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Fantasy Havenworth Academy Character Thread!


  • 77ac95c6a0b75c515311b0d855396eab--character-reference-drawing-reference.jpg
    Name:Oliver Williams [Aizan Devonshire]


    DOB: 25/11/2000

    Physical Description: Oliver has a slender and pale figure, even though his power is directly related to sunlight. He's often seen with bags under his eyes, the lack of sleep a "necessity against the Kingdom", according to him.

    Hometown: Seattle, Washington

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Name: Erik Vintervold

Age: 20

DOB: 14th of March 1999.

Hometown: Lom, Norway.

The awakening:
Erik had always enjoyed making sculptures, by no means was he good at it, but he found that by taking a few rocks, glue, bits and pieces of things he had laying about at home, and a good helping of imagination, he could make himself a few friends. Lom wasn't exactly a place packed to the brim with playmates or potential friends, so most days the tiny rock golems had to fill in for actual humans, and the golems had their own weird kind of charm.

The only bad thing about the golems was that they had a habit of breaking or going missing, at least in Erik's home. Most other family members saw the tiny golems as nothing more than trash, and so, like trash, they often got thrown away, and it was during a fight were Erik tried his best to take back his small friends that his powers awakened.

Erik's father went to grab a newly made golem out of Erik's hands, but Erik clung on as best he could, not wanting to give up yet another of his creations. The two had a small tug of war until the glue gave in, the golem came apart, and Erik fell backward and hit his head on the leftover golem making supplies. It hurt, like hell, and it had resulted in quite the gash in the back of Erik's head, but fueled by a mix of adrenaline and rage he got on his feet, cursed his father up and down, and as he did, a new golem formed, a living one.

Ability: The golem master.
Erik constructs a golem by drawing in things from the surrounding area and fashions it into a golem that does his bidding. That is...if he could make the damned thing listen.

+ Reading
+ Coffee, the darker the better.
+ Sleep
+ Flowers

- Fish.
- Sour candy.
- Thunder.
- Smoking.

Favorite Subject:

+ Quick learner.
+ Loyal.
+ Determined.

- Insomnia.
- Not a fighter.
- Stubborn.
- Easily flustered.

At Least One Quirk:
Erik has a habit of picking up small items. Shells, rocks, and pinecones, just to name a few.

"Can you please take a seat Mr...Vin...terv..old?" The interviewer did his best in trying to sound out Erik's last name, but it came out as a jumbled mess and the interviewer just looked up at Erik with an "I tried my best" look in his eyes.

Erik sat down, trying his best to sit straight. Formal events like these always made him nervous, and it didn't help that things were off to such a terrific start.

"I just have a few basic questions for you Erik." Both shifted uncomfortably in their seats, and then the questions began. "What made you want to come here of all places, Erik? Rather far from home, isn't it?"

"Because it is far from home. Things took a turn when the...golem happened, and I don't want to be some tourist attraction for our town. Like, our main thing is a bakery, and now suddenly there is a boy that makes golems."

"Why not? Seems like it would be a great way to make money, and to-"

"No, I don't want to." Erik shot in before the interviewer could get further. "Can't control the thing, so gods what it could do..."

"I see. How about your family? What do they feel about you moving away? I'm sure they will be missing you."

"Me, maybe. The golems, definitely not."

"Well, I'm sure people here will find the golems fascinating, and for now, I think we are done here. I will contact you again if there is anything and don't hesitate to contact me if the reverse is true. Welcome to Havenworth Erik, do your best to enjoy it."
Name: Marie Lavenza

Age: 19 years old

DOB: January 5th, 1999

Physical Description:

Brown eyes
Somewhat blind, so wears glasses
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Event of "Awakening": during the death of her entire family. She was fourteen and terrified as her house was broken into and heard her whole family being slaughtered by the Intruders. She was hiding in a cabinet, knocking over a bottle in the cabinet and being dragged out. In the state of her being terrified, she blacked out, as she called it, and came back to her senses with both men in the corner shivering with fear as police sirens wailed in the distance.

Ability: fear manipulation
Her nightmare abilites come with a pack full of different abilities. Although, she does not know how to control these powers nor know how they work or which ones she uses/have. She always blacks out and never remember what happened during this "blackout"

One of her main powers is bringing others fears to life. Her brown eyes would become completely black amd fixate on anyone who is in front of her. She can only control one person's fears at a time, so mass would have no affect from her except one person in front of her. Everything will turn black around tje two and either she will turn into their deepest fear, or their fear will manifest around her amd terrorize the person in front of her.

Marie's own fears haunt her, so her own powers can terrorize her. This one could pop up whenever and she doesn't know how to turn it off or control it.

Anything else is unknown/haven't been seen yet.

