in terror, trying to cover his face with his arms to keep himself safe. He knew what was going to happen, and he knew it would hurt only for an instant, but he was still scared out of his mind. Then chaos happened. Benny screamed some more as she was knocked off him by a man with clear skills. The little future sidekick took off. He launched himself off the table and sprinted for the door. There was another man there too, but Benny ignored him and sprinted faster without hesitation as he ran for the door.
elfattack elfattack Dawnblade Dawnblade Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
He was suprised his gift rushed at him as he brushed to his side he grabbed his shoulder and brought the needle into his neck with deadly precision. "Be still" he commanded almost jokingly after all what choice did the kid have when he was being injected with a fast acting paralyzing agent.
elfattack elfattack Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Jackie is back baby~!
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

"Well that was some good cake" She mumbles to herself, this whole time Jackie had either been eating some of the cake she had stolen from the back of the kitchen in the coffee shop or was cleaning her hands when she went BACK into said coffee shop. Now she would be walking the streets as the sun (ASSUMING) began to dip and go down a street until she cocks her head open hearing distant screams "Here that...Yeah I know it sounds a little fair maybe we should check it out?" She asks curiously and softly only to trail off then sigh "Yeah...lets go" She mumbles before starting to jog off towards the sounds of screaming. Soon she would be walking right outside the house where she had heard the yells and screams of various people. Her eyes would focus slowly on the door as it opens to reveal a screaming boy and the creepy man with a mask from earlier jabbing a needle supposedly into the little boys neck her eyes instantly widenning then darkening to a more menacing and evil look "What....H-hey..James..." She says once again seeming to speak to no body but finally using the name of the person she's speaking with "That boy just got...stabbed in the neck.." She says starting to shake in seeming rage "HEY! YOU!" She screams at the man with the mask( Eldritch Being Eldritch Being ). She would stand basically on the lawn in front of the house but behind her; her shadow seems to be elongating and shifting just a bit before she would start to move forwards with a big frown on her face "Let the boy go and let me have him you dont just stab someone in the neck!" She yells keeping some distance from the man with the needle with a wary stare, at her feet her shadow seems to be attempting to pool at her legs almost(Depending on if Shammy or Jpax says its getting close to night it will decide how much of the shadow is pooling there o-o). At the moment she now seems to wait for the mans response her eyes staring at the needle and the little boy her eye visibly twitching while the shadows continue to try and pool off and surround her feet/legs.
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
(If I knew officially what time it was this would be a lot more smoother so im sorry im going off assumptions b/c the rp's been going on a while and lots of stuff has been done so I just thought it'd be really close to the sun going down o-o)
Benny tried to struggle against whatever poison had been injected into his system. He began to collapse as his body betrayed him and gave in. Within a total of about ninety seconds Benny was on the ground in panic as he tried to move but he couldn't. He had to watch in terror as the fights went on and he was helpless. He wanted to help, he wanted to break free, but nothing could be done. A mistake had been made, and he could do nothing now other than watch.
Aliaas Aliaas Eldritch Being Eldritch Being elfattack elfattack Dawnblade Dawnblade
"David wait" he said still in normal form "I've made myself clear on multiple occasions we don't kill in this house". He reminded David "you go get the couch back up don't kill the kid and I'll deal with the second one" it wasn't as much of a request as a command toward the tall pale figure. "Hello little girl don't worry about this its just stammered medical stuff he consented" he was a terrible lier and he knew it. The kid was also hard to pass off because David was probably dragging benny off behind him which looks very questionable to say the least but still be insisted it was just a standard doctors visit.
He hoped this kid was very guilible if else this could be bad ,but then again he had said thiat people don't die in this house he said nothing about the lawn. He quietly began readying himself for a transformation on wrong move and the beast would fall apon this girl. He hoped it didn't come to that the beast didn't care but he would and he wouldn't be able to relax for a week if he killed another one.

Eldritch Being Eldritch Being Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Aliaas Aliaas
"David wait" he said still in normal form "I've made myself clear on multiple occasions we don't kill in this house". He reminded David "you go get the couch back up don't kill the kid and I'll deal with the second one" it wasn't as much of a request as a command toward the tall pale figure. "Hello little girl don't worry about this its just stammered medical stuff he consented" he was a terrible lier and he knew it. The kid was also hard to pass off because David was probably dragging benny off behind him which looks very questionable to say the least but still be insisted it was just a standard doctors visit.
He hoped this kid was very guilible if else this could be bad ,but then again he had said thiat people don't die in this house he said nothing about the lawn. He quietly began readying himself for a transformation on wrong move and the beast would fall apon this girl. He hoped it didn't come to that the beast didn't care but he would and he wouldn't be able to relax for a week if he killed another one.

