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Fantasy Hell's job!

xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Adam tsked the young man, planting his feet on the ground. "Now now now..." Adam sighed in an annoying tone. "That's all wrong." He pestered, grabbing the tie off Neth's desk and handing it to Neth. Neth was so much different from Adam's past assignments. Neth didn't seemed phased at all at the fact the there was now a demon haunting him!
"Look, Sadam, i do things my way." He pulled out a lighter and barbecued the tie. "And besides, i dont have time for this." Neth walked through the individual and finally realized this crazy person was telling the truth. "So you really are from hell huh?" Neth chuckled. "Guess somebody's been keeping his eye on me then." Neth laughs as he went into the kitchen made some toast and started out the door. "You comin demon?" Neth quickly put together that Sadam or whatever his name was, was going to be a part of his life now.
(Sorry for taking so long to answer D: Different timezones suck)

Ashe woke up panicking, just to be surprised by Morrigan who stood directly beside her. She jumped out of her bed, starring at her. "What the... Who are you?", Ashe asked, still shocked. She closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again. But there she was. Still standing there, still staring at her. Ashe had a bad feeling about this.


Sylvanas wandered around in Julia's room. "So... This is the place of that one girl hmm?..." She looked back at the black haired girl lying in her bed, sleeping. Sylvanas proceeded to open all drawers that she could find, even her closet and rummage through all her belongings. She casually threw stuff to the ground, ending up breaking it. Overall, she made a big mess.

"Hmm... that should do it for now", Sylvanas thought to herself as she opened the curtains, letting the sun shine in. She leaned over Julia's bed, whispering to her with an evil grin: "Welcome to hell..."

Capricornus said:
(Sorry for taking so long to answer D: Different timezones suck)
Ashe woke up panicking, just to be surprised by Morrigan who stood directly beside her. She jumped out of her bed, starring at her. "What the... Who are you?", Ashe asked, still shocked. She closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again. But there she was. Still standing there, still staring at her. Ashe had a bad feeling about this.


Sylvanas wandered around in Julia's room. "So... This is the place of that one girl hmm?..." She looked back at the black haired girl lying in her bed, sleeping. Sylvanas proceeded to open all drawers that she could find, even her closet and rummage through all her belongings. She casually threw stuff to the ground, ending up breaking it. Overall, she made a big mess.

"Hmm... that should do it for now", Sylvanas thought to herself as she opened the curtains, letting the sun shine in. She leaned over Julia's bed, whispering to her with an evil grin: "Welcome to hell..."

"Hello my little wallflower. I am Morrigan Lefaye. A certain individual has sent sent me here to haunt you until the day you die of natural causes or until i drive you to slit your throat. But if you decide to do that please let me know. I just LOVE eatching people suffer, its ORGASMIC!" Morrigan licked her lips as she looked over the girl and thought of how shed harm that soft skin.
Kiroshiven said:
"Look, Sadam, i do things my way." He pulled out a lighter and barbecued the tie. "And besides, i dont have time for this." Neth walked through the individual and finally realized this crazy person was telling the truth. "So you really are from hell huh?" Neth chuckled. "Guess somebody's been keeping his eye on me then." Neth laughs as he went into the kitchen made some toast and started out the door. "You comin demon?" Neth quickly put together that Sadam or whatever his name was, was going to be a part of his life now.

"Well of course!" He said in a sing-songy voice, following his assignment out the door. "So you don't care at all
why I'm here?....you are just no fun...." He said crossing his arms and floating above Neth.
Julia stirred a bit when the light hit her bed, she pulled the blanket over her head and groaned, "10 more minutes..." She said.

@Rose Baker
"What the hell are you talking about?" Ashe started to get angry. "I don't know how the heck you got in, but I swear, if you don't leave right now, I'm going to call the cops", she said as she stood up and reached for her phone.


Sylvanas sighed. If she wasn't going to wake up, then she's going to force Julia. She leaned closer to her face, pulled the blanket away, and with a darker, much more demon-like voice she screamed into her ear: "You'd better wake up right now before I harm you... or you dear father."

Julia was still reluctant to get up but did so anyways, "What do you.." She looked at her, "Who are you?"

Sylvanas voice changed back to normal. "Ah! Finally awake!", she said, grinning again. She looked around, then pointed at herself. "Oh me? I'm merely here with the intention of getting you to kill yourself, tehe~", Sylvanas explained, sticking her tongue out.

