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Fandom Harry Potter Plots!


Meme Priest
Hello Everyone! I am on the hunt for some juicy harry potter role plays, so here I am. Please be sure to read through at least this and the ‘rping with me’ section just below before contacting me. My plots are underneath this whole section, and they’re written out both in a short version and a detailed version so you can look at the plots you like and skip the ones you don’t. I do plan on posting more here as I think of it.

PM me or comment below if interested!
Please write with detail and good description; I don’t care about your grammar/spelling (I have good grammar/spelling though in case that concerns you).

Please write in third person.

I work full time during the week (CST), please do not bug me about multiple replies a day, but I believe I can give you one a day/every few days. I will notify you if it will be longer.

All of these plots are romantic.

All of these plots are in the Golden Trio Era and entail you playing Neville Longbottom for my male OC. Some of these plots I will double with you, some I will not. If you do not want to double on a plot that I am willing to double with you on, that is fine with me, but I will still ask you to play Neville for me.

If you want to see more about the OC I will be using for all plots, please check the section below marked “my oc.”
Name: Arthur McCross
Nickname: Art
Birthday: November 22
House: Slytherin
Blood status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: He can be cocky and sarcastic, and has sometimes been known to have anger issues, but he can be weak under the thumb of authority unless he has someone backing him up. He has a wicked sense of humor and is fiercely loyal when finding someone that he considers "worth it," though those people are far and few in between.


  • Doubling
    Excitement *****
    TL; DR: Neville is the chosen one and he and Arthur go through an edited/heavily time-skipped version of the entire series.

    In this role play, we would be going through the years of the two boys in Hogwarts. My OC, who is usually a pureblood, will be a muggleborn, just for the sake of the plot. They meet in first year, and young Arthur, who doesn’t understand the house rivalries, ends up befriending Neville. The two end up going through an edited version of the events from all the books, but with us just role playing parts that are deemed important (as trying to role play 7 whole years with many repetitious parts would be… well, repetitious). Below is a simple outline of how I think we should go about planning this, though I am plenty open for suggestion and changes.

    First year: Friendship begins at start of year; the pair defeat Voldemort and Quirrel at the end.
    Second year: Arthur is the one who receives Tom Riddle’s diary, most of the year is gone through with jumps over the lulls.
    Third year: This year would be majorly or entirely skipped, as most of the drama is “Harry specific.”
    Fourth year: Neville is the 4th champion of the Triwizard tournament; house rivalries begin to tear the two apart.
    Fifth year: Neville and friends start the DA, Arthur agrees to join but this only creates more friction and house rivalry.
    Sixth year: The two would be completely separated this year, not talking to each other. Perhaps Neville suspects Arthur of being a death eater. This year would be nearly entirely skipped.
    Seventh year: Arthur does not go to school because of the muggleborn ban and Neville recruits his help for the search for horcruxes. As their friendship begins to repair itself, romantic tension also forms.


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