• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Harcourt Ball (Open)

If he realized he walked in on something shared between the two women, he made no notion to recognize it. The evident pout on the red-headed young woman's face said more than any words could have. When her smile appeared, the lighthearted atmosphere returned, and the discomfort he felt moments ago dissipated. Elijah chuckled at her comment before glancing at the vase behind her. "Fortunate that you spotted the villain among the roses," he mentioned, motioning toward the vase. “If it had the opportunity to escape unnoticed, it could have been detrimental to us all.” He chuckled lightly. Elijah hadn't noticed that both women had red hair until Eliza commented. A smile spread across his lips, they were an odd species, yet he held his tongue, never daring to speak that comment aloud. "A woman once told me that many are ill-equipped to handle red-headed women and only a select few are privileged enough to make their acquaintance,” he said, eying the two women before him.

Madeline Green, that name held quite the opposite reputation than any Ainsley. Maybe this woman wasn't associated with her family's dealings, however unlikely it seemed he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Everyone here deserved a clean slate, they were all after the same thing in the end anyway. His attention turned to the other woman, at least most here had the same intentions. Josephine, on the other hand, already had the servants wagering how many of Harcourt’s bachelors and the like she would woo. ‘Seductress’ was what many of them deemed her and few labeled her 'free-spirited'.

Josephine was rather bold, more than Elijah anticipated as she grabbed hold of his collar, using the guise of 'fixing' it, though Elijah was meticulous about his appearance and he was certain it didn't need assistance. Josephine was far closer than he counted as comfortable before she complimented him. She was indeed more bold than he gave her credit for. He felt his cheeks heat up before her fingers traveled to his shoulder. As quickly as she came, she vanished, leaving a trail of warmth where her fingers perched moments before.

Josie it was then. A rather peculiar woman, yet he found her forward nature more endearing than unpleasant. He was no fool though, to her this was a game, the oldest one in the book: the game of cat and mouse. He had no time for such tomfoolery. Flirting with her, though tempting, would be classified as appalling.

Elijah placed his hand on his chest before bowing slightly. "Lord Elijah Ainsley at your service. Please, call me Elijah. Do either of you know where the kitchen is? I am utterly famished and cannot jest until I find some sustenance," he said, feeling rather uncomfortable observing the back and forth between the fiery women. “Although, I am curious. What activities are in store for you lovely ladies?”

redroseknight redroseknight Cosmos Cosmos
Samantha uncovered her face to him laugh it confused her momentarily until he took her arm and pulled her close to him and walked to the entrance. She looks to him hearing what he said. "I know..I just didn't want you to feel upset." She said as she walked with him to the Foyer and gazed at him. "I want you to be happy though...can't we just ask to change the arrangements if you are uncomfortable." She noticed him take her hands as they stood under the beautiful chandelier. "I only wept, but I want the best for us. I felt guilty like I should have told you and gave you the letter. But I didn't want to see you upset. I know you don't like Thaddeus and he was very mean to you last night..." She said and blushed as he wiped her tears and she softly smiled. "I care...and I don't mind your temper..you seem to only show it when you feel threatened or angry of what someone has said or done..." She had definitely was becoming more comfortable talking to him but that doesn't mean she was comfortable with anyone else. She gently squeezed his hand and followed him outside.

Coyote Coyote

Frankie shrugged, giving off a nonchalant air to his attitude but the reality was, he was so busy dealing with the agonizing pain of his sore muscles and throbbing headache that there wasn't enough space left in his mind to even think about Thaddeus. Frankie decided instead to just listen to Samantha's voice. As he opened the door outside, he noticed her squeeze his hand. He wasn't very good with people. Well, he was good with a crowd, but not individual people themselves, mostly because he had a habit of... coming on to strong. There was plenty of evidence for the case last night. But the matter only made him more cautious with Samantha. That light squeeze told him she was nervous. He felt an overwhelming urge to safeguard her. To be her shield and fortress. Suddenly, his posture grew bolder, like he was spearheading a charge into the unknown. Frankie took the lead, guiding Samantha to the car. He didn't bother waiting for the butler to assist them. He lifted his arm up immediately to allow Samantha to use him as a way to get onto the carriage. "Don't you worry about Thaddeus," he assured her. "If he causes any problems..." he thought for a moment, "...I'll uh, make sure he doesn't cause them."

Way to charms the socks off that one, sport. Frankie smiled through his mental facepalm.
Frankie shrugged, giving off a nonchalant air to his attitude but the reality was, he was so busy dealing with the agonizing pain of his sore muscles and throbbing headache that there wasn't enough space left in his mind to even think about Thaddeus. Frankie decided instead to just listen to Samantha's voice. As he opened the door outside, he noticed her squeeze his hand. He wasn't very good with people. Well, he was good with a crowd, but not individual people themselves, mostly because he had a habit of... coming on to strong. There was plenty of evidence for the case last night. But the matter only made him more cautious with Samantha. That light squeeze told him she was nervous. He felt an overwhelming urge to safeguard her. To be her shield and fortress. Suddenly, his posture grew bolder, like he was spearheading a charge into the unknown. Frankie took the lead, guiding Samantha to the car. He didn't bother waiting for the butler to assist them. He lifted his arm up immediately to allow Samantha to use him as a way to get onto the carriage. "Don't you worry about Thaddeus," he assured her. "If he causes any problems..." he thought for a moment, "...I'll uh, make sure he doesn't cause them."

Way to charms the socks off that one, sport. Frankie smiled through his mental facepalm.

Samantha thought he was in pain by his expressions. She decided to be his comfort for now. She followed him out of the mansion door. She noticed he didn't react to her squeeze. She wasn't sure what was on his mind. She noticed his posture become bolder though and noticed him lead as she followed him to the car. The butler didn't assist them to her surprise she noticed him raise his arms. She smiled knowing what he was doing she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself up onto the Carriage. She heard what he said and giggled hearing how cute he sounded. "Thanks, Frankie..that's really sweet. Your my knight in shining armor.." She said softly as she took his hand trying to help him up.

