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Fandom H2O: Just add water (accepting)

We aren't having a party, it's just the group going. Nobody really goes to Mako. As you aren't in the mermaid group you'll probably join in tomorrow. (As in like rp tomorrow)
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Well, maybe I heard there was a party, went to Mako, saw no one was there, and decided to stay at the beach and look at the stars? I was thinking of not being noticed by the group and follow them to see if they knew where the party was and saw slip to the moon pool, but didn't follow.
It's probably best that you don't since this is the full moon and they're getting the powers and everything. It's probably best no one else is around Maco.
I'm trying to be pushy, but I was thinking about how I would fit into the roleplay. I don't just want to be this oblivious human for the rest of the roleplay, cause that's kinda boring.
You won't be, is just that it's best that you don't know right away. You can find out, it's just probably best not to do it yet.
I don't know. It's nearly 2am so I'm going to sleep. You can all continue without me if you want and just not go to the moon pool yet. If you do then Ryan is basically just standing by Ian.
H0lderOfH0pe said:
it was really go though! A+ work
The second you mentioned the gender-bending drawing I knew Ryan had to freak over it. And I already knew I needed an excuse to run away, so that was a really good one.
snakeyem12 said:
The second you mentioned the gender-bending drawing I knew Ryan had to freak over it. And I already knew I needed an excuse to run away, so that was a really good one.
I have good Ideas xD but i actually really like gender bent drawings xD

RedLikeRoses said:
Oh yeah... she would do that. And then get her heart broken. And then be really awkward. AND SHE'S A MERMAID, GUYS!
Let all the drama begin! I hope it happens *evil laughter*

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