She placed her hand underneath Julia's chin and turned her head so she would face her. She looked Julia dead in the eyes and whispered: "We are going to have a good time together.", and proceeded to laugh like a maniac.

CelestialBunny said:
Lyric looked at them in disgust, "Eww! That just crossed the border of scary to gross" she said. "Either way, why are you here for. You're going to blow my cover, so shh!" She whined. Suddenly she heard steps coming from the stairs, she shrieked. She left her bed and quietly hid in her closet. "Answer me, without the creepiness please, why are you here? Are you going to kill me? Just tell me!" She whispered annoyed, trying to hid her voice. @Dark lane
"well for one thing girly no one can hear us or see us but you" said Andrew as Sarah nod. Then Sarah whispered something in his ear as he sighed. "Sarah said we are here to make you kill yourself" said Andrew as Sarah nod smiling. "now will you do it already girly" said Andrew as Sarah whispered in his ear. "Sarah said if you don't we will just be your roommate till your death and don't worry we aren't that annoying" said Andrew as I nod. "Sarah put your ponytail back on" said Andrew. "I will I will" said Sarah going to put her hair in a ponytail.
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Julia blanked a few times still a bit sleepy, "Okay.. can I go back to sleep now?" She said.

@Rose Baker
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Denver grinned even wilder, "No-one can see me or hear me but you, little girl." He said

@Rose Baker
She sat up again, before sighing and asking quietly, "Whatever the hell you are, can you get out and let me change?" This person is annoying as fuck. However, if I truly am the only one who can see him.. then I've either finally cracked, I'm on a really wild drug trip, or he's not human at all, she thought.

Capricornus said:
"What the hell are you talking about?" Ashe started to get angry. "I don't know how the heck you got in, but I swear, if you don't leave right now, I'm going to call the cops", she said as she stood up and reached for her phone.

Sylvanas sighed. If she wasn't going to wake up, then she's going to force Julia. She leaned closer to her face, pulled the blanket away, and with a darker, much more demon-like voice she screamed into her ear: "You'd better wake up right now before I harm you... or you dear father."

"Go ahead darling. You'll just end up looking crazy if you do. Simply put, you're the only one that can see or hear me." Morrigan floated into the air and over to the door. "I'll gladly wait, but you have school in a few minutes don't you?" Morrigan pointed to the clock on the wall that showed 7:45 am. "I'll gladly wait for the cops to come and call you crazy, but do you really want to tarnish your perfect attendance?" Morrigan had done deep research into her target. An honor's student that had never been late to school even once. Honestly, if felt like her being late even once could push her over the edge so Morrigan had turned off the alarm clock right before it was going to go off.

xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:

"Well of course!" He said in a sing-songy voice, following his assignment out the door. "So you don't care at all
why I'm here?....you are just no fun...." He said crossing his arms and floating above Neth.
"You're from hell, it can't be good. But it doesn't matter. You're going to do you. And I'm going to do me. And life will keep going on as the merciless spinning ball we call home dictates." Neth really didn't care was the boy had come to do. If Neth was being targeted by hell, then there was no point in arguing with it yet. He grabbed his skateboard and started rolling on down the road, zipping past other students in their uniforms.
Kiroshiven said:
"Go ahead darling. You'll just end up looking crazy if you do. Simply put, you're the only one that can see or hear me." Morrigan floated into the air and over to the door. "I'll gladly wait, but you have school in a few minutes don't you?" Morrigan pointed to the clock on the wall that showed 7:45 am. "I'll gladly wait for the cops to come and call you crazy, but do you really want to tarnish your perfect attendance?" Morrigan had done deep research into her target. An honor's student that had never been late to school even once. Honestly, if felt like her being late even once could push her over the edge so Morrigan had turned off the alarm clock right before it was going to go off.
"You're from hell, it can't be good. But it doesn't matter. You're going to do you. And I'm going to do me. And life will keep going on as the merciless spinning ball we call home dictates." Neth really didn't care was the boy had come to do. If Neth was being targeted by hell, then there was no point in arguing with it yet. He grabbed his skateboard and started rolling on down the road, zipping past other students in their uniforms.