Eldritch Being Eldritch Being Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Aliaas Aliaas
David nodded and began dragging benny by the wrists across the carpet and pushed over the couch after pulling Lovec off it. He pulled benny into the couch before pulling out his pistol and walking to a window with it behind his back should Sion need help.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Aliaas Aliaas
Crazy people..
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn growls "The kid was screaming I dont call that standard anything and this isnt a hospital or a doctors office you are very bad at lying and you are also very creepy did you know that?" She says all pretty rapid-fired, with the sun gradually going down the man would quite obviously see the shadows at her feet begin to stretch across the yard from her feet; the ground becoming nothing but blackness where ever the sun's light was not touching. Her eye would be twitching "I want the little kid back! You guys are clearly not good people! Well...I mean im not good people either but...im better than you crazies!" She says probably contradicting herself on that point but she shrugs it off. She would wait on the mans decision before she thinks of the more sane option "Ill call the cops!" She says while keeping her distance, all during this period of talking the yard would be consumed by her 'shadow' which continues to seem to shift and stretch slowly over the yard towards the house as her blue eyes faintly shine in the dark "Let me have the kid or Ill call the cops or do something else!" She yells clearly getting more and more irritated.
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
elfattack elfattack
(I feel like this isnt one of my best posts sorry about that)
Crazy people..
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn growls "The kid was screaming I dont call that standard anything and this isnt a hospital or a doctors office you are very bad at lying and you are also very creepy did you know that?" She says all pretty rapid-fired, with the sun gradually going down the man would quite obviously see the shadows at her feet begin to stretch across the yard from her feet; the ground becoming nothing but blackness where ever the sun's light was not touching. Her eye would be twitching "I want the little kid back! You guys are clearly not good people! Well...I mean im not good people either but...im better than you crazies!" She says probably contradicting herself on that point but she shrugs it off. She would wait on the mans decision before she thinks of the more sane option "Ill call the cops!" She says while keeping her distance, all during this period of talking the yard would be consumed by her 'shadow' which continues to seem to shift and stretch slowly over the yard towards the house as her blue eyes faintly shine in the dark "Let me have the kid or Ill call the cops or do something else!" She yells clearly getting more and more irritated.
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
elfattack elfattack
(I feel like this isnt one of my best posts sorry about that)
He casts his gaze downward to the shadow pushing it's way towards him that's not natural he he thought as he reached over and turned on his porch light to see if it went away . "Something else being?" As he asks he starts growing audible cracking is heard as his bones violently start extending his skin tone darkens his muscles tighten but also grow with his body as his clothes change into a monks robe the others burning off his face begins to distort and melt away like wax. He looks at the girl "cause it sounds like your threatening me " little jets of flame escape his melting face and head as his skull starts to show from through
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
He casts his gaze downward to the shadow pushing it's way towards him that's not natural he he thought as he reached over and turned on his porch light to see if it went away . "Something else being?" As he asks he starts growing audible cracking is heard as his bones violently start extending his skin tone darkens his muscles tighten but also grow with his body as his clothes change into a monks robe the others burning off his face begins to distort and melt away like wax. He looks at the girl "cause it sounds like your threatening me " little jets of flame escape his melting face and head as his skull starts to show from through
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
He looked at the two and retreated a bit grabbing benny and moving him towards the back of the house. Sion was the unspoken leader of the group not because he was the only one who had stable work and a house but because he was the strongest of the party. Also because while he was in that form he was the cruelest all he needed was provocation and he would show his craving. His horrific craving to burn everything and David would not be in his way when he started.
Aliaas Aliaas Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
He looked at the two and retreated a bit grabbing benny and moving him towards the back of the house. Sion was the unspoken leader of the group not because he was the only one who had stable work and a house but because he was the strongest of the party. Also because while he was in that form he was the cruelest all he needed was provocation and he would show his craving. His horrific craving to burn everything and David would not be in his way when he started.
Aliaas Aliaas Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Benny made a small noise of horror as David moved him. He tried to squirm or punch, but he was useless. Some side kick you are... Needed rescuing twice today. Bad Benny! Very bad Benny! He scolded himself with a pained expression. It didn't look good. "L-Let me go!" Benny squeaked at David with a look of horror on his face. Gotta train harder! Try being smarter! Better get better! It's now or never! Please, if there is a god, don't let me die! Please! I have to do something with my life! I can't be just someone else who needs saving! I've got to be a hero!
Aliaas Aliaas elfattack elfattack
Ghost rider 2.0?
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn watched as the man became something out of the old comic book movies "Ghost rider?" She says thinking for a second, while the porch light seems to slow down the shadows it would not make them go away or stop them seeing as how the porch light's actual light probably isnt that bright. Clearing her throat "Its only a threat if you dont give me the kid!" She says(just a note: Jackie is pretty freaking short like 4'10) staying where she was before going to dig into her pockets and produce a very old school cell phone(One of dem flip phones) and huffs "I dont want to get in trouble any more today" she says grumbling while keeping an eye on the man while she dials the hero hotline and 911 "Hello, There's a crazy ghost rider man that has just kidnapped a little kid and he's very weird and creepy can you uh...come help?" She asks simply staring down the ghost rider man while her shadows continue to spread across the yard now reaching the houses foundation and would begin to creep up the walls.
elfattack elfattack
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Ghost rider 2.0?
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn watched as the man became something out of the old comic book movies "Ghost rider?" She says thinking for a second, while the porch light seems to slow down the shadows it would not make them go away or stop them seeing as how the porch light's actual light probably isnt that bright. Clearing her throat "Its only a threat if you dont give me the kid!" She says(just a note: Jackie is pretty freaking short like 4'10) staying where she was before going to dig into her pockets and produce a very old school cell phone(One of dem flip phones) and huffs "I dont want to get in trouble any more today" she says grumbling while keeping an eye on the man while she dials the hero hotline and 911 "Hello, There's a crazy ghost rider man that has just kidnapped a little kid and he's very weird and creepy can you uh...come help?" She asks simply staring down the ghost rider man while her shadows continue to spread across the yard now reaching the houses foundation and would begin to creep up the walls.
elfattack elfattack
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
@Heroes so D duegxybus SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Moonshadow Moonshadow
Ghost rider 2.0?
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn watched as the man became something out of the old comic book movies "Ghost rider?" She says thinking for a second, while the porch light seems to slow down the shadows it would not make them go away or stop them seeing as how the porch light's actual light probably isnt that bright. Clearing her throat "Its only a threat if you dont give me the kid!" She says(just a note: Jackie is pretty freaking short like 4'10) staying where she was before going to dig into her pockets and produce a very old school cell phone(One of dem flip phones) and huffs "I dont want to get in trouble any more today" she says grumbling while keeping an eye on the man while she dials the hero hotline and 911 "Hello, There's a crazy ghost rider man that has just kidnapped a little kid and he's very weird and creepy can you uh...come help?" She asks simply staring down the ghost rider man while her shadows continue to spread across the yard now reaching the houses foundation and would begin to creep up the walls.
elfattack elfattack
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
The final parts of his head fall off leaving his burning skull his new body almost a foot taller and all muscle a tattoo burned on his left pectoral. He looked at the girl deciding the time for talk was well past he breathed a jet of flame 120 feet long at the girl hot enough to burn through carbon steel which has twice the melting point of titanium (COUGH Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser ) regardless of if it hit the girl the fire melted the near by street light reducing it to nothing but a molten puddle of metal. If it stretched past the girl the house behind her all so found a large hole in its side the house immediately starts going up in flames.
Aliaas Aliaas Eldritch Being Eldritch Being Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Ghost rider 2.0?
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn watched as the man became something out of the old comic book movies "Ghost rider?" She says thinking for a second, while the porch light seems to slow down the shadows it would not make them go away or stop them seeing as how the porch light's actual light probably isnt that bright. Clearing her throat "Its only a threat if you dont give me the kid!" She says(just a note: Jackie is pretty freaking short like 4'10) staying where she was before going to dig into her pockets and produce a very old school cell phone(One of dem flip phones) and huffs "I dont want to get in trouble any more today" she says grumbling while keeping an eye on the man while she dials the hero hotline and 911 "Hello, There's a crazy ghost rider man that has just kidnapped a little kid and he's very weird and creepy can you uh...come help?" She asks simply staring down the ghost rider man while her shadows continue to spread across the yard now reaching the houses foundation and would begin to creep up the walls.
elfattack elfattack
Eldritch Being Eldritch Being
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
He took a shoot at the girls phone the blue trail the bullet left hanging in the air next to the flames for a little bit. He had left benny in the back room with the an unneeded "don't go anywhere." He was a masterful marksman by his own right and the shot to him was an easy one.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed elfattack elfattack
Titanium was helping evacuating civilians as the helicopters above were dealing with the winged suit. He realized he was getting shot, but most missed him and the ones that did bounced off his metal body. He ducked under cover and felt a buzz in his pocket. He saw the tracker on billy was in a different location than the orphanage. He frowned and walked over to the officers. "I have to take care of something, be careful and make sure they live." He said pointing to the civilians before running off in metallic mircolattice. He ran very fast away from the area and as he arrived to the location of Billy's tracker he slowed down and transformed into Osmium. He walked up to the house and into the front yard, when the momentum of his original run ended. He saw the white haired girl calling the police and the numerous projectiles coming at her, including the breathe of fire and bullet. He immediately jumped in front of her and took the entire fire blast and bullet.