"Let me help you," she said sweetly as her cheeks were rosey from blushing a bit. She wasn't worried about him judging her. He sounded so sweet and caring but she wanted to protect him from Thaddeus's rage and annoyance but she knew that wouldn't happen. She didn't know too much of male pride in one's self.
Melissa stirred from the noise of the door closing. Stretching and yawning, before rubbing the morning sleep from her eyes. "Mika," she whispered. She was too far from her maid for the maid to hear, but she hoped her best friend would know what she was saying, by the movement of her lips. The mute's hair was a total mess and she only looked half awake. The mute girl blinked a few more times and slipped out of the bed, completely dressed in her dress from yesterday evening.

She smiles softly as she makes her way towards her friend and maid. "Thanks for staying with me last night," she whispers into the maids ear. "I got a little too drunk...I wonder how much I drank." She glances down and sees Mika standing on what appeared to be a letter. "What's under your foot?" She asks.
Cosmos Cosmos
Samantha thought he was in pain by his expressions. She decided to be his comfort for now. She followed him out of the mansion door. She noticed he didn't react to her squeeze. She wasn't sure what was on his mind. She noticed his posture become bolder though and noticed him lead as she followed him to the car. The butler didn't assist them to her surprise she noticed him raise his arms. She smiled knowing what he was doing she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself up onto the Carriage. She heard what he said and giggled hearing how cute he sounded. "Thanks, Frankie..that's really sweet. Your my knight in shining armor.." She said softly as she took his hand trying to help him up.

"Let me help you," she said sweetly as her cheeks were rosey from blushing a bit. She wasn't worried about him judging her. He sounded so sweet and caring but she wanted to protect him from Thaddeus's rage and annoyance but she knew that wouldn't happen. She didn't know too much of male pride in one's self.

Frankie chuckled. "Knight in shining armor, huh?" he scoffed. "More like a boxer in sweaty shorts." He stepped onto the carriage with a wide grin. Seeing her open up a bit more eased him. Frankie felt comfort in knowing she was having a good time. Well, he supposed it was a trait he inherited from being a party host. Parties were never fun if the people in them weren't having a good time. But as Frankie looked at her, he felt a glimmer of shame, comparing his betrothed to a party. Many things happened at parties that probably should not be done but... Nah, Frankie let out of a huff of self content. In light of last night, it certainly was a party. Frankie couldn't have felt better.. if only his headache and soreness would fall by the wayside. Luckily, the headache was beginning to turn less severe. He attributed that comfort to Samantha. As the carriage started down the road, a breeze drifted through the air. It was a very beautiful day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. His thoughts then returned to last night. Frankie gazed into the background as he leaned back casually. Then, he started to whistle a bit, as he used the silence to try to put his words together.

"Soooooo... about last night," Frankie watched a bird fly by, "Pretty cool, right?" The color drained from Frankie's face. When it came to flirting, you could say he was... subpar. After another moment or two, he spoke again.

"I'm prepared to say that 'pretty cool' isn't the way I should have phrased it," he said, pursing his lips in a way that seemed to say 'oops.'
Eliza let out a light smirk as the other commented on her name, having gone along with the rest of her silly little games up until now just fine. At least the other had a sense of playfulness to her, perhaps flirting with this one for a while wouldn't be so terrible. "Ah yes, the 'disappearance'." she said with a small shrug, turning to the male with no more of a comment on it, as though keeping the other guessing, a buzz running through her from the adrenaline of the chase, finally the bait had been placed, and slowly she moved more would come forth for her to be amused by, not that she ever intended to actually give out answers.

"Ah! The kitchen. I ran through there yesterday at some point I think during getting lost, was half chased across the ocean by a rather terrifying large lady with a frying pan~" she said, blinking with a curious pose, arms crossed in front and leaning back against the nearby wall. Having given little more than a disgusted eye roll at the other red heads previous flirting with the male, after all it took one to know one, and that flirt was rather low class when it came to the how did she put it? free-spirited game. "I believe its two turns right down here, but uh, do mind that terrifying beast of a lady." She said with a grin.

"As for activities they've stuck us on a boat, probably her attempt to stop us from running amok through the countryside~ Quite frankly I'd much prefer to do something actually fun. But ay', at least there will be pretty ladies around." she announced with a smirk, looking back at her 'pair' with a devious wink, showing that she indeed did not care for the others flirting.

It wasn't that Eliza did not believe in love, in fact she genuinely did- it was more an issue with the concept of it for herself, something that she never really wanted to get into. "As for my family name, I'd advise ya just don't go around flaunting it, it ain't a threat- but lets just say I kinda wanna stir up the trouble myself." he said with a relaxed look,pushing herself up off the wall by the elbow and beginning to walk past the male in the opposite direction she'd sent him towards, instead towards the staircase where she hoped to both mingle with others, and perhaps find something interesting to do with the other flirtatious woman should she choose to follow.

As she went past a hand raised as though going to pat him mockingly on the shoulder, however flinched away before contact had even been fully raised, instead sending a mischievous look his way, "Oh, and if you happen to be paired with a female, know that I'm not likely to leave them be~" she continued.

redroseknight redroseknight Alvaris Alvaris
Mika felt her blood boil at his words, fists tensing as he spoke and ever so smugly placed on the jacket. Of course she hadn't been so confident that her message was to go smoothly and without flaw. But how he so easily spoke of doing such a thing to Mel- like she was nothing but some object? That- That she couldn't stand for! About to turn after him with anger filled eyes the sudden light touch of Mellissa snapped her out from doing something she may later regret.

Turning back she took a moment before her facial muscles relaxed, the other didn't need the stress of what she had to say, so at the very least the comfort of having known she thought it was herself brought a smile to her face, along with that of the still fully clothed body of her friend. "Hey Mel do you remember- never mind, just some nonsense about last night." she said with an awkward giggle.

As much of a klutz as the blonde was, even she wouldn't simply forget something like that, perhaps the man did only earnestly come here- either way his words gave no room for an apology on her account.

Letting the other simply think it was her who stayed would be the best for now, she didn't need to have the other all worked up and stressed out before a big day, lest risk the fainting again. "Come now, lets get you ready silly~" she began, before the other pointed out the note, with a raised brow she bent down and picked it up, squinting as she stared at the words innocently, trying her hardest to make out heir meaning, but being of such low class she could barely read in clear lettering, let alone such fancy cursive.