Adam sighed. "You truly lack any kind of fun, don't you...." He said floating right behind the boy. "And my name's ADAM, not SADAM! At least I learned your name!" Adam said, arms crossed, and a pout on his face.
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Adam sighed. "You truly lack any kind of fun, don't you...." He said floating right behind the boy. "And my name's ADAM, not SADAM! At least I learned your name!" Adam said, arms crossed, and a pout on his face.
"Yeah Yeah, I got it Alex." Neth continued until he came to a rail. He smirked as he jumped onto it with his board and ground his way down the stairs, continuing on towards the school though he nearly knocked over two students headed the same way. "So what does the all mighty Satan want with me?" Neth finally got around to asking.
Kiroshiven said:
"Yeah Yeah, I got it Alex." Neth continued until he came to a rail. He smirked as he jumped onto it with his board and ground his way down the stairs, continuing on towards the school though he nearly knocked over two students headed the same way. "So what does the all mighty Satan want with me?" Neth finally got around to asking.
"Well, first of all we call him Mephostofolise. Also, you need to punch your own ticket to find out what he wants with you. I'm just here to help!" Adam grinned like a child that just got away with stealing a cookie. Adam always had a childish charm to him. Adam didn't bother saying that the other students couldn't see him....he wanted to make Neth look crazy and nake it seem like Neth was talking to himself.
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
"Well, first of all we call him Mephostofolise. Also, you need to punch your own ticket to find out what he wants with you. I'm just here to help!" Adam grinned like a child that just got away with stealing a cookie. Adam always had a childish charm to him. Adam didn't bother saying that the other students couldn't see him....he wanted to make Neth look crazy and nake it seem like Neth was talking to himself.
Neth sighed. "So you're basically here to annoy me into committing suicide huh?" Seth jumped off his board and scooped it up as he reached the main gate. The bell tolled right as he got in and the gate shut behind him. "Damn, nearly beat my record. You woke me up too early Alan." Neth knew that the boy's name was Adam, but coming off as a prick was Neth's go to mechanism. "Anyway, you got a story as to why you chose to come haunting?" Neth was curious about what made a spirit tick. Why haunt anyone at all? Besides orders.
Kiroshiven said:
Neth sighed. "So you're basically here to annoy me into committing suicide huh?" Seth jumped off his board and scooped it up as he reached the main gate. The bell tolled right as he got in and the gate shut behind him. "Damn, nearly beat my record. You woke me up too early Alan." Neth knew that the boy's name was Adam, but coming off as a prick was Neth's go to mechanism. "Anyway, you got a story as to why you chose to come haunting?" Neth was curious about what made a spirit tick. Why haunt anyone at all? Besides orders.

"I had two options, sit around with nothing to do for all of eternity or dabble in a bit of fuckery with the humans on the surface!" Adam said with a wild grin. "Well, c'mon! You can't be late, that'll taint your record!" Adam said, putting his feet on the ground and walking through the entrance of the school.
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xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
"I had two options, sit around with nothing to do for all of eternity or dabble in a bit of fuckery with the humans on the surface!" Adam said with a wild grin. "Well, c'mon! You can't be late, that'll taint your record!" Adam said, putting his feet on the ground and walking through the entrance of the school.
Neth laughed as he threw his skateboard over his shoulder. "If I can get a job like yours, maybe I should punch my own ticket." Neth shook his head as he went to his class and sat in the corner by the window. He propped his feet up on his desk and was prepared for another day of napping and talking to himself as he pondered the world and its overall worthlessness.
Kiroshiven said:
Neth laughed as he threw his skateboard over his shoulder. "If I can get a job like yours, maybe I should punch my own ticket." Neth shook his head as he went to his class and sat in the corner by the window. He propped his feet up on his desk and was prepared for another day of napping and talking to himself as he pondered the world and its overall worthlessness.
Adam seemed to have disappeared and left, that was until he was standing in the middle of Neth's desk. Adam grabbed Neth's face and pulled him uncomfortably close. "Well geez, if you don't even try to get into a good college, you probably should just kill yourself...it's not like the rest of the journey is worth it anyway!" He said, almost whispering. His smirk was unholy and slightly seductive, despite the fact that he knew Neth was heterosexual.
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Adam seemed to have disappeared and left, that was until he was standing in the middle of Neth's desk. Adam grabbed Neth's face and pulled him uncomfortably close. "Well geez, if you don't even try to get into a good college, you probably should just kill yourself...it's not like the rest of the journey is worth it anyway!" He said, almost whispering. His smirk was unholy and slightly seductive, despite the fact that he knew Neth was heterosexual.
"Yo Brian? Can you let me sleep?" The teacher dropped of their last exam on his desk, Neth had aced it. "As you can see, I don't have to try. School, life, they're boring. No point in taking any of it serious." Neth stood up. "Teach I'm gonna get some air. Later." He walked out despite his teacher harassing him to stay in class. "You're annoying Carl, but you don't seem to do this job well."

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