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Realistic or Modern Haven’t thought of one yet

She just nodded some and got up carefully going to go back inside once she had finished her cigarette but stumbled on her way back into the house.
Max was at the door about to leave when she walked in and quickly caught her before she could fall "Hey you okay there?" She asked worriedly
She frowned and stood up some just nodding as she walked off to go lay down in bed.

Coco arrived at their place not long after finding clay still on the porch. “Hey... Jon got caught last night. He’s being held down at the station.” He told him as max walked outside.
Max frowned as she heard Coco and raised an eyebrow "Jon is in jail? Is he alright?" she asked him knowing that if she asked what had happened he wouldnt give her an answer.

Clayton frowned and ran a hand over his face putting out his cigarette "Fuck." he muttered looking over at Max frowning some "I'm sure he is just peachy." he muttered as he watched her go off.
Coco shrugged, "It wasn't his fault Angel.... Those warehouse guys set us up. Theo went down there tonight, he wanted me to keep you up to date but told you to take a couple days off," He said, completely ignoring Max for the moment. As far as he was concerned this had nothing to do with her anymore.
Angel nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah I get that, keep me updated." he muttered before getting up "I gotta go look after Carmen." he murmured going inside the house leaving Coco by himself.

Max got in her car that she had saved up to get and drove to the police station wanting to make sure he was okay. She really didnt need to be driving with how big she was getting but she didnt really have a choice at the moment. When she got there she requested to see him lying and saying she was his cousin thankful that the newer rookie bought it.
Jon looked over when he heard them come in and just cursed under his breath, "What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned her quickly, "For god's sakes you're supposed to be in bed, this is not fucking bed rest." He spat at her.

Carmen shook her head when he came iinto their room, "Clayton... We aren't keeping that baby if she dies." She muttered having been thinking about it all evening. "I can't do that." She muttered
Max frowned some and gave a sigh "I was going to the drug store, I was craving some chips. I heard you were in here and wanted to make sure you were okay." she said going up to the cell taking a real good look at him. He hadn't shaved in a little and the bags under his eyes were deeper than ever "Jon..you haven't been taking care of yourself either." she said quietly

Clayton nodded and sat with her sighing heavily "She isn't asking us to do that babe, she just wants us to make sure that he goes to the right place." he murmured "That her wishes are taken care of." he murmured pulling her close to him giving a small sigh
Carmen shook her head, holding onto him tightly and shook her head a little, "She still hasn't grown up. all this I'm taking care of myself bs and she's let this get this far?!" She muttered. "If it's this dangerous for her then she should get rid of it." She spat furiously about it. "I'm not her baby sitter." She muttered starting to shake a little.

He frowned and went to sit on the bed again, "And that's any of your concern how? like you're one to fucking talk!" He snapped at her, "I'm not the one putting myself in danger right now." He muttered
Clayton sighed heavily and rocked her gently "Babe she is thinking about this kid, not herself. It would be selfish if she got rid of it, she just found this out." he murmured actually not really mad at Max for her decision about this.

Max sighed heavily and gave a sigh "Right. Sorry I came to check in on you." she mumbled going towards the door. She was tired of everyone getting pissed off for her wanting this child to actually have a life instead of it possibly being her.
“I’m not discussing this. I think it’s stupid. End of story.” She muttered and rolled over, shrugging him off. “Goodnight Clayton.” She muttered. And shook her head some.

“You’re not part of my life anymore. I don’t know why you bothered!” He spat as she left.
Clayton sighed heavily giving a nod "Alright." He muttered starting to fall asleep as well

Max frowned some and turned back glaring at him before giving a heavy sigh "You're right, and I'm not sure why I came back anymore."
-2 months-
Carmen frowned as she heard the door finally go at midnight and soon kraken barking happily because Clayton was home. He’d been home late most nights recently and she was starting to worry about him. She was finally back on her feet properly and back to work at the club at least most nights. “Dinners in the oven. Kept it warm.” She mumbled and pecked his cheek heading to the lounge to sit down and turn the tv on.

Jon’s trial had gone to shit. And today he’d been officially sentenced. Two years in Stockton 18 months on good behaviour but he had one last night in the local station before he was getting shipped off up there and he expected Lita to come down to either say she was done or that she was waiting for him. He didn’t expect to see max at all that evening so when she showed up he knew he must’ve looked shocked.
Max was about ready to go into labor any day now and hearing about Jon from Clayton she wanted to see him atleast one last time. She walked through and thanked the deputy before she sat down giving Jon a smile "You're gonna catch flies." She said mentioning his mouth hung open "I um...I heard from Clayton about whats going on." She said softly

Clayton came in dead tired and gave a small nod kissing her cheek gently "You feeling good today?" He asked pulling her in close and just holding her starting to sway some just relaxing with her in his arms. He was greatful she was doing better and since then Theo had been working him to make up for the lost time.
Carmen nodded and slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m doing good.” She murmured, swaying with him and kissed his cheek. She’d made max move out not needing all the extra drama anymore and so she was enjoying having the house back to her and Clayton again. “You okay papí?” She murmured, looking up at him and going on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Cause you know I’m worried about you.” She murmured gently. “Oh. We got more mail through from the adoption center again. Can you call them tomorrow and remind them we don’t want anything to do with him?” She asked him. “Cause I tried but they won’t listen to just me.” She muttered.