"S-Sorry Mel I uh, I can't read it" she chuckled with a light blush, handing it over for the other to read as she went to the wardrobe topic out some clothing, "I heard you were to do some activities today, so perhaps some more comfortable clothing? Don't worry, I'm sure I can pull something together that as no need for that nasty corset." she let out with a happy hum as she searched through.

It was the first time since arriving she felt she could relax, even after what had just occurred, it felt like back at home again, just the two of them doing something normal. She wanted it to stay that way for as long as possible.

lion. lion. Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Frankie chuckled. "Knight in shining armor, huh?" he scoffed. "More like a boxer in sweaty shorts." He stepped onto the carriage with a wide grin. Seeing her open up a bit more eased him. Frankie felt comfort in knowing she was having a good time. Well, he supposed it was a trait he inherited from being a party host. Parties were never fun if the people in them weren't having a good time. But as Frankie looked at her, he felt a glimmer of shame, comparing his betrothed to a party. Many things happened at parties that probably should not be done but... Nah, Frankie let out of a huff of self content. In light of last night, it certainly was a party. Frankie couldn't have felt better.. if only his headache and soreness would fall by the wayside. Luckily, the headache was beginning to turn less severe. He attributed that comfort to Samantha. As the carriage started down the road, a breeze drifted through the air. It was a very beautiful day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. His thoughts then returned to last night. Frankie gazed into the background as he leaned back casually. Then, he started to whistle a bit, as he used the silence to try to put his words together.

"Soooooo... about last night," Frankie watched a bird fly by, "Pretty cool, right?" The color drained from Frankie's face. When it came to flirting, you could say he was... subpar. After another moment or two, he spoke again.

"I'm prepared to say that 'pretty cool' isn't the way I should have phrased it," he said, pursing his lips in a way that seemed to say 'oops.'

Samantha laughed hearing his response. "you have quite an imagination, Frankie." She said as she saw him step into the carriage.

Seeing how at ease he was made her happy. He seemed to have a good time with her. She wanted to know more about him his life in general. She was wondering how he was feeling since she knew he had got hurt last night. She looked seeing the carriage start down the road. The breeze was very nice since it was a nice morning. She noticed Frankie leaned back and whistle.

She then heard him speak up and she smiled answering. "I feel last night was very special for us. we got to know each other better. I don't mind how you phrase it. i understand Frankie." She said.

She decided to make conversation being curious. “What is your home life like?” She asked looking to him as he had looked to him. “My life isn’t as exciting, hearing about others, is interesting.” She said as she moved closer to him putting her hand over his looking to him. “I want to know about you Frankie. As you, not forced.” She said softly looking to him.
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Melissa took the note from her friend and scanned it. "We have activities it seems...my betrothed and I are...having a picnic," she whispers and places the note on her vanity. She turns to watch her friend. Was Mika really the one that stayed with her last night? Her mind said that she was, but her heart...sang a different tune. Who could it have been. "Mika...I...You weren't the one who stayed with me last night were you?" She asks after walking over and whispering in the girls ear.

As her friend was digging through her wardrobe, the girl began to reach back trying to grasp the string ends that held the corset so tightly to her. After a bit of struggling, she finally grabbed one and pulled it causing the corset to become undone, drawing a sigh of relief from the mute girl. With the binds off, she easily slipped out of her dress and sat patiently on the vanity stool for her maid to come back with a nice outfit for her outing. Mika did always have a more keen eye for fashion than she did that was for sure.

Cosmos Cosmos
Samantha laughed hearing his response. "you have quite an imagination, Frankie." She said as she saw him step into the carriage.

Seeing how at ease he was made her happy. He seemed to have a good time with her. She wanted to know more about him his life in general. She was wondering how he was feeling since she knew he had got hurt last night. She looked seeing the carriage start down the road. The breeze was very nice since it was a nice morning. She noticed Frankie leaned back and whistle.

She then heard him speak up and she smiled answering. "I feel last night was very special for us. we got to know each other better. I don't mind how you phrase it. i understand Frankie." She said.

She decided to make conversation being curious. “What is your home life like?” She asked looking to him as he had looked to him. “My life isn’t as exciting, hearing about others, is interesting.” She said as she moved closer to him putting her hand over his looking to him. “I want to know about you Frankie. As you, not forced.” She said softly looking to him.

Frankie smiled at Samantha when she told him that she enjoyed last night. That was certainly good news for him. At least he knew he was firing on all cylinders but when she asked him about his home, his smile faltered. Memories rushed back to him. Combined with the still lingering headache, it wasn't pleasant. Frankie clenched his hand nervously but realized he was no longer smiling. His grin widened once and an erratic, anxious fire sparked in his eyes, masking the dread beneath.

"Well, Cuba is fantastic. I mean, the dancing and music is incredible. Sadly, I was never a musical person. I've never played an instrument in my life," Frankie admitted with a laugh. His worry melted away and he his expression grew more genuine. "And I've got two left feet." Frankie looked at Samantha.

"We have parties often, with food and drinks. There's games, parades, and a few boxing rings," Frankie gazed out with a happy smile. A truly happy smile. "And my father would always win the title fight at the end of the night between him and I. And my mother would just tell me that if I don't stop fighting, I'll knock something loose in my head like my father." Frankie's eyes were unusually gentle now. His initial nervousness was completely gone now and all that remained was fond serenity.

"My brother... Santi would be showing a some boys and girls party tricks he used to fool us with when we were little. My younger brother Daniel would whack me in the head with a ball of food from his slingshot and my mother would scold him," he said. His hand held Samantha's tenderly but it tightened cozily around her. "And my sister would bring me some massive book from the library she visits so often and ask me to read it for her," Frankie laughed, "I mean, she's so old already she could read it for herself but... she likes to hear me read for her." Frankie was practically glowing with affection at this point but with that moment of silence, he snapped back to reality. His eyes widened, realizing what he just spilled to Samantha in that moment. He straightened up immediately and stared ahead.