After the smoke cleared his metal was notably different and his arms up protecting his face. He put his arms down and revealed a smile. "So you guys are the creeps that took the kid, well I won't let you harm another person today. I normally don't use Silver, but you've forced my hand a bit here." Silver, the natural element that conducts fire the best without human interference. While he had another metal that could take fire more efficiently, Silver is easier to become and require the less energy. "So return the kid or things are gonna get messy. Blue may have the most villain kills, but who else is on the infamous list of villain killers?" He said raising his arm and quickly shooting off a shard at the man carry Billy, hitting his mask on purpose knocking it off. "Don't make me show the kid the darker side of being a hero, and one of you may keep your lives." He said finally transforming his arms into 18 inch swords. Thanks to the fire opponent and taking his attack, he was able to conduct the attacks energy as his own. At least for a short time anyways.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Eldritch Being Eldritch Being elfattack elfattack Aliaas Aliaas Dawnblade Dawnblade
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Titanium was helping evacuating civilians as the helicopters above were dealing with the winged suit. He realized he was getting shot, but most missed him and the ones that did bounced off his metal body. He ducked under cover and felt a buzz in his pocket. He saw the tracker on billy was in a different location than the orphanage. He frowned and walked over to the officers. "I have to take care of something, be careful and make sure they live." He said pointing to the civilians before running off in metallic mircolattice. He ran very fast away from the area and as he arrived to the location of Billy's tracker he slowed down and transformed into Osmium. He walked up to the house and into the front yard, when the momentum of his original run ended. He saw the white haired girl calling the police and the numerous projectiles coming at her, including the breathe of fire and bullet. He immediately jumped in front of her and took the entire fire blast and bullet.