Likes: wilderness, company of others, fantasy books, history class, Pokemon, horror movies

Dislikes: chick-flicks, big cities, stressful situations, snotty people, pre-calc class

Favorite Subject: history

Strengths: suuuppperrr smart, like, even though she hates math, she is super good at it and can easily do math in her head, along with remembering random ass facts, although sucks at like, strength and stuff, she is a fantastic runner and has great stamina

Weaknesses: can easily be angered, horrible athlete(in strength), couldn't fight to save her life

At Least One Quirk: honestly, a HUGE STAR WARS FAN

Marie sat awkwardly in the office, listening to principal, or whatever they called it here, go over the rules of the school. The female pushed a piece of hair behind her ear as she looked up at one of the questions she was asked. What brought her here. She cleared her throat before speaking in a thick southern accent, "my family.. was killed and after.. a big accident with me and the Intruders, my new supervisor, as I'm going to call them, sent me here to better control myself untilci am ready to go out into the real world again, as I'm going to call it." She got awkward again amd went quiet. She was asked a few more questions, mainly to go into more detail about her family but she refused. "Maybe call me back in later for more detail? It's still.. fresh to me and I'm not ready to talk about it." She said. And with that, she was dismissed to go start her day at her new school..
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Name: Hekate Irene Buckeye
Age/Gender: 18/F
Sexuality: Heterosexual
DOB: July 4th
Physical Description: Hekate has blond hair and fair skin with emerald green eyes. She is petite like her mother and is 5'5", being five inches taller than the woman who bore her. Her body is free of physical scars and blemishes except for a birth mark on her body of a flaming sun with an ankh in the middle, the same symbol on her brother and sister. Hekate often dresses in ankle length skirts and dresses, knee length tunics or comfortable sweat pants and earth-tone shirts with black knee high boots. She usually wears her hair in different styles, much to her mother's chagrin as her mother can't do her hair at all and her body is devoid of most makeup except for some black eyeliner and the occasional eye shadow. She loves henna so will often get designs on her hands and feet.
Hometown: New Concord, OH

Event of "Awakening": Hekate's power manifested when Phyllis's father found out where the family was living and came to New Concord where he broke into the house and held the three children captive when they were eleven-years-old. When their mother came home she was attacked by Phyllis's father who then turned his attention on the three children. Hekate's power activated then to save her mother from being hurt anymore, water exploding from the pipes in the bathroom and flooding into their mother's room where he was then pushed bodily out the window by the force of the water.

Ability: Nature Manipulation-Hekate is able to manipulate nature and the elements connected to it. She can manipulate, tap into, and blend elements of nature, including slight weather manipulation, earth, stone, light, and darkness. She can control animals and plants. Hekate becomes instantly familiar with her surroundings, the connection is so deep that the earth can respond to one's emotions and desires (blossoming with flowers and calming weather when happy, making skies stormy or cause earthquakes when angry, shifting the landscape to gain the advantage in a fight, etc.) and can purify, heal and generally influence the health of nature, and considering the fact that she is helping the environment, plants and animals act favorably towards Hekate . She has access to every living species of animal on Earth and can also draw strength from them and acquire their abilities. Nature obeys Hekate's every command and operate on a "hive mind", meaning she can control an entire army of animals. She is able to communicate with animals and plants as well as scyr through plants and use birds to see things. When she sees through a bird or scyrs through plants, her eyes go dead white.

Her power is largely based on her emotions; if she is unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic. Her emotions affect nature and thus control is essential to not lose control. Being so in tune with nature causes her to be able to sense when the earth is injured to a much stronger degree than those with earth manipulation. When she uses this power, her eyes and hands glow teal as well as teal-colored veins sprouting throughout her body. If she expends too much energy she can become unconscious or injure herself or others, even kill them. She is highly suspectable to radiation and pollution which can make her ill and render her powerless.

  • Writing
  • Cooking
  • Nature
  • Gardening
  • Reading
  • The Arts
  • Animals

  • Spicy food
  • Winter
  • Fighting/Unnecessary Violence
  • Parties
  • Manuel Labor
  • Loud people
  • Small tight spaces/being confined

Favorite Subject: English, Art, Journalism, Creative Writing

  • Patient
  • Hard Worker
  • Open minded
  • Detail oriented
  • Friendly and engaging personality

  • Cannot fight to save her life or rather refuses to do so
  • Confrontation
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Public Speaking
  • Spontaneity (better when prepared)

At Least One Quirk:
  • A huge Star Wars and Harry Potter fan thanks to her mother's early exposure of the two series
  • Always knows the direction she is traveling in
  • When stressed or lying, speaks from the corner of her mouth.
  • Draws random doodles on any piece of paper in front of her and always carries a pen or pencil to facilitate this habit.
  • Cannot drink anything with ice in it
  • Overly honest person, always telling the truth even to her own detriment
  • Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.
  • Has a weakness for rescuing stray animals.
  • Is unable to digest proteins correctly and gets very ill if too much protein rich food is consumed.
Hekate has a complex personality yet is quite serious and hardworking, a result of her mother always telling the children to be strong in what they do. Like her siblings, Hekate inherited her mother's strong desire to live and keep going, no matter how tough things got, to persevere through trouble and hardship. Hekate inherited her love of books and writing from her mother, her mother always reading stories to the children to get them to sleep. As a child she was quite curious about the world around her, often investigating different animals and wandering the streets and going off on her own to explore which often worried her mother. Hekate presents a calm and mellow demeanor, is somewhat dreamy and often seen with a journal, sketchpad or book in her hands, usually drawing or reading. She isn't confrontational but she can be quite passionate about things that she cares deeply about. She is shy at first and takes time to warm up to people but she doesn't forgive betrayal easily and has a hard time forgiving people of any perceived slights towards her or her family.