"And that just about covers it! I mean, nothing much really. Just your average band of party crazed drunkards!" Frankie bellowed, quickly closing up once more. Well, it was his beloved he was speaking to but Frankie still hated letting his guard down like that. In fact, if he wasn't daring, bold, or brash, then he often did something... reckless. Frankie looked behind him and found a way to open the window to the horse-drawn carriage. He reached out and his smile turned into a mischievous smirk. He found a spare horse whip, usually used by riders to control the speed of the horses. He looked at Samantha.

"Come with me," he took her hand and opened the door to the carriage that was still in motion. The driver looked at Frankie with shock as he emerged from the side and made his way to the front, leading Samantha behind him.

"Uh, si-"

"SHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... let it happen," Frankie whispered. The man opened his mouth again. "SHHHHH! I said SH!" Frankie slid over and made room for Samantha.

"We have a picnic to get to and I like to travel with a little more fiesta to our siesta," Frankie said handing Samantha a wink. The driver opened his mouth once more. "Don't ask me if I know how to control this beast. I don't." The man closed his mouth. Frankie looked back at Samantha with a brimming smile.

"But when has that stopped me? ADELANTE!" Frankie boomed, giving a whopping smack to the horse's hind, kicking the carriage off with a whinny and a WOOHOO from the rambunctious boxer. The rider could only hold tight and pray.
The flush across Elijah's cheeks was the kind of reaction that the redhead liked. She had no actual romantic attraction toward the handsome young man, but she loved to push the boundaries of what made people comfortable. Never having formulated ties with anyone, she was fascinated by the way people acted when she finally had occasion to observe them, toy with them. When she glanced at her betrothed, she didn't see a single hint of trouble for the way that she had behaved right in front of her. Good! At least she was comforted by the fact that Eliza might not stifle her fun when they were inevitably wed. At least, as long as her brother didn't do his damn best to stop it. The Needhams had a good name even if Josephine had created a bit of a reputation for herself. It would be a travesty to have that besmirched by a wedding with someone like Eliza's kin.

Josephine beamed a grin at her match then gave a nod of her head, vibrant hair flicking over her shoulder. "I have made the acquaintance of one of the women that we are going to be in this boat with, and she is quite the charming beauty." A flash of challenge appeared in her eyes. What fun would it be to test her skills at wooing women against her match? Clearly they were both more predatory creatures at heart, not taking this whole engagement seriously. Would this be how they could view their marriage? Their wedding rings basically nothing but pretty jewelry? To Josie, that sounded like the best outcome that she could possibly foresee. After all, love was off the table.

Her head tilted as she watched her match begin slinking off, and she smirked a little. It felt like she was being baited to follow after the other woman, and she didn't mind doing the chasing for a change. It was something a little new since the redhead generally was the one being followed by interested parties. Her gaze flicked back to Elijah, and she offered him a bright smile. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Elijah. Hopefully I'll get to see more of you soon," she teased with a wink before following after Eliza. The other woman intrigued her, so she had her attention...for now.
Mika flinched at the question, "I-…. heh. Yeah, it was your 'suitor' Mel- but you were both fully dressed! I really do believe nothing happened, after all even when drunk, I know you better than that." she said, glancing back with a reassuring smile as she shifted through the available dresses before picking out a purple one in a more comfortable fit, it pinched in on a few places giving good form without the need for a corset. perfect for the days activities.

Going over she began to help the other into it slowly, once almost done however she suddenly wrapped the other in a hug with a warm smile, "Your gonna do great~" she said in a whisper with a small chuckle. She could tell the other didn't like this situation any more than she did, but- that didn't mean she shouldn't still help her feel like she'd do the right thing. Leaning back out of the hug she finished zipping it up, "Oh!-" she continued, "do mind that tall red haired woman however, word in the staff is she's quite the uh- 'flirtatious' one." she said, blushing lightly remembering Mel's kiss to both the woman and herself last night.
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Eliza chuckled as she felt the other follow. Beginning to speed her pace a little before giving a wink as she practically bolted down the staircase, half knocking over a nearby maid who she grabbed the waist of in the nick of time, the young female turning a bright crimson as Eliza gave a flirtatious smile, "So sorry beautiful~ I suppose I just couldn't wait ta' get down here near ya, huh?~" she said, helping the other back to a steady stance as she gently let go, the other fumbling over words like a frightened child before eventually just nodding and timidly dashing away.

She rubbed her left shoulder at this, having strained it a bit, argh- she'd reached forward way too fast. Oh well, worth it to at least get one maid on her side, however her intentions were genuinely to just get downstairs and hopefully out the door swiftly, after all they had all the other lovers to try and mingle with, and she'd prefer to get this over with so she could go back to causing trouble around the estate. You see there was something else about this whole occasion that the female wasn't very fond of, she didn't in fact get rather easily sea sick.
redroseknight redroseknight
Adalia laid in her bed. her blonde hair all over her face as she was drooling on the soft pillows under her head. The sunlight from the curtains peeking through and hitting her face as the new found warmth woke her up. She stretched , her eyes squinting as she was waking herself up. The night prior she had went to her room , knowing that she had an activity horse riding. Adalia was very excited as she did enjoy the outdoors and horse-riding.

Getting out of bed she stretched yet again. Maids where already in her room preparing her attire for her as the attire for these types of activities needed to be fashionable yet practical. Helping Adalia put on a dark navy jacket tailored to her body which was very tight around the waist but loose around the arms so she could control the reigns. Not before she put on her skirt which had a long train to it . Adalia looked at herself in the mirror, A loop sewn in the front to let her foot slip in the stirrup and to keep her skirt from flying up.

Adalia put on her gloves and but on a crocheted bracelet attached to a riding crop. Adalia looked towards the counter to see the hat she was supposed to wear with it but opted out. she never liked those top hats anyhow. Instead she put on some long silver hanging earrings as she styled her hair into a swept updo. With some hair strands falling down across her face curling up at the ends.

As the maids excused themselves Adalia sat by the mirror with some makeup her mother gave her from her home land. she always loved to incorporate both worlds into her look and as such took a small brush and dabbed it into a small container putting on a cherry colored lipstick. using the same color as eyeliner. She didn't want to go too over board as she was going to be outdoors for the remainder of the day. But Adalia would be lying if she said she didn't like to play around with cosmetics.

As she was ready she took one last look and headed out of her room and into the hallway. She started to feel nervous , but her hunger soon overcame that initial feeling. Walking through the hallway she saw a man , making her wonder if these hallways where segregated to gender or not.

" Going to breakfast as well sir? " Adalia said with a smile "It was a long night yesterday huh?"

lion. lion.
Melissa's hands went to her cheeks as she felt herself growing flush. So her thoughts were true, she had slept with him in the same bed, yet nothing ill had come of it...Maybe her fears were for not? She shook her head lightly and looked up at her maid. "I was a mess yesterday, I hope he doesn't think I'm some sort of freak...And you need to behave ok?" She whispers into her friend's ear. She turned around and faced the mirror before standing and raising her arms so her maid could help her get the dress on. She didn't mind Mika seeing her without most of her clothes since they had been so close.

About an hour later, Melissa left her room with the invitation in hand hoping to spot her betrothed in the hallways. Did he know of their outing? And did he know about who it was with? Melissa had a gut feeling that this outing was going to be disasterous for the couples. The males hated each other and the females...well melissa decided she had some apologizing to do for the previous night. Mika would have to tag along too because of Melissa's condition and Melissa could tell that Mika did not like Thaddeus.

Cosmos Cosmos lion. lion.
Frankie smiled at Samantha when she told him that she enjoyed last night. That was certainly good news for him. At least he knew he was firing on all cylinders but when she asked him about his home, his smile faltered. Memories rushed back to him. Combined with the still lingering headache, it wasn't pleasant. Frankie clenched his hand nervously but realized he was no longer smiling. His grin widened once and an erratic, anxious fire sparked in his eyes, masking the dread beneath.

"Well, Cuba is fantastic. I mean, the dancing and music is incredible. Sadly, I was never a musical person. I've never played an instrument in my life," Frankie admitted with a laugh. His worry melted away and he his expression grew more genuine. "And I've got two left feet." Frankie looked at Samantha.

"We have parties often, with food and drinks. There's games, parades, and a few boxing rings," Frankie gazed out with a happy smile. A truly happy smile. "And my father would always win the title fight at the end of the night between him and I. And my mother would just tell me that if I don't stop fighting, I'll knock something loose in my head like my father." Frankie's eyes were unusually gentle now. His initial nervousness was completely gone now and all that remained was fond serenity.

"My brother... Santi would be showing a some boys and girls party tricks he used to fool us with when we were little. My younger brother Daniel would whack me in the head with a ball of food from his slingshot and my mother would scold him," he said. His hand held Samantha's tenderly but it tightened cozily around her. "And my sister would bring me some massive book from the library she visits so often and ask me to read it for her," Frankie laughed, "I mean, she's so old already she could read it for herself but... she likes to hear me read for her." Frankie was practically glowing with affection at this point but with that moment of silence, he snapped back to reality. His eyes widened, realizing what he just spilled to Samantha in that moment. He straightened up immediately and stared ahead.

"And that just about covers it! I mean, nothing much really. Just your average band of party crazed drunkards!" Frankie bellowed, quickly closing up once more. Well, it was his beloved he was speaking to but Frankie still hated letting his guard down like that. In fact, if he wasn't daring, bold, or brash, then he often did something... reckless. Frankie looked behind him and found a way to open the window to the horse-drawn carriage. He reached out and his smile turned into a mischievous smirk. He found a spare horse whip, usually used by riders to control the speed of the horses. He looked at Samantha.

"Come with me," he took her hand and opened the door to the carriage that was still in motion. The driver looked at Frankie with shock as he emerged from the side and made his way to the front, leading Samantha behind him.

"Uh, si-"

"SHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... let it happen," Frankie whispered. The man opened his mouth again. "SHHHHH! I said SH!" Frankie slid over and made room for Samantha.

"We have a picnic to get to and I like to travel with a little more fiesta to our siesta," Frankie said handing Samantha a wink. The driver opened his mouth once more. "Don't ask me if I know how to control this beast. I don't." The man closed his mouth. Frankie looked back at Samantha with a brimming smile.

"But when has that stopped me? ADELANTE!" Frankie boomed, giving a whopping smack to the horse's hind, kicking the carriage off with a whinny and a WOOHOO from the rambunctious boxer. The rider could only hold tight and pray.
Samantha noticed her question had his expression falter. She wondered what could make him feel that certain way. Was he homesick? She glanced noticing his hand clench. It did not seem that moment lasted very long as she noticed his grin which made her smile and blush. His grin even forced was so stinking cute.

She tentatively listened as he started talking about his home Cuba which already caught her attention. She giggled lightly as he commented on having two left feet. "Ah, well looks like we can give each other dancing lessons."

She then heard him continue and hugged his arm closest to her becoming comfortable. "You must be close to your parents..." She was happy for him but deep down sad for herself. Her parents were never around for her. Always working and never spending time with their little girl who stayed in the mansion all by her lonesome. She bit her bottom lip, She knew she couldn't keep these feelings of loneliness to herself. She then heard about his siblings. Hearing that he read to his sister made her curious. "Maybe you could read me your favorite book." She said with a soft smile. She noticed his eyes widen and he straighten up and stare ahead.

"Nah, It's not that bad Frankie. I think your family is better than mine." She noticed him then glance at the window and then saw a mischievous grin on his face. "aw what are you up to?" She said as she then smiled nodding and took his hand as he had let her out the window. She trusted him if he could trust her with his life story she could trust him with her life. She made the way to the front of the carriage noticing the driver's shock. She noticed him shush the driver a few times before Frankie got in control. She laughed lightly and smiled her green eyes shaded by her hat. "that's very catchy I bet I could write a poem about this carriage ride." She teased in a quiet voice but there was a hint of playfulness to it. She was happy to see Frankie having fun. "Ah! Haha, Adelante?" She said thinking she was probably saying it wrong sorta.
Water-droplets misted the traverse of Thaddeus’ bare back, a few daring ones condensating down his spine. Dilatorily alone in a damp towel that hovered on his Adonis-physique waist, Thaddeus skimmed through the articles of clothing, the fabrics evenly moving across the trestle of a rack. When one enchanted his eye, he tugged it free of its holding.