After the smoke cleared his metal was notably different and his arms up protecting his face. He put his arms down and revealed a smile. "So you guys are the creeps that took the him, well I won't let you arm another person today. I normally don't use Silver, but you've forced my hand a bit here." Silver, the natural element that conducts fire the best without human interference. While he had another metal that could take fire more efficiently, Silver is easier to become and require the less energy. "So return the kid or things are gonna get messy. Blue may have the most villain kills, but who else is on the infamous list of villain killers?" He said raising his arm and quickly shooting off a shard at the man carry Billy, hitting his mask on purpose knocking it off. "Don't make me show the kid the darker side of being a hero, and one of you may keep your lives." He said finally transforming his arms into 18 inch swords. Thanks to the fire opponent and taking his attack, he was able to conduct the attacks energy as his own. At least for a short time anyways.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Eldritch Being Eldritch Being elfattack elfattack Aliaas Aliaas Dawnblade Dawnblade
"Hate" Boomed the feminine voice from the back in the house as she stood up summening her sword and golem as she does. "I am going to rip your dick off and make you eat it you sonic the hedge hog character" she shouted in refrence to the fact he is silver at the moment. She instead of rushing him threw her extremly heavy iron sword at him the blade swinging through the air like a throwing axe tearing anything in its path apart as it went. The golem gathered is self around David forming a living iron shield for the frail man.
Theflamre Theflamre
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Benny lay on the ground while listening to the fight. He couldn't see the outside because the window was right behind his head and he couldn't tilt it back. The man had at least put him in an area with light, but Benny wanted to see. Nevermind, no he didn't. He didn't want to watch as that nice girl died trying to save him. It was his fault that they were in this problem. If he hadn't tried to help (And failed), the lady wouldn't have seen him and no one would be in danger now. Ivan would still be alive.