He frowned and looked at her. “Yeah. Coulda been worse. A lot worse. Haven’t been inside since me and clay were kids.” He chuckled a little. “This will be different though.l he mumbled. “You look awful.” He muttered.
Max frowned softly and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah...I'm on bed rest, had a friend drive me over. I'm going in for the birth in a couple days." She said softly rubbing her bump gently "They say he is really healthy thankfully." She explained smiling some at her bump

Clayton held her close and sighed softly resting his forehead on hers "Fucking tired. Theo has me on all kinds of shit." He muttered shakimg his head some and gave a heavy sigh at the mention of the adoption center "Alright I'll give em a call tomorrow." He muttered
She nodded and held him close still, eventually making him sit down and went t grab his plate for him, setting it in front of him with a beer and pecked his cheek, heading up to bed with Kraken and curling up with a book to wait up for him.

He nodded and frowned, "I stil shouldn't be anywhere near the kid.... Not that I never wanted them. Hell when you came home, if you'd said then and there to get married and have a kid I would've jumped at the chance but not like this." He muttered, rubbing his face.
Max gave a soft sigh and nodded reaching through the bars and taking his hand in hers "I know, trust me I wish things had gone differently but this is the hand we were dealt." She said quietly biting her lip gently "Do you want to know when he is born?"

Clayton ate alone and sighed heavily thinking about the adoption agency. He wanted to meet the kid, even if it was brief and for one time only he wanted to atleast see his son. He never got the chance and he didnt blame Carmen for it but it also nagged at him in the back of his mind
He frowned. “I’ve already told you. The less I have to do with it the better.” He muttered and went to sit down again. “You should go. Get back to bed. Lita will be here soon anyway.” He muttered.

Carmen eventually fell asleep curled up with the dog and only woke up for a minute when Clayton came to bed, curling in close to him then fell asleep again
Max gave a small nod and got up to go so he could wait for Lita. However as soon as she got up she double over in pain wincing loudly before going wide eyed when she felt a wetness between her legs "Uh Jon....call a deputy in....my water just broke." She said trying to keeo her breathing steady.

Clayton went up to bed but groaned as his phone started to go off flashimg the police stations number. He answered completely confused but soon hung up and shook Carmen awake some "Carmen...Carmen, Max's water broke she is on her way to the hospital."
She frowned some and rolled over shaking her head some. “She’s being stupid about this. I’m not condoning it. Our parents should be there not me.” She snapped a bit and lay back down to go to sleep, groaning when she heard him get up. “What are you doing?” She muttered, frowning as she saw him get his shoes and kitten on.

Jon sat there at the station shaking his head some and getting more and more stressed out by the time Lita arrived, looking up at her and sighing some. “Hey...” He murmured, getting up and going to the bars, reaching through for her hand
Clayton frowned at her response and shook his head getting up and dressed "I'm going so she isn't alone, your parents aren't going to be there for her and you know it. She isn't being stupid, she is thinking about this kid." He muttered "So you can join or stay in bed." He said before he made his way downstairs

Lita came in just as the ambulance pulled off and went straight to Jon "Why was the ambulance here?" She asked raising an eyebrow when she saw how stressed he looked "Whats wrong?"
He sighed heavily and rubbed at his face. “Max came to say goodbye.” He muttered. He’d explained the whole situation to her now about the kid and her health and he’d assured her he wanted nothing to do with the kid but it didn’t mean that he didn’t care about either of them.

Carmen glared at him. “You’re doing that are you? Choosing her over me?!” She snapped. “I’m not going anywhere clay and if you’re not fucking stupid then you wouldn’t either!” She spat then lay down again.
Lita sighed some and shook her head some "Why did she feel the need to come here? She isnt your old lady." She muttered giving his hand a squeeze

Clay looked at her shocked and shook his head some "I'm not fucking stupid, she is my family just as much as she is yours and I'm not letting her die alone, for fucks sake Carmen she is your sister." He muttered before he left the house
“I know babe but shes scared. Carmen has just.... I dunno there’s something weird going on between them right now and she’s worried she’s gonna die and if things do go well she’s on her own with a baby... she just came to say goodbye. That’s all.” He assured her. “Hey... 2 years will be gone before you know it.” He promised hergiving her hand a squeeze.

Carmen shook her head and just lay back down with kraken close to her.

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