Wresting the long-sleeved shirt in his clasp, it slipped on him characteristically, the buttons convoying up to his neck. It was an offset color of purple to the crux, wondrously, deliberately slaying the navy of a noble crest. His canny reflection in the mirror soundlessly made a slanted arrow of a smirk.

There’s only so much society could condemn him for.

Then, the tailcoat slid on with a reserved pierce of vanity. Individually, it plainly was a work of an avant-garde Paris designer with a broad color palette in his mentality. On Thaddeus, it was a murderously darkened purple, divergent with the fragments of morality.

Trousers, rolled sleeves, tight fitting, a demoralizing wayward grin, Thaddeus would have made his mother scorn. The colors, the variance at which his hair was a nighttide of entropy, the stubbornness hard in his eyes were all a dismay to society. They were all at chests and out of breath when it came to handing him a reputation. Was he a rake? A man who belonged behind the bars? A charismatic man of the party? A hard politician?

Knowing that the public was haywired and glassy-eyed with him in riling ways, he had no trouble stepping out the door. The hallways, distinctly inexplicably busy. He had just managed to glissade past a trio of a man and two ladies, when at another angular turn a blonde with good grace pleasantly orated, “Going to breakfast as well, sir? It was a long night yesterday, huh?”

Rejected by his intended at first sight, but bedding next to her seems sufficient, does it not?

His footing collectively slowed at the words of the humble female and he would've responded on question. Yet, when yawed his attention to the blonde, he couldn't stop looking. Unwarrantedly and internally, he was damn satisfied he did though. While it wasn’t apparent through the breeze of hallways, the lass was a belle. He didn’t abstain to briefly let his lakeside blues rove down the woman who in her unique garments only led him further astray.

Isn't someone going to enjoy their activities today?

“A long night,” he acceded ignoring his racuous thoughts, “But one empty without meeting you.” With an astute smile that allied with shadows and his instinctive aristocratic magenetism lancing in, he added, “Do inform me, what man would leave you without company?” He offered his arm to the lady to steer her to breakfast, his dark pupils confiding on her face, specifically and unresisting to her lips which she had reddened with a fruitful color.

Whether it was the fact that he was a ravenous man who enjoyed having consistent passions met or the novelty of being a bounded man soon, he only asked himself
why Lucius never told him that every woman here was tempting. What was he to expect among these classes of faces, women, and expectations?
Elijah felt relieved when the two flirty red-heads left. The interaction between them and him felt bizarre. It was almost as if he was watching from a distance instead of actively engaging in a conversation. Regardless, they were pleasant enough and, evidently, had no interest in him. Though Josie overtly flirted, her attention was set on her betrothed the entire time. Elijah chuckled lightly, still feeling rather honoured to be called handsome.

Before moving toward the steps he heard people chatting from nearby. It was a woman's voice, and he foolishly hoped it was Adalia's. He stood in the hallway a moment longer, torn between the desire to eat and the potential sight of his betrothed. Alas, the woman won. He turned and moved toward the voices. The male was quite forward and his stomach knotted at the thought of another man moving in on his betrothed. Though they had yet to wed, he felt alarmingly protective of her.

He wasn't positive it was Adalia, yet that did not quench the turmoil twisting in his stomach. When he rounded the corner a crease settled in on his brow as his eyes lingered on the man's arm. It certainly was Adalia, his excitement extinguished by the man attempting to woo her. This bloke was the same man brooding in the corner from yesterday. Somehow, he knew this man was trouble. He was curious as to whether he would chalk his intentions up to being 'friendly' or acknowledge that his words were snaky and his slithery arm had imprudent desires. Elijah approached and cleared his throat.

"She's spoken for. I suggest you prowl elsewhere," Elijah said, his tone sharp as he held his fists in place. His gaze, though glued on the man, managed to see a glimpse of Adalia. Stunning as always, all he needed to do was get rid the man and she'd accompany him for breakfast.

Mention(s): redroseknight redroseknight Cosmos Cosmos
Interaction(s): lion. lion. Ghostiiys Ghostiiys
An interruption. A rift. A mildly chancy interjection.

"She's spoken for. I suggest you prowl elsewhere.” The charge inced in the man’s dictum was windless in volume, still and all it had a direction. Thaddeus, rashly, circuited around. The voice had rebounded from the alter end of the hallway, and as anticipated, a contour of a man wended his way through the haze of the morning. He emerged like a current, his walk enough to carve anarchic symmetry through canyons. Amplifying his presence were the still-glass windows of the ceiling summing a rondure of god-given light to tumble down his shoulders.

The suitor.

Whereas he would’ve cursed him to the nether worlds back in the sylvan forted manor of his, his roughew of a face inscribed with a newfangled smirk. A play-actor at parties, he was sunny when his jaw pivoted to the lady at his right.

“I was not aware she was spoken for,” he blandly ironed out, his argument a resemblance of a hard bearer of natural law in effect, of a constrictor in the masqueraded canopy of leaves ready to ambush. “Are you meaning to speak for her always?”

Delusively, he twisted at his footing, half-circling the lady. His orphic purple tailcoat batted with the mercurial force he had swindled about her. Arching lightly over her ear, his breaths slow as the end of rainforest monsoon, the undertoned a message all progressive women feared. “Wouldn’t you enjoy that type of man controlling all your words once you become newlyweds?”
Before Adalia had a chance to say anything she heard a familiar voice. Looking down the hallway stood her intended , Elijah. She would of greeted him if it where not for the seriousness of the situation she was in right now.

"She's spoken for. I suggest you prowl elsewhere," . Is what she heard before the man she was standing next with stated brazenly. “I was not aware she was spoken for, are you meaning to speak for her always?”

Adalia opened her mouth to speak in protest before he whispered in her ear. The closeness of the two making her face turn red. “Wouldn’t you enjoy that type of man controlling all your words once you become newlyweds?”

"I would n-not enjoy anything of the sort, who would?" Adalia said with a slight chuckle , she knew things where going to escalate quickly. It was almost as if she was witnessing two bulls eyeing one another , ready to clash horns in a battle of the death. She then stood in front of the man sort of keeping a barrier in her attempt to deescalate the situation. "I think you might of misunderstood my dear Elijah , He certainly would never want to be my voice , for I can surely defend myself. " She gulped looking over to her suitor , "It's so wonderful to see you so soon Elijah! Let us not start off our morning on the wrong foot hmm?"

"I think perhaps we should all just head to the dining room and fill up our empty stomachs , Men can be sooo grouchy when they are hungry. " Adalia stated with an innocent smile on her face. She grabbed the mans arm and almost dragged him with her until they met up near the end of the hallway. "Come come! let us eat haha!" You could almost see how nervous she was. The last thing that she needed to see was a brawl over some silliness.

lion. lion. Alvaris Alvaris
Samantha noticed her question had his expression falter. She wondered what could make him feel that certain way. Was he homesick? She glanced noticing his hand clench. It did not seem that moment lasted very long as she noticed his grin which made her smile and blush. His grin even forced was so stinking cute.

She tentatively listened as he started talking about his home Cuba which already caught her attention. She giggled lightly as he commented on having two left feet. "Ah, well looks like we can give each other dancing lessons."

She then heard him continue and hugged his arm closest to her becoming comfortable. "You must be close to your parents..." She was happy for him but deep down sad for herself. Her parents were never around for her. Always working and never spending time with their little girl who stayed in the mansion all by her lonesome. She bit her bottom lip, She knew she couldn't keep these feelings of loneliness to herself. She then heard about his siblings. Hearing that he read to his sister made her curious. "Maybe you could read me your favorite book." She said with a soft smile. She noticed his eyes widen and he straighten up and stare ahead.

"Nah, It's not that bad Frankie. I think your family is better than mine." She noticed him then glance at the window and then saw a mischievous grin on his face. "aw what are you up to?" She said as she then smiled nodding and took his hand as he had let her out the window. She trusted him if he could trust her with his life story she could trust him with her life. She made the way to the front of the carriage noticing the driver's shock. She noticed him shush the driver a few times before Frankie got in control. She laughed lightly and smiled her green eyes shaded by her hat. "that's very catchy I bet I could write a poem about this carriage ride." She teased in a quiet voice but there was a hint of playfulness to it. She was happy to see Frankie having fun. "Ah! Haha, Adelante?" She said thinking she was probably saying it wrong sorta.

At this point to original driver was squealing with dreadful fear of his life. Frankie's laughter thundered through the air as he whipped the horse, commanding it to go faster. "Adelante?" Frankie repeated Samantha's question, "Why, it means full speed ahead!" Frankie gave a whooping 'HIYAA' as he whipped the horse once more. The carriage tumbled and bounced it's way down the cobblestone road as they raced through the countryside. He turned to Samantha with a self-indulgent grin. Everything in his mind said, 'yup, this was your best idea yet.'

"LOOK OUT," the driver cried out but alas, Frankie's eyes were not on the road ahead. Anyone who was looking could certainly have noticed that a herd of sheep had made its way onto the road, blocking their path. For them, they could easily have held tight when the carriage came to a sudden skidding halt. Frankie did not. Instead, he lurched forward, his face spearheading its way right onto the horse's arse. Caught between the horse and the carriage, Frankie slowly slid to the ground.

"Ow...." he muttered. Frankie crawled out to the side and sat up. The driver immediately handed Frankie a handkerchief to clean his face of dirt. The man took it graciously and wiped it. In front of them, a choir of 'BaAaAaA's taunted his folly. Frankie stood up with a frown on his face as he glared at the herd. Maybe he could intimidate it into leaving. Unfortunately, the sheep didn't budge.

"We may be here a while, sir," the driver said. Frankie shook his head.
"Well, that's no good, we don't have any time to waste!" Frankie said with a disapproving tone. "And I would like to wash my face a little more thoroughly," he added. Visions of his mother chasing after him with a broom for getting himself dirty returned as he glanced over at Samantha.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he walked over. He dutifully inspected her to make sure that she was uninjured regardless of her answer. The driver inspected their surroundings and his jaw dropped.

"Uh... sir?" the driver said as Frankie continued to assure himself of Samantha's health, "It seems we've been taken off course."

"Impossible," Frankie replied curtly.

"With all do respect, did you know where you were going?" he asked. Frankie thought for a moment.

"Of course. I went on a detour," he said, flashing a grin at the man. The driver remained unamused.

"Well, the detour has us a couple kilometers outside the location for the picnic," the driver said.

"By foot or by carriage?" Frankie asked. The man raised an eyebrow at him.

"By... carriage, sir," he said. Frankie looked around and found that just off the road was a small forest.

"What way to the picnic by foot?" he asked. The driver hesitated to answer but pointed at the forest.

"A bit more than half a kilometer that way." Frankie looked at Samantha.

"Would you like to stroll the forest? It could make for a change of scenery," he smiled, encouraging her to take up his offer.
Mika let out a giggle as the other spoke on behaving, "What? lil' old me misbehaving? Never~" she let out in a teasing grin as she rolled her eyes and began to dress the other, it was a simple maid duty, nothing more. But even whilst telling herself that it still felt a tad- intimate, especially after last night's kis!- The distraction of her thoughts causing her face to flush and lurch up suddenly from getting the dress over Mel's feet, hitting her head on the side table and wincing with an awkward and slightly dizzied expression, stumbling back up onto her feet before continuing, right uh, work!

After about forty five minuets of touch ups on hair and light makeup, along with her own head to stop ringing from the bump she followed the other out of the room, casting her gaze about the hall as she spotted Thaddeous and gave a strong glare at first, quickly readjusting to a smile after making sure Mel had seen her true attitude. "I believe he's over there m'lady? Shall we go meet him for todays event?" she asked, despite earlier, she had a role to fill, as long as he didn't try anything she'd stick to it, just an interpreter was all.
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez lion. lion.
At this point to original driver was squealing with dreadful fear of his life. Frankie's laughter thundered through the air as he whipped the horse, commanding it to go faster. "Adelante?" Frankie repeated Samantha's question, "Why, it means full speed ahead!" Frankie gave a whooping 'HIYAA' as he whipped the horse once more. The carriage tumbled and bounced it's way down the cobblestone road as they raced through the countryside. He turned to Samantha with a self-indulgent grin. Everything in his mind said, 'yup, this was your best idea yet.'

"LOOK OUT," the driver cried out but alas, Frankie's eyes were not on the road ahead. Anyone who was looking could certainly have noticed that a herd of sheep had made its way onto the road, blocking their path. For them, they could easily have held tight when the carriage came to a sudden skidding halt. Frankie did not. Instead, he lurched forward, his face spearheading its way right onto the horse's arse. Caught between the horse and the carriage, Frankie slowly slid to the ground.

"Ow...." he muttered. Frankie crawled out to the side and sat up. The driver immediately handed Frankie a handkerchief to clean his face of dirt. The man took it graciously and wiped it. In front of them, a choir of 'BaAaAaA's taunted his folly. Frankie stood up with a frown on his face as he glared at the herd. Maybe he could intimidate it into leaving. Unfortunately, the sheep didn't budge.

"We may be here a while, sir," the driver said. Frankie shook his head.
"Well, that's no good, we don't have any time to waste!" Frankie said with a disapproving tone. "And I would like to wash my face a little more thoroughly," he added. Visions of his mother chasing after him with a broom for getting himself dirty returned as he glanced over at Samantha.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he walked over. He dutifully inspected her to make sure that she was uninjured regardless of her answer. The driver inspected their surroundings and his jaw dropped.

"Uh... sir?" the driver said as Frankie continued to assure himself of Samantha's health, "It seems we've been taken off course."

"Impossible," Frankie replied curtly.

"With all do respect, did you know where you were going?" he asked. Frankie thought for a moment.

"Of course. I went on a detour," he said, flashing a grin at the man. The driver remained unamused.

"Well, the detour has us a couple kilometers outside the location for the picnic," the driver said.

"By foot or by carriage?" Frankie asked. The man raised an eyebrow at him.

"By... carriage, sir," he said. Frankie looked around and found that just off the road was a small forest.

"What way to the picnic by foot?" he asked. The driver hesitated to answer but pointed at the forest.

"A bit more than half a kilometer that way." Frankie looked at Samantha.

"Would you like to stroll the forest? It could make for a change of scenery," he smiled, encouraging her to take up his offer.

She leaned close to Frankie and smiled hearing him define Adel-ante. The wind blew through her red hair as she closed her green eyes feeling the wind as the carriage went fast. “It feels great to go fast..You can feel the breeze.” she mumbled.

She opened her eyes looking back at Frankie before her eyes widened hearing them driver Warn Frankie to look out. She felt the carriage lurk forward she tried to grab Frankies hand but miss as Frankie had fell face first seeing him fall and her heart almost stopped as she thought he was injured but saw he was safe and breathed a heavy sigh from her small panic. She noticed the driver hand Frankie a cloth to wipe his face.

She got down from the carriage standing beside it seeing the two talking so she stood there afar listening but not interrupting. She noticed Frankie walk over and ask if she was okay. “Of course, i was more worried if you were. Did you hurt your face again?” She asked as she gently reached her white gloved hand and gently carassed Frankies poor face.

She heard the driver speak up and she moved a hand away from Frankies face hearing what was going on as Frankie and the driver spoke. “Are we lost?” Her question was soon answered as Frankie offered her a stroll through the woods. “I’d like that.” She said her green eyes gazing up at him. “We have been getting lucky getting to spend extra time together. Of course i would like to. Do they have forests in cuba?” She asked gently taking his hand.
The man decided on the innocent card, how unfortunate and foolish for him. They all came here to marry someone and he knew the man was fully aware that Adalia was spoken for before he flagrantly flirted with her. His stomach knotted and his nostrils flared, he tried not to allow this man to slip beneath his skin, but it was to no avail. When he moved closer to Adalia, his muscles tensed, ready to swing at the swine in front of him.

Before he had the opportunity, Adalia spoke and stepped between them. She'd sufficiently prevented his fist from engaging with the other blokes face. It certainly wasn't his intent to speak for her, but merely shoo this scumbag away from his intended. "It-" he began but Adalia's tumult of words rushed in, attempting to defuse the situation.

When she grabbed his arm and dragged the snake away Elijah froze. His eyes slowly widened and he nearly choked on the ego exuding from the other man. She chose him over her own betrothed. Were there no loyalties anymore? His balled hands fell open and the fight drained from his body. His desire to frolic among the forest on horseback dissipated. When she called back, beckoning him onward, he nearly scoffed. Was that out of mere obligation for the man she was supposed to marry? To think he chose her over food. Not likely a mistake he'll make again.

Elijah allowed his anger to rage before fizzling out. The betrayal, though painful, wasn't solely Adalia's fault. Elijah charged forward like a predator defending his territory. He let out a deep breath before grunting. His foolish pride wouldn't let him lick his wounds, instead he puffed up his chest. That man wouldn't have the last say nor take his woman.

It was then that Elijah realized he wasn't alone. The presence of two ladies became apparent and he felt slightly embarrassed that they'd witnessed his crushing defeat by the unnamed man. Elijah turned to look at them. It was another suitor and her maid.

"Such a fine morning," he spoke, forcing a small smile. "I apologize for the ruckus." He motioned toward where Adalia was moments ago. "I don't suppose you're heading to breakfast?" He stepped toward the blue eyed blonde beauty before eyeing the maid. "I have yet to make your acquaintance. I am Elijah." He placed his hand on his chest before extending it toward her. "Would you care to accompany me? I would most enjoy some company." This was not particular how he wished to get to know the others who shared this experience and he certainly didn't want the woman to think she was merely a backup. Honestly, he simply wish to converse and push his wounded pride aside, which was his attempt at momentarily forgetting his betrothed abandoned him for some other man.

Ghostiiys Ghostiiys lion. lion. Cosmos Cosmos Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Melissa blinked confused as she saw Adalia walk off with another man, his face obscured by a plant so she was unable to see who it was. Her supposed betrothed looked over at them before asking her to breakfast. The mute girl looked at Mika and back to the man before nodding slowly, before motioning towards her throat hoping he would understand why she had a maid accompanying her. "I am Melissa," she whispered hoping one or both of the other two there could hear her. Melissa curtsied slightly making sure not to ruffle her dress. "It is nice to meet you Elijah. Was that your betrothed?" She asks.

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