As foolish as it was, and he did know the truth, he kept thinking it was a lie to scare him. Ivan couldn't really be dead. The lady had just made that up to scare him. Benny was clinging to that false hope like how a baby monkey clings to its mother. "Please god... Please don't take mister Ivan..." Benny whispered to no one. He was crying and trying to blink away the tears. It couldn't be real. This wasn't real. Titanium had never really met him, because what hero would agree to go to a school of some lowly orphan. That would be better than this in Benny's opinion. Maybe it was sleep paralysis he was feeling. Maybe he was asleep and in the REM cycle. Maybe everyone was save. Maybe he wasn't a failure.

The room the man had put him in wasn't immune to sound though, and he heard the call of Titanium. His eyes flew open and he frantically willed his muscles to move. He needed to get out of this little area to get back to the hero. Even if this was just a nightmare, it had to be training somehow. He could call out, but would that put anyone in danger? Would it distract the hero and girl? Benny wasn't going to risk it and remained quiet with sharp frantic breaths.
Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Dawnblade Dawnblade Eldritch Being Eldritch Being elfattack elfattack Aliaas Aliaas
Mìt Sen (A Dream)
Dávid Kowalczyk
Amira Somna
"Shit, a distress call." Dávid glanced at his phone and then whistled loudly as he continued rapidly filing out tons of paperwork. Paper after paper fell into a basket next to his desk, leaving one less in the supernaturally massive stack on his desk for him to fill out. As he did, a woman walked into the room with a metallic whirring sound of her body. "B-Blue?"

"Amira. Nice to see you. You're taking over, take this drive and insert it. It's your EMP booster." Dávid tossed the flash drive to Amira and went back to his paperwork. He felt really bad that he wasn't going to kill any villains by planting a bullet in their brains, but that meant Amira was going to get the fun.

Amira jabbed the drive into her leg and crumpled to the ground, shouting out in pain as the drive uploaded several EMP charges into her bloodstream. Her body crackled with electricity as she prepared for the fight.

Mìt Sen
Mìt Sen boarded a helicopter and began flying to the source of the distress signal, which was in a certain building. She hung out the side of the chopper, looking down and preparing her firearms. Today, Amira had a huge arsenal of weaponry at her disposal. High caliber, .50 action express pistols, an anti-material rifle, and finally several EMP charges loaded directly into her body. With her reflexes, natural speed, and ability it looked as if she was going to be perfectly capable of taking down whatever threat was there.

As the helicopter began to circle around the building, Amira began surveying the nearby area for threats of any kind. There seemed to be none, but she waited outside with the sniper rifle at the ready. If any suspicious being left the house, there would be a bullet going right through their heads. Or so was the goal of Amira.

Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Dawnblade Dawnblade Aliaas Aliaas Theflamre Theflamre
Weirdo fight
[Jacklyn(Jackie) Rose]