Positive Traits:
  • Accessible
  • Articulate
  • Creative
  • Dedicated
  • Empathetic
  • Educated
  • Faithful
  • Gentle
  • Hardworking
  • Honest
  • Intelligent
  • Serious
  • Scholarly
  • Tolerant
  • Wise

Neutral Traits:
  • Quiet
  • Impressionable
  • Dreamy
  • Determined
  • Religious
  • Solitary
  • Unaggresive
  • Obedient
  • Neutral
  • Maternal
  • Non-Competitive
  • Reserved
  • Mystical
Negative Traits:
  • Strong-Willed
  • Well-Meaning
  • Vulnerable
  • Quirky
  • Fiery
  • Anxious
  • Cautious
  • Blunt
  • Cunning
  • Indecisive
  • Procrastinating
  • Secretive
  • Shy

Hekate looked around at the grounds of the school, the walk having been a long one from the bus stop at the end of the road. She couldn't say that she disliked the walk, mother hadn't wanted her children to end up like her and thus took them on walks as children, encouraging them to join clubs and sports outdoors but not pushing them. Out of the triplets, her younger sister Phyllis was the only one that was real timid and uncertain about things to this day, despite their mother and the older two trying to get Phyllis out of her shell. Her siblings had not come with her to the school, Phyllis because she had no powers and Apollo to help out their mother and take care of her as she had done for them.

Hekate could see several people milling about, conversing with each other or just sitting down on the grass and the benches scattered around the vast expanse of grass that was everywhere. Striding across it to the main building in front which she assumed was the school, the dorms must be the buildings on either side, Hekate wound her way through the queue of students and staff members until she pushed open the doors and followed the signs to the office where she would be interviewed on if she would be accepted into the school or so she supposed. Thankfully her mother had given her enough money for a return ticket in case she was rejected. She hoped she wasn't, it would be embarrassing to be tossed out of school and return home two weeks after arriving at the school.

Entering the office, she signed in with the secretary, at least Hekate assumed it was a secretary, and was told to take a seat until her name was called. It was only twenty minutes later that her name was called and she was directed inside where she sat on a chair. Hekate fidgeted in the chair and twirled her hair around her fingers, a trait she'd copied from her mother like seemingly everything else about her. She began answering random question automatically and as truthfully as she was allowed before the question of why she was at the school came up. "My mother was worried I would hurt myself or someone else if I didn't learn how to control this power. She is unable to help me so when we happened to find out about this school, my mother...she did what was needed to ensure I come here."

"What do you mean by that?"

Hekate's eyes suddenly narrowed at the question and she shifted within her seat more. "I don't believe that is any of your concern," Hekate said sharply. She watched as the interviewer noted something and then looked down at the file before her.

"It is mentioned here in your file that you grew up the middle child of triplets and never knew your father. How did that make you feel?"

"I had a father once. Mother said he was a good man, a soldier, who cared about us deeply, even though we weren't his children. As for my siblings, I'm quite close to them and work with my brother Apollo to look after our sister Phyllis. My mother took a long time to get over my adopted father's death, even now it hurts for her to talk about him. I don't know how else it is supposed to make me feel. You can't miss someone you never really knew," said Hekate. When asked about her home life, Hekate's face changed into a frown. "I'd rather not talk about it with a stranger," she said. "Nor do I see how it is your business how my home life was."

"Your file says you attacked your sister's father. How exactly did that come about?"

Hekate stood and grabbed her bag before walking into the office to await a decision on her fate, refusing to comment on that question, even as the event played out in her mind. It was none of the person's business, but she shook in the office at the memory. Not only had she almost killed her mother, she had nearly killed the man responsible for her mother's torment, well partly responsible.
Mother: Angelica Vanessa Buckeye
Siblings: Apollo Caspian Buckeye (older brother), Phyllis Isis Buckeye (younger sister)-triplets
Father: Unknown
Uncle: Dakota
Aunts: Justine & Alexus
Grandparents: Tammy and Eric
Great Grandparents: Carol and Edward (both deceased)
Cousins: Quite a few on her mother's side
Relationship Status: Single

Code by apolla apolla
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I suspected it would be considered "OP" so I will not be joining the thread as I have no desire to change it at all.

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