Jacklyn yelps loudly watching the man basically vomit fire at him "AH! You really are like ghost rider ya' weirdo!" she says going to duck to try and avoid the fire and not even see the random bullet only to hear some feet shuffling and then her shadows from recoil from the light slightly-at least when the fire seems to die down they quickly move to retake lost land but they now look seemingly agitated(If you can call a shadow agitated). Soon the front yard's ground would be pitch black while she slowly stands blinking at the metal man in front of her that seemed to have taken the brunt of the fire blast "Errr...thank you metal man!?" She says blinking a bit and wincing at the light radiating off of him but quickly snaps into action as she peers around to stare at the ghost rider guy who seemed to now have iron armor around him "Ookay..thats it" She growls only to twitch hearing the sound of a helicopter arrive on scene. Completely overwhelmed by this sort of response and amount of hero's arriving she would take a second to take everything in her eyes wide before she shakes her head awe-struck, soon after a second of recovering she would look back to the house "I brought the hero's!" She yells out in a sort of taunting fashion before she nods satisfied to herself "Whoeverkillstheghostriderfirstgetssomecake!" she says hurriedly before going to jerk her hand up and forth still standing behind the metal man(Titanium) and the shadows on the front yard would shimmer before about four spear like tendrils shoot forth towards the ghost rider guy from the ground while Jackie giggles happily.
Theflamre Theflamre Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser D duegxybus Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Dawnblade Dawnblade
Jake Northpeak
Ok, to Jake's credit, it was only like 5 guards. Batman guy took out more of them on the way up. It was fine. Although now Jake had to find his way out. He started to go through the cameras, checking the exits. A swarm of Freighters were blocking the primary exit, and Jake didn't really want to deal with that. However, the roof was clear, and Jake did like dramatic roof exits. He launched a virus into the computer he was using, infecting all the other computers on the network. It didn't do anything except gather data that Jake would analyze later for his own purposes. He then placed some assorted bugs and stuff around the room before exiting and running up to the floor that the newly freed heroes were on. They were currently fighting some more Freighters, so Jake decided to join in on the fun. Bam bam, bam bam, and bam bam. Easy when you're coming from behind. After a little more work by the heroes, the wave of freighters that was sent in was finished, but he knew another group had to be coming soon. He looked at Yany and said, "You don't look like you're in a position to be saving many people. Cmon, lets get to the roof." He offered Yany his hand to help support him.

Sleepy Asian Sleepy Asian SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 D duegxybus
Camera Settings
Faith Pickett
Upon transforming back into a human, Faith realized her mistake. She was dead weak in this form. But she needed this form to have climbed the ladder since a dog would've found that rather challenging. As she watched the place being evacuated, Faith glanced down at her camera before glancing back to the winged man. How could she possibly tell anyone that she was the three-headed dog? That sounded simply stupid.

She glanced around again at the group from the darkness, where she was hiding away from the others. She decided to finally reveal herself once the soldiers were gone; Faith was covering her ears from the gunshots that were occurring due to the fight. She peeked out and pulled out the camera once again. However, she made a very stupid mistake. She hit the button with the flash.

A flash of light shone across the room, illuminating everyone's faces for less than a second. Faith was standing there, frozen in a mixture of fear and guilt. A soft, choked gasp slid off her tongue as she stepped backwards, leaning against the wall.
"Well...looks like this is going to be on the news tonight. Hehe. I hope you're all...okay with that." Faith gulped.

Sleepy Asian Sleepy Asian Foundry Foundry SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
The Black Devil

He didn't mind the flash, right now the pain is distracting him. He kept punching and knocking as many people as he could, he could see the light of the door to the rooftop but he would then suddenly collapse to his knees. "Sir I have appeared to be mistaken, the bullets was a .45 ACP Hollow point round, It struck one of the joints. Yes bullets, it appears that two bullets have been lodged into your body. One in the abdomen and one in the chest," The AI said. This was not good, the bullet is lodged in there and will be difficult and even near impossible to remove. He was now on his knees and hands, his wound bleeding profusely. The helmet has a mouth cover which covers his mouth at all times but now blood was starting to seep out of the sides of the mouth-plate. He knows that he's about to lose consciousness so he says painfully "Auto.... pilot...." before losing consciousness. Suddenly the suit would stand upright and starts walking up, knocking people out with extreme efficiency. Currently, Alex is no longer in control, right now the AI is doing his job for him.
D duegxybus Foundry Foundry Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911
Jake Northwind
The bright light behind Jake made him instinctively turn around and pointed his gun towards the source. It was just a girl, so he put the gun down, slightly relieved. But then the wheels started turning in his head. He looked down at the camera, then up at the girl, then heard what she said.

He ran towards the girl and snatched the camera forcibly from her hands. He then opened up the SD card slot and removed the memory card. "No, no no," he started muttering, "Not the news, no pictures." He looked back up at the girl, "Nobody gets to know about this. This never happened, I was never here. The heroes came and saved them, I didn't do anything." He was still holding the camera, and started to nervously pace around the area, checking for cameras and hidden things out of paranoia, while talking to himself, "They'll find out. They'll find me. I'm going back, aren't I? I shouldn't even fucking exist to them!"

Sleepy Asian Sleepy Asian D duegxybus SